// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // GameSelectorComponent.h // // Makes a selection of games based on theme-controlled criteria. // #ifndef ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_GAME_SELECTOR_COMPONENT_H #define ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_GAME_SELECTOR_COMPONENT_H #include "GuiComponent.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "ThemeData.h" class GameSelectorComponent : public GuiComponent { public: GameSelectorComponent(SystemData* system) : mSystem {system} , mGameSelection {GameSelection::RANDOM} , mNeedsRefresh {false} , mGameCount {1} , mAllowDuplicates {false} { mSystem->getRootFolder()->setUpdateListCallback([&]() { mNeedsRefresh = true; }); } ~GameSelectorComponent() { if (std::find(SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(), SystemData::sSystemVector.cend(), mSystem) != SystemData::sSystemVector.cend() || (SystemData::sSystemVector.size() != 0 && mSystem->isGroupedCustomCollection())) mSystem->getRootFolder()->setUpdateListCallback(nullptr); } enum class GameSelection { RANDOM, LAST_PLAYED, MOST_PLAYED }; const std::vector<FileData*>& getGames() const { return mGames; } void setNeedsRefresh() { mNeedsRefresh = true; } const bool getNeedsRefresh() { return mNeedsRefresh; } const GameSelection getGameSelection() const { return mGameSelection; } const std::string& getSelectorName() const { return mSelectorName; } const int getGameCount() const { return mGameCount; } void refreshGames() { if (!mNeedsRefresh) return; FileData* lastGame {nullptr}; if (mGameCount == 1 && !mGames.empty()) lastGame = mGames.front(); mGames.clear(); mNeedsRefresh = false; bool isKidMode {(Settings::getInstance()->getString("UIMode") == "kid" || Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ForceKid"))}; if (mGameSelection == GameSelection::RANDOM) { int tries {mSystem->getRootFolder()->getGameCount().first < 6 ? 12 : 8}; for (int i {0}; i < mGameCount; ++i) { if (mSystem->getRootFolder()->getGameCount().first == 0) break; if (!mAllowDuplicates && mSystem->getRootFolder()->getGameCount().first == mGames.size()) break; FileData* randomGame {nullptr}; if (mGameCount > 1 || lastGame == nullptr || mSystem->getRootFolder()->getGameCount().first == 1) randomGame = mSystem->getRandomGame(nullptr, true); else randomGame = mSystem->getRandomGame(lastGame, true); if (std::find(mGames.begin(), mGames.end(), randomGame) != mGames.end()) { if (tries > 0) { --i; --tries; } else if (mAllowDuplicates && randomGame != nullptr) { mGames.emplace_back(randomGame); } continue; } if (randomGame != nullptr) mGames.emplace_back(randomGame); } } else if (mGameSelection == GameSelection::LAST_PLAYED) { for (auto& child : mSystem->getRootFolder()->getChildrenLastPlayed()) { if (child->getType() != GAME) continue; if (!child->getCountAsGame()) continue; if (isKidMode && !child->getKidgame()) continue; if (child->metadata.get("lastplayed") == "0") continue; mGames.emplace_back(child); if (static_cast<int>(mGames.size()) == mGameCount) break; } } else if (mGameSelection == GameSelection::MOST_PLAYED) { for (auto& child : mSystem->getRootFolder()->getChildrenMostPlayed()) { if (child->getType() != GAME) continue; if (!child->getCountAsGame()) continue; if (isKidMode && !child->getKidgame()) continue; if (child->metadata.get("playcount") == "0") continue; mGames.emplace_back(child); if (static_cast<int>(mGames.size()) == mGameCount) break; } } } void applyTheme(const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme, const std::string& view, const std::string& element, unsigned int properties) { const ThemeData::ThemeElement* elem {theme->getElement(view, element, "gameselector")}; if (!elem) return; // Remove the leading "gameselector_" part of the element string in order to directly // match with the optional "gameselector" property used in other elements. mSelectorName = element.substr(13, std::string::npos); if (elem->has("selection")) { const std::string& selection {elem->get<std::string>("selection")}; if (selection == "random") { mGameSelection = GameSelection::RANDOM; } else if (selection == "lastplayed") { mGameSelection = GameSelection::LAST_PLAYED; mSystem->getRootFolder()->setUpdateChildrenLastPlayed(true); mSystem->getRootFolder()->updateLastPlayedList(); } else if (selection == "mostplayed") { mGameSelection = GameSelection::MOST_PLAYED; mSystem->getRootFolder()->setUpdateChildrenMostPlayed(true); mSystem->getRootFolder()->updateMostPlayedList(); } else { mGameSelection = GameSelection::RANDOM; LOG(LogWarning) << "GameSelectorComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"selection\" for element \"" << element.substr(13) << "\" defined as \"" << selection << "\""; } } if (elem->has("gameCount")) mGameCount = glm::clamp(static_cast<int>(elem->get<unsigned int>("gameCount")), 1, 30); if (elem->has("allowDuplicates")) mAllowDuplicates = elem->get<bool>("allowDuplicates"); } private: SystemData* mSystem; std::vector<FileData*> mGames; std::string mSelectorName; GameSelection mGameSelection; bool mNeedsRefresh; int mGameCount; bool mAllowDuplicates; }; #endif // ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_GAME_SELECTOR_COMPONENT_H