/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "lottieitem.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <iterator> #include "lottiekeypath.h" #include "vbitmap.h" #include "vpainter.h" #include "vraster.h" /* Lottie Layer Rules * 1. time stretch is pre calculated and applied to all the properties of the * lottilayer model and all its children * 2. The frame property could be reversed using,time-reverse layer property in * AE. which means (start frame > endFrame) 3. */ static bool transformProp(rlottie::Property prop) { switch (prop) { case rlottie::Property::TrAnchor: case rlottie::Property::TrScale: case rlottie::Property::TrOpacity: case rlottie::Property::TrPosition: case rlottie::Property::TrRotation: return true; default: return false; } } static bool fillProp(rlottie::Property prop) { switch (prop) { case rlottie::Property::FillColor: case rlottie::Property::FillOpacity: return true; default: return false; } } static bool strokeProp(rlottie::Property prop) { switch (prop) { case rlottie::Property::StrokeColor: case rlottie::Property::StrokeOpacity: case rlottie::Property::StrokeWidth: return true; default: return false; } } static renderer::Layer *createLayerItem(model::Layer *layerData, VArenaAlloc * allocator) { switch (layerData->mLayerType) { case model::Layer::Type::Precomp: { return allocator->make<renderer::CompLayer>(layerData, allocator); } case model::Layer::Type::Solid: { return allocator->make<renderer::SolidLayer>(layerData); } case model::Layer::Type::Shape: { return allocator->make<renderer::ShapeLayer>(layerData, allocator); } case model::Layer::Type::Null: { return allocator->make<renderer::NullLayer>(layerData); } case model::Layer::Type::Image: { return allocator->make<renderer::ImageLayer>(layerData); } default: return nullptr; break; } } renderer::Composition::Composition(std::shared_ptr<model::Composition> model) : mCurFrameNo(-1) { mModel = std::move(model); mRootLayer = createLayerItem(mModel->mRootLayer, &mAllocator); mRootLayer->setComplexContent(false); mViewSize = mModel->size(); } void renderer::Composition::setValue(const std::string &keypath, LOTVariant & value) { LOTKeyPath key(keypath); mRootLayer->resolveKeyPath(key, 0, value); } bool renderer::Composition::update(int frameNo, const VSize &size, bool keepAspectRatio) { // check if cached frame is same as requested frame. if ((mViewSize == size) && (mCurFrameNo == frameNo) && (mKeepAspectRatio == keepAspectRatio)) return false; mViewSize = size; mCurFrameNo = frameNo; mKeepAspectRatio = keepAspectRatio; /* * if viewbox dosen't scale exactly to the viewport * we scale the viewbox keeping AspectRatioPreserved and then align the * viewbox to the viewport using AlignCenter rule. */ VMatrix m; VSize viewPort = mViewSize; VSize viewBox = mModel->size(); float sx = float(viewPort.width()) / viewBox.width(); float sy = float(viewPort.height()) / viewBox.height(); if (mKeepAspectRatio) { float scale = std::min(sx, sy); float tx = (viewPort.width() - viewBox.width() * scale) * 0.5f; float ty = (viewPort.height() - viewBox.height() * scale) * 0.5f; m.translate(tx, ty).scale(scale, scale); } else { m.scale(sx, sy); } mRootLayer->update(frameNo, m, 1.0); return true; } bool renderer::Composition::render(const rlottie::Surface &surface) { mSurface.reset(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(surface.buffer()), uint32_t(surface.width()), uint32_t(surface.height()), uint32_t(surface.bytesPerLine()), VBitmap::Format::ARGB32_Premultiplied); /* schedule all preprocess task for this frame at once. */ VRect clip(0, 0, int(surface.drawRegionWidth()), int(surface.drawRegionHeight())); mRootLayer->preprocess(clip); VPainter painter(&mSurface); // set sub surface area for drawing. painter.setDrawRegion( VRect(int(surface.drawRegionPosX()), int(surface.drawRegionPosY()), int(surface.drawRegionWidth()), int(surface.drawRegionHeight()))); mRootLayer->render(&painter, {}, {}, mSurfaceCache); painter.end(); return true; } void renderer::Mask::update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float /*parentAlpha*/, const DirtyFlag &flag) { bool dirtyPath = false; if (flag.testFlag(DirtyFlagBit::None) && mData->isStatic()) return; if (mData->mShape.isStatic()) { if (mLocalPath.empty()) { dirtyPath = true; mData->mShape.value(frameNo, mLocalPath); } } else { dirtyPath = true; mData->mShape.value(frameNo, mLocalPath); } /* mask item dosen't inherit opacity */ mCombinedAlpha = mData->opacity(frameNo); if ( flag.testFlag(DirtyFlagBit::Matrix) || dirtyPath ) { mFinalPath.clone(mLocalPath); mFinalPath.transform(parentMatrix); mRasterRequest = true; } } VRle renderer::Mask::rle() { if (!vCompare(mCombinedAlpha, 1.0f)) { VRle obj = mRasterizer.rle(); obj *= uint8_t(mCombinedAlpha * 255); return obj; } else { return mRasterizer.rle(); } } void renderer::Mask::preprocess(const VRect &clip) { if (mRasterRequest) mRasterizer.rasterize(mFinalPath, FillRule::Winding, clip); } void renderer::Layer::render(VPainter *painter, const VRle &inheritMask, const VRle &matteRle, SurfaceCache &) { auto renderlist = renderList(); if (renderlist.empty()) return; VRle mask; if (mLayerMask) { mask = mLayerMask->maskRle(painter->clipBoundingRect()); if (!inheritMask.empty()) mask = mask & inheritMask; // if resulting mask is empty then return. if (mask.empty()) return; } else { mask = inheritMask; } for (auto &i : renderlist) { painter->setBrush(i->mBrush); VRle rle = i->rle(); if (matteRle.empty()) { if (mask.empty()) { // no mask no matte painter->drawRle(VPoint(), rle); } else { // only mask painter->drawRle(rle, mask); } } else { if (!mask.empty()) rle = rle & mask; if (rle.empty()) continue; if (matteType() == model::MatteType::AlphaInv) { rle = rle - matteRle; painter->drawRle(VPoint(), rle); } else { // render with matteRle as clip. painter->drawRle(rle, matteRle); } } } } void renderer::LayerMask::preprocess(const VRect &clip) { for (auto &i : mMasks) { i.preprocess(clip); } } renderer::LayerMask::LayerMask(model::Layer *layerData) { if (!layerData->mExtra) return; mMasks.reserve(layerData->mExtra->mMasks.size()); for (auto &i : layerData->mExtra->mMasks) { mMasks.emplace_back(i); mStatic &= i->isStatic(); } } void renderer::LayerMask::update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag) { if (flag.testFlag(DirtyFlagBit::None) && isStatic()) return; for (auto &i : mMasks) { i.update(frameNo, parentMatrix, parentAlpha, flag); } mDirty = true; } VRle renderer::LayerMask::maskRle(const VRect &clipRect) { if (!mDirty) return mRle; VRle rle; for (auto &e : mMasks) { const auto cur = [&]() { if (e.inverted()) return clipRect - e.rle(); else return e.rle(); }(); switch (e.maskMode()) { case model::Mask::Mode::Add: { rle = rle + cur; break; } case model::Mask::Mode::Substarct: { if (rle.empty() && !clipRect.empty()) rle = clipRect - cur; else rle = rle - cur; break; } case model::Mask::Mode::Intersect: { if (rle.empty() && !clipRect.empty()) rle = clipRect & cur; else rle = rle & cur; break; } case model::Mask::Mode::Difference: { rle = rle ^ cur; break; } default: break; } } if (!rle.empty() && !rle.unique()) { mRle.clone(rle); } else { mRle = rle; } mDirty = false; return mRle; } renderer::Layer::Layer(model::Layer *layerData) : mLayerData(layerData) { if (mLayerData->mHasMask) mLayerMask = std::make_unique<renderer::LayerMask>(mLayerData); } bool renderer::Layer::resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) { if (!keyPath.matches(name(), depth)) { return false; } if (!keyPath.skip(name())) { if (keyPath.fullyResolvesTo(name(), depth) && transformProp(value.property())) { //@TODO handle propery update. } } return true; } bool renderer::ShapeLayer::resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) { if (renderer::Layer::resolveKeyPath(keyPath, depth, value)) { if (keyPath.propagate(name(), depth)) { uint32_t newDepth = keyPath.nextDepth(name(), depth); mRoot->resolveKeyPath(keyPath, newDepth, value); } return true; } return false; } bool renderer::CompLayer::resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) { if (renderer::Layer::resolveKeyPath(keyPath, depth, value)) { if (keyPath.propagate(name(), depth)) { uint32_t newDepth = keyPath.nextDepth(name(), depth); for (const auto &layer : mLayers) { layer->resolveKeyPath(keyPath, newDepth, value); } } return true; } return false; } void renderer::Layer::update(int frameNumber, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha) { mFrameNo = frameNumber; // 1. check if the layer is part of the current frame if (!visible()) return; float alpha = parentAlpha * opacity(frameNo()); if (vIsZero(alpha)) { mCombinedAlpha = 0; return; } // 2. calculate the parent matrix and alpha VMatrix m = matrix(frameNo()); m *= parentMatrix; // 3. update the dirty flag based on the change if (mCombinedMatrix != m) { mDirtyFlag |= DirtyFlagBit::Matrix; mCombinedMatrix = m; } if (!vCompare(mCombinedAlpha, alpha)) { mDirtyFlag |= DirtyFlagBit::Alpha; mCombinedAlpha = alpha; } // 4. update the mask if (mLayerMask) { mLayerMask->update(frameNo(), mCombinedMatrix, mCombinedAlpha, mDirtyFlag); } // 5. if no parent property change and layer is static then nothing to do. if (!mLayerData->precompLayer() && flag().testFlag(DirtyFlagBit::None) && isStatic()) return; // 6. update the content of the layer updateContent(); // 7. reset the dirty flag mDirtyFlag = DirtyFlagBit::None; } VMatrix renderer::Layer::matrix(int frameNo) const { return mParentLayer ? (mLayerData->matrix(frameNo) * mParentLayer->matrix(frameNo)) : mLayerData->matrix(frameNo); } bool renderer::Layer::visible() const { return (frameNo() >= mLayerData->inFrame() && frameNo() <= mLayerData->outFrame()); } void renderer::Layer::preprocess(const VRect &clip) { // layer dosen't contribute to the frame if (skipRendering()) return; // preprocess layer masks if (mLayerMask) mLayerMask->preprocess(clip); preprocessStage(clip); } renderer::CompLayer::CompLayer(model::Layer *layerModel, VArenaAlloc *allocator) : renderer::Layer(layerModel) { if (!mLayerData->mChildren.empty()) mLayers.reserve(mLayerData->mChildren.size()); // 1. keep the layer in back-to-front order. // as lottie model keeps the data in front-toback-order. for (auto it = mLayerData->mChildren.crbegin(); it != mLayerData->mChildren.rend(); ++it) { auto model = static_cast<model::Layer *>(*it); auto item = createLayerItem(model, allocator); if (item) mLayers.push_back(item); } // 2. update parent layer for (const auto &layer : mLayers) { int id = layer->parentId(); if (id >= 0) { auto search = std::find_if(mLayers.begin(), mLayers.end(), [id](const auto &val) { return val->id() == id; }); if (search != mLayers.end()) layer->setParentLayer(*search); } } // 4. check if its a nested composition if (!layerModel->layerSize().empty()) { mClipper = std::make_unique<renderer::Clipper>(layerModel->layerSize()); } if (mLayers.size() > 1) setComplexContent(true); } void renderer::CompLayer::render(VPainter *painter, const VRle &inheritMask, const VRle &matteRle, SurfaceCache &cache) { if (vIsZero(combinedAlpha())) return; if (vCompare(combinedAlpha(), 1.0)) { renderHelper(painter, inheritMask, matteRle, cache); } else { if (complexContent()) { VSize size = painter->clipBoundingRect().size(); VPainter srcPainter; VBitmap srcBitmap = cache.make_surface(size.width(), size.height()); srcPainter.begin(&srcBitmap); renderHelper(&srcPainter, inheritMask, matteRle, cache); srcPainter.end(); painter->drawBitmap(VPoint(), srcBitmap, uint8_t(combinedAlpha() * 255.0f)); cache.release_surface(srcBitmap); } else { renderHelper(painter, inheritMask, matteRle, cache); } } } void renderer::CompLayer::renderHelper(VPainter * painter, const VRle & inheritMask, const VRle & matteRle, SurfaceCache &cache) { VRle mask; if (mLayerMask) { mask = mLayerMask->maskRle(painter->clipBoundingRect()); if (!inheritMask.empty()) mask = mask & inheritMask; // if resulting mask is empty then return. if (mask.empty()) return; } else { mask = inheritMask; } if (mClipper) { mask = mClipper->rle(mask); if (mask.empty()) return; } renderer::Layer *matte = nullptr; for (const auto &layer : mLayers) { if (layer->hasMatte()) { matte = layer; } else { if (layer->visible()) { if (matte) { if (matte->visible()) renderMatteLayer(painter, mask, matteRle, matte, layer, cache); } else { layer->render(painter, mask, matteRle, cache); } } matte = nullptr; } } } void renderer::CompLayer::renderMatteLayer(VPainter *painter, const VRle &mask, const VRle & matteRle, renderer::Layer *layer, renderer::Layer *src, SurfaceCache & cache) { VSize size = painter->clipBoundingRect().size(); // Decide if we can use fast matte. // 1. draw src layer to matte buffer VPainter srcPainter; VBitmap srcBitmap = cache.make_surface(size.width(), size.height()); srcPainter.begin(&srcBitmap); src->render(&srcPainter, mask, matteRle, cache); srcPainter.end(); // 2. draw layer to layer buffer VPainter layerPainter; VBitmap layerBitmap = cache.make_surface(size.width(), size.height()); layerPainter.begin(&layerBitmap); layer->render(&layerPainter, mask, matteRle, cache); // 2.1update composition mode switch (layer->matteType()) { case model::MatteType::Alpha: case model::MatteType::Luma: { layerPainter.setBlendMode(BlendMode::DestIn); break; } case model::MatteType::AlphaInv: case model::MatteType::LumaInv: { layerPainter.setBlendMode(BlendMode::DestOut); break; } default: break; } // 2.2 update srcBuffer if the matte is luma type if (layer->matteType() == model::MatteType::Luma || layer->matteType() == model::MatteType::LumaInv) { srcBitmap.updateLuma(); } auto clip = layerPainter.clipBoundingRect(); // if the layer has only one renderer then use it as the clip rect // when blending 2 buffer and copy back to final buffer to avoid // unnecessary pixel processing. if (layer->renderList().size() == 1) { clip = layer->renderList()[0]->rle().boundingRect(); } // 2.3 draw src buffer as mask layerPainter.drawBitmap(clip, srcBitmap, clip); layerPainter.end(); // 3. draw the result buffer into painter painter->drawBitmap(clip, layerBitmap, clip); cache.release_surface(srcBitmap); cache.release_surface(layerBitmap); } void renderer::Clipper::update(const VMatrix &matrix) { mPath.reset(); mPath.addRect(VRectF(0, 0, mSize.width(), mSize.height())); mPath.transform(matrix); mRasterRequest = true; } void renderer::Clipper::preprocess(const VRect &clip) { if (mRasterRequest) mRasterizer.rasterize(mPath, FillRule::Winding, clip); mRasterRequest = false; } VRle renderer::Clipper::rle(const VRle &mask) { if (mask.empty()) return mRasterizer.rle(); mMaskedRle.clone(mask); mMaskedRle &= mRasterizer.rle(); return mMaskedRle; } void renderer::CompLayer::updateContent() { if (mClipper && flag().testFlag(DirtyFlagBit::Matrix)) { mClipper->update(combinedMatrix()); } int mappedFrame = mLayerData->timeRemap(frameNo()); float alpha = combinedAlpha(); if (complexContent()) alpha = 1; for (const auto &layer : mLayers) { layer->update(mappedFrame, combinedMatrix(), alpha); } } void renderer::CompLayer::preprocessStage(const VRect &clip) { // if layer has clipper if (mClipper) mClipper->preprocess(clip); renderer::Layer *matte = nullptr; for (const auto &layer : mLayers) { if (layer->hasMatte()) { matte = layer; } else { if (layer->visible()) { if (matte) { if (matte->visible()) { layer->preprocess(clip); matte->preprocess(clip); } } else { layer->preprocess(clip); } } matte = nullptr; } } } renderer::SolidLayer::SolidLayer(model::Layer *layerData) : renderer::Layer(layerData) { mDrawableList = &mRenderNode; } void renderer::SolidLayer::updateContent() { if (flag() & DirtyFlagBit::Matrix) { mPath.reset(); mPath.addRect(VRectF(0, 0, mLayerData->layerSize().width(), mLayerData->layerSize().height())); mPath.transform(combinedMatrix()); mRenderNode.mFlag |= VDrawable::DirtyState::Path; mRenderNode.mPath = mPath; } if (flag() & DirtyFlagBit::Alpha) { model::Color color = mLayerData->solidColor(); VBrush brush(color.toColor(combinedAlpha())); mRenderNode.setBrush(brush); mRenderNode.mFlag |= VDrawable::DirtyState::Brush; } } void renderer::SolidLayer::preprocessStage(const VRect &clip) { mRenderNode.preprocess(clip); } renderer::DrawableList renderer::SolidLayer::renderList() { if (skipRendering()) return {}; return {&mDrawableList, 1}; } renderer::ImageLayer::ImageLayer(model::Layer *layerData) : renderer::Layer(layerData) { mDrawableList = &mRenderNode; if (!mLayerData->asset()) return; mTexture.mBitmap = mLayerData->asset()->bitmap(); VBrush brush(&mTexture); mRenderNode.setBrush(brush); } void renderer::ImageLayer::updateContent() { if (!mLayerData->asset()) return; if (flag() & DirtyFlagBit::Matrix) { mPath.reset(); mPath.addRect(VRectF(0, 0, mLayerData->asset()->mWidth, mLayerData->asset()->mHeight)); mPath.transform(combinedMatrix()); mRenderNode.mFlag |= VDrawable::DirtyState::Path; mRenderNode.mPath = mPath; mTexture.mMatrix = combinedMatrix(); } if (flag() & DirtyFlagBit::Alpha) { mTexture.mAlpha = int(combinedAlpha() * 255); } } void renderer::ImageLayer::preprocessStage(const VRect &clip) { mRenderNode.preprocess(clip); } renderer::DrawableList renderer::ImageLayer::renderList() { if (skipRendering()) return {}; return {&mDrawableList, 1}; } renderer::NullLayer::NullLayer(model::Layer *layerData) : renderer::Layer(layerData) { } void renderer::NullLayer::updateContent() {} static renderer::Object *createContentItem(model::Object *contentData, VArenaAlloc * allocator) { switch (contentData->type()) { case model::Object::Type::Group: { return allocator->make<renderer::Group>( static_cast<model::Group *>(contentData), allocator); } case model::Object::Type::Rect: { return allocator->make<renderer::Rect>( static_cast<model::Rect *>(contentData)); } case model::Object::Type::Ellipse: { return allocator->make<renderer::Ellipse>( static_cast<model::Ellipse *>(contentData)); } case model::Object::Type::Path: { return allocator->make<renderer::Path>( static_cast<model::Path *>(contentData)); } case model::Object::Type::Polystar: { return allocator->make<renderer::Polystar>( static_cast<model::Polystar *>(contentData)); } case model::Object::Type::Fill: { return allocator->make<renderer::Fill>( static_cast<model::Fill *>(contentData)); } case model::Object::Type::GFill: { return allocator->make<renderer::GradientFill>( static_cast<model::GradientFill *>(contentData)); } case model::Object::Type::Stroke: { return allocator->make<renderer::Stroke>( static_cast<model::Stroke *>(contentData)); } case model::Object::Type::GStroke: { return allocator->make<renderer::GradientStroke>( static_cast<model::GradientStroke *>(contentData)); } case model::Object::Type::Repeater: { return allocator->make<renderer::Repeater>( static_cast<model::Repeater *>(contentData), allocator); } case model::Object::Type::Trim: { return allocator->make<renderer::Trim>( static_cast<model::Trim *>(contentData)); } default: return nullptr; break; } } renderer::ShapeLayer::ShapeLayer(model::Layer *layerData, VArenaAlloc * allocator) : renderer::Layer(layerData), mRoot(allocator->make<renderer::Group>(nullptr, allocator)) { mRoot->addChildren(layerData, allocator); std::vector<renderer::Shape *> list; mRoot->processPaintItems(list); if (layerData->hasPathOperator()) { list.clear(); mRoot->processTrimItems(list); } } void renderer::ShapeLayer::updateContent() { mRoot->update(frameNo(), combinedMatrix(), 1.0f , flag()); if (mLayerData->hasPathOperator()) { mRoot->applyTrim(); } } void renderer::ShapeLayer::preprocessStage(const VRect &clip) { mDrawableList.clear(); mRoot->renderList(mDrawableList); for (auto &drawable : mDrawableList) drawable->preprocess(clip); } renderer::DrawableList renderer::ShapeLayer::renderList() { if (skipRendering()) return {}; mDrawableList.clear(); mRoot->renderList(mDrawableList); if (mDrawableList.empty()) return {}; return {mDrawableList.data(), mDrawableList.size()}; } void renderer::ShapeLayer::render(VPainter *painter, const VRle &inheritMask, const VRle &matteRle, SurfaceCache &cache) { if (vIsZero(combinedAlpha())) return; if (vCompare(combinedAlpha(), 1.0)) { Layer::render(painter, inheritMask, matteRle, cache); } else { //do offscreen rendering VSize size = painter->clipBoundingRect().size(); VPainter srcPainter; VBitmap srcBitmap = cache.make_surface(size.width(), size.height()); srcPainter.begin(&srcBitmap); Layer::render(&srcPainter, inheritMask, matteRle, cache); srcPainter.end(); painter->drawBitmap(VPoint(), srcBitmap, uint8_t(combinedAlpha() * 255.0f)); cache.release_surface(srcBitmap); } } bool renderer::Group::resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) { if (!keyPath.skip(name())) { if (!keyPath.matches(mModel.name(), depth)) { return false; } if (!keyPath.skip(mModel.name())) { if (keyPath.fullyResolvesTo(mModel.name(), depth) && transformProp(value.property())) { mModel.filter()->addValue(value); } } } if (keyPath.propagate(name(), depth)) { uint32_t newDepth = keyPath.nextDepth(name(), depth); for (auto &child : mContents) { child->resolveKeyPath(keyPath, newDepth, value); } } return true; } bool renderer::Fill::resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) { if (!keyPath.matches(mModel.name(), depth)) { return false; } if (keyPath.fullyResolvesTo(mModel.name(), depth) && fillProp(value.property())) { mModel.filter()->addValue(value); return true; } return false; } bool renderer::Stroke::resolveKeyPath(LOTKeyPath &keyPath, uint32_t depth, LOTVariant &value) { if (!keyPath.matches(mModel.name(), depth)) { return false; } if (keyPath.fullyResolvesTo(mModel.name(), depth) && strokeProp(value.property())) { mModel.filter()->addValue(value); return true; } return false; } renderer::Group::Group(model::Group *data, VArenaAlloc *allocator) : mModel(data) { addChildren(data, allocator); } void renderer::Group::addChildren(model::Group *data, VArenaAlloc *allocator) { if (!data) return; if (!data->mChildren.empty()) mContents.reserve(data->mChildren.size()); // keep the content in back-to-front order. // as lottie model keeps it in front-to-back order. for (auto it = data->mChildren.crbegin(); it != data->mChildren.rend(); ++it) { auto content = createContentItem(*it, allocator); if (content) { mContents.push_back(content); } } } void renderer::Group::update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag) { DirtyFlag newFlag = flag; float alpha; if (mModel.hasModel() && mModel.transform()) { VMatrix m = mModel.matrix(frameNo); m *= parentMatrix; if (!(flag & DirtyFlagBit::Matrix) && !mModel.transform()->isStatic() && (m != mMatrix)) { newFlag |= DirtyFlagBit::Matrix; } mMatrix = m; alpha = parentAlpha * mModel.transform()->opacity(frameNo); if (!vCompare(alpha, parentAlpha)) { newFlag |= DirtyFlagBit::Alpha; } } else { mMatrix = parentMatrix; alpha = parentAlpha; } for (const auto &content : mContents) { content->update(frameNo, matrix(), alpha, newFlag); } } void renderer::Group::applyTrim() { for (auto i = mContents.rbegin(); i != mContents.rend(); ++i) { auto content = (*i); switch (content->type()) { case renderer::Object::Type::Trim: { static_cast<renderer::Trim *>(content)->update(); break; } case renderer::Object::Type::Group: { static_cast<renderer::Group *>(content)->applyTrim(); break; } default: break; } } } void renderer::Group::renderList(std::vector<VDrawable *> &list) { for (const auto &content : mContents) { content->renderList(list); } } void renderer::Group::processPaintItems(std::vector<renderer::Shape *> &list) { size_t curOpCount = list.size(); for (auto i = mContents.rbegin(); i != mContents.rend(); ++i) { auto content = (*i); switch (content->type()) { case renderer::Object::Type::Shape: { auto pathItem = static_cast<renderer::Shape *>(content); pathItem->setParent(this); list.push_back(pathItem); break; } case renderer::Object::Type::Paint: { static_cast<renderer::Paint *>(content)->addPathItems(list, curOpCount); break; } case renderer::Object::Type::Group: { static_cast<renderer::Group *>(content)->processPaintItems(list); break; } default: break; } } } void renderer::Group::processTrimItems(std::vector<renderer::Shape *> &list) { size_t curOpCount = list.size(); for (auto i = mContents.rbegin(); i != mContents.rend(); ++i) { auto content = (*i); switch (content->type()) { case renderer::Object::Type::Shape: { list.push_back(static_cast<renderer::Shape *>(content)); break; } case renderer::Object::Type::Trim: { static_cast<renderer::Trim *>(content)->addPathItems(list, curOpCount); break; } case renderer::Object::Type::Group: { static_cast<renderer::Group *>(content)->processTrimItems(list); break; } default: break; } } } /* * renderer::Shape uses 2 path objects for path object reuse. * mLocalPath - keeps track of the local path of the item before * applying path operation and transformation. * mTemp - keeps a referece to the mLocalPath and can be updated by the * path operation objects(trim, merge path), * We update the DirtyPath flag if the path needs to be updated again * beacuse of local path or matrix or some path operation has changed which * affects the final path. * The PaintObject queries the dirty flag to check if it needs to compute the * final path again and calls finalPath() api to do the same. * finalPath() api passes a result Object so that we keep only one copy of * the path object in the paintItem (for memory efficiency). * NOTE: As path objects are COW objects we have to be * carefull about the refcount so that we don't generate deep copy while * modifying the path objects. */ void renderer::Shape::update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &, float, const DirtyFlag &flag) { mDirtyPath = false; // 1. update the local path if needed if (hasChanged(frameNo)) { // loose the reference to mLocalPath if any // from the last frame update. mTemp = VPath(); updatePath(mLocalPath, frameNo); mDirtyPath = true; } // 2. keep a reference path in temp in case there is some // path operation like trim which will update the path. // we don't want to update the local path. mTemp = mLocalPath; // 3. mark the path dirty if matrix has changed. if (flag & DirtyFlagBit::Matrix) { mDirtyPath = true; } } void renderer::Shape::finalPath(VPath &result) { result.addPath(mTemp, static_cast<renderer::Group *>(parent())->matrix()); } renderer::Rect::Rect(model::Rect *data) : renderer::Shape(data->isStatic()), mData(data) { } void renderer::Rect::updatePath(VPath &path, int frameNo) { VPointF pos = mData->mPos.value(frameNo); VPointF size = mData->mSize.value(frameNo); float roundness = mData->roundness(frameNo); VRectF r(pos.x() - size.x() / 2, pos.y() - size.y() / 2, size.x(), size.y()); path.reset(); path.addRoundRect(r, roundness, mData->direction()); } renderer::Ellipse::Ellipse(model::Ellipse *data) : renderer::Shape(data->isStatic()), mData(data) { } void renderer::Ellipse::updatePath(VPath &path, int frameNo) { VPointF pos = mData->mPos.value(frameNo); VPointF size = mData->mSize.value(frameNo); VRectF r(pos.x() - size.x() / 2, pos.y() - size.y() / 2, size.x(), size.y()); path.reset(); path.addOval(r, mData->direction()); } renderer::Path::Path(model::Path *data) : renderer::Shape(data->isStatic()), mData(data) { } void renderer::Path::updatePath(VPath &path, int frameNo) { mData->mShape.value(frameNo, path); } renderer::Polystar::Polystar(model::Polystar *data) : renderer::Shape(data->isStatic()), mData(data) { } void renderer::Polystar::updatePath(VPath &path, int frameNo) { VPointF pos = mData->mPos.value(frameNo); float points = mData->mPointCount.value(frameNo); float innerRadius = mData->mInnerRadius.value(frameNo); float outerRadius = mData->mOuterRadius.value(frameNo); float innerRoundness = mData->mInnerRoundness.value(frameNo); float outerRoundness = mData->mOuterRoundness.value(frameNo); float rotation = mData->mRotation.value(frameNo); path.reset(); VMatrix m; if (mData->mPolyType == model::Polystar::PolyType::Star) { path.addPolystar(points, innerRadius, outerRadius, innerRoundness, outerRoundness, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mData->direction()); } else { path.addPolygon(points, outerRadius, outerRoundness, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mData->direction()); } m.translate(pos.x(), pos.y()).rotate(rotation); m.rotate(rotation); path.transform(m); } /* * PaintData Node handling * */ renderer::Paint::Paint(bool staticContent) : mStaticContent(staticContent) {} void renderer::Paint::update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag & /*flag*/) { mRenderNodeUpdate = true; mContentToRender = updateContent(frameNo, parentMatrix, parentAlpha); } void renderer::Paint::updateRenderNode() { bool dirty = false; for (auto &i : mPathItems) { if (i->dirty()) { dirty = true; break; } } if (dirty) { mPath.reset(); for (const auto &i : mPathItems) { i->finalPath(mPath); } mDrawable.setPath(mPath); } else { if (mDrawable.mFlag & VDrawable::DirtyState::Path) mDrawable.mPath = mPath; } } void renderer::Paint::renderList(std::vector<VDrawable *> &list) { if (mRenderNodeUpdate) { updateRenderNode(); mRenderNodeUpdate = false; } // Q: Why we even update the final path if we don't have content // to render ? // Ans: We update the render nodes because we will loose the // dirty path information at end of this frame. // so if we return early without updating the final path. // in the subsequent frame when we have content to render but // we may not able to update our final path properly as we // don't know what paths got changed in between. if (mContentToRender) list.push_back(&mDrawable); } void renderer::Paint::addPathItems(std::vector<renderer::Shape *> &list, size_t startOffset) { std::copy(list.begin() + startOffset, list.end(), back_inserter(mPathItems)); } renderer::Fill::Fill(model::Fill *data) : renderer::Paint(data->isStatic()), mModel(data) { mDrawable.setName(mModel.name()); } bool renderer::Fill::updateContent(int frameNo, const VMatrix &, float alpha) { auto combinedAlpha = alpha * mModel.opacity(frameNo); auto color = mModel.color(frameNo).toColor(combinedAlpha); VBrush brush(color); mDrawable.setBrush(brush); mDrawable.setFillRule(mModel.fillRule()); return !color.isTransparent(); } renderer::GradientFill::GradientFill(model::GradientFill *data) : renderer::Paint(data->isStatic()), mData(data) { mDrawable.setName(mData->name()); } bool renderer::GradientFill::updateContent(int frameNo, const VMatrix &matrix, float alpha) { float combinedAlpha = alpha * mData->opacity(frameNo); mData->update(mGradient, frameNo); mGradient->setAlpha(combinedAlpha); mGradient->mMatrix = matrix; mDrawable.setBrush(VBrush(mGradient.get())); mDrawable.setFillRule(mData->fillRule()); return !vIsZero(combinedAlpha); } renderer::Stroke::Stroke(model::Stroke *data) : renderer::Paint(data->isStatic()), mModel(data) { mDrawable.setName(mModel.name()); if (mModel.hasDashInfo()) { mDrawable.setType(VDrawable::Type::StrokeWithDash); } else { mDrawable.setType(VDrawable::Type::Stroke); } } static vthread_local std::vector<float> Dash_Vector; bool renderer::Stroke::updateContent(int frameNo, const VMatrix &matrix, float) { auto combinedAlpha = mModel.opacity(frameNo); auto color = mModel.color(frameNo).toColor(combinedAlpha); VBrush brush(color); mDrawable.setBrush(brush); float scale = matrix.scale(); mDrawable.setStrokeInfo(mModel.capStyle(), mModel.joinStyle(), mModel.miterLimit(), mModel.strokeWidth(frameNo) * scale); if (mModel.hasDashInfo()) { Dash_Vector.clear(); mModel.getDashInfo(frameNo, Dash_Vector); if (!Dash_Vector.empty()) { for (auto &elm : Dash_Vector) elm *= scale; mDrawable.setDashInfo(Dash_Vector); } } return !color.isTransparent(); } renderer::GradientStroke::GradientStroke(model::GradientStroke *data) : renderer::Paint(data->isStatic()), mData(data) { mDrawable.setName(mData->name()); if (mData->hasDashInfo()) { mDrawable.setType(VDrawable::Type::StrokeWithDash); } else { mDrawable.setType(VDrawable::Type::Stroke); } } bool renderer::GradientStroke::updateContent(int frameNo, const VMatrix &matrix, float alpha) { float combinedAlpha = alpha * mData->opacity(frameNo); mData->update(mGradient, frameNo); mGradient->setAlpha(combinedAlpha); mGradient->mMatrix = matrix; auto scale = mGradient->mMatrix.scale(); mDrawable.setBrush(VBrush(mGradient.get())); mDrawable.setStrokeInfo(mData->capStyle(), mData->joinStyle(), mData->miterLimit(), mData->width(frameNo) * scale); if (mData->hasDashInfo()) { Dash_Vector.clear(); mData->getDashInfo(frameNo, Dash_Vector); if (!Dash_Vector.empty()) { for (auto &elm : Dash_Vector) elm *= scale; mDrawable.setDashInfo(Dash_Vector); } } return !vIsZero(combinedAlpha); } void renderer::Trim::update(int frameNo, const VMatrix & /*parentMatrix*/, float /*parentAlpha*/, const DirtyFlag & /*flag*/) { mDirty = false; if (mCache.mFrameNo == frameNo) return; model::Trim::Segment segment = mData->segment(frameNo); if (!(vCompare(mCache.mSegment.start, segment.start) && vCompare(mCache.mSegment.end, segment.end))) { mDirty = true; mCache.mSegment = segment; } mCache.mFrameNo = frameNo; } void renderer::Trim::update() { // when both path and trim are not dirty if (!(mDirty || pathDirty())) return; if (vCompare(mCache.mSegment.start, mCache.mSegment.end)) { for (auto &i : mPathItems) { i->updatePath(VPath()); } return; } if (vCompare(std::fabs(mCache.mSegment.start - mCache.mSegment.end), 1)) { for (auto &i : mPathItems) { i->updatePath(i->localPath()); } return; } if (mData->type() == model::Trim::TrimType::Simultaneously) { for (auto &i : mPathItems) { mPathMesure.setRange(mCache.mSegment.start, mCache.mSegment.end); i->updatePath(mPathMesure.trim(i->localPath())); } } else { // model::Trim::TrimType::Individually float totalLength = 0.0; for (auto &i : mPathItems) { totalLength += i->localPath().length(); } float start = totalLength * mCache.mSegment.start; float end = totalLength * mCache.mSegment.end; if (start < end) { float curLen = 0.0; for (auto &i : mPathItems) { if (curLen > end) { // update with empty path. i->updatePath(VPath()); continue; } float len = i->localPath().length(); if (curLen < start && curLen + len < start) { curLen += len; // update with empty path. i->updatePath(VPath()); continue; } else if (start <= curLen && end >= curLen + len) { // inside segment curLen += len; continue; } else { float local_start = start > curLen ? start - curLen : 0; local_start /= len; float local_end = curLen + len < end ? len : end - curLen; local_end /= len; mPathMesure.setRange(local_start, local_end); i->updatePath(mPathMesure.trim(i->localPath())); curLen += len; } } } } } void renderer::Trim::addPathItems(std::vector<renderer::Shape *> &list, size_t startOffset) { std::copy(list.begin() + startOffset, list.end(), back_inserter(mPathItems)); } renderer::Repeater::Repeater(model::Repeater *data, VArenaAlloc *allocator) : mRepeaterData(data) { assert(mRepeaterData->content()); mCopies = mRepeaterData->maxCopies(); for (int i = 0; i < mCopies; i++) { auto content = allocator->make<renderer::Group>( mRepeaterData->content(), allocator); // content->setParent(this); mContents.push_back(content); } } void renderer::Repeater::update(int frameNo, const VMatrix &parentMatrix, float parentAlpha, const DirtyFlag &flag) { DirtyFlag newFlag = flag; float copies = mRepeaterData->copies(frameNo); int visibleCopies = int(copies); if (visibleCopies == 0) { mHidden = true; return; } mHidden = false; if (!mRepeaterData->isStatic()) newFlag |= DirtyFlagBit::Matrix; float offset = mRepeaterData->offset(frameNo); float startOpacity = mRepeaterData->mTransform.startOpacity(frameNo); float endOpacity = mRepeaterData->mTransform.endOpacity(frameNo); newFlag |= DirtyFlagBit::Alpha; for (int i = 0; i < mCopies; ++i) { float newAlpha = parentAlpha * lerp(startOpacity, endOpacity, i / copies); // hide rest of the copies , @TODO find a better solution. if (i >= visibleCopies) newAlpha = 0; VMatrix result = mRepeaterData->mTransform.matrix(frameNo, i + offset) * parentMatrix; mContents[i]->update(frameNo, result, newAlpha, newFlag); } } void renderer::Repeater::renderList(std::vector<VDrawable *> &list) { if (mHidden) return; return renderer::Group::renderList(list); }