// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // GuiScraperSearch.cpp // // User interface for the scraper where the user is able to see an overview // of the game being scraped and an option to override the game search string. // Used by both single-game scraping from the GuiMetaDataEd menu as well as // to resolve scraping conflicts when run from GuiScraperMenu. // The function to properly save scraped metadata is located here too. // // This GUI is called from GuiScraperSingle for single-game scraping and // from GuiScraperMulti for multi-game scraping. // #include "guis/GuiScraperSearch.h" #include "CollectionSystemsManager.h" #include "FileData.h" #include "Log.h" #include "MameNames.h" #include "PlatformId.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include "Window.h" #include "components/ComponentList.h" #include "components/DateTimeEditComponent.h" #include "components/ImageComponent.h" #include "components/RatingComponent.h" #include "components/ScrollableContainer.h" #include "components/TextComponent.h" #include "guis/GuiMsgBox.h" #include "guis/GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup.h" #include "guis/GuiTextEditPopup.h" #include "resources/Font.h" #include "utils/LocalizationUtil.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" GuiScraperSearch::GuiScraperSearch(SearchType type, unsigned int scrapeCount, int rowCount) : mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()} , mGrid {glm::ivec2 {5, 3}} , mSearchType {type} , mRowCount {rowCount} , mScrapeCount {scrapeCount} , mNextSearch {false} , mHashSearch {false} , mRefinedSearch {false} , mBlockAccept {false} , mAcceptedResult {false} , mFoundGame {false} , mScrapeRatings {false} , mRetrySearch {false} , mRetryCount {0} , mRetryTimer {glm::clamp( Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScraperRetryOnErrorTimer") * 1000, 1000, 30000)} , mRetryAccumulator {0} , mAutomaticModeGameEntry {0} { addChild(&mGrid); mWindow->setAllowTextScrolling(true); // Left spacer (empty component, needed for borders). mGrid.setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(), glm::ivec2 {0, 0}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 3}, GridFlags::BORDER_TOP | GridFlags::BORDER_BOTTOM); // Selected result name. mResultName = std::make_shared<TextComponent>("Result name", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM), mMenuColorPrimary); // Selected result thumbnail. mResultThumbnail = std::make_shared<ImageComponent>(); mGrid.setEntry(mResultThumbnail, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Selected result description and container. mDescContainer = std::make_shared<ScrollableContainer>(); // Adjust the game description text scrolling parameters depending on the search type. if (mSearchType == MANUAL_MODE || mSearchType == SEMIAUTOMATIC_MODE) mDescContainer->setScrollParameters(3000.0f, 3000.0f, 0.8f); else mDescContainer->setScrollParameters(6000.0f, 3000.0f, 0.8f); mResultDesc = std::make_shared<TextComponent>("Result desc", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), mMenuColorPrimary, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER, glm::ivec2 {0, 1}); mDescContainer->addChild(mResultDesc.get()); mDescContainer->setAutoScroll(true); // Metadata. auto font = Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL); // Placeholder, gets replaced in onSizeChanged(). const unsigned int mdColor {mMenuColorPrimary}; const unsigned int mdLblColor {mMenuColorTertiary}; mMD_Rating = std::make_shared<RatingComponent>(false, true); mMD_ReleaseDate = std::make_shared<DateTimeEditComponent>(); mMD_ReleaseDate->setColor(mdColor); mMD_ReleaseDate->setUppercase(true); mMD_Developer = std::make_shared<TextComponent>("", font, mdColor, ALIGN_LEFT); mMD_Publisher = std::make_shared<TextComponent>("", font, mdColor, ALIGN_LEFT); mMD_Genre = std::make_shared<TextComponent>("", font, mdColor, ALIGN_LEFT); mMD_Players = std::make_shared<TextComponent>("", font, mdColor, ALIGN_LEFT); mMD_Filler = std::make_shared<TextComponent>("", font, mdColor); if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("Scraper") != "thegamesdb") mScrapeRatings = true; if (mScrapeRatings) mMD_Pairs.push_back(MetaDataPair( std::make_shared<TextComponent>(_("RATING:"), font, mdLblColor), mMD_Rating, false)); mMD_Pairs.push_back(MetaDataPair( std::make_shared<TextComponent>(_("RELEASED:"), font, mdLblColor), mMD_ReleaseDate)); mMD_Pairs.push_back(MetaDataPair( std::make_shared<TextComponent>(_("DEVELOPER:"), font, mdLblColor), mMD_Developer)); mMD_Pairs.push_back(MetaDataPair( std::make_shared<TextComponent>(_("PUBLISHER:"), font, mdLblColor), mMD_Publisher)); mMD_Pairs.push_back( MetaDataPair(std::make_shared<TextComponent>(_("GENRE:"), font, mdLblColor), mMD_Genre)); mMD_Pairs.push_back(MetaDataPair( std::make_shared<TextComponent>(_("PLAYERS:"), font, mdLblColor), mMD_Players)); // If no rating is being scraped, add a filler to make sure that the fonts keep the same // size so the GUI looks consistent. if (!mScrapeRatings) mMD_Pairs.push_back( MetaDataPair(std::make_shared<TextComponent>("", font, mdLblColor), mMD_Filler)); mMD_Grid = std::make_shared<ComponentGrid>(glm::ivec2 {2, static_cast<int>(mMD_Pairs.size() * 2 - 1)}); unsigned int i {0}; for (auto it = mMD_Pairs.cbegin(); it != mMD_Pairs.cend(); ++it) { mMD_Grid->setEntry(it->first, glm::ivec2 {0, i}, false, true); mMD_Grid->setEntry(it->second, glm::ivec2 {1, i}, false, it->resize); i += 2; } mGrid.setEntry(mMD_Grid, glm::ivec2 {2, 1}, false, false); // Result list. mResultList = std::make_shared<ComponentList>(); mResultList->setCursorChangedCallback([this](CursorState state) { if (state == CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED) updateInfoPane(); }); updateView(); } GuiScraperSearch::~GuiScraperSearch() { // The following manual resets are required to avoid a race condition when the // STOP button is pressed in the multi-scraper. Without this code there will be // a memory leak as the curl easy handle is not cleaned up. For a normally completed // scraping however, the destructor will already have been called in HttpReq. if (mSearchHandle) mSearchHandle.reset(); if (mMDRetrieveURLsHandle) mMDRetrieveURLsHandle.reset(); if (mMDResolveHandle) mMDResolveHandle.reset(); if (mThumbnailReqMap.size() > 0) mThumbnailReqMap.clear(); HttpReq::cleanupCurlMulti(); // This is required to properly refresh the gamelist view if the user aborted the // scraping when the miximage was getting generated. if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("MiximageGenerate") && mMiximageGeneratorThread.joinable()) { // We always let the miximage generator thread complete. mMiximageGeneratorThread.join(); mMiximageGenerator.reset(); mScrapeResult.savedNewMedia = true; TextureResource::manualUnload(mLastSearch.game->getMiximagePath(), false); ViewController::getInstance()->onFileChanged(mLastSearch.game, true); } if (mCalculateMD5HashThread.joinable()) mCalculateMD5HashThread.join(); mWindow->setAllowTextScrolling(false); } void GuiScraperSearch::onSizeChanged() { mGrid.setSize( glm::vec2 {std::round(mSize.x), (mResultList->getRowHeight() * mRowCount) + std::round(mRenderer->getScreenHeightModifier())}); if (mSize.x == 0 || mSize.y == 0) return; // Column widths. if (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE) mGrid.setColWidthPerc(0, 0.02f); // Looks better when this is higher in auto mode. else mGrid.setColWidthPerc(0, 0.01f); mGrid.setColWidthPerc(1, 0.25f); if (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE) mGrid.setColWidthPerc(2, 0.33f); else mGrid.setColWidthPerc(2, (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.34f : 0.30f)); // Row heights. if (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE) // Show name. mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(0, (mResultName->getFont()->getHeight() * 1.6f) / mGrid.getSize().y); // Result name. else mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(0, 0.0725f); // Hide name but do padding. if (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE) mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(2, 0.2f); else mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(1, 0.505f); const float thumbnailCellScale {0.93f}; // Limit the thumbnail size using setMaxSize so the aspect ratio is maintained, and also // add some padding mResultThumbnail->setMaxSize(mGrid.getColWidth(1) * thumbnailCellScale, mGrid.getRowHeight(1)); // Metadata. resizeMetadata(); // Small vertical spacer between the metadata fields and the result list. mGrid.setColWidthPerc(3, 0.004f); if (mSearchType != AUTOMATIC_MODE) mDescContainer->setSize(mGrid.getColWidth(1) * thumbnailCellScale + mGrid.getColWidth(2), mResultDesc->getFont()->getHeight() * 3.2f); else mDescContainer->setSize(mGrid.getColWidth(4) * thumbnailCellScale, mResultDesc->getFont()->getHeight() * 8.0f); // Make description text wrap at edge of container. mResultDesc->setSize(mDescContainer->getSize().x, 0.0f); // Set the width of mResultName to the cell width so that text abbreviation will work correctly. mResultName->setSize(mGrid.getColWidth(1) + mGrid.getColWidth(2), mResultName->getSize().y); mGrid.onSizeChanged(); mBusyAnim.setSize(mSize); } void GuiScraperSearch::resizeMetadata() { mMD_Grid->setSize(mGrid.getColWidth(2), mGrid.getRowHeight(1)); if (mMD_Grid->getSize().y > mMD_Pairs.size()) { const float fontHeight {mMD_Grid->getSize().y / mMD_Pairs.size() * 0.8f}; auto fontLbl = Font::get(fontHeight, FONT_PATH_REGULAR); auto fontComp = Font::get(fontHeight, FONT_PATH_LIGHT); // Update label fonts. float maxLblWidth {0.0f}; for (auto it = mMD_Pairs.cbegin(); it != mMD_Pairs.cend(); ++it) { it->first->setFont(fontLbl); if (it->first->getTextCache() != nullptr && it->first->getTextCache()->metrics.size.x > maxLblWidth) maxLblWidth = it->first->getTextCache()->metrics.size.x + (16.0f * (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? mRenderer->getScreenHeightModifier() : mRenderer->getScreenWidthModifier())); } for (unsigned int i {0}; i < mMD_Pairs.size(); ++i) mMD_Grid->setRowHeightPerc( i * 2, (fontLbl->getLetterHeight() + (2.0f * (mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? mRenderer->getScreenWidthModifier() : mRenderer->getScreenHeightModifier()))) / mMD_Grid->getSize().y); // Update component fonts. mMD_ReleaseDate->setFont(fontComp); mMD_Developer->setFont(fontComp); mMD_Publisher->setFont(fontComp); mMD_Genre->setFont(fontComp); mMD_Players->setFont(fontComp); mMD_Grid->setColWidthPerc(0, maxLblWidth / mMD_Grid->getSize().x); if (mScrapeRatings) { // Make sure the rating component fits inside the column width regardless of screen // aspect ratio. Also move the component slightly to the left to compensate for the // padding baked into the actual SVG file. float ratingWidth {mMD_Grid->getRowHeight(4) * 5.0f * 1.23f}; ratingWidth = std::round(glm::clamp(ratingWidth, 0.0f, mMD_Developer->getSize().x * 0.98f)); mMD_Rating->setSize(0, std::round(ratingWidth / 5.0f)); mMD_Grid->onSizeChanged(); mMD_Rating->setPosition( std::round(maxLblWidth - std::round(mMD_Rating->getSize().y / 10.0f)), mMD_Rating->getPosition().y); } // Make result font follow label font. mResultDesc->setFont(Font::get(fontHeight, FONT_PATH_REGULAR)); } } void GuiScraperSearch::updateView() { // Unlink description, result list and result name. mGrid.removeEntry(mResultName); mGrid.removeEntry(mResultDesc); mGrid.removeEntry(mResultList); // Add them back depending on search type. if (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE) { // Show name. mGrid.setEntry(mResultName, glm::ivec2 {1, 0}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {3, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_TOP); // Need a border on the bottom left. mGrid.setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(), glm::ivec2 {0, 2}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_BOTTOM); // Show description on the right. mGrid.setEntry(mDescContainer, glm::ivec2 {4, 0}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 3}, GridFlags::BORDER_TOP | GridFlags::BORDER_BOTTOM | GridFlags::BORDER_LEFT); // Make description text wrap at edge of container. mResultDesc->setSize(mDescContainer->getSize().x, 0.0f); } else { // Fake row where name would be. mGrid.setEntry(std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(), glm::ivec2 {1, 0}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {3, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_TOP); // Show result list on the right. mGrid.setEntry(mResultList, glm::ivec2 {4, 0}, true, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 3}, GridFlags::BORDER_LEFT | GridFlags::BORDER_TOP | GridFlags::BORDER_BOTTOM); // Show description under image/info. mGrid.setEntry(mDescContainer, glm::ivec2 {1, 2}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {3, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_BOTTOM); // Make description text wrap at edge of container. mResultDesc->setSize(mDescContainer->getSize().x, 0); } } void GuiScraperSearch::search(ScraperSearchParams& params) { mHashSearch = false; mBlockAccept = true; mAcceptedResult = false; mMiximageResult = false; mFoundGame = false; mScrapeResult = {}; mAutomaticModeGameEntry = 0; mResultList->clear(); mScraperResults.clear(); mMDRetrieveURLsHandle.reset(); mThumbnailReqMap.clear(); mMDResolveHandle.reset(); updateInfoPane(); // For ScreenScraper we always want to use the jeuInfos (single-game) API call when in // automatic mode as this scraper service is not sorting the multi-search results based // on most relevant result (as TheGamesDB does). Using jeuInfos is also much faster than // using the jeuRecherche API call (multi-game search). if (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE) params.automaticMode = true; else params.automaticMode = false; mMD5Hash = ""; params.md5Hash = ""; if (!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(params.game->getPath())) params.fileSize = Utils::FileSystem::getFileSize(params.game->getPath()); // Only use MD5 file hash searching when in automatic mode. if (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperSearchFileHash") && Settings::getInstance()->getString("Scraper") == "screenscraper" && params.fileSize != 0 && params.fileSize <= Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScraperSearchFileHashMaxSize") * 1024 * 1024) { // Run the MD5 hash calculation in a separate thread as it may take a long time to // complete and we don't want to freeze the UI in the meanwhile. std::promise<bool>().swap(mMD5HashPromise); mMD5HashFuture = mMD5HashPromise.get_future(); mHashSearch = true; mCalculateMD5HashThread = std::thread(&GuiScraperSearch::calculateMD5Hash, this, params.game->getPath()); } mLastSearch = params; mSearchHandle = nullptr; mNextSearch = true; } void GuiScraperSearch::stop() { mThumbnailReqMap.clear(); mSearchHandle.reset(); mMDResolveHandle.reset(); mMDRetrieveURLsHandle.reset(); mMiximageGenerator.reset(); mBlockAccept = false; mAcceptedResult = false; mMiximageResult = false; mScrapeResult = {}; } void GuiScraperSearch::onSearchDone(std::vector<ScraperSearchResult>& results) { mResultList->clear(); mScraperResults = results; auto font = Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM); unsigned int color {mMenuColorPrimary}; if (results.empty()) { // Check if the scraper used is still valid. if (!isValidConfiguredScraper()) { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( getHelpStyle(), Utils::String::toUpper("Configured scraper is no longer available.\n" "Please change the scraping source in the settings."), "FINISH", mSkipCallback)); } else { LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiScraperSearch::onSearchDone(): Scraper service did not return any results"; mFoundGame = false; ComponentListRow row; row.addElement(std::make_shared<TextComponent>(_("NO GAMES FOUND"), font, color), true); if (mSkipCallback) row.makeAcceptInputHandler(mSkipCallback); mResultList->addRow(row); } } else { mFoundGame = true; ComponentListRow row; for (size_t i {0}; i < results.size(); ++i) { // If the platform IDs returned by the scraper do not match the platform IDs of the // scraped game, then add the additional platform information to the end of the game // name (within square brackets). std::string gameName {results.at(i).mdl.get("name")}; std::string otherPlatforms; if (mMD5Hash != "") { const std::string entryText { results.size() > 1 ? "Result entry " + std::to_string(i) + ": " : ""}; if (results[i].md5Hash == mMD5Hash) { mAutomaticModeGameEntry = static_cast<int>(i); LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiScraperSearch::onSearchDone(): " << entryText << "Perfect match, MD5 digest in server response identical to file hash"; } else if (results[i].md5Hash != "") { LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiScraperSearch::onSearchDone(): " << entryText << "Not a perfect match, MD5 digest in server response not " "identical to file hash"; } else { LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiScraperSearch::onSearchDone(): " << entryText << "Server did not return an MD5 digest, can't tell whether this " "is a perfect match"; } } // As the platform names are found via reverse lookup there could be multiple entries. // So if any of the entries match the platforms of the last search, then just keep // this platform ID and remove the other ones. for (auto& platformID : mLastSearch.system->getSystemEnvData()->mPlatformIds) { if (!results.at(i).platformIDs.empty() && std::find(results.at(i).platformIDs.begin(), results.at(i).platformIDs.end(), platformID) != results.at(i).platformIDs.end()) { results.at(i).platformIDs.clear(); results.at(i).platformIDs.push_back(platformID); } } bool hasOtherPlatforms {false}; for (auto& platformID : mLastSearch.system->getSystemEnvData()->mPlatformIds) { if (!results.at(i).platformIDs.empty() && std::find(results.at(i).platformIDs.cbegin(), results.at(i).platformIDs.cend(), platformID) == results.at(i).platformIDs.cend()) hasOtherPlatforms = true; } if (hasOtherPlatforms) { if (std::find(results.at(i).platformIDs.cbegin(), results.at(i).platformIDs.cend(), PlatformIds::PlatformId::PC) != results.at(i).platformIDs.cend()) { // The PC platform is a bit special as it's widely used by a number of // different systems. As such remove these other IDs and only display the // main PC ID as the list of platforms would otherwise be quite long. otherPlatforms = PlatformIds::getPlatformName(PlatformIds::PlatformId::PC); } else { for (auto& platform : results.at(i).platformIDs) otherPlatforms += PlatformIds::getPlatformName(platform) + "/"; } } if (otherPlatforms != "" && otherPlatforms.back() == '/') otherPlatforms.pop_back(); if (otherPlatforms != "") gameName.append(" [").append(otherPlatforms).append("]"); row.elements.clear(); auto gameEntry = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(Utils::String::toUpper(gameName), font, color); gameEntry->setHorizontalScrolling(true); row.addElement(gameEntry, true, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 0}); row.makeAcceptInputHandler([this, i] { returnResult(mScraperResults.at(i)); }); mResultList->addRow(row); } } mBlockAccept = false; updateInfoPane(); updateHelpPrompts(); // If there is a single result in semi-automatic mode or a single or more results in // fully automatic mode, then block the ability to manually accept the entry as it will // be selected as soon as the thumbnail has finished downloading. This also makes sure // the busy animation will play during this time window. if (!mRefinedSearch && ((mSearchType == SEMIAUTOMATIC_MODE && results.size() == 1) || (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE && mScraperResults.size() > 0))) mBlockAccept = true; // If there is no thumbnail to download and we're in semi-automatic mode, proceed to return // the results or we'll get stuck forever waiting for a thumbnail to be downloaded. if (mSearchType == SEMIAUTOMATIC_MODE && results.size() == 1 && mScraperResults.front().thumbnailImageUrl == "") returnResult(mScraperResults.front()); // For automatic mode, if there's no thumbnail to download or no matching games found, // proceed directly or we'll get stuck forever. if (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE) { if (mScraperResults.size() == 0 || (mScraperResults.size() > 0 && mScraperResults.front().thumbnailImageUrl == "")) { if (mScraperResults.size() == 0) mSkipCallback(); else returnResult(mScraperResults[mAutomaticModeGameEntry]); } } } void GuiScraperSearch::onSearchError(const std::string& error, const bool retry, const bool fatalError, HttpReq::Status status) { if (fatalError) { LOG(LogWarning) << "GuiScraperSearch: " << Utils::String::replace(error, "\n", ""); mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox(getHelpStyle(), Utils::String::toUpper(error), _("OK"), mCancelCallback, "", nullptr, "", nullptr, nullptr, true)); return; } const int retries { glm::clamp(Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScraperRetryOnErrorCount"), 0, 10)}; if (retry && mSearchType != MANUAL_MODE && retries > 0 && mRetryCount < retries) { LOG(LogError) << "GuiScraperSearch: " << Utils::String::replace(error, "\n", ""); mRetrySearch = true; ++mRetryCount; LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiScraperSearch: Attempting automatic retry " << mRetryCount << " of " << retries; return; } else { mRetryCount = 0; } if (mScrapeCount > 1) { LOG(LogError) << "GuiScraperSearch: " << Utils::String::replace(error, "\n", ""); mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox(getHelpStyle(), Utils::String::toUpper(error), _("RETRY"), std::bind(&GuiScraperSearch::search, this, mLastSearch), _("SKIP"), mSkipCallback, _("CANCEL"), mCancelCallback, nullptr, true)); } else { LOG(LogError) << "GuiScraperSearch: " << Utils::String::replace(error, "\n", ""); mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox(getHelpStyle(), Utils::String::toUpper(error), _("RETRY"), std::bind(&GuiScraperSearch::search, this, mLastSearch), _("CANCEL"), mCancelCallback, "", nullptr, nullptr, true)); } } int GuiScraperSearch::getSelectedIndex() { if (!mScraperResults.size() || mGrid.getSelectedComponent() != mResultList) return -1; return mResultList->getCursorId(); } void GuiScraperSearch::updateInfoPane() { int i {getSelectedIndex()}; if (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE && mScraperResults.size()) i = 0; if (i != -1 && static_cast<int>(mScraperResults.size()) > i) { ScraperSearchResult& res {mScraperResults.at(i)}; mResultName->setText(Utils::String::toUpper(res.mdl.get("name"))); mResultDesc->setText(Utils::String::toUpper(res.mdl.get("desc"))); mDescContainer->resetComponent(); mResultThumbnail->setImage(""); const std::string& thumb {res.screenshotUrl.empty() ? res.coverUrl : res.screenshotUrl}; mScraperResults[i].thumbnailImageUrl = thumb; // Cache the thumbnail image in mScraperResults so that we don't need to download // it every time the list is scrolled back and forth. if (mScraperResults[i].thumbnailImageData.size() > 350) { std::string content {mScraperResults[i].thumbnailImageData}; mResultThumbnail->setImage(content.data(), content.length()); mGrid.onSizeChanged(); // A hack to fix the thumbnail position since its size changed. } // If it's not cached in mScraperResults it should mean that it's the first time // we access the entry, and therefore we need to download the image. else { if (!thumb.empty()) { // Make sure we don't attempt to download the same thumbnail twice. if (mScraperResults[i].thumbnailDownloadStatus != IN_PROGRESS) { mScraperResults[i].thumbnailDownloadStatus = IN_PROGRESS; // Add an entry into the thumbnail map, this way we can track and download // each thumbnail separately even as they're downloading while scrolling // through the result list. Add the row number as an index in case the same // thumbnail is used by more than one game. mThumbnailReqMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::unique_ptr<HttpReq>>( mScraperResults[i].thumbnailImageUrl + "." + std::to_string(i), std::unique_ptr<HttpReq>(new HttpReq(thumb, true)))); } } } // Metadata. if (mScrapeRatings) { mMD_Rating->setValue(Utils::String::toUpper(res.mdl.get("rating"))); mMD_Rating->setOpacity(1.0f); } mMD_ReleaseDate->setValue(Utils::String::toUpper(res.mdl.get("releasedate"))); if (res.mdl.get("developer") == "unknown") mMD_Developer->setText(Utils::String::toUpper(_(res.mdl.get("developer").c_str()))); else mMD_Developer->setText(Utils::String::toUpper(res.mdl.get("developer"))); if (res.mdl.get("publisher") == "unknown") mMD_Publisher->setText(Utils::String::toUpper(_(res.mdl.get("publisher").c_str()))); else mMD_Publisher->setText(Utils::String::toUpper(res.mdl.get("publisher"))); if (res.mdl.get("genre") == "unknown") mMD_Genre->setText(Utils::String::toUpper(_(res.mdl.get("genre").c_str()))); else mMD_Genre->setText(Utils::String::toUpper(res.mdl.get("genre"))); if (res.mdl.get("players") == "unknown") mMD_Players->setText(Utils::String::toUpper(_(res.mdl.get("players").c_str()))); else mMD_Players->setText(Utils::String::toUpper(res.mdl.get("players"))); mGrid.onSizeChanged(); } else { mResultName->setText(""); mResultDesc->setText(""); mResultThumbnail->setImage(""); // Metadata. if (mScrapeRatings) { mMD_Rating->setValue(""); mMD_Rating->setOpacity(0.0f); } // Set the release date to this value to force DateTimeEditComponent to put a // blank instead of the text 'unknown' prior to the scrape result being returned. mMD_ReleaseDate->setValue("19710101T010101"); mMD_Developer->setText(""); mMD_Publisher->setText(""); mMD_Genre->setText(""); mMD_Players->setText(""); } } bool GuiScraperSearch::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { if (config->isMappedTo("a", input) && input.value != 0) { if (mBlockAccept || mScraperResults.empty()) return true; mResultList->setHorizontalScrolling(false); } // Check whether we should allow a refine of the game name. if (!mAcceptedResult && config->isMappedTo("y", input) && input.value != 0) { bool allowRefine {false}; // Previously refined. if (mRefinedSearch) allowRefine = true; // Interactive mode and "Auto-accept single game matches" not enabled. else if (mSearchType != SEMIAUTOMATIC_MODE) allowRefine = true; // Interactive mode with "Auto-accept single game matches" enabled and more than one result. else if (mSearchType == SEMIAUTOMATIC_MODE && mScraperResults.size() > 1) allowRefine = true; // Dito but there were no games found, or the search has not been completed. else if (mSearchType == SEMIAUTOMATIC_MODE && !mFoundGame) allowRefine = true; if (allowRefine) { mResultList->resetSelectedRow(); openInputScreen(mLastSearch); } } // If multi-scraping, skip game unless the result has already been accepted. if (mSkipCallback != nullptr && !mAcceptedResult && // Line break. config->isMappedTo("x", input) && input.value) mSkipCallback(); return GuiComponent::input(config, input); } void GuiScraperSearch::render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) { glm::mat4 trans {parentTrans * getTransform()}; renderChildren(trans); mRenderer->drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, mSize.x, (mResultList->getRowHeight() * mRowCount) + mRenderer->getScreenHeightModifier(), mMenuColorPanelDimmed, mMenuColorPanelDimmed); // Slight adjustment upwards so the busy grid is not rendered precisely at the text edge. trans = glm::translate( trans, glm::vec3 {0.0f, std::round(-(mRenderer->getScreenResolutionModifier() * 10.0f)), 0.0f}); if (mBlockAccept) { mRenderer->setMatrix(trans); mBusyAnim.render(trans); } } void GuiScraperSearch::returnResult(ScraperSearchResult result) { mBlockAccept = true; mAcceptedResult = true; // Resolve metadata image before returning. if (result.mediaFilesDownloadStatus != COMPLETED) { result.mediaFilesDownloadStatus = IN_PROGRESS; LOG(LogDebug) << "GuiScraperSearch::returnResult(): Resolving metadata for \"" << result.mdl.get("name") << "\", game ID \"" << result.gameID << "\""; mMDResolveHandle = resolveMetaDataAssets(result, mLastSearch); return; } mScrapeCount -= 1; mAcceptCallback(result); mRefinedSearch = false; mRetryCount = 0; } void GuiScraperSearch::update(int deltaTime) { // The only purpose of calling startScraperSearch() here instead of in search() is because // the optional MD5 hash calculation needs to run in a separate thread to not lock the UI. if (mNextSearch && mHashSearch) { if (mMD5HashFuture.valid()) { // Only wait one millisecond as this update() function runs very frequently. if (mMD5HashFuture.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)) == std::future_status::ready) { if (mCalculateMD5HashThread.joinable()) mCalculateMD5HashThread.join(); mLastSearch.md5Hash = mMD5Hash; mSearchHandle = startScraperSearch(mLastSearch); mNextSearch = false; } } } else if (mNextSearch) { mSearchHandle = startScraperSearch(mLastSearch); mNextSearch = false; } GuiComponent::update(deltaTime); if (mBlockAccept) mBusyAnim.update(deltaTime); if (mRetrySearch) { // There was an error and we're attempting an automatic retry. mRetryAccumulator += deltaTime; if (mRetryAccumulator < mRetryTimer) return; mRetrySearch = false; mRetryAccumulator = 0; stop(); search(mLastSearch); return; } // Check if the thumbnail for the currently selected game has finished downloading. if (mScraperResults.size() > 0) { auto it = mThumbnailReqMap.find(mScraperResults[mResultList->getCursorId()].thumbnailImageUrl + "." + std::to_string(mResultList->getCursorId())); if (it != mThumbnailReqMap.end() && it->second->status() != HttpReq::REQ_IN_PROGRESS) updateThumbnail(); } if (mSearchHandle && mSearchHandle->status() != ASYNC_IN_PROGRESS) { auto status = mSearchHandle->status(); mScraperResults = mSearchHandle->getResults(); const std::string statusString {mSearchHandle->getStatusString()}; const bool retryFlag {mSearchHandle->getRetry()}; const bool fatalErrorFlag {mSearchHandle->getFatalError()}; // We reset here because onSearchDone in auto mode can call mSkipCallback() which // can call another search() which will set our mSearchHandle to something important. mSearchHandle.reset(); if (status == ASYNC_DONE && mScraperResults.size() == 0) onSearchDone(mScraperResults); if (status == ASYNC_DONE && mScraperResults.size() > 0) { if (mScraperResults.front().mediaURLFetch == COMPLETED) { onSearchDone(mScraperResults); } else { std::string gameIDs; for (auto it = mScraperResults.cbegin(); it != mScraperResults.cend(); ++it) gameIDs += it->gameID + ','; // Remove the last comma gameIDs.pop_back(); mMDRetrieveURLsHandle = startMediaURLsFetch(gameIDs); } } else if (status == ASYNC_ERROR) { onSearchError(statusString, retryFlag, fatalErrorFlag); } } if (mMDRetrieveURLsHandle && mMDRetrieveURLsHandle->status() != ASYNC_IN_PROGRESS) { if (mMDRetrieveURLsHandle->status() == ASYNC_DONE) { auto results_media = mMDRetrieveURLsHandle->getResults(); auto statusString_media = mMDRetrieveURLsHandle->getStatusString(); auto results_scrape = mScraperResults; mMDRetrieveURLsHandle.reset(); mScraperResults.clear(); // Combine the intial scrape results with the media URL results. for (auto it = results_media.cbegin(); it != results_media.cend(); ++it) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < results_scrape.size(); ++i) { if (results_scrape[i].gameID == it->gameID) { results_scrape[i].box3DUrl = it->box3DUrl; results_scrape[i].backcoverUrl = it->backcoverUrl; results_scrape[i].coverUrl = it->coverUrl; results_scrape[i].fanartUrl = it->fanartUrl; results_scrape[i].marqueeUrl = it->marqueeUrl; results_scrape[i].screenshotUrl = it->screenshotUrl; results_scrape[i].titlescreenUrl = it->titlescreenUrl; results_scrape[i].physicalmediaUrl = it->physicalmediaUrl; results_scrape[i].videoUrl = it->videoUrl; results_scrape[i].scraperRequestAllowance = it->scraperRequestAllowance; results_scrape[i].mediaURLFetch = COMPLETED; } } } onSearchDone(results_scrape); } else if (mMDRetrieveURLsHandle->status() == ASYNC_ERROR) { onSearchError(mMDRetrieveURLsHandle->getStatusString(), mMDRetrieveURLsHandle->getRetry(), (mSearchHandle != nullptr ? mSearchHandle->getFatalError() : false)); mMDRetrieveURLsHandle.reset(); } } // Check if a miximage generator thread was started, and if the processing has been completed. if (mMiximageGenerator && mGeneratorFuture.valid()) { // Only wait one millisecond as this update() function runs very frequently. if (mGeneratorFuture.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)) == std::future_status::ready) { mMDResolveHandle.reset(); // We always let the miximage generator thread complete. if (mMiximageGeneratorThread.joinable()) mMiximageGeneratorThread.join(); if (!mGeneratorFuture.get()) mScrapeResult.savedNewMedia = true; returnResult(mScrapeResult); mMiximageGenerator.reset(); } } if (mMDResolveHandle && mMDResolveHandle->status() != ASYNC_IN_PROGRESS) { if (mMDResolveHandle->status() == ASYNC_DONE) { mScrapeResult = mMDResolveHandle->getResult(); mScrapeResult.mediaFilesDownloadStatus = COMPLETED; mMDResolveHandle.reset(); if (mScrapeResult.mediaFilesDownloadStatus == COMPLETED && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("MiximageGenerate")) { std::string currentMiximage = mLastSearch.game->getMiximagePath(); if (currentMiximage == "" || (currentMiximage != "" && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("MiximageOverwrite"))) { mMiximageGenerator = std::make_unique<MiximageGenerator>(mLastSearch.game, mResultMessage); // The promise/future mechanism is used as signaling for the thread to // indicate that processing has been completed. The reason to run a separate // thread is that the busy animation will then be played and that the user // interface does not become completely unresponsive during the miximage // generation. std::promise<bool>().swap(mGeneratorPromise); mGeneratorFuture = mGeneratorPromise.get_future(); mMiximageGeneratorThread = std::thread(&MiximageGenerator::startThread, mMiximageGenerator.get(), &mGeneratorPromise); } else { returnResult(mScrapeResult); } } else { returnResult(mScrapeResult); } } else if (mMDResolveHandle->status() == ASYNC_ERROR) { onSearchError(mMDResolveHandle->getStatusString(), mMDResolveHandle->getRetry(), (mSearchHandle != nullptr ? mSearchHandle->getFatalError() : false)); mMDResolveHandle.reset(); } } } void GuiScraperSearch::updateThumbnail() { auto it = mThumbnailReqMap.find(mScraperResults[mResultList->getCursorId()].thumbnailImageUrl + "." + std::to_string(mResultList->getCursorId())); if (it != mThumbnailReqMap.end() && it->second->status() == HttpReq::REQ_SUCCESS) { // Save thumbnail to mScraperResults cache and set the flag that the // thumbnail download has been completed for this game. if (mScraperResults[mResultList->getCursorId()].thumbnailDownloadStatus == IN_PROGRESS) { mScraperResults[mResultList->getCursorId()].thumbnailImageData = it->second->getContent(); mScraperResults[mResultList->getCursorId()].thumbnailDownloadStatus = COMPLETED; } // Activate the thumbnail in the GUI. std::string content {mScraperResults[mResultList->getCursorId()].thumbnailImageData}; if (content.size() > 350) { mResultThumbnail->setImage(content.data(), content.length()); mGrid.onSizeChanged(); // A hack to fix the thumbnail position since its size changed. } } else { mResultThumbnail->setImage(""); onSearchError(_("Error downloading thumbnail:") + " \n" + it->second->getErrorMsg(), true, (mSearchHandle != nullptr ? mSearchHandle->getFatalError() : false), it->second->status()); } mThumbnailReqMap.erase(it); // When the thumbnail has been downloaded and we are in automatic mode, or if // we are in semi-automatic mode with a single matching game result, we proceed // to immediately download the rest of the media files. if ((mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE || (mSearchType == SEMIAUTOMATIC_MODE && mScraperResults.size() == 1 && mRefinedSearch == false)) && mScraperResults.front().thumbnailDownloadStatus == COMPLETED) { mRefinedSearch = false; if (mScraperResults.size() == 0) { mSkipCallback(); } else { if (mSearchType == AUTOMATIC_MODE) returnResult(mScraperResults[mAutomaticModeGameEntry]); else returnResult(mScraperResults.front()); } } } void GuiScraperSearch::openInputScreen(ScraperSearchParams& params) { auto searchForFunc = [&](std::string name) { // Trim leading and trailing whitespaces. name = Utils::String::trim(name); stop(); mRefinedSearch = true; params.nameOverride = name; if (mRefineCallback != nullptr) mRefineCallback(); search(params); }; mRetryCount = 0; std::string searchString; if (params.nameOverride.empty()) { // If the setting to search based on metadata name has been set, then show this string // regardless of whether the entry is an arcade game and TheGamesDB is used. if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperSearchMetadataName")) { searchString = Utils::String::removeParenthesis(params.game->metadata.get("name")); } else { // If searching based on the actual file name, then expand to the full game name // in case the scraper is set to TheGamesDB and it's an arcade game. This is // required as TheGamesDB does not support searches using the short MAME names. if (params.game->isArcadeGame() && Settings::getInstance()->getString("Scraper") == "thegamesdb") { searchString = MameNames::getInstance().getCleanName(params.game->getCleanName()); } else { if (params.game->getType() == GAME && Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(params.game->getFullPath())) { // For the special case where a directory has a supported file extension and is // therefore interpreted as a file, exclude the extension from the search. searchString = Utils::FileSystem::getStem(params.game->getCleanName()); } else { searchString = params.game->getCleanName(); } } } } else { searchString = params.nameOverride; } if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperConvertUnderscores")) searchString = Utils::String::replace(searchString, "_", " "); if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("VirtualKeyboard")) { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup( getHelpStyle(), 0.0f, _("REFINE SEARCH"), searchString, searchForFunc, false, _("SEARCH"), _("SEARCH USING REFINED NAME?"))); } else { mWindow->pushGui(new GuiTextEditPopup(getHelpStyle(), _("REFINE SEARCH"), searchString, searchForFunc, false, _("SEARCH"), _("SEARCH USING REFINED NAME?"))); } } bool GuiScraperSearch::saveMetadata(const ScraperSearchResult& result, MetaDataList& metadata, FileData* scrapedGame) { bool metadataUpdated {false}; bool hasDefaultName {false}; std::vector<MetaDataDecl> mMetaDataDecl {metadata.getMDD()}; std::string defaultName; // Get the default name, which is either the MAME name or the name of the physical file // or directory. if (scrapedGame->isArcadeGame()) defaultName = MameNames::getInstance().getCleanName(scrapedGame->getCleanName()); else defaultName = Utils::FileSystem::getStem(scrapedGame->getFileName()); // We want the comparison to be case sensitive. if (defaultName == metadata.get("name")) hasDefaultName = true; for (unsigned int i {0}; i < mMetaDataDecl.size(); ++i) { // Skip elements that are tagged not to be scraped. if (!mMetaDataDecl.at(i).shouldScrape) continue; const std::string& key {mMetaDataDecl.at(i).key}; // Skip element if the setting to not scrape metadata has been set, // unless its type is rating, controller or name. if (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScrapeMetadata") && (key != "rating" && key != "controller" && key != "name")) continue; // Skip saving of rating metadata if the corresponding option has been set to false. if (key == "rating" && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScrapeRatings")) continue; // ScreenScraper controller scraping is currently broken, it's unclear if they will fix it. // // Skip saving of controller metadata if the corresponding option has been set to false. // if (key == "controller" && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScrapeControllers")) // continue; // Skip saving of game name if the corresponding option has been set to false. if (key == "name" && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScrapeGameNames")) continue; // Skip elements that are empty. if (result.mdl.get(key) == "") continue; // Skip elements that are the same as the default metadata value. if (result.mdl.get(key) == mMetaDataDecl.at(i).defaultValue) continue; // Skip elements that are identical to the existing value. if (result.mdl.get(key) == metadata.get(key)) continue; // Make sure to set releasedate to the proper default value. if (key == "releasedate" && metadata.get(key) == "19700101T000000") metadata.set(key, mMetaDataDecl.at(i).defaultValue); // Overwrite all the other values if the flag to overwrite data has been set. if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperOverwriteData")) { metadata.set(key, result.mdl.get(key)); metadataUpdated = true; } // If the key is the game name and it's set to its default value, then update. else if (key == "name" && hasDefaultName) { metadata.set(key, result.mdl.get(key)); metadataUpdated = true; } // Else only update the value if it is set to the default metadata value. else if (metadata.get(key) == mMetaDataDecl.at(i).defaultValue) { metadata.set(key, result.mdl.get(key)); metadataUpdated = true; } } return metadataUpdated; } std::vector<HelpPrompt> GuiScraperSearch::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector<HelpPrompt> prompts; prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("y", _("refine search"))); // Only show the skip prompt during multi-scraping. if (mSkipCallback != nullptr) prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("x", _("skip"))); if (mFoundGame && (mRefinedSearch || mSearchType != SEMIAUTOMATIC_MODE || (mSearchType == SEMIAUTOMATIC_MODE && mScraperResults.size() > 1))) prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", _("accept result"))); return prompts; }