/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _RLOTTIE_H_ #define _RLOTTIE_H_ #include <future> #include <vector> #include <memory> #if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ #ifdef RLOTTIE_BUILD #define RLOTTIE_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define RLOTTIE_API __declspec(dllimport) #endif #else #ifdef RLOTTIE_BUILD #define RLOTTIE_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default"))) #else #define RLOTTIE_API #endif #endif class AnimationImpl; struct LOTNode; struct LOTLayerNode; namespace rlottie { /** * @brief Configures rlottie model cache policy. * * Provides Library level control to configure model cache * policy. Setting it to 0 will disable * the cache as well as flush all the previously cached content. * * @param[in] cacheSize Maximum Model Cache size. * * @note to disable Caching configure with 0 size. * @note to flush the current Cache content configure it with 0 and * then reconfigure with the new size. * * @internal */ RLOTTIE_API void configureModelCacheSize(size_t cacheSize); struct Color { Color() = default; Color(float r, float g , float b):_r(r), _g(g), _b(b){} float r() const {return _r;} float g() const {return _g;} float b() const {return _b;} private: float _r{0}; float _g{0}; float _b{0}; }; struct Size { Size() = default; Size(float w, float h):_w(w), _h(h){} float w() const {return _w;} float h() const {return _h;} private: float _w{0}; float _h{0}; }; struct Point { Point() = default; Point(float x, float y):_x(x), _y(y){} float x() const {return _x;} float y() const {return _y;} private: float _x{0}; float _y{0}; }; struct FrameInfo { explicit FrameInfo(uint32_t frame): _frameNo(frame){} uint32_t curFrame() const {return _frameNo;} private: uint32_t _frameNo; }; enum class Property { FillColor, /*!< Color property of Fill object , value type is rlottie::Color */ FillOpacity, /*!< Opacity property of Fill object , value type is float [ 0 .. 100] */ StrokeColor, /*!< Color property of Stroke object , value type is rlottie::Color */ StrokeOpacity, /*!< Opacity property of Stroke object , value type is float [ 0 .. 100] */ StrokeWidth, /*!< stroke width property of Stroke object , value type is float */ TrAnchor, /*!< Transform Anchor property of Layer and Group object , value type is rlottie::Point */ TrPosition, /*!< Transform Position property of Layer and Group object , value type is rlottie::Point */ TrScale, /*!< Transform Scale property of Layer and Group object , value type is rlottie::Size. range[0 ..100] */ TrRotation, /*!< Transform Rotation property of Layer and Group object , value type is float. range[0 .. 360] in degrees*/ TrOpacity /*!< Transform Opacity property of Layer and Group object , value type is float [ 0 .. 100] */ }; struct Color_Type{}; struct Point_Type{}; struct Size_Type{}; struct Float_Type{}; template <typename T> struct MapType; class RLOTTIE_API Surface { public: /** * @brief Surface object constructor. * * @param[in] buffer surface buffer. * @param[in] width surface width. * @param[in] height surface height. * @param[in] bytesPerLine number of bytes in a surface scanline. * * @note Default surface format is ARGB32_Premultiplied. * * @internal */ Surface(uint32_t *buffer, size_t width, size_t height, size_t bytesPerLine); /** * @brief Sets the Draw Area available on the Surface. * * Lottie will use the draw region size to generate frame image * and will update only the draw rgion of the surface. * * @param[in] x region area x position. * @param[in] y region area y position. * @param[in] width region area width. * @param[in] height region area height. * * @note Default surface format is ARGB32_Premultiplied. * @note Default draw region area is [ 0 , 0, surface width , surface height] * * @internal */ void setDrawRegion(size_t x, size_t y, size_t width, size_t height); /** * @brief Returns width of the surface. * * @return surface width * * @internal * */ size_t width() const {return mWidth;} /** * @brief Returns height of the surface. * * @return surface height * * @internal */ size_t height() const {return mHeight;} /** * @brief Returns number of bytes in the surface scanline. * * @return number of bytes in scanline. * * @internal */ size_t bytesPerLine() const {return mBytesPerLine;} /** * @brief Returns buffer attached tp the surface. * * @return buffer attaced to the Surface. * * @internal */ uint32_t *buffer() const {return mBuffer;} /** * @brief Returns drawable area width of the surface. * * @return drawable area width * * @note Default value is width() of the surface * * @internal * */ size_t drawRegionWidth() const {return mDrawArea.w;} /** * @brief Returns drawable area height of the surface. * * @return drawable area height * * @note Default value is height() of the surface * * @internal */ size_t drawRegionHeight() const {return mDrawArea.h;} /** * @brief Returns drawable area's x position of the surface. * * @return drawable area's x potition. * * @note Default value is 0 * * @internal */ size_t drawRegionPosX() const {return mDrawArea.x;} /** * @brief Returns drawable area's y position of the surface. * * @return drawable area's y potition. * * @note Default value is 0 * * @internal */ size_t drawRegionPosY() const {return mDrawArea.y;} /** * @brief Default constructor. */ Surface() = default; private: uint32_t *mBuffer{nullptr}; size_t mWidth{0}; size_t mHeight{0}; size_t mBytesPerLine{0}; struct { size_t x{0}; size_t y{0}; size_t w{0}; size_t h{0}; }mDrawArea; }; using MarkerList = std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int , int>>; /** * @brief https://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/using/layer-markers-composition-markers.html * Markers exported form AE are used to describe a segmnet of an animation {comment/tag , startFrame, endFrame} * Marker can be use to devide a resource in to separate animations by tagging the segment with comment string , * start frame and duration of that segment. */ using LayerInfoList = std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int , int>>; using ColorFilter = std::function<void(float &r , float &g, float &b)>; class RLOTTIE_API Animation { public: /** * @brief Constructs an animation object from file path. * * @param[in] path Lottie resource file path * @param[in] cachePolicy whether to cache or not the model data. * use only when need to explicit disabl caching for a * particular resource. To disable caching at library level * use @see configureModelCacheSize() instead. * * @return Animation object that can render the contents of the * Lottie resource represented by file path. * * @internal */ static std::unique_ptr<Animation> loadFromFile(const std::string &path, bool cachePolicy=true); /** * @brief Constructs an animation object from JSON string data. * * @param[in] jsonData The JSON string data. * @param[in] key the string that will be used to cache the JSON string data. * @param[in] resourcePath the path will be used to search for external resource. * @param[in] cachePolicy whether to cache or not the model data. * use only when need to explicit disabl caching for a * particular resource. To disable caching at library level * use @see configureModelCacheSize() instead. * * @return Animation object that can render the contents of the * Lottie resource represented by JSON string data. * * @internal */ static std::unique_ptr<Animation> loadFromData(std::string jsonData, const std::string &key, const std::string &resourcePath="", bool cachePolicy=true); /** * @brief Constructs an animation object from JSON string data and update. * the color properties using ColorFilter. * @param[in] jsonData The JSON string data. * @param[in] resourcePath the path will be used to search for external resource. * @param[in] filter The color filter that will be applied for each color property * found during parsing. * @return Animation object that can render the contents of the * Lottie resource represented by JSON string data. * * @internal */ static std::unique_ptr<Animation> loadFromData(std::string jsonData, std::string resourcePath, ColorFilter filter); /** * @brief Returns default framerate of the Lottie resource. * * @return framerate of the Lottie resource * * @internal * */ double frameRate() const; /** * @brief Returns total number of frames present in the Lottie resource. * * @return frame count of the Lottie resource. * * @note frame number starts with 0. * * @internal */ size_t totalFrame() const; /** * @brief Returns default viewport size of the Lottie resource. * * @param[out] width default width of the viewport. * @param[out] height default height of the viewport. * * @internal * */ void size(size_t &width, size_t &height) const; /** * @brief Returns total animation duration of Lottie resource in second. * it uses totalFrame() and frameRate() to calculate the duration. * duration = totalFrame() / frameRate(). * * @return total animation duration in second. * @retval 0 if the Lottie resource has no animation. * * @see totalFrame() * @see frameRate() * * @internal */ double duration() const; /** * @brief Returns frame number for a given position. * this function helps to map the position value retuned * by the animator to a frame number in side the Lottie resource. * frame_number = lerp(start_frame, endframe, pos); * * @param[in] pos normalized position value [0 ... 1] * * @return frame numer maps to the position value [startFrame .... endFrame] * * @internal */ size_t frameAtPos(double pos); /** * @brief Renders the content to surface Asynchronously. * it gives a future in return to get the result of the * rendering at a future point. * To get best performance user has to start rendering as soon as * it finds that content at {frameNo} has to be rendered and get the * result from the future at the last moment when the surface is needed * to draw into the screen. * * * @param[in] frameNo Content corresponds to the @p frameNo needs to be drawn * @param[in] surface Surface in which content will be drawn * @param[in] keepAspectRatio whether to keep the aspect ratio while scaling the content. * * @return future that will hold the result when rendering finished. * * for Synchronus rendering @see renderSync * * @see Surface * @internal */ std::future<Surface> render(size_t frameNo, Surface surface, bool keepAspectRatio=true); /** * @brief Renders the content to surface synchronously. * for performance use the async rendering @see render * * @param[in] frameNo Content corresponds to the @p frameNo needs to be drawn * @param[in] surface Surface in which content will be drawn * @param[in] keepAspectRatio whether to keep the aspect ratio while scaling the content. * * @internal */ void renderSync(size_t frameNo, Surface surface, bool keepAspectRatio=true); /** * @brief Returns root layer of the composition updated with * content of the Lottie resource at frame number @p frameNo. * * @param[in] frameNo Content corresponds to the @p frameNo needs to be extracted. * @param[in] width content viewbox width * @param[in] height content viewbox height * * @return Root layer node. * * @internal */ const LOTLayerNode * renderTree(size_t frameNo, size_t width, size_t height) const; /** * @brief Returns Composition Markers. * * * @return returns MarkerList of the Composition. * * @see MarkerList * @internal */ const MarkerList& markers() const; /** * @brief Returns Layer information{name, inFrame, outFrame} of all the child layers of the composition. * * * @return List of Layer Information of the Composition. * * @see LayerInfoList * @internal */ const LayerInfoList& layers() const; /** * @brief Sets property value for the specified {@link KeyPath}. This {@link KeyPath} can resolve * to multiple contents. In that case, the callback's value will apply to all of them. * * Keypath should conatin object names separated by (.) and can handle globe(**) or wildchar(*). * * @usage * To change fillcolor property of fill1 object in the layer1->group1->fill1 hirarchy to RED color * * player->setValue<rlottie::Property::FillColor>("layer1.group1.fill1", rlottie::Color(1, 0, 0); * * if all the color property inside group1 needs to be changed to GREEN color * * player->setValue<rlottie::Property::FillColor>("**.group1.**", rlottie::Color(0, 1, 0); * * @internal */ template<Property prop, typename AnyValue> void setValue(const std::string &keypath, AnyValue value) { setValue(MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, prop>>{}, prop, keypath, value); } /** * @brief default destructor * * @internal */ ~Animation(); private: void setValue(Color_Type, Property, const std::string &, Color); void setValue(Float_Type, Property, const std::string &, float); void setValue(Size_Type, Property, const std::string &, Size); void setValue(Point_Type, Property, const std::string &, Point); void setValue(Color_Type, Property, const std::string &, std::function<Color(const FrameInfo &)> &&); void setValue(Float_Type, Property, const std::string &, std::function<float(const FrameInfo &)> &&); void setValue(Size_Type, Property, const std::string &, std::function<Size(const FrameInfo &)> &&); void setValue(Point_Type, Property, const std::string &, std::function<Point(const FrameInfo &)> &&); /** * @brief default constructor * * @internal */ Animation(); std::unique_ptr<AnimationImpl> d; }; //Map Property to Value type template<> struct MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, Property::FillColor>>: Color_Type{}; template<> struct MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, Property::StrokeColor>>: Color_Type{}; template<> struct MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, Property::FillOpacity>>: Float_Type{}; template<> struct MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, Property::StrokeOpacity>>: Float_Type{}; template<> struct MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, Property::StrokeWidth>>: Float_Type{}; template<> struct MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, Property::TrRotation>>: Float_Type{}; template<> struct MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, Property::TrOpacity>>: Float_Type{}; template<> struct MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, Property::TrAnchor>>: Point_Type{}; template<> struct MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, Property::TrPosition>>: Point_Type{}; template<> struct MapType<std::integral_constant<Property, Property::TrScale>>: Size_Type{}; } // namespace lotplayer #endif // _RLOTTIE_H_