#include "InputManager.h" #include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h" #include "CECInput.h" #include "Log.h" #include "platform.h" #include "Window.h" #include <pugixml/src/pugixml.hpp> #include <SDL.h> #include <iostream> #include <assert.h> #define KEYBOARD_GUID_STRING "-1" #define CEC_GUID_STRING "-2" // SO HEY POTENTIAL POOR SAP WHO IS TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OF ALL THIS (by which I mean my future self) // There are like four distinct IDs used for joysticks (crazy, right?) // 1. Device index - this is the "lowest level" identifier, and is just the Nth joystick plugged in to the system (like /dev/js#). // It can change even if the device is the same, and is only used to open joysticks (required to receive SDL events). // 2. SDL_JoystickID - this is an ID for each joystick that is supposed to remain consistent between plugging and unplugging. // ES doesn't care if it does, though. // 3. "Device ID" - this is something I made up and is what InputConfig's getDeviceID() returns. // This is actually just an SDL_JoystickID (also called instance ID), but -1 means "keyboard" instead of "error." // 4. Joystick GUID - this is some squashed version of joystick vendor, version, and a bunch of other device-specific things. // It should remain the same across runs of the program/system restarts/device reordering and is what I use to identify which joystick to load. // hack for cec support int SDL_USER_CECBUTTONDOWN = -1; int SDL_USER_CECBUTTONUP = -1; InputManager* InputManager::mInstance = NULL; InputManager::InputManager() : mKeyboardInputConfig(NULL) { } InputManager::~InputManager() { deinit(); } InputManager* InputManager::getInstance() { if(!mInstance) mInstance = new InputManager(); return mInstance; } void InputManager::init() { if(initialized()) deinit(); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_EVENTS, Settings::getInstance()->getBool("BackgroundJoystickInput") ? "1" : "0"); SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE); // first, open all currently present joysticks int numJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks(); for(int i = 0; i < numJoysticks; i++) { addJoystickByDeviceIndex(i); } mKeyboardInputConfig = new InputConfig(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, "Keyboard", KEYBOARD_GUID_STRING); loadInputConfig(mKeyboardInputConfig); SDL_USER_CECBUTTONDOWN = SDL_RegisterEvents(2); SDL_USER_CECBUTTONUP = SDL_USER_CECBUTTONDOWN + 1; CECInput::init(); mCECInputConfig = new InputConfig(DEVICE_CEC, "CEC", CEC_GUID_STRING); loadInputConfig(mCECInputConfig); } void InputManager::addJoystickByDeviceIndex(int id) { assert(id >= 0 && id < SDL_NumJoysticks()); // open joystick & add to our list SDL_Joystick* joy = SDL_JoystickOpen(id); assert(joy); // add it to our list so we can close it again later SDL_JoystickID joyId = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(joy); mJoysticks[joyId] = joy; char guid[65]; SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(SDL_JoystickGetGUID(joy), guid, 65); // create the InputConfig mInputConfigs[joyId] = new InputConfig(joyId, SDL_JoystickName(joy), guid); if(!loadInputConfig(mInputConfigs[joyId])) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Added unconfigured joystick " << SDL_JoystickName(joy) << " (GUID: " << guid << ", instance ID: " << joyId << ", device index: " << id << ")."; }else{ LOG(LogInfo) << "Added known joystick " << SDL_JoystickName(joy) << " (instance ID: " << joyId << ", device index: " << id << ")"; } // set up the prevAxisValues int numAxes = SDL_JoystickNumAxes(joy); mPrevAxisValues[joyId] = new int[numAxes]; std::fill(mPrevAxisValues[joyId], mPrevAxisValues[joyId] + numAxes, 0); //initialize array to 0 } void InputManager::removeJoystickByJoystickID(SDL_JoystickID joyId) { assert(joyId != -1); // delete old prevAxisValues auto axisIt = mPrevAxisValues.find(joyId); delete[] axisIt->second; mPrevAxisValues.erase(axisIt); // delete old InputConfig auto it = mInputConfigs.find(joyId); delete it->second; mInputConfigs.erase(it); // close the joystick auto joyIt = mJoysticks.find(joyId); if(joyIt != mJoysticks.cend()) { SDL_JoystickClose(joyIt->second); mJoysticks.erase(joyIt); }else{ LOG(LogError) << "Could not find joystick to close (instance ID: " << joyId << ")"; } } void InputManager::deinit() { if(!initialized()) return; for(auto iter = mJoysticks.cbegin(); iter != mJoysticks.cend(); iter++) { SDL_JoystickClose(iter->second); } mJoysticks.clear(); for(auto iter = mInputConfigs.cbegin(); iter != mInputConfigs.cend(); iter++) { delete iter->second; } mInputConfigs.clear(); for(auto iter = mPrevAxisValues.cbegin(); iter != mPrevAxisValues.cend(); iter++) { delete[] iter->second; } mPrevAxisValues.clear(); if(mKeyboardInputConfig != NULL) { delete mKeyboardInputConfig; mKeyboardInputConfig = NULL; } if(mCECInputConfig != NULL) { delete mCECInputConfig; mCECInputConfig = NULL; } CECInput::deinit(); SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_DISABLE); SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); } int InputManager::getNumJoysticks() { return (int)mJoysticks.size(); } int InputManager::getButtonCountByDevice(SDL_JoystickID id) { if(id == DEVICE_KEYBOARD) return 120; //it's a lot, okay. else if(id == DEVICE_CEC) #ifdef HAVE_CECLIB return CEC::CEC_USER_CONTROL_CODE_MAX; #else // HAVE_LIBCEF return 0; #endif // HAVE_CECLIB else return SDL_JoystickNumButtons(mJoysticks[id]); } InputConfig* InputManager::getInputConfigByDevice(int device) { if(device == DEVICE_KEYBOARD) return mKeyboardInputConfig; else if(device == DEVICE_CEC) return mCECInputConfig; else return mInputConfigs[device]; } bool InputManager::parseEvent(const SDL_Event& ev, Window* window) { bool causedEvent = false; switch(ev.type) { case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: //if it switched boundaries if((abs(ev.jaxis.value) > DEADZONE) != (abs(mPrevAxisValues[ev.jaxis.which][ev.jaxis.axis]) > DEADZONE)) { int normValue; if(abs(ev.jaxis.value) <= DEADZONE) normValue = 0; else if(ev.jaxis.value > 0) normValue = 1; else normValue = -1; window->input(getInputConfigByDevice(ev.jaxis.which), Input(ev.jaxis.which, TYPE_AXIS, ev.jaxis.axis, normValue, false)); causedEvent = true; } mPrevAxisValues[ev.jaxis.which][ev.jaxis.axis] = ev.jaxis.value; return causedEvent; case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: window->input(getInputConfigByDevice(ev.jbutton.which), Input(ev.jbutton.which, TYPE_BUTTON, ev.jbutton.button, ev.jbutton.state == SDL_PRESSED, false)); return true; case SDL_JOYHATMOTION: window->input(getInputConfigByDevice(ev.jhat.which), Input(ev.jhat.which, TYPE_HAT, ev.jhat.hat, ev.jhat.value, false)); return true; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if(ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_BACKSPACE && SDL_IsTextInputActive()) { window->textInput("\b"); } if(ev.key.repeat) return false; if(ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F4) { SDL_Event* quit = new SDL_Event(); quit->type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(quit); return false; } window->input(getInputConfigByDevice(DEVICE_KEYBOARD), Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, ev.key.keysym.sym, 1, false)); return true; case SDL_KEYUP: window->input(getInputConfigByDevice(DEVICE_KEYBOARD), Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, ev.key.keysym.sym, 0, false)); return true; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: window->textInput(ev.text.text); break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED: addJoystickByDeviceIndex(ev.jdevice.which); // ev.jdevice.which is a device index return true; case SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED: removeJoystickByJoystickID(ev.jdevice.which); // ev.jdevice.which is an SDL_JoystickID (instance ID) return false; } if((ev.type == (unsigned int)SDL_USER_CECBUTTONDOWN) || (ev.type == (unsigned int)SDL_USER_CECBUTTONUP)) { window->input(getInputConfigByDevice(DEVICE_CEC), Input(DEVICE_CEC, TYPE_CEC_BUTTON, ev.user.code, ev.type == (unsigned int)SDL_USER_CECBUTTONDOWN, false)); return true; } return false; } bool InputManager::loadInputConfig(InputConfig* config) { std::string path = getConfigPath(); if(!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) return false; pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result res = doc.load_file(path.c_str()); if(!res) { LOG(LogError) << "Error parsing input config: " << res.description(); return false; } pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("inputList"); if(!root) return false; pugi::xml_node configNode = root.find_child_by_attribute("inputConfig", "deviceGUID", config->getDeviceGUIDString().c_str()); if(!configNode) configNode = root.find_child_by_attribute("inputConfig", "deviceName", config->getDeviceName().c_str()); if(!configNode) return false; config->loadFromXML(configNode); return true; } //used in an "emergency" where no keyboard config could be loaded from the inputmanager config file //allows the user to select to reconfigure in menus if this happens without having to delete es_input.cfg manually void InputManager::loadDefaultKBConfig() { InputConfig* cfg = getInputConfigByDevice(DEVICE_KEYBOARD); cfg->clear(); cfg->mapInput("up", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_UP, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("down", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_DOWN, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("left", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_LEFT, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("right", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_RIGHT, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("a", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_RETURN, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("b", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_ESCAPE, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("start", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_F1, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("select", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_F2, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("pageup", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("pagedown", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_LEFTBRACKET, 1, true)); } void InputManager::writeDeviceConfig(InputConfig* config) { assert(initialized()); std::string path = getConfigPath(); pugi::xml_document doc; if(Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) { // merge files pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(path.c_str()); if(!result) { LOG(LogError) << "Error parsing input config: " << result.description(); } else { // successfully loaded, delete the old entry if it exists pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("inputList"); if(root) { // if inputAction @type=onfinish is set, let onfinish command take care for creating input configuration. // we just put the input configuration into a temporary input config file. pugi::xml_node actionnode = root.find_child_by_attribute("inputAction", "type", "onfinish"); if(actionnode) { path = getTemporaryConfigPath(); doc.reset(); root = doc.append_child("inputList"); root.append_copy(actionnode); } else { pugi::xml_node oldEntry = root.find_child_by_attribute("inputConfig", "deviceGUID", config->getDeviceGUIDString().c_str()); if(oldEntry) { root.remove_child(oldEntry); } oldEntry = root.find_child_by_attribute("inputConfig", "deviceName", config->getDeviceName().c_str()); if(oldEntry) { root.remove_child(oldEntry); } } } } } pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("inputList"); if(!root) root = doc.append_child("inputList"); config->writeToXML(root); doc.save_file(path.c_str()); // execute any onFinish commands and re-load the config for changes doOnFinish(); loadInputConfig(config); } void InputManager::doOnFinish() { assert(initialized()); std::string path = getConfigPath(); pugi::xml_document doc; if(Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) { pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(path.c_str()); if(!result) { LOG(LogError) << "Error parsing input config: " << result.description(); } else { pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("inputList"); if(root) { root = root.find_child_by_attribute("inputAction", "type", "onfinish"); if(root) { for(pugi::xml_node command = root.child("command"); command; command = command.next_sibling("command")) { std::string tocall = command.text().get(); LOG(LogInfo) << " " << tocall; std::cout << "==============================================\ninput config finish command:\n"; int exitCode = runSystemCommand(tocall); std::cout << "==============================================\n"; if(exitCode != 0) { LOG(LogWarning) << "...launch terminated with nonzero exit code " << exitCode << "!"; } } } } } } } std::string InputManager::getConfigPath() { std::string path = Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath(); path += "/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg"; return path; } std::string InputManager::getTemporaryConfigPath() { std::string path = Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath(); path += "/.emulationstation/es_temporaryinput.cfg"; return path; } bool InputManager::initialized() const { return mKeyboardInputConfig != NULL; } int InputManager::getNumConfiguredDevices() { int num = 0; for(auto it = mInputConfigs.cbegin(); it != mInputConfigs.cend(); it++) { if(it->second->isConfigured()) num++; } if(mKeyboardInputConfig->isConfigured()) num++; if(mCECInputConfig->isConfigured()) num++; return num; } std::string InputManager::getDeviceGUIDString(int deviceId) { if(deviceId == DEVICE_KEYBOARD) return KEYBOARD_GUID_STRING; if(deviceId == DEVICE_CEC) return CEC_GUID_STRING; auto it = mJoysticks.find(deviceId); if(it == mJoysticks.cend()) { LOG(LogError) << "getDeviceGUIDString - deviceId " << deviceId << " not found!"; return "something went horribly wrong"; } char guid[65]; SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(SDL_JoystickGetGUID(it->second), guid, 65); return std::string(guid); }