// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // GuiSettings.cpp // // User interface template for a settings GUI. // The saving of es_settings.xml, the reload of gamelists and some other actions are // also triggered to be executed here via flags set by the menu entries' lambda functions. // #include "guis/GuiSettings.h" #include "CollectionSystemsManager.h" #include "FileFilterIndex.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include "Window.h" #include "components/HelpComponent.h" #include "guis/GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup.h" #include "guis/GuiTextEditPopup.h" #include "views/GamelistView.h" #include <SDL2/SDL.h> GuiSettings::GuiSettings(std::string title) : mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()} , mMenu {title} , mGoToSystem {nullptr} , mNeedsSaving {false} , mNeedsCollectionsUpdate {false} , mNeedsSorting {false} , mNeedsSortingCollections {false} , mNeedsResetFilters {false} , mNeedsRescanROMDirectory {false} , mNeedsReloading {false} , mNeedsGoToStart {false} , mNeedsGoToSystem {false} , mNeedsGoToGroupedCollections {false} , mInvalidateCachedBackground {false} { addChild(&mMenu); mMenu.addButton(_("BACK"), _("back"), [this] { delete this; }); setSize(Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight()); mMenu.setPosition((mSize.x - mMenu.getSize().x) / 2.0f, Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.13f); } GuiSettings::~GuiSettings() { // Save on exit. save(); } void GuiSettings::save() { if (!mSaveFuncs.size()) return; for (auto it = mSaveFuncs.cbegin(); it != mSaveFuncs.cend(); ++it) (*it)(); if (mNeedsSaving) Settings::getInstance()->saveFile(); if (mNeedsRescanROMDirectory) { if (CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->isEditing()) CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->exitEditMode(); mWindow->stopInfoPopup(); // Write any gamelist.xml changes before proceeding with the rescan. if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("SaveGamelistsMode") == "on exit") { for (auto system : SystemData::sSystemVector) system->writeMetaData(); } // If a close menu function was passed to us, then run it. if (mCloseMenuFunction) { mCloseMenuFunction(); mCloseMenuFunction = nullptr; } ViewController::getInstance()->rescanROMDirectory(); } if (mNeedsCollectionsUpdate) { CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->loadEnabledListFromSettings(); CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->updateSystemsList(); } if (mNeedsSorting) { for (auto it = SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(); it != SystemData::sSystemVector.cend(); ++it) { if (!(!mNeedsSortingCollections && (*it)->isCollection())) (*it)->sortSystem(true); // Jump to the first row of the gamelist. GamelistView* gameList {ViewController::getInstance()->getGamelistView((*it)).get()}; gameList->setCursor(gameList->getFirstEntry()); } } if (mNeedsResetFilters) { for (auto it = SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(); // Line break. it != SystemData::sSystemVector.cend(); ++it) { if ((*it)->getThemeFolder() == "custom-collections") { for (FileData* customSystem : (*it)->getRootFolder()->getChildrenListToDisplay()) customSystem->getSystem()->getIndex()->resetFilters(); } (*it)->getIndex()->resetFilters(); } } if (mNeedsReloading) ViewController::getInstance()->reloadAll(); if (mNeedsGoToStart) ViewController::getInstance()->goToStart(false); // Special case from GuiCollectionSystemsOptions where we didn't yet know whether a matching // theme existed when creating a new custom collection. if (mNeedsGoToSystem && mNeedsGoToGroupedCollections) { mNeedsGoToSystem = false; for (SystemData* system : SystemData::sSystemVector) { if (system->getThemeFolder() == mGoToSystem->getThemeFolder()) { mNeedsGoToSystem = true; mNeedsGoToGroupedCollections = false; break; } } } if (mNeedsGoToSystem) ViewController::getInstance()->goToSystem(mGoToSystem, false); if (mNeedsGoToGroupedCollections) { bool groupedSystemExists {false}; for (SystemData* system : SystemData::sSystemVector) { if (system->getThemeFolder() == "custom-collections") { ViewController::getInstance()->goToSystem(system, false); groupedSystemExists = true; break; } } if (!groupedSystemExists) // No grouped custom collection system exists, so go to the first system instead. ViewController::getInstance()->goToSystem(SystemData::sSystemVector.front(), false); } if (mNeedsCollectionsUpdate) { auto state = ViewController::getInstance()->getState(); // If we're in any view other than the grouped custom collections, always jump to the // system view in case of any collection updates. This is overkill in some instances but // these views can behave a bit strange during collection changes so it's better to be on // the safe side. if (state.getSystem()->isCollection() && state.getSystem()->getThemeFolder() != "custom-collections") { ViewController::getInstance()->goToStart(false); ViewController::getInstance()->resetCamera(); SDL_Delay(100); mWindow->invalidateCachedBackground(); ViewController::getInstance()->goToSystem(SystemData::sSystemVector.front(), false); // We don't want to invalidate the cached background when there has been a collection // systen change as that may show a black screen in some circumstances. return; } // If the last displayed custom collection was just disabled, then go to start (to the // system view). if (std::find(SystemData::sSystemVector.begin(), SystemData::sSystemVector.end(), state.getSystem()) == SystemData::sSystemVector.end()) { ViewController::getInstance()->goToStart(false); ViewController::getInstance()->resetCamera(); SDL_Delay(100); mWindow->invalidateCachedBackground(); return; } ViewController::getInstance()->resetCamera(); } // If a close menu function was passed to us, then run it. if (mCloseMenuFunction) mCloseMenuFunction(); if (mInvalidateCachedBackground) { // This delay reduces the likelyhood that the SVG rasterizer which is running in a // separate thread is not done until the cached background is invalidated. Without // this delay there's a high chance that some theme elements are not rendered in // time and thus not getting included in the regenerated cached background. // This is just a hack though and a better mechanism is needed to handle this. SDL_Delay(100); mWindow->invalidateCachedBackground(); } } void GuiSettings::addEditableTextComponent(const std::string label, std::shared_ptr<GuiComponent> ed, std::string value, std::string defaultValue, bool isPassword) { ComponentListRow row; row.elements.clear(); auto lbl = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(Utils::String::toUpper(label), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM), mMenuColorPrimary, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER, glm::ivec2 {0, 0}); row.addElement(lbl, false); row.addElement(ed, true); const float maxLabelWidth {mMenu.getSize().x * 0.65f}; lbl->setSize(glm::clamp(lbl->getTextCache()->metrics.size.x, 0.0f, maxLabelWidth), lbl->getSize().y); auto spacer = std::make_shared<GuiComponent>(); spacer->setSize(Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.005f, 0.0f); row.addElement(spacer, false); auto bracket = std::make_shared<ImageComponent>(); bracket->setResize(glm::vec2 {0.0f, lbl->getFont()->getLetterHeight()}); bracket->setImage(":/graphics/arrow.svg"); bracket->setColorShift(mMenuColorPrimary); row.addElement(bracket, false); // OK callback (apply new value to ed). auto updateVal = [ed, defaultValue, isPassword](const std::string& newVal) { // If the field is blank, apply the default value if it's been passes as an argument. if (defaultValue != "" && newVal == "") { ed->setValue(defaultValue); } // If it's a password and actually set to something, then show a star mask. else if (isPassword && newVal == "") { ed->setValue(""); ed->setHiddenValue(""); } else if (isPassword) { ed->setValue("********"); ed->setHiddenValue(newVal); } else { ed->setValue(newVal); } }; if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("VirtualKeyboard")) { row.makeAcceptInputHandler([this, label, ed, updateVal, isPassword] { // Never display the value if it's a password, instead set it to blank. if (isPassword) mWindow->pushGui(new GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup( getHelpStyle(), getMenu().getPosition().y, label, "", updateVal, false, _("SAVE"), _("SAVE CHANGES?"))); else mWindow->pushGui(new GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup( getHelpStyle(), getMenu().getPosition().y, label, ed->getValue(), updateVal, false, _("SAVE"), _("SAVE CHANGES?"))); }); } else { row.makeAcceptInputHandler([this, label, ed, updateVal, isPassword] { if (isPassword) mWindow->pushGui(new GuiTextEditPopup(getHelpStyle(), label, "", updateVal, false, _("SAVE"), _("SAVE CHANGES?"))); else mWindow->pushGui(new GuiTextEditPopup(getHelpStyle(), label, ed->getValue(), updateVal, false, _("SAVE"), _("SAVE CHANGES?"))); }); } assert(ed); addRow(row); ed->setValue(value); } bool GuiSettings::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { if (config->isMappedTo("b", input) && input.value != 0) { delete this; return true; } return GuiComponent::input(config, input); } std::vector<HelpPrompt> GuiSettings::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector<HelpPrompt> prompts {mMenu.getHelpPrompts()}; prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("b", _("back"))); return prompts; }