/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef VDRAWHELPER_H #define VDRAWHELPER_H #include <memory> #include <array> #include "assert.h" #include "vbitmap.h" #include "vbrush.h" #include "vrect.h" #include "vrle.h" V_USE_NAMESPACE struct VSpanData; struct Operator; struct RenderFunc { using Color = void (*)(uint32_t *dest, int length, uint32_t color, uint32_t alpha); using Src = void (*)(uint32_t *dest, int length, const uint32_t *src, uint32_t alpha); enum class Type { Invalid, Color, Src, }; RenderFunc() = default; RenderFunc(Type t, Color f):type_(t), color_(f){assert(t == Type::Color);} RenderFunc(Type t, Src f):type_(t), src_(f){ assert(t == Type::Src);} Type type_{Type::Invalid}; union { Color color_; Src src_; }; }; class RenderFuncTable { public: RenderFuncTable(); RenderFunc::Color color(BlendMode mode) const { return colorTable[uint32_t(mode)].color_; } RenderFunc::Src src(BlendMode mode) const { return srcTable[uint32_t(mode)].src_; } private: void neon(); void sse(); void updateColor(BlendMode mode, RenderFunc::Color f) { colorTable[uint32_t(mode)] = {RenderFunc::Type::Color, f}; } void updateSrc(BlendMode mode, RenderFunc::Src f) { srcTable[uint32_t(mode)] = {RenderFunc::Type::Src, f}; } private: std::array<RenderFunc, uint32_t(BlendMode::Last)> colorTable; std::array<RenderFunc, uint32_t(BlendMode::Last)> srcTable; }; typedef void (*SourceFetchProc)(uint32_t *buffer, const Operator *o, const VSpanData *data, int y, int x, int length); typedef void (*ProcessRleSpan)(size_t count, const VRle::Span *spans, void *userData); extern void memfill32(uint32_t *dest, uint32_t value, int count); struct LinearGradientValues { float dx; float dy; float l; float off; }; struct RadialGradientValues { float dx; float dy; float dr; float sqrfr; float a; float inv2a; bool extended; }; struct Operator { BlendMode mode; SourceFetchProc srcFetch; RenderFunc::Color funcSolid; RenderFunc::Src func; union { LinearGradientValues linear; RadialGradientValues radial; }; }; class VRasterBuffer { public: VBitmap::Format prepare(const VBitmap *image); void clear(); void resetBuffer(int val = 0); inline uint8_t *scanLine(int y) { assert(y >= 0); assert(size_t(y) < mHeight); return mBuffer + y * mBytesPerLine; } uint32_t *pixelRef(int x, int y) const { return (uint32_t *)(mBuffer + y * mBytesPerLine + x * mBytesPerPixel); } size_t width() const { return mWidth; } size_t height() const { return mHeight; } size_t bytesPerLine() const { return mBytesPerLine; } size_t bytesPerPixel() const { return mBytesPerPixel; } VBitmap::Format format() const { return mFormat; } private: VBitmap::Format mFormat{VBitmap::Format::ARGB32_Premultiplied}; size_t mWidth{0}; size_t mHeight{0}; size_t mBytesPerLine{0}; size_t mBytesPerPixel{0}; mutable uint8_t *mBuffer{nullptr}; }; struct VGradientData { VGradient::Spread mSpread; struct Linear { float x1, y1, x2, y2; }; struct Radial { float cx, cy, fx, fy, cradius, fradius; }; union { Linear linear; Radial radial; }; const uint32_t *mColorTable; bool mColorTableAlpha; }; struct VTextureData : public VRasterBuffer { uint32_t pixel(int x, int y) const { return *pixelRef(x, y); }; uint8_t alpha() const { return mAlpha; } void setAlpha(uint8_t alpha) { mAlpha = alpha; } void setClip(const VRect &clip); // clip rect int left; int right; int top; int bottom; bool hasAlpha; uint8_t mAlpha; }; struct VColorTable { uint32_t buffer32[VGradient::colorTableSize]; bool alpha{true}; }; struct VSpanData { enum class Type { None, Solid, LinearGradient, RadialGradient, Texture }; void updateSpanFunc(); void init(VRasterBuffer *image); void setup(const VBrush &brush, BlendMode mode = BlendMode::SrcOver, int alpha = 255); void setupMatrix(const VMatrix &matrix); VRect clipRect() const { return VRect(0, 0, mDrawableSize.width(), mDrawableSize.height()); } void setDrawRegion(const VRect ®ion) { mOffset = VPoint(region.left(), region.top()); mDrawableSize = VSize(region.width(), region.height()); } uint32_t *buffer(int x, int y) const { return mRasterBuffer->pixelRef(x + mOffset.x(), y + mOffset.y()); } void initTexture(const VBitmap *image, int alpha, const VRect &sourceRect); const VTextureData &texture() const { return mTexture; } BlendMode mBlendMode{BlendMode::SrcOver}; VRasterBuffer * mRasterBuffer; ProcessRleSpan mBlendFunc; ProcessRleSpan mUnclippedBlendFunc; VSpanData::Type mType; std::shared_ptr<const VColorTable> mColorTable{nullptr}; VPoint mOffset; // offset to the subsurface VSize mDrawableSize; // suburface size uint32_t mSolid; VGradientData mGradient; VTextureData mTexture; float m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m33, dx, dy; // inverse xform matrix bool fast_matrix{true}; VMatrix::MatrixType transformType{VMatrix::MatrixType::None}; }; #define BYTE_MUL(c, a) \ ((((((c) >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff) * (a)) & 0xff00ff00) + \ (((((c)&0x00ff00ff) * (a)) >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff)) inline constexpr int vRed(uint32_t c) { return ((c >> 16) & 0xff); } inline constexpr int vGreen(uint32_t c) { return ((c >> 8) & 0xff); } inline constexpr int vBlue(uint32_t c) { return (c & 0xff); } inline constexpr int vAlpha(uint32_t c) { return c >> 24; } static inline uint32_t interpolate_pixel(uint32_t x, uint32_t a, uint32_t y, uint32_t b) { uint32_t t = (x & 0xff00ff) * a + (y & 0xff00ff) * b; t >>= 8; t &= 0xff00ff; x = ((x >> 8) & 0xff00ff) * a + ((y >> 8) & 0xff00ff) * b; x &= 0xff00ff00; x |= t; return x; } #endif // QDRAWHELPER_P_H