// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // VideoFFmpegComponent.h // // Video player based on FFmpeg. // #ifndef ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_VIDEO_FFMPEG_COMPONENT_H #define ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_VIDEO_FFMPEG_COMPONENT_H // Audio buffer in seconds. #define AUDIO_BUFFER 0.1 #include "VideoComponent.h" extern "C" { #include <libavcodec/avcodec.h> #include <libavfilter/avfilter.h> #include <libavfilter/buffersink.h> #include <libavfilter/buffersrc.h> #include <libavformat/avformat.h> #include <libavutil/channel_layout.h> #include <libavutil/imgutils.h> } #include <atomic> #include <chrono> #include <mutex> #include <queue> #include <thread> class VideoFFmpegComponent : public VideoComponent { public: VideoFFmpegComponent(); virtual ~VideoFFmpegComponent() { stopVideoPlayer(); } // Resize the video to fit this size. If one axis is zero, scale that axis to maintain // aspect ratio. If both are non-zero, potentially break the aspect ratio. If both are // zero, no resizing. This can be set before or after a video is loaded. // setMaxSize() and setResize() are mutually exclusive. void setResize(const float width, const float height) override; // Resize the video to be as large as possible but fit within a box of this size. // This can be set before or after a video is loaded. // Never breaks the aspect ratio. setMaxSize() and setResize() are mutually exclusive. void setMaxSize(float width, float height) override; // Resize and crop the video so it fills the entire area. void setCroppedSize(const glm::vec2& size) override; // Basic video controls. void stopVideoPlayer(bool muteAudio = true) override; void pauseVideoPlayer() override; // Handle looping of the video. Must be called periodically. void handleLooping() override; // Used to immediately mute audio even if there are samples to play in the buffer. void muteVideoPlayer() override; // Needed to be able to display the default image even if no image types have been defined. const std::string getDefaultImage() const override { return mDefaultImagePath; } private: void startVideoStream() override; // Calculates the correct mSize from our resizing information (set by setResize/setMaxSize). // Used internally whenever the resizing parameters or texture change. void resize(); void render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) override; void updatePlayer() override; // This will run the frame processing in a separate thread. void frameProcessing(); // Setup libavfilter. bool setupVideoFilters(); bool setupAudioFilters(); // Read frames from the video file and add them to the filter source. void readFrames(); // Get the frames that have been processed by the filters. void getProcessedFrames(); // Output frames to AudioManager and to the video surface (via the main thread). void outputFrames(); // Calculate the black frame that is rendered behind all videos and which may also be // adding pillarboxes/letterboxes. void calculateBlackFrame(); // Detect and initialize the hardware decoder. static void detectHWDecoder(); bool decoderInitHW(); // clang-format off static inline enum AVHWDeviceType sDeviceType {AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE}; static inline enum AVPixelFormat sPixelFormat {AV_PIX_FMT_NONE}; // clang-format on static inline std::vector<std::string> sSWDecodedVideos; static inline std::vector<std::string> sHWDecodedVideos; std::shared_ptr<TextureResource> mTexture; glm::vec2 mBlackFrameOffset; std::unique_ptr<std::thread> mFrameProcessingThread; std::mutex mPictureMutex; std::mutex mAudioMutex; AVFormatContext* mFormatContext; AVStream* mVideoStream; AVStream* mAudioStream; AVCodec* mVideoCodec; AVCodec* mAudioCodec; AVCodec* mHardwareCodec; AVBufferRef* mHwContext; AVCodecContext* mVideoCodecContext; AVCodecContext* mAudioCodecContext; int mVideoStreamIndex; int mAudioStreamIndex; AVPacket* mPacket; AVFrame* mVideoFrame; AVFrame* mVideoFrameResampled; AVFrame* mAudioFrame; AVFrame* mAudioFrameResampled; struct VideoFrame { std::vector<uint8_t> frameRGBA; int width; int height; double pts; double frameDuration; }; struct AudioFrame { std::vector<uint8_t> resampledData; double pts; }; struct OutputPicture { std::vector<uint8_t> pictureRGBA; bool hasBeenRendered; int width; int height; }; std::queue<VideoFrame> mVideoFrameQueue; std::queue<AudioFrame> mAudioFrameQueue; OutputPicture mOutputPicture; std::vector<uint8_t> mOutputAudio; AVFilterContext* mVBufferSrcContext; AVFilterContext* mVBufferSinkContext; AVFilterGraph* mVFilterGraph; AVFilterInOut* mVFilterInputs; AVFilterInOut* mVFilterOutputs; AVFilterContext* mABufferSrcContext; AVFilterContext* mABufferSinkContext; AVFilterGraph* mAFilterGraph; AVFilterInOut* mAFilterInputs; AVFilterInOut* mAFilterOutputs; int mVideoTargetQueueSize; int mAudioTargetQueueSize; double mVideoTimeBase; // Used for audio and video synchronization. std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point mTimeReference; int mAudioFrameCount; int mVideoFrameCount; int mVideoFrameReadCount; int mVideoFrameDroppedCount; std::atomic<float> mLinePaddingComp; std::atomic<double> mAccumulatedTime; std::atomic<bool> mStartTimeAccumulation; std::atomic<bool> mDecodedFrame; std::atomic<bool> mReadAllFrames; std::atomic<bool> mEndOfVideo; bool mSWDecoder; }; #endif // ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_VIDEO_FFMPEG_COMPONENT_H