// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // StringUtil.cpp // // Low-level string functions. // // Suppress codecvt deprecation warnings. #if defined(_MSC_VER) // MSVC compiler. #define _SILENCE_CXX17_CODECVT_HEADER_DEPRECATION_WARNING #elif defined(__clang__) #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif #include "utils/StringUtil.h" #include "Log.h" #include "utils/PlatformUtil.h" #include <unicode/brkiter.h> #include <unicode/ustring.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdarg> #include <locale> namespace Utils { namespace String { unsigned int chars2Unicode(const std::string& stringArg, size_t& cursor) { unsigned const char checkCharType {static_cast<unsigned char>(stringArg[cursor])}; unsigned int result {'?'}; // 0xxxxxxx, one byte character. if (checkCharType <= 0x7F) { // 0xxxxxxx result = (stringArg[cursor++]); } // 11110xxx, four byte character. else if (checkCharType >= 0xF0 && cursor < stringArg.length() - 2) { // 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx result = (stringArg[cursor++] & 0x07) << 18; result |= (stringArg[cursor++] & 0x3F) << 12; result |= (stringArg[cursor++] & 0x3F) << 6; result |= stringArg[cursor++] & 0x3F; } // 1110xxxx, three byte character. else if (checkCharType >= 0xE0 && cursor < stringArg.length() - 1) { // 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx result = (stringArg[cursor++] & 0x0F) << 12; result |= (stringArg[cursor++] & 0x3F) << 6; result |= stringArg[cursor++] & 0x3F; } // 110xxxxx, two byte character. else if (checkCharType >= 0xC0 && cursor < stringArg.length()) { // 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx result = (stringArg[cursor++] & 0x1F) << 6; result |= stringArg[cursor++] & 0x3F; } else { // Error, invalid character. ++cursor; } return result; } std::string unicode2Chars(const unsigned int unicodeArg) { std::string result; // Normal UTF-8 ASCII character. if (unicodeArg < 0x80) { result += (unicodeArg & 0xFF); } // Two-byte character. else if (unicodeArg < 0x800) { result += ((unicodeArg >> 6) & 0xFF) | 0xC0; result += (unicodeArg & 0x3F) | 0x80; } // Three-byte character. else if (unicodeArg < 0xFFFF) { result += ((unicodeArg >> 12) & 0xFF) | 0xE0; result += ((unicodeArg >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80; result += (unicodeArg & 0x3F) | 0x80; } // Four-byte character. else if (unicodeArg <= 0x1fffff) { result += ((unicodeArg >> 18) & 0xFF) | 0xF0; result += ((unicodeArg >> 12) & 0x3F) | 0x80; result += ((unicodeArg >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80; result += (unicodeArg & 0x3F) | 0x80; } else { // Error, invalid character. result += '?'; } return result; } std::string getFirstCharacter(const std::string& stringArg, bool toUpper) { std::string firstChar; unsigned const char checkCharType {static_cast<unsigned char>(stringArg.front())}; // Normal UTF-8 ASCII character. if (checkCharType <= 0x7F) (toUpper) ? firstChar = toupper(stringArg.front()) : firstChar = stringArg.front(); // Four-byte Unicode character. else if (checkCharType >= 0xF0) firstChar = stringArg.substr(0, 4); // Three-byte Unicode character. else if (checkCharType >= 0xE0) firstChar = stringArg.substr(0, 3); // Two-byte Unicode character. else if (checkCharType >= 0xC0) firstChar = stringArg.substr(0, 2); return firstChar; } size_t nextCursor(const std::string& stringArg, const size_t cursor) { size_t result {cursor}; while (result < stringArg.length()) { ++result; // Break if current character is not 10xxxxxx if ((stringArg[result] & 0xC0) != 0x80) break; } return result; } size_t prevCursor(const std::string& stringArg, const size_t cursor) { size_t result {cursor}; while (result > 0) { --result; // Break if current character is not 10xxxxxx if ((stringArg[result] & 0xC0) != 0x80) break; } return result; } size_t moveCursor(const std::string& stringArg, const size_t cursor, const int amount) { size_t result {cursor}; if (amount > 0) { for (int i {0}; i < amount; ++i) result = nextCursor(stringArg, result); } else if (amount < 0) { for (int i {amount}; i < 0; ++i) result = prevCursor(stringArg, result); } return result; } size_t unicodeLength(const std::string& stringArg) { size_t length {0}; size_t charLength {0}; for (size_t i {0}; i < stringArg.length(); i += charLength) { charLength = moveCursor(stringArg, i, 1) - i; ++length; } return length; } std::string toLower(const std::string& stringArg) { // IMPORTANT: On Windows specifically the StringPiece constructor which is implicitly // called by fromUTF8() crashes the application if a std::string is passed as the // argument. It's therefore necessary to use c_str() to work around this issue. // This behavior has been observed with ICU 75.1. icu::UnicodeString convert {icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(stringArg.c_str())}; std::string stringLower; convert.toLower(); return convert.toUTF8String(stringLower); } std::string toUpper(const std::string& stringArg) { icu::UnicodeString convert {icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(stringArg.c_str())}; std::string stringUpper; convert.toUpper(); return convert.toUTF8String(stringUpper); } std::string toCapitalized(const std::string& stringArg) { if (stringArg == "") return stringArg; UErrorCode status {U_ZERO_ERROR}; std::unique_ptr<icu::BreakIterator> iterator {nullptr}; // Since we don't know the actual text language we set it to locale en_US. iterator.reset(icu::BreakIterator::createWordInstance(icu::Locale::getUS(), status)); if (U_FAILURE(status) || iterator == nullptr) return stringArg; icu::UnicodeString iterateString { icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(stringArg.c_str()).toLower()}; if (iterateString != nullptr) { iterator->setText(iterateString); int32_t pos {iterator->first()}; int32_t lastPos {pos}; while (pos != icu::BreakIterator::DONE) { iterateString.replace(lastPos, 1, icu::UnicodeString(iterateString, pos, 1).toUpper()); pos = iterator->next(); lastPos = pos; } } else { return stringArg; } std::string stringCapitalized; return iterateString.toUTF8String(stringCapitalized); } std::string filterUtf8(const std::string& stringArg) { std::string tempString; utf8::replace_invalid(stringArg.begin(), stringArg.end(), back_inserter(tempString)); return tempString; } std::string trim(const std::string& stringArg) { std::string trimString {stringArg}; // Trim leading and trailing whitespaces. trimString.erase(trimString.begin(), std::find_if(trimString.begin(), trimString.end(), [](char c) { return !std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)); })); trimString.erase( std::find_if(trimString.rbegin(), trimString.rend(), [](char c) { return !std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)); }) .base(), trimString.end()); return trimString; } std::string replace(const std::string& stringArg, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) { std::string result {stringArg}; // The outer loop makes sure that we're eliminating all repeating occurances // of the 'from' value. while (result.find(from) != std::string::npos) { // Prevent endless loops. if (from == to) break; std::string replaced; size_t lastPos {0}; size_t findPos {0}; while ((findPos = result.find(from, lastPos)) != std::string::npos) { replaced.append(result, lastPos, findPos - lastPos).append(to); lastPos = findPos + from.length(); } replaced.append(result.substr(lastPos)); result = replaced; // Prevent endless loops. if (to.find(from) != std::string::npos) break; } return result; } std::string format(const std::string stringArg, ...) { if (stringArg.empty()) return ""; // Extract all the variadic function arguments. va_list args; va_list copy; va_start(args, stringArg); va_copy(copy, args); const int length {vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, &stringArg[0], copy)}; va_end(copy); std::string buffer(length, '\0'); va_copy(copy, args); vsnprintf(&buffer[0], length + 1, &stringArg[0], copy); va_end(copy); va_end(args); return buffer; } std::wstring stringToWideString(const std::string& stringArg) { std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> stringConverter; try { return stringConverter.from_bytes(stringArg); } catch (...) { LOG(LogError) << "StringUtil::stringToWideString(): Conversion failed, invalid " "characters in source string?"; LOG(LogError) << stringArg; Utils::Platform::emergencyShutdown(); return L""; } } std::string wideStringToString(const std::wstring& stringArg) { std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> stringConverter; try { return stringConverter.to_bytes(stringArg); } catch (...) { LOG(LogError) << "StringUtil::wideStringToString(): Conversion failed, invalid " "characters in source string?"; Utils::Platform::emergencyShutdown(); return ""; } } bool startsWith(const std::string& stringArg, const std::string& start) { return (stringArg.find(start) == 0); } bool endsWith(const std::string& stringArg, const std::string& end) { return (stringArg.find(end) == (stringArg.size() - end.size())); } std::string removeParenthesis(const std::string& stringArg) { static std::vector<char> remove {'(', ')', '[', ']'}; std::string stringRemove {stringArg}; size_t start; size_t end; bool done {false}; while (!done) { done = true; for (size_t i {0}; i < remove.size(); i += 2) { end = stringRemove.find_first_of(remove[i + 1]); start = stringRemove.find_last_of(remove[i + 0], end); if ((start != std::string::npos) && (end != std::string::npos)) { stringRemove.erase(start, end - start + 1); done = false; } } } return trim(stringRemove); } std::vector<std::string> delimitedStringToVector(const std::string& stringArg, const std::string& delimiter, bool sort, bool caseInsensitive) { std::vector<std::string> vectorResult; size_t start {0}; size_t delimPos {stringArg.find(delimiter)}; while (delimPos != std::string::npos) { vectorResult.push_back(stringArg.substr(start, delimPos - start)); start = delimPos + 1; delimPos = stringArg.find(delimiter, start); } vectorResult.push_back(stringArg.substr(start)); if (sort) { if (caseInsensitive) std::sort(std::begin(vectorResult), std::end(vectorResult), [](std::string a, std::string b) { return std::toupper(a.front()) < std::toupper(b.front()); }); else std::sort(vectorResult.begin(), vectorResult.end()); } // Remove any empty elements. vectorResult.erase(remove(vectorResult.begin(), vectorResult.end(), ""), vectorResult.end()); return vectorResult; } std::string vectorToDelimitedString(std::vector<std::string> vectorArg, const std::string& delimiter, bool caseInsensitive) { std::string resultString; if (caseInsensitive) { std::sort(std::begin(vectorArg), std::end(vectorArg), [](std::string a, std::string b) { return std::toupper(a.front()) < std::toupper(b.front()); }); } else { std::sort(vectorArg.begin(), vectorArg.end()); } for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = vectorArg.cbegin(); it != vectorArg.cend(); ++it) resultString += (resultString.length() ? delimiter : "") + (*it); return resultString; } std::string scramble(const std::string& input, const std::string& key) { std::string buffer {input}; for (size_t i {0}; i < input.size(); ++i) buffer[i] = input[i] ^ key[i]; return buffer; } } // namespace String } // namespace Utils