#include "SystemData.h" #include "Gamelist.h" #include #include #include #include #include "Renderer.h" #include "AudioManager.h" #include "VolumeControl.h" #include "Log.h" #include "InputManager.h" #include #include "Settings.h" #include "FileSorts.h" std::vector SystemData::sSystemVector; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; SystemData::SystemData(const std::string& name, const std::string& fullName, const std::string& startPath, const std::vector& extensions, const std::string& command, const std::vector& platformIds, const std::string& themeFolder) { mName = name; mFullName = fullName; mStartPath = startPath; //expand home symbol if the startpath contains ~ if(mStartPath[0] == '~') { mStartPath.erase(0, 1); mStartPath.insert(0, getHomePath()); } mSearchExtensions = extensions; mLaunchCommand = command; mPlatformIds = platformIds; mThemeFolder = themeFolder; mRootFolder = new FileData(FOLDER, mStartPath, this); mRootFolder->metadata.set("name", mFullName); if(!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ParseGamelistOnly")) populateFolder(mRootFolder); if(!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("IgnoreGamelist")) parseGamelist(this); mRootFolder->sort(FileSorts::SortTypes.at(0)); loadTheme(); } SystemData::~SystemData() { //save changed game data back to xml if(!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("IgnoreGamelist")) { updateGamelist(this); } delete mRootFolder; } std::string strreplace(std::string str, const std::string& replace, const std::string& with) { size_t pos; while((pos = str.find(replace)) != std::string::npos) str = str.replace(pos, replace.length(), with.c_str(), with.length()); return str; } std::string escapePath(const boost::filesystem::path& path) { // a quick and dirty way to insert a backslash before most characters that would mess up a bash path; // someone with regex knowledge should make this into a one-liner std::string pathStr = path.generic_string(); const char* invalidChars = " '\"\\!$^&*(){}[]?;<>"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pathStr.length(); i++) { char c; unsigned int charNum = 0; do { c = invalidChars[charNum]; if(pathStr[i] == c) { pathStr.insert(i, "\\"); i++; break; } charNum++; } while(c != '\0'); } return pathStr; } void SystemData::launchGame(Window* window, FileData* game) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Attempting to launch game..."; AudioManager::getInstance()->deinit(); VolumeControl::getInstance()->deinit(); window->deinit(); std::string command = mLaunchCommand; const std::string rom = escapePath(game->getPath()); const std::string basename = game->getPath().stem().string(); const std::string rom_raw = game->getPath().string(); command = strreplace(command, "%ROM%", rom); command = strreplace(command, "%BASENAME%", basename); command = strreplace(command, "%ROM_RAW%", rom_raw); LOG(LogInfo) << " " << command; std::cout << "==============================================\n"; int exitCode = system(command.c_str()); std::cout << "==============================================\n"; if(exitCode != 0) { LOG(LogWarning) << "...launch terminated with nonzero exit code " << exitCode << "!"; } window->init(); VolumeControl::getInstance()->init(); AudioManager::getInstance()->init(); window->normalizeNextUpdate(); //update number of times the game has been launched int timesPlayed = game->metadata.getInt("playcount") + 1; game->metadata.set("playcount", std::to_string(static_cast(timesPlayed))); //update last played time boost::posix_time::ptime time = boost::posix_time::second_clock::universal_time(); game->metadata.setTime("lastplayed", time); } void SystemData::populateFolder(FileData* folder) { const fs::path& folderPath = folder->getPath(); if(!fs::is_directory(folderPath)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Error - folder with path \"" << folderPath << "\" is not a directory!"; return; } const std::string folderStr = folderPath.generic_string(); //make sure that this isn't a symlink to a thing we already have if(fs::is_symlink(folderPath)) { //if this symlink resolves to somewhere that's at the beginning of our path, it's gonna recurse if(folderStr.find(fs::canonical(folderPath).generic_string()) == 0) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Skipping infinitely recursive symlink \"" << folderPath << "\""; return; } } fs::path filePath; std::string extension; bool isGame; for(fs::directory_iterator end, dir(folderPath); dir != end; ++dir) { filePath = (*dir).path(); if(filePath.stem().empty()) continue; //this is a little complicated because we allow a list of extensions to be defined (delimited with a space) //we first get the extension of the file itself: extension = filePath.extension().string(); //fyi, folders *can* also match the extension and be added as games - this is mostly just to support higan //see issue #75: https://github.com/Aloshi/EmulationStation/issues/75 isGame = false; if(std::find(mSearchExtensions.begin(), mSearchExtensions.end(), extension) != mSearchExtensions.end()) { FileData* newGame = new FileData(GAME, filePath.generic_string(), this); folder->addChild(newGame); isGame = true; } //add directories that also do not match an extension as folders if(!isGame && fs::is_directory(filePath)) { FileData* newFolder = new FileData(FOLDER, filePath.generic_string(), this); populateFolder(newFolder); //ignore folders that do not contain games if(newFolder->getChildren().size() == 0) delete newFolder; else folder->addChild(newFolder); } } } std::vector readList(const std::string& str, const char* delims = " \t\r\n,") { std::vector ret; size_t prevOff = str.find_first_not_of(delims, 0); size_t off = str.find_first_of(delims, prevOff); while(off != std::string::npos || prevOff != std::string::npos) { ret.push_back(str.substr(prevOff, off - prevOff)); prevOff = str.find_first_not_of(delims, off); off = str.find_first_of(delims, prevOff); } return ret; } //creates systems from information located in a config file bool SystemData::loadConfig() { deleteSystems(); std::string path = getConfigPath(false); LOG(LogInfo) << "Loading system config file " << path << "..."; if(!fs::exists(path)) { LOG(LogError) << "es_systems.cfg file does not exist!"; writeExampleConfig(getConfigPath(true)); return false; } pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result res = doc.load_file(path.c_str()); if(!res) { LOG(LogError) << "Could not parse es_systems.cfg file!"; LOG(LogError) << res.description(); return false; } //actually read the file pugi::xml_node systemList = doc.child("systemList"); if(!systemList) { LOG(LogError) << "es_systems.cfg is missing the tag!"; return false; } for(pugi::xml_node system = systemList.child("system"); system; system = system.next_sibling("system")) { std::string name, fullname, path, cmd, themeFolder; PlatformIds::PlatformId platformId = PlatformIds::PLATFORM_UNKNOWN; name = system.child("name").text().get(); fullname = system.child("fullname").text().get(); path = system.child("path").text().get(); // convert extensions list from a string into a vector of strings std::vector extensions = readList(system.child("extension").text().get()); cmd = system.child("command").text().get(); // platform id list const char* platformList = system.child("platform").text().get(); std::vector platformStrs = readList(platformList); std::vector platformIds; for(auto it = platformStrs.begin(); it != platformStrs.end(); it++) { const char* str = it->c_str(); PlatformIds::PlatformId platformId = PlatformIds::getPlatformId(str); if(platformId == PlatformIds::PLATFORM_IGNORE) { // when platform is ignore, do not allow other platforms platformIds.clear(); platformIds.push_back(platformId); break; } // if there appears to be an actual platform ID supplied but it didn't match the list, warn if(str != NULL && str[0] != '\0' && platformId == PlatformIds::PLATFORM_UNKNOWN) LOG(LogWarning) << " Unknown platform for system \"" << name << "\" (platform \"" << str << "\" from list \"" << platformList << "\")"; else if(platformId != PlatformIds::PLATFORM_UNKNOWN) platformIds.push_back(platformId); } // theme folder themeFolder = system.child("theme").text().as_string(name.c_str()); //validate if(name.empty() || path.empty() || extensions.empty() || cmd.empty()) { LOG(LogError) << "System \"" << name << "\" is missing name, path, extension, or command!"; continue; } //convert path to generic directory seperators boost::filesystem::path genericPath(path); path = genericPath.generic_string(); SystemData* newSys = new SystemData(name, fullname, path, extensions, cmd, platformIds, themeFolder); if(newSys->getRootFolder()->getChildren().size() == 0) { LOG(LogWarning) << "System \"" << name << "\" has no games! Ignoring it."; delete newSys; }else{ sSystemVector.push_back(newSys); } } return true; } void SystemData::writeExampleConfig(const std::string& path) { std::ofstream file(path.c_str()); file << "\n" "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" "\n" " \n" " nes\n" "\n" " \n" " Nintendo Entertainment System\n" "\n" " \n" " ~/roms/nes\n" "\n" " \n" " .nes .NES\n" "\n" " \n" " retroarch -L ~/cores/libretro-fceumm.so %ROM%\n" "\n" " \n" " nes\n" "\n" " \n" " nes\n" " \n" "\n"; file.close(); LOG(LogError) << "Example config written! Go read it at \"" << path << "\"!"; } void SystemData::deleteSystems() { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sSystemVector.size(); i++) { delete sSystemVector.at(i); } sSystemVector.clear(); } std::string SystemData::getConfigPath(bool forWrite) { fs::path path = getHomePath() + "/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg"; if(forWrite || fs::exists(path)) return path.generic_string(); return "/etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg"; } std::string SystemData::getGamelistPath(bool forWrite) const { fs::path filePath; filePath = mRootFolder->getPath() / "gamelist.xml"; if(fs::exists(filePath)) return filePath.generic_string(); filePath = getHomePath() + "/.emulationstation/gamelists/" + mName + "/gamelist.xml"; if(forWrite) // make sure the directory exists if we're going to write to it, or crashes will happen fs::create_directories(filePath.parent_path()); if(forWrite || fs::exists(filePath)) return filePath.generic_string(); return "/etc/emulationstation/gamelists/" + mName + "/gamelist.xml"; } std::string SystemData::getThemePath() const { // where we check for themes, in order: // 1. [SYSTEM_PATH]/theme.xml // 2. currently selected theme set // first, check game folder fs::path localThemePath = mRootFolder->getPath() / "theme.xml"; if(fs::exists(localThemePath)) return localThemePath.generic_string(); // not in game folder, try theme sets return ThemeData::getThemeFromCurrentSet(mThemeFolder).generic_string(); } bool SystemData::hasGamelist() const { return (fs::exists(getGamelistPath(false))); } unsigned int SystemData::getGameCount() const { return mRootFolder->getFilesRecursive(GAME).size(); } void SystemData::loadTheme() { mTheme = std::make_shared(); std::string path = getThemePath(); if(!fs::exists(path)) // no theme available for this platform return; try { mTheme->loadFile(path); } catch(ThemeException& e) { LOG(LogError) << e.what(); mTheme = std::make_shared(); // reset to empty } }