<theme> <variables> <systemName>Supervision</systemName> <systemDescription>The Watara Supervision, also known as the QuickShot Supervision in the UK, is a monochrome handheld game console, originating from Asia, and introduced in 1992 as a cut-price competitor for Nintendo's Game Boy. It came packaged with a game called Crystball, which is similar to Breakout. One unique feature of the Supervision was that it could be linked up to a television via a link cable. Games played in this way would display in four colors, much like Nintendo's Super Game Boy add-on for the SNES. A full color TV link was also in the works, but because of the Supervision's failure to make a major impression among gamers it was cancelled, along with the games which were in development for it.</systemDescription> <systemManufacturer>Watara</systemManufacturer> <systemReleaseYear>1992</systemReleaseYear> <systemReleaseDate>1992-12-31</systemReleaseDate> <systemReleaseDateFormated>December 31, 1992</systemReleaseDateFormated> <systemHardwareType>Portable</systemHardwareType> <systemCoverSize>3-4</systemCoverSize> <systemColor>2ba9a0</systemColor> <systemColorPalette1>000000</systemColorPalette1> <systemColorPalette2>718E2C</systemColorPalette2> <systemColorPalette3>9A9A9A</systemColorPalette3> <systemColorPalette4>00FFEE</systemColorPalette4> </variables> <language name="sv_SE"> <variables> <systemHardwareType>Bärbar</systemHardwareType> </variables> </language> </theme>