/* * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #define __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ 1 #include <errno.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <time.h> #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || \ defined(__MINGW32__) /* Win32, DOS, MSVC, MSVS */ #include <direct.h> #define STRCLONE(STR) ((STR) ? _strdup(STR) : NULL) #define HAS_DEVICE(P) \ ((((P)[0] >= 'A' && (P)[0] <= 'Z') || ((P)[0] >= 'a' && (P)[0] <= 'z')) && \ (P)[1] == ':') #define FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(P) (HAS_DEVICE(P) ? 2 : 0) #else #include <unistd.h> // needed for symlink() #define STRCLONE(STR) ((STR) ? strdup(STR) : NULL) #endif #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif #include "miniz.h" #include "zip.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #include <io.h> #define ftruncate(fd, sz) (-(_chsize_s((fd), (sz)) != 0)) #define fileno _fileno #endif #if defined(__TINYC__) && (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)) #include <io.h> #define ftruncate(fd, sz) (-(_chsize_s((fd), (sz)) != 0)) #define fileno _fileno #endif #ifndef HAS_DEVICE #define HAS_DEVICE(P) 0 #endif #ifndef FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN #define FILESYSTEM_PREFIX_LEN(P) 0 #endif #ifndef ISSLASH #define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') #endif #define CLEANUP(ptr) \ do { \ if (ptr) { \ free((void *)ptr); \ ptr = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) #define UNX_IFDIR 0040000 /* Unix directory */ #define UNX_IFREG 0100000 /* Unix regular file */ #define UNX_IFSOCK 0140000 /* Unix socket (BSD, not SysV or Amiga) */ #define UNX_IFLNK 0120000 /* Unix symbolic link (not SysV, Amiga) */ #define UNX_IFBLK 0060000 /* Unix block special (not Amiga) */ #define UNX_IFCHR 0020000 /* Unix character special (not Amiga) */ #define UNX_IFIFO 0010000 /* Unix fifo (BCC, not MSC or Amiga) */ struct zip_entry_t { ssize_t index; char *name; mz_uint64 uncomp_size; mz_uint64 comp_size; mz_uint32 uncomp_crc32; mz_uint64 offset; mz_uint8 header[MZ_ZIP_LOCAL_DIR_HEADER_SIZE]; mz_uint64 header_offset; mz_uint16 method; mz_zip_writer_add_state state; tdefl_compressor comp; mz_uint32 external_attr; time_t m_time; }; struct zip_t { mz_zip_archive archive; mz_uint level; struct zip_entry_t entry; }; enum zip_modify_t { MZ_KEEP = 0, MZ_DELETE = 1, MZ_MOVE = 2, }; struct zip_entry_mark_t { ssize_t file_index; enum zip_modify_t type; mz_uint64 m_local_header_ofs; size_t lf_length; }; static char *zip_strrpl(const char *str, size_t n, char oldchar, char newchar) { char c; size_t i; char *rpl = (char *)calloc((1 + n), sizeof(char)); char *begin = rpl; if (!rpl) { return NULL; } for (i = 0; (i < n) && (c = *str++); ++i) { if (c == oldchar) { c = newchar; } *rpl++ = c; } return begin; } static int zip_archive_truncate(mz_zip_archive *pzip) { mz_zip_internal_state *pState = pzip->m_pState; mz_uint64 file_size = pzip->m_archive_size; if ((pzip->m_pWrite == mz_zip_heap_write_func) && (pState->m_pMem)) { return 0; } if (pzip->m_zip_mode == MZ_ZIP_MODE_WRITING_HAS_BEEN_FINALIZED) { if (pState->m_pFile) { int fd = fileno(pState->m_pFile); return ftruncate(fd, file_size); } } return 0; } static inline void zip_archive_finalize(mz_zip_archive *pzip) { mz_zip_writer_finalize_archive(pzip); zip_archive_truncate(pzip); } int zip_entry_openbyindex(struct zip_t *zip, size_t index) { mz_zip_archive *pZip = NULL; mz_zip_archive_file_stat stats; mz_uint namelen; const mz_uint8 *pHeader; const char *pFilename; if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized return ZIP_ENOINIT; } pZip = &(zip->archive); if (pZip->m_zip_mode != MZ_ZIP_MODE_READING) { // open by index requires readonly mode return ZIP_EINVMODE; } if (index >= (size_t)pZip->m_total_files) { // index out of range return ZIP_EINVIDX; } if (!(pHeader = &MZ_ZIP_ARRAY_ELEMENT( &pZip->m_pState->m_central_dir, mz_uint8, MZ_ZIP_ARRAY_ELEMENT(&pZip->m_pState->m_central_dir_offsets, mz_uint32, index)))) { // cannot find header in central directory return ZIP_ENOHDR; } namelen = MZ_READ_LE16(pHeader + MZ_ZIP_CDH_FILENAME_LEN_OFS); pFilename = (const char *)pHeader + MZ_ZIP_CENTRAL_DIR_HEADER_SIZE; /* .ZIP File Format Specification Version: 6.3.3 The name of the file, with optional relative path. The path stored MUST not contain a drive or device letter, or a leading slash. All slashes MUST be forward slashes '/' as opposed to backwards slashes '\' for compatibility with Amiga and UNIX file systems etc. If input came from standard input, there is no file name field. */ if (zip->entry.name) { CLEANUP(zip->entry.name); } #ifdef ZIP_RAW_ENTRYNAME zip->entry.name = STRCLONE(pFilename); #else zip->entry.name = zip_strrpl(pFilename, namelen, '\\', '/'); #endif if (!zip->entry.name) { // local entry name is NULL return ZIP_EINVENTNAME; } if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(pZip, (mz_uint)index, &stats)) { return ZIP_ENOENT; } zip->entry.index = (ssize_t)index; zip->entry.comp_size = stats.m_comp_size; zip->entry.uncomp_size = stats.m_uncomp_size; zip->entry.uncomp_crc32 = stats.m_crc32; zip->entry.offset = stats.m_central_dir_ofs; zip->entry.header_offset = stats.m_local_header_ofs; zip->entry.method = stats.m_method; zip->entry.external_attr = stats.m_external_attr; #ifndef MINIZ_NO_TIME zip->entry.m_time = stats.m_time; #endif return 0; } int zip_entry_close(struct zip_t *zip) { mz_zip_archive *pzip = NULL; mz_uint level; tdefl_status done; mz_uint16 entrylen; mz_uint16 dos_time = 0, dos_date = 0; int err = 0; mz_uint8 *pExtra_data = NULL; mz_uint32 extra_size = 0; mz_uint8 extra_data[MZ_ZIP64_MAX_CENTRAL_EXTRA_FIELD_SIZE]; mz_uint8 local_dir_footer[MZ_ZIP_DATA_DESCRIPTER_SIZE64]; mz_uint32 local_dir_footer_size = MZ_ZIP_DATA_DESCRIPTER_SIZE64; if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized err = ZIP_ENOINIT; goto cleanup; } pzip = &(zip->archive); if (pzip->m_zip_mode == MZ_ZIP_MODE_READING) { goto cleanup; } level = zip->level & 0xF; if (level) { done = tdefl_compress_buffer(&(zip->entry.comp), "", 0, TDEFL_FINISH); if (done != TDEFL_STATUS_DONE && done != TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY) { // Cannot flush compressed buffer err = ZIP_ETDEFLBUF; goto cleanup; } zip->entry.comp_size = zip->entry.state.m_comp_size; zip->entry.offset = zip->entry.state.m_cur_archive_file_ofs; zip->entry.method = MZ_DEFLATED; } entrylen = (mz_uint16)strlen(zip->entry.name); #ifndef MINIZ_NO_TIME mz_zip_time_t_to_dos_time(zip->entry.m_time, &dos_time, &dos_date); #endif MZ_WRITE_LE32(local_dir_footer + 0, MZ_ZIP_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ID); MZ_WRITE_LE32(local_dir_footer + 4, zip->entry.uncomp_crc32); MZ_WRITE_LE64(local_dir_footer + 8, zip->entry.comp_size); MZ_WRITE_LE64(local_dir_footer + 16, zip->entry.uncomp_size); if (pzip->m_pWrite(pzip->m_pIO_opaque, zip->entry.offset, local_dir_footer, local_dir_footer_size) != local_dir_footer_size) { // Cannot write zip entry header err = ZIP_EWRTHDR; goto cleanup; } zip->entry.offset += local_dir_footer_size; pExtra_data = extra_data; extra_size = mz_zip_writer_create_zip64_extra_data( extra_data, (zip->entry.uncomp_size >= MZ_UINT32_MAX) ? &zip->entry.uncomp_size : NULL, (zip->entry.comp_size >= MZ_UINT32_MAX) ? &zip->entry.comp_size : NULL, (zip->entry.header_offset >= MZ_UINT32_MAX) ? &zip->entry.header_offset : NULL); if ((entrylen) && (zip->entry.name[entrylen - 1] == '/') && !zip->entry.uncomp_size) { /* Set DOS Subdirectory attribute bit. */ zip->entry.external_attr |= MZ_ZIP_DOS_DIR_ATTRIBUTE_BITFLAG; } if (!mz_zip_writer_add_to_central_dir( pzip, zip->entry.name, entrylen, pExtra_data, (mz_uint16)extra_size, "", 0, zip->entry.uncomp_size, zip->entry.comp_size, zip->entry.uncomp_crc32, zip->entry.method, MZ_ZIP_GENERAL_PURPOSE_BIT_FLAG_UTF8 | MZ_ZIP_LDH_BIT_FLAG_HAS_LOCATOR, dos_time, dos_date, zip->entry.header_offset, zip->entry.external_attr, NULL, 0)) { // Cannot write to zip central dir err = ZIP_EWRTDIR; goto cleanup; } pzip->m_total_files++; pzip->m_archive_size = zip->entry.offset; cleanup: if (zip) { zip->entry.m_time = 0; CLEANUP(zip->entry.name); } return err; } const char *zip_entry_name(struct zip_t *zip) { if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized return NULL; } return zip->entry.name; } int zip_entry_write(struct zip_t *zip, const void *buf, size_t bufsize) { mz_uint level; mz_zip_archive *pzip = NULL; tdefl_status status; if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized return ZIP_ENOINIT; } pzip = &(zip->archive); if (buf && bufsize > 0) { zip->entry.uncomp_size += bufsize; zip->entry.uncomp_crc32 = (mz_uint32)mz_crc32( zip->entry.uncomp_crc32, (const mz_uint8 *)buf, bufsize); level = zip->level & 0xF; if (!level) { if ((pzip->m_pWrite(pzip->m_pIO_opaque, zip->entry.offset, buf, bufsize) != bufsize)) { // Cannot write buffer return ZIP_EWRTENT; } zip->entry.offset += bufsize; zip->entry.comp_size += bufsize; } else { status = tdefl_compress_buffer(&(zip->entry.comp), buf, bufsize, TDEFL_NO_FLUSH); if (status != TDEFL_STATUS_DONE && status != TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY) { // Cannot compress buffer return ZIP_ETDEFLBUF; } } } return 0; } ssize_t zip_entry_read(struct zip_t *zip, void **buf, size_t *bufsize) { mz_zip_archive *pzip = NULL; mz_uint idx; size_t size = 0; if (!zip) { // zip_t handler is not initialized return (ssize_t)ZIP_ENOINIT; } pzip = &(zip->archive); if (pzip->m_zip_mode != MZ_ZIP_MODE_READING || zip->entry.index < (ssize_t)0) { // the entry is not found or we do not have read access return (ssize_t)ZIP_ENOENT; } idx = (mz_uint)zip->entry.index; if (mz_zip_reader_is_file_a_directory(pzip, idx)) { // the entry is a directory return (ssize_t)ZIP_EINVENTTYPE; } *buf = mz_zip_reader_extract_to_heap(pzip, idx, &size, 0); if (*buf && bufsize) { *bufsize = size; } return (ssize_t)size; } struct zip_t *zip_stream_open(const char *stream, size_t size, int level, char mode) { struct zip_t *zip = (struct zip_t *)calloc((size_t)1, sizeof(struct zip_t)); if (!zip) { return NULL; } if (level < 0) { level = MZ_DEFAULT_LEVEL; } if ((level & 0xF) > MZ_UBER_COMPRESSION) { // Wrong compression level goto cleanup; } zip->level = (mz_uint)level; if ((stream != NULL) && (size > 0) && (mode == 'r')) { if (!mz_zip_reader_init_mem(&(zip->archive), stream, size, 0)) { goto cleanup; } } else if ((stream == NULL) && (size == 0) && (mode == 'w')) { // Create a new archive. if (!mz_zip_writer_init_heap(&(zip->archive), 0, 1024)) { // Cannot initialize zip_archive writer goto cleanup; } } else { goto cleanup; } return zip; cleanup: CLEANUP(zip); return NULL; } void zip_stream_close(struct zip_t *zip) { if (zip) { mz_zip_writer_end(&(zip->archive)); mz_zip_reader_end(&(zip->archive)); CLEANUP(zip); } }