December 8, 2012 -Fixed a segfault when opening the menu (related to sounds). Woops! -Fixed PAGEDOWN/PAGEUP not appearing in the input config GUI. -Fixed PAGEDOWN/PAGEUP not properly clearing/updating detail data. November 19 -Added Arch Linux's DejaVuSeriff.ttf path to the list of fonts to check for. November 17 -Fixed default game image resizing if none is defined. -Heavily refactored theming. You shouldn't notice any changes, but if something broke, let me know! November 14 -Added Exit command to the menu. October 31 -Added custom font support. Check out -Happy halloween! October 26 -Hopefully fixed the black screen bug with certain programs. October 25 -Added gameImageNotFound tag for an image to display if a game image is not found/defined. -Fixed keyboard not skipping joystick input configuration. -Fixed a nasty crash bug with sounds. Always initialize your variables, kids! October 17 -Added GuiAnimation class which animates its children. -The game image on the game list now slides/fades in and out. -You can now define alpha in hex colors (add two characters) - e.g. FFFFFF2F October 14 -Fixed game list continuing to scroll when a menu is opened or a game is started. October 13 -Added sound support through SDL_mixer. -Added new theme tags for defining menu sounds. See for details. -Added new theme tags for defining game art information. See for details. October 10 -Added a theming tag for the Fast Select box's text. -Fixed GuiBox background being positioned wrong. -Fixed GuiBox/GuiFastSelect render order. -Redid tiling to use only 6 verticies (instead of tilecount-dependent) with wrapped textures. Tiling is also precise now (cuts off when it should). October 7 -Fixed borders for GuiBox. The right and bottom borders are flipped, too. -Added corners for GuiBox. -Added setFlipX() and setFlipY() to the GuiImage class. -Added theming tags for the Fast Select GuiBox! See for more details. Tiling still not perfect though. October 5 -GuiFastSelect is working, but ugly. -Began work on GuiBox for theming the fast select dialog. -Finally fixed detailed GuiGameList detection after input mapping. September 30 -Began implementing GuiFastSelect, currently invoked by holding F2. Unfortunately, it doesn't do anything yet. -Added <listSelectedColor>. -Fixed OpenGL mipmap generation not setting a magnification filter. Hopefully this fixes the weird scaling. If not, I can switch from nearest neighbor to linear. September 29 -SDL is now completely shut down on both the RPi and SDL GL renderer. You may see the flicker of a terminal when you launch a game. This was done in preparation for audio. September 23 -Fixed crash when "%ROM%" isn't present in a launch command. Not sure why you'd ever do this on purpose, but hey. -Added relative path operator ("./") support for gamelist.xml, for both game paths and image paths. September 16 -Fixed a bug with skipping over unicode characters. [X] will be displayed if the character is not standard ASCII (characters 32 to 127). September 15 -Added <listOffsetX>, <listTextOffsetX>, and <gameImageOffsetY> theme tags. See for details. -Fixed a bug causing gamelists to be read incorrectly. September 14 -Joystick names are now saved during input configuration to es_input.cfg. -When loading an input config, if JOYNAME is defined, load the first joystick with that name. If it is not present, load the first joystick (old behavior). -Joysticks should re-initialize properly with SDL on the desktop configuration. September 10 -Fixed multiple extensions breaking things. -Added Makefile.x86 for building on a desktop (acquire OpenGL context through SDL instead of EGL). September 8 -Added support for multiple filetypes for systems - just separate them with a space. -Updated example systems config to include example for multiple filetypes and be a little clearer. September 7 -Tiling is now much faster. -Added --draw-framerate and --help/-h command-line parameters. -Fixed themes not properly re-initializing. -Commented most headers. Things should be kind of understandable now. -Finally increased scrolling speed. September 3 -Everything is now rendered with OpenGL, leading to a (roughly) 600%+ speedup! August 13 -Tons of new theming features! -I've added a file for documentation on theming. -A file. -Fixed theme defaults not resetting when theme changes. -The game image on the GuiGameList now maintains its alpha channel. -Descriptions can now contain newline characters. -Changed the size of the game info column to be 50% of the screen (previously 40%). -Adjusted description to have a 3% left and right margins. -Added $infoWidth variable for playing with the size of the game info column. -Added <listLeftAlign /> tag that makes the game list left aligned instead of centered. -Made Renderer::LARGE (header) fontsize slightly bigger August 12 -If a theme.xml is not found in a system's directory, ES will now check for $HOME/.emulationstation/es_theme.xml. If present, it will load that. -Themes can now be used without the detailed GuiGameList. -Fixed GuiGameList image data not updating on system change/initial startup (finally!) -Made the GuiList code a little bit less likely to crash on empty lists August 10 -Themes now load from system directories (and thus you can set a different theme for each system) -Theme paths now expand . (to directory of this theme.xml) and ~ (to $HOME). -Added --ignore-gamelist switch. Does as it says, and forces the simple GuiGameList. -Folders that do not contain games will not be added. -Fixed float percentages in GuiTheme being converted to integers before they were converted to pixels...woops! August 9 -Removed multithreaded image loading -Improved GuiImage rendering speed by adding additional processing at load time (SDL_DisplayFormat) -Began work on the GuiTheme class, allowing custom theming with an XML file August 8 -Added automatic resizing of images using SDL_gfx -Experimenting with multithreaded image loading for the GuiImage class -Removed warning if an unknown variable is found in a systems config file (useful for additional utilities) August 7 -gamelist.xml files are now read from each system's individual search directory. -The switch --gamelist-only was added. Use it to skip automatic searching and only use files defined in gamelist.xml. -A gamelist.xml file can now specify a file that wasn't previously found by the automatic search. -Fixed alphabetizing uppercase and lowercase letters differently (woops!) -When loading the system config file, if a system doesn't contain any games, it will be automatically deleted. August 4 -Moved configuration files to $HOME/.emulationstation/ -Renderer::loadFonts() will now fall back to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf if LinLibertine.ttf is not found. -All folders should now be sorted alphabetically -Added Menu button -Added menu consisting of bash commands for "Restart" and "Shutdown"