// // SwitchComponent.cpp // // Basic switch used in the menus. // #include "SwitchComponent.h" #include "resources/Font.h" SwitchComponent::SwitchComponent( Window* window, bool state) : GuiComponent(window), mImage(window), mState(state), mColorOriginalValue(DEFAULT_COLORSHIFT), mColorChangedValue(DEFAULT_COLORSHIFT) { mImage.setImage(":/graphics/off.svg"); mImage.setResize(0, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM)->getLetterHeight()); mSize = mImage.getSize(); } void SwitchComponent::onSizeChanged() { mImage.setSize(mSize); } bool SwitchComponent::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { if (config->isMappedTo("a", input) && input.value) { mState = !mState; onStateChanged(); return true; } return false; } void SwitchComponent::render(const Transform4x4f& parentTrans) { Transform4x4f trans = parentTrans * getTransform(); mImage.render(trans); renderChildren(trans); } bool SwitchComponent::getState() const { return mState; } void SwitchComponent::setState(bool state) { mState = state; onStateChanged(); } std::string SwitchComponent::getValue() const { return mState ? "true" : "false"; } void SwitchComponent::setValue(const std::string& statestring) { if (statestring == "true") mState = true; else mState = false; mOriginalValue = mState; onStateChanged(); } void SwitchComponent::onStateChanged() { mImage.setImage(mState ? ":/graphics/on.svg" : ":/graphics/off.svg"); // Change the color of the switch to reflect the changes. if (mState == mOriginalValue) mImage.setColorShift(mColorOriginalValue); else mImage.setColorShift(mColorChangedValue); } std::vector SwitchComponent::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector prompts; prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", "toggle")); return prompts; }