#include "Sound.h" #include "AudioManager.h" #include "Log.h" Sound::Sound(const std::string & path) : mSampleData(NULL), mSamplePos(0), mSampleLength(0), playing(false) { loadFile(path); } Sound::~Sound() { deinit(); } void Sound::loadFile(const std::string & path) { mPath = path; init(); } void Sound::init() { if(mSampleData != NULL) deinit(); if(mPath.empty()) return; //load wav file via SDL SDL_AudioSpec wave; Uint8 * data = NULL; Uint32 dlen = 0; if (SDL_LoadWAV(mPath.c_str(), &wave, &data, &dlen) == NULL) { LOG(LogError) << "Error loading sound \"" << mPath << "\"!\n" << " " << SDL_GetError(); return; } //build conversion buffer SDL_AudioCVT cvt; SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&cvt, wave.format, wave.channels, wave.freq, AUDIO_S16, 2, 44100); //copy data to conversion buffer cvt.len = dlen; cvt.buf = new Uint8[cvt.len * cvt.len_mult]; memcpy(cvt.buf, data, dlen); //convert buffer to stereo, 16bit, 44.1kHz if (SDL_ConvertAudio(&cvt) < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "Error converting sound \"" << mPath << "\" to 44.1kHz, 16bit, stereo format!\n" << " " << SDL_GetError(); delete[] cvt.buf; } else { //worked. set up member data SDL_LockAudio(); mSampleData = cvt.buf; mSampleLength = cvt.len_cvt; mSamplePos = 0; mSampleFormat.channels = 2; mSampleFormat.freq = 44100; mSampleFormat.format = AUDIO_S16; SDL_UnlockAudio(); } //free wav data now SDL_FreeWAV(data); } void Sound::deinit() { playing = false; if(mSampleData != NULL) { SDL_LockAudio(); delete[] mSampleData; mSampleData = NULL; mSampleLength = 0; mSamplePos = 0; SDL_UnlockAudio(); } } void Sound::play() { if(mSampleData == NULL) return; SDL_LockAudio(); if (playing) { //replay from start. rewind the sample to the beginning mSamplePos = 0; } else { //flag our sample as playing playing = true; } SDL_UnlockAudio(); //tell the AudioManager to start playing samples AudioManager::getInstance()->play(); } bool Sound::isPlaying() const { return playing; } void Sound::stop() { //flag our sample as playing and rewind its position SDL_LockAudio(); playing = false; mSamplePos = 0; SDL_UnlockAudio(); } const Uint8 * Sound::getData() const { return mSampleData; } Uint32 Sound::getPosition() const { return mSamplePos; } void Sound::setPosition(Uint32 newPosition) { mSamplePos = newPosition; if (mSamplePos >= mSampleLength) { //got to or beyond the end of the sample. stop playing playing = false; mSamplePos = 0; } } Uint32 Sound::getLength() const { return mSampleLength; }