// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // EmulationStation Desktop Edition // Window.cpp // // Window management, screensaver management, and help prompts. // The input stack starts here as well, as this is the first instance called by InputManager. // #include "Window.h" #include "components/HelpComponent.h" #include "components/ImageComponent.h" #include "resources/Font.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "InputManager.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Scripting.h" #include #include Window::Window() : mScreensaver(nullptr), mInfoPopup(nullptr), mNormalizeNextUpdate(false), mFrameTimeElapsed(0), mFrameCountElapsed(0), mAverageDeltaTime(10), mAllowSleep(true), mSleeping(false), mTimeSinceLastInput(0), mRenderScreensaver(false), mGameLaunchedState(false), mAllowTextScrolling(true), mCachedBackground(false), mInvalidatedCachedBackground(false), mTopOpacity(0), mTopScale(0.5), mListScrollOpacity(0) { mHelp = new HelpComponent(this); mBackgroundOverlay = new ImageComponent(this); } Window::~Window() { delete mBackgroundOverlay; // Delete all our GUIs. while (peekGui()) delete peekGui(); if (mInfoPopup) delete mInfoPopup; delete mHelp; } void Window::pushGui(GuiComponent* gui) { if (mGuiStack.size() > 0) { auto& top = mGuiStack.back(); top->topWindow(false); } mGuiStack.push_back(gui); gui->updateHelpPrompts(); } void Window::removeGui(GuiComponent* gui) { for (auto it = mGuiStack.cbegin(); it != mGuiStack.cend(); it++) { if (*it == gui) { it = mGuiStack.erase(it); // We just popped the stack and the stack is not empty. if (it == mGuiStack.cend() && mGuiStack.size()) { mGuiStack.back()->updateHelpPrompts(); mGuiStack.back()->topWindow(true); } return; } } } GuiComponent* Window::peekGui() { if (mGuiStack.size() == 0) return nullptr; return mGuiStack.back(); } bool Window::init() { if (!Renderer::init()) { LOG(LogError) << "Renderer failed to initialize."; return false; } InputManager::getInstance()->init(); ResourceManager::getInstance()->reloadAll(); // Keep a reference to the default fonts, so they don't keep getting destroyed/recreated. if (mDefaultFonts.empty()) { mDefaultFonts.push_back(Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL)); mDefaultFonts.push_back(Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM)); mDefaultFonts.push_back(Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE)); } mBackgroundOverlay->setImage(":/graphics/screen_gradient.png"); mBackgroundOverlay->setResize(static_cast(Renderer::getScreenWidth()), static_cast(Renderer::getScreenHeight())); mListScrollFont = Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE); // Update our help because font sizes probably changed. if (peekGui()) peekGui()->updateHelpPrompts(); return true; } void Window::deinit() { // Hide all GUI elements on uninitialisation - this disable. for (auto it = mGuiStack.cbegin(); it != mGuiStack.cend(); it++) (*it)->onHide(); InputManager::getInstance()->deinit(); ResourceManager::getInstance()->unloadAll(); Renderer::deinit(); } void Window::textInput(const std::string& text) { if (peekGui()) peekGui()->textInput(text); } void Window::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { mTimeSinceLastInput = 0; if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("Debug")) logInput(config, input); if (mScreensaver) { if (mScreensaver->isScreensaverActive() && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScreensaverControls") && ((Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreensaverType") == "video") || (Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreensaverType") == "slideshow"))) { bool customImageSlideshow = false; if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreensaverType") == "slideshow" && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScreensaverSlideshowCustomImages")) customImageSlideshow = true; if ((customImageSlideshow || mScreensaver->getCurrentGame() != nullptr) && (config->isMappedTo("a", input) || config->isMappedTo("y", input) || config->isMappedLike("left", input) || config->isMappedLike("right", input))) { // Left or right browses to the next video or image. if (config->isMappedLike("left", input) || config->isMappedLike("right", input)) { if (input.value != 0) { // Handle screensaver control. mScreensaver->nextGame(); } return; } else if (config->isMappedTo("a", input) && input.value != 0) { // Launch game. stopScreensaver(); mScreensaver->launchGame(); // To force handling the wake up process. mSleeping = true; } else if (config->isMappedTo("y", input) && input.value != 0) { // Jump to the game in its gamelist, but do not launch it. stopScreensaver(); NavigationSounds::getInstance()->playThemeNavigationSound(SCROLLSOUND); mScreensaver->goToGame(); // To force handling the wake up process. mSleeping = true; } } } } if (mSleeping) { // Wake up. stopScreensaver(); mSleeping = false; onWake(); return; } // Any keypress cancels the screensaver. if (input.value != 0 && isScreensaverActive()) { stopScreensaver(); return; } if (config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.value && input.id == SDLK_g && SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_LCTRL && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("Debug")) { // Toggle debug grid with Ctrl-G. Settings::getInstance()->setBool("DebugGrid", !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DebugGrid")); } else if (config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.value && input.id == SDLK_t && SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_LCTRL && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("Debug")) { // Toggle TextComponent debug view with Ctrl-T. Settings::getInstance()->setBool("DebugText", !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DebugText")); } else if (config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.value && input.id == SDLK_i && SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_LCTRL && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("Debug")) { // Toggle ImageComponent debug view with Ctrl-I. Settings::getInstance()->setBool("DebugImage", !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DebugImage")); } else { if (peekGui()) // This is where the majority of inputs will be consumed: the GuiComponent Stack. this->peekGui()->input(config, input); } } void Window::logInput(InputConfig* config, Input input) { std::string mapname = ""; std::vector maps = config->getMappedTo(input); for (auto mn : maps) { mapname += mn; mapname += ", "; } LOG(LogDebug) << "Window::logInput(" << config->getDeviceName() << "): " << input.string() << ", isMappedTo=" << mapname << ", value=" << input.value; } void Window::update(int deltaTime) { if (mNormalizeNextUpdate) { mNormalizeNextUpdate = false; mTimeSinceLastInput = 0; if (deltaTime > mAverageDeltaTime) deltaTime = mAverageDeltaTime; } mFrameTimeElapsed += deltaTime; mFrameCountElapsed++; if (mFrameTimeElapsed > 500) { mAverageDeltaTime = mFrameTimeElapsed / mFrameCountElapsed; if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DisplayGPUStatistics")) { std::stringstream ss; // FPS. ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << (1000.0f * static_cast(mFrameCountElapsed) / static_cast(mFrameTimeElapsed)) << " FPS ("; ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << (static_cast(mFrameTimeElapsed) / static_cast(mFrameCountElapsed)) << " ms)"; // The following calculations are not accurate, and the font calculation is completely // broken. For now, still report the figures as it's somehow useful to locate memory // leaks and similar. But this needs to be completely overhauled later on. // VRAM. float textureVramUsageMiB = TextureResource::getTotalMemUsage() / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; float textureTotalUsageMiB = TextureResource::getTotalTextureSize() / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; float fontVramUsageMiB = Font::getTotalMemUsage() / 1024.0f / 1024.0f; ss << "\nFont VRAM: " << fontVramUsageMiB << " MiB\nTexture VRAM: " << textureVramUsageMiB << " MiB\nMax Texture VRAM: " << textureTotalUsageMiB << " MiB"; mFrameDataText = std::unique_ptr (mDefaultFonts.at(0)->buildTextCache(ss.str(), Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.02f, Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.02f, 0xFF00FFFF, 1.3f)); } mFrameTimeElapsed = 0; mFrameCountElapsed = 0; } mTimeSinceLastInput += deltaTime; if (peekGui()) peekGui()->update(deltaTime); // Update the screensaver. if (mScreensaver) mScreensaver->update(deltaTime); } void Window::render() { Transform4x4f transform = Transform4x4f::Identity(); mRenderedHelpPrompts = false; // Draw only bottom and top of GuiStack (if they are different). if (mGuiStack.size()) { auto& bottom = mGuiStack.front(); auto& top = mGuiStack.back(); if (mRenderScreensaver) { bottom->cancelAllAnimations(); bottom->stopAllAnimations(); } // Don't render the system view or gamelist view if the video or slideshow screensaver // is running. if (!(mRenderScreensaver && (Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreensaverType") == "video" || Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScreensaverType") == "slideshow"))) bottom->render(transform); if (bottom != top) { #if defined(USE_OPENGL_21) if (!mCachedBackground) { // Generate a cache texture of the shaded background when opening the menu, which // will remain valid until the menu is closed. This is way faster than having to // render the shaders for every frame. // const auto backgroundStartTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::shared_ptr mPostprocessedBackground; mPostprocessedBackground = TextureResource::get(""); unsigned char* processedTexture = new unsigned char[Renderer::getScreenWidth() * Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 4]; // Defocus the background using multiple passes of gaussian blur, with the number // of iterations relative to the screen resolution. Renderer::shaderParameters backgroundParameters; float heightModifier = Renderer::getScreenHeightModifier(); if (heightModifier < 1) backgroundParameters.blurPasses = 2; // Below 1080 else if (heightModifier >= 4) backgroundParameters.blurPasses = 12; // 8K else if (heightModifier >= 2.9) backgroundParameters.blurPasses = 10; // 6K else if (heightModifier >= 2.6) backgroundParameters.blurPasses = 8; // 5K else if (heightModifier >= 2) backgroundParameters.blurPasses = 5; // 4K else if (heightModifier >= 1.3) backgroundParameters.blurPasses = 3; // 1440 else if (heightModifier >= 1) backgroundParameters.blurPasses = 2; // 1080 // Also dim the background slightly. backgroundParameters.fragmentDimValue = 0.60f; Renderer::shaderPostprocessing(Renderer::SHADER_BLUR_HORIZONTAL | Renderer::SHADER_BLUR_VERTICAL | Renderer::SHADER_DIM, backgroundParameters, processedTexture); mPostprocessedBackground->initFromPixels(processedTexture, Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight()); mBackgroundOverlay->setImage(mPostprocessedBackground); // The following is done to avoid fading in if the cached image was // invalidated (rather than the menu being opened). if (mInvalidatedCachedBackground) { mBackgroundOverlayOpacity = 255; mInvalidatedCachedBackground = false; } else { mBackgroundOverlayOpacity = 25; } delete[] processedTexture; mCachedBackground = true; // const auto backgroundEndTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); // LOG(LogDebug) << "Window::render(): Time to create cached background: " << // std::chrono::duration_cast // (backgroundEndTime - backgroundStartTime).count() << " ms"; } // Fade in the cached background, unless the menu is set to open without any animation. if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("MenuOpeningEffect") != "none") { mBackgroundOverlay->setOpacity(mBackgroundOverlayOpacity); if (mBackgroundOverlayOpacity < 255) mBackgroundOverlayOpacity = Math::clamp(mBackgroundOverlayOpacity + 30, 0, 255); } #endif mBackgroundOverlay->render(transform); #if defined(USE_OPENGL_21) // Menu opening effects (scale-up and fade-in). if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("MenuOpeningEffect") == "scale-up") { if (mTopScale < 1.0) mTopScale = Math::clamp(mTopScale + 0.07f, 0.0f, 1.0f); Vector2f topCenter = top->getCenter(); top->setOrigin({0.5, 0.5}); top->setPosition({topCenter.x(), topCenter.y(), 0}); top->setScale(mTopScale); } if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("MenuOpeningEffect") == "fade-in") { // Fade-in menu. if (mTopOpacity < 255) { mTopOpacity = Math::clamp(mTopOpacity+15, 0, 255); top->setOpacity(mTopOpacity); } } #endif top->render(transform); } else { mCachedBackground = false; mTopOpacity = 0; mTopScale = 0.5; } } // Render the quick list scrolling overlay, which is triggered in IList. if (mListScrollOpacity != 0) { Renderer::setMatrix(Transform4x4f::Identity()); Renderer::drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, static_cast(Renderer::getScreenWidth()), static_cast(Renderer::getScreenHeight()), 0x00000000 | mListScrollOpacity, 0x00000000 | mListScrollOpacity); Vector2f offset = mListScrollFont->sizeText(mListScrollText); offset[0] = (Renderer::getScreenWidth() - offset.x()) * 0.5f; offset[1] = (Renderer::getScreenHeight() - offset.y()) * 0.5f; TextCache* cache = mListScrollFont->buildTextCache(mListScrollText, offset.x(), offset.y(), 0xFFFFFF00 | mListScrollOpacity); mListScrollFont->renderTextCache(cache); delete cache; } if (!mRenderedHelpPrompts) mHelp->render(transform); unsigned int screensaverTimer = static_cast(Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreensaverTimer")); if (mTimeSinceLastInput >= screensaverTimer && screensaverTimer != 0) { // If a menu is open, reset the screensaver timer so that the screensaver won't start. if (mGuiStack.front() != mGuiStack.back()) mTimeSinceLastInput = 0; // If a game has been launched, reset the screensaver timer as we don't want to start // the screensaver in the background when running a game. else if (mGameLaunchedState) mTimeSinceLastInput = 0; else if (!isProcessing() && !mScreensaver->isScreensaverActive()) startScreensaver(); } // Always call the screensaver render function regardless of whether the screensaver is active // or not because it may perform a fade on transition. renderScreensaver(); if (!mRenderScreensaver && mInfoPopup) mInfoPopup->render(transform); if (mTimeSinceLastInput >= screensaverTimer && screensaverTimer != 0) { if (!isProcessing() && mAllowSleep && (!mScreensaver)) { // Go to sleep. if (mSleeping == false) { mSleeping = true; onSleep(); } } } if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DisplayGPUStatistics") && mFrameDataText) { Renderer::setMatrix(Transform4x4f::Identity()); mDefaultFonts.at(1)->renderTextCache(mFrameDataText.get()); } } void Window::normalizeNextUpdate() { mNormalizeNextUpdate = true; } bool Window::getAllowSleep() { return mAllowSleep; } void Window::setAllowSleep(bool sleep) { mAllowSleep = sleep; } void Window::renderLoadingScreen(std::string text) { Transform4x4f trans = Transform4x4f::Identity(); Renderer::setMatrix(trans); Renderer::drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, static_cast(Renderer::getScreenWidth()), static_cast(Renderer::getScreenHeight()), 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF); ImageComponent splash(this, true); splash.setResize(Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.6f, 0.0f); splash.setImage(":/graphics/splash.svg"); splash.setPosition((Renderer::getScreenWidth() - splash.getSize().x()) / 2, (Renderer::getScreenHeight() - splash.getSize().y()) / 2 * 0.6f); splash.render(trans); auto& font = mDefaultFonts.at(1); TextCache* cache = font->buildTextCache(text, 0, 0, 0x656565FF); float x = std::round((Renderer::getScreenWidth() - cache->metrics.size.x()) / 2.0f); float y = std::round(Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.835f); trans = trans.translate(Vector3f(x, y, 0.0f)); Renderer::setMatrix(trans); font->renderTextCache(cache); delete cache; Renderer::swapBuffers(); } void Window::renderListScrollOverlay(unsigned char opacity, const std::string& text) { mListScrollOpacity = static_cast(opacity * 0.6f); mListScrollText = text; } void Window::renderHelpPromptsEarly() { mHelp->render(Transform4x4f::Identity()); mRenderedHelpPrompts = true; } void Window::setHelpPrompts(const std::vector& prompts, const HelpStyle& style) { mHelp->clearPrompts(); mHelp->setStyle(style); std::vector addPrompts; std::map inputSeenMap; std::map mappedToSeenMap; for (auto it = prompts.cbegin(); it != prompts.cend(); it++) { // Only add it if the same icon hasn't already been added. if (inputSeenMap.emplace(it->first, true).second) { // This symbol hasn't been seen yet, what about the action name? auto mappedTo = mappedToSeenMap.find(it->second); if (mappedTo != mappedToSeenMap.cend()) { // Yes, it has! // Can we combine? (dpad only). if ((it->first == "up/down" && addPrompts.at(mappedTo->second).first != "left/right") || (it->first == "left/right" && addPrompts.at(mappedTo->second).first != "up/down")) { // Yes! addPrompts.at(mappedTo->second).first = "up/down/left/right"; // Don't need to add this to addPrompts since we just merged. } else { // No, we can't combine! addPrompts.push_back(*it); } } else { // No, it hasn't! mappedToSeenMap.emplace(it->second, static_cast(addPrompts.size())); addPrompts.push_back(*it); } } } // Sort prompts so it goes [dpad_all] [dpad_u/d] [dpad_l/r] [a/b/x/y/l/r] [start/select]. std::sort(addPrompts.begin(), addPrompts.end(), [](const HelpPrompt& a, const HelpPrompt& b) -> bool { static const std::vector map = { "up/down/left/right", "up/down", "left/right", "a", "b", "x", "y", "l", "r", "start", "select" }; int i = 0; int aVal = 0; int bVal = 0; while (i < map.size()) { if (a.first == map[i]) aVal = i; if (b.first == map[i]) bVal = i; i++; } return aVal > bVal; }); mHelp->setPrompts(addPrompts); } void Window::onSleep() { Scripting::fireEvent("sleep"); } void Window::onWake() { Scripting::fireEvent("wake"); } bool Window::isProcessing() { return count_if (mGuiStack.cbegin(), mGuiStack.cend(), [](GuiComponent* c) { return c->isProcessing(); }) > 0; } void Window::setLaunchedGame() { // Tell the GUI components that a game has been launched. for (auto it = mGuiStack.cbegin(); it != mGuiStack.cend(); it++) (*it)->onGameLaunchedActivate(); mGameLaunchedState = true; } void Window::unsetLaunchedGame() { // Tell the GUI components that the user is back in ES again. for (auto it = mGuiStack.cbegin(); it != mGuiStack.cend(); it++) (*it)->onGameLaunchedDeactivate(); mGameLaunchedState = false; } void Window::startScreensaver() { if (mScreensaver && !mRenderScreensaver) { // Tell the GUI components the screensaver is starting. for (auto it = mGuiStack.cbegin(); it != mGuiStack.cend(); it++) (*it)->onScreensaverActivate(); stopInfoPopup(); mScreensaver->startScreensaver(true); mRenderScreensaver = true; } } bool Window::stopScreensaver() { if (mScreensaver && mRenderScreensaver) { mScreensaver->stopScreensaver(); mRenderScreensaver = false; // Tell the GUI components the screensaver has stopped. for (auto it = mGuiStack.cbegin(); it != mGuiStack.cend(); it++) { (*it)->onScreensaverDeactivate(); // If the menu is open, pause the video so it won't start playing beneath the menu. if (mGuiStack.front() != mGuiStack.back()) (*it)->onPauseVideo(); } return true; } return false; } void Window::renderScreensaver() { if (mScreensaver) mScreensaver->renderScreensaver(); }