// // TimeUtil.h // // Low-level date and time functions. // Set and get time, format to string formats, count days and months etc. // #pragma once #ifndef ES_CORE_UTILS_TIME_UTIL_H #define ES_CORE_UTILS_TIME_UTIL_H #include namespace Utils { namespace Time { static int DEFAULT_TIMEVALUE = 0; class DateTime { public: DateTime(); DateTime(const time_t& _time); DateTime(const tm& _timeStruct); DateTime(const std::string& _isoString); ~DateTime(); const bool operator<(const DateTime& _other) const { return (mTime < _other.mTime); } const bool operator<=(const DateTime& _other) const { return (mTime <= _other.mTime); } const bool operator>(const DateTime& _other) const { return (mTime > _other.mTime); } const bool operator>=(const DateTime& _other) const { return (mTime >= _other.mTime); } operator time_t() const { return mTime; } operator tm() const { return mTimeStruct; } operator std::string() const { return mIsoString; } void setTime(const time_t& _time); const time_t& getTime() const { return mTime; } void setTimeStruct(const tm& _timeStruct); const tm& getTimeStruct() const { return mTimeStruct; } void setIsoString (const std::string& _isoString); const std::string& getIsoString () const { return mIsoString; } private: time_t mTime; tm mTimeStruct; std::string mIsoString; }; class Duration { public: Duration(const time_t& _time); ~Duration(); unsigned int getDays() const { return mDays; } unsigned int getHours() const { return mHours; } unsigned int getMinutes() const { return mMinutes; } unsigned int getSeconds() const { return mSeconds; } private: unsigned int mTotalSeconds; unsigned int mDays; unsigned int mHours; unsigned int mMinutes; unsigned int mSeconds; }; time_t now(); time_t stringToTime(const std::string& _string, const std::string& _format = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"); std::string timeToString(const time_t& _time, const std::string& _format = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"); int daysInMonth(const int _year, const int _month); int daysInYear(const int _year); } } // Utils:: #endif // ES_CORE_UTILS_TIME_UTIL_H