// // UIModeController.cpp // // Handling of application user interface modes (full, kiosk and kid). // This includes switching the mode when the UI mode passkey is used. // #include "UIModeController.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" #include "views/ViewController.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Window.h" UIModeController * UIModeController::sInstance = nullptr; UIModeController * UIModeController::getInstance() { if (sInstance == nullptr) sInstance = new UIModeController(); return sInstance; } UIModeController::UIModeController() :mPassKeyCounter(0) { mPassKeySequence = Settings::getInstance()->getString("UIMode_passkey"); mCurrentUIMode = Settings::getInstance()->getString("UIMode"); } void UIModeController::monitorUIMode() { std::string uimode = Settings::getInstance()->getString("UIMode"); // UI mode was changed. if (uimode != mCurrentUIMode) { mCurrentUIMode = uimode; ViewController::get()->ReloadAndGoToStart(); } } bool UIModeController::listen(InputConfig * config, Input input) { // Reads the current input to listen for the passkey sequence to unlock // the UI mode. The progress is saved in mPassKeyCounter. if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("Debug")) logInput(config, input); if ((Settings::getInstance()->getString("UIMode") == "Full") || !isValidInput(config, input)) return false; // Already unlocked, or invalid input, nothing to do here. if (!inputIsMatch(config, input)) mPassKeyCounter = 0; // Current input is incorrect, reset counter. if (mPassKeyCounter == (int)mPassKeySequence.length()) { unlockUIMode(); return true; } return false; } bool UIModeController::inputIsMatch(InputConfig * config, Input input) { for (auto valstring : mInputVals) { if (config->isMappedLike(valstring, input) && (mPassKeySequence[mPassKeyCounter] == valstring[0])) { mPassKeyCounter++; return true; } } return false; } // When we have reached the end of the list, trigger UI_mode unlock. void UIModeController::unlockUIMode() { LOG(LogDebug) << " UIModeController::listen(): Passkey sequence completed, switching UIMode to full"; Settings::getInstance()->setString("UIMode", "Full"); Settings::getInstance()->saveFile(); mPassKeyCounter = 0; } bool UIModeController::isUIModeFull() { return ((mCurrentUIMode == "Full") && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ForceKiosk")); } bool UIModeController::isUIModeKid() { return (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ForceKid") || ((mCurrentUIMode == "Kid") && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ForceKiosk"))); } bool UIModeController::isUIModeKiosk() { return (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ForceKiosk") || ((mCurrentUIMode == "Kiosk") && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ForceKid"))); } std::string UIModeController::getFormattedPassKeyStr() { // Supported sequence-inputs: u (up), d (down), l (left), r (right), a, b, x, y. std::string out = ""; for (auto c : mPassKeySequence) { out += (out == "") ? "" : ", "; // Add a comma after the first entry. switch (c) { case 'u': out += Utils::String::unicode2Chars(0x2191); // Arrow pointing up. break; case 'd': out += Utils::String::unicode2Chars(0x2193); // Arrow pointing down. break; case 'l': out += Utils::String::unicode2Chars(0x2190); // Arrow pointing left. break; case 'r': out += Utils::String::unicode2Chars(0x2192); // Arrow pointing right. break; case 'a': out += "A"; break; case 'b': out += "B"; break; case 'x': out += "X"; break; case 'y': out += "Y"; break; } } return out; } void UIModeController::logInput(InputConfig * config, Input input) { std::string mapname = ""; std::vector maps = config->getMappedTo(input); for (auto mn : maps) { mapname += mn; mapname += ", "; } LOG(LogDebug) << "UIModeController::logInput( " << config->getDeviceName() << " ):" << input.string() << ", isMappedTo= " << mapname << ", value=" << input.value; } bool UIModeController::isValidInput(InputConfig * config, Input input) { if ((config->getMappedTo(input).size() == 0) || // Not a mapped input, so ignore.. (input.type == TYPE_HAT) || // Ignore all hat inputs. (!input.value)) // Not a key-down event. return false; else return true; }