#include "GuiInputConfig.h" #include "GuiGameList.h" #include #include #include "../Log.h" extern bool DEBUG; //defined in main.cpp std::string GuiInputConfig::sInputs[] = { "UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "A", "B", "START", "SELECT", "PAGEUP", "PAGEDOWN" }; //must be same order as InputManager::InputButton enum; only add to the end to preserve backwards compatibility int GuiInputConfig::sInputCount = 10; GuiInputConfig::GuiInputConfig(Window* window) : Gui(window) { mInputNum = 0; mDone = false; if(SDL_NumJoysticks() < 1) { std::cerr << "Error - GuiInputConfig found no SDL joysticks!\n"; mJoystick = NULL; mDone = true; return; }else{ LOG(LogInfo) << "Opening joystick \"" << SDL_JoystickName(0) << "\" for configuration..."; mJoystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(0); } SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE); } GuiInputConfig::~GuiInputConfig() { } void GuiInputConfig::onRender() { Renderer::drawRect(0, 0, Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight(), 0xFFFFFFFF); Font* font = Renderer::getDefaultFont(Renderer::MEDIUM); int height = font->getHeight() + 6; Renderer::drawCenteredText("It looks like you have a joystick plugged in!", 0, 2, 0x000000FF, font); Renderer::drawCenteredText("POV hats (some D-Pads) are automatically mapped to directions.", 0, height, 0x000000FF, font); Renderer::drawCenteredText("You can press a keyboard key to skip any input.", 0, height * 2, 0x000000FF, font); Renderer::drawCenteredText("If you want to remap later, delete ~/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg.", 0, height * 3, 0x000000FF, font); Renderer::drawCenteredText("This interface only configures the first joystick plugged in.", 0, height * 4, 0x000000FF, font); Renderer::drawCenteredText("Remember - you'll need to set up your emulator separately!", 0, Renderer::getScreenHeight() - height, 0x000000FF, font); if(mDone) Renderer::drawCenteredText("All done! Press a key or button to save.", 0, height * 5, 0x00BB00FF, font); else Renderer::drawCenteredText("Please press the axis/button for " + sInputs[mInputNum], 0, height * 5, 0x00C000FF, font); } void GuiInputConfig::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { }