// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // TextComponent.cpp // // Displays text. // #include "components/TextComponent.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "Window.h" #include "utils/LocalizationUtil.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" TextComponent::TextComponent() : mFont {Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM)} , mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()} , mColor {0x000000FF} , mBgColor {0x00000000} , mBackgroundMargins {0.0f, 0.0f} , mBackgroundCornerRadius {0.0f} , mColorOpacity {1.0f} , mBgColorOpacity {0.0f} , mRenderBackground {false} , mSystemNameSuffix {false} , mLetterCaseSystemNameSuffix {LetterCase::UPPERCASE} , mUppercase {false} , mLowercase {false} , mCapitalize {false} , mAutoCalcExtent {1, 0} , mHorizontalAlignment {ALIGN_LEFT} , mVerticalAlignment {ALIGN_CENTER} , mLineSpacing {1.5f} , mRelativeScale {1.0f} , mNoTopMargin {false} , mNeedGlyphsPos {false} , mRemoveLineBreaks {false} , mNoSizeUpdate {false} , mSelectable {false} , mHorizontalScrolling {false} , mDebugRendering {true} , mScrollSpeed {0.0f} , mScrollSpeedMultiplier {1.0f} , mScrollDelay {1500.0f} , mScrollGap {1.5f} , mScrollOffset1 {0.0f} , mScrollOffset2 {0.0f} , mScrollTime {0.0f} , mMaxLength {0.0f} { } TextComponent::TextComponent(const std::string& text, const std::shared_ptr<Font>& font, unsigned int color, Alignment horizontalAlignment, Alignment verticalAlignment, glm::ivec2 autoCalcExtent, glm::vec3 pos, glm::vec2 size, unsigned int bgcolor, float lineSpacing, float relativeScale, bool horizontalScrolling, float scrollSpeedMultiplier, float scrollDelay, float scrollGap, float maxLength) : mFont {nullptr} , mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()} , mColor {0x000000FF} , mBgColor {0x00000000} , mBackgroundMargins {0.0f, 0.0f} , mBackgroundCornerRadius {0.0f} , mColorOpacity {1.0f} , mBgColorOpacity {0.0f} , mRenderBackground {false} , mSystemNameSuffix {false} , mLetterCaseSystemNameSuffix {LetterCase::UPPERCASE} , mUppercase {false} , mLowercase {false} , mCapitalize {false} , mAutoCalcExtent {autoCalcExtent} , mHorizontalAlignment {horizontalAlignment} , mVerticalAlignment {verticalAlignment} , mLineSpacing {lineSpacing} , mRelativeScale {relativeScale} , mNoTopMargin {false} , mNeedGlyphsPos {false} , mRemoveLineBreaks {false} , mNoSizeUpdate {false} , mSelectable {false} , mHorizontalScrolling {horizontalScrolling} , mDebugRendering {true} , mScrollSpeed {0.0f} , mScrollSpeedMultiplier {scrollSpeedMultiplier} , mScrollDelay {scrollDelay} , mScrollGap {scrollGap} , mScrollOffset1 {0.0f} , mScrollOffset2 {0.0f} , mScrollTime {0.0f} , mMaxLength {maxLength} { setFont(font); setColor(color); setBackgroundColor(bgcolor); setHorizontalScrolling(mHorizontalScrolling); setSize(size); setText(text, true, mMaxLength); setPosition(pos); } void TextComponent::setFont(const std::shared_ptr<Font>& font) { if (mFont == font) return; mFont = font; onTextChanged(); } void TextComponent::setColor(unsigned int color) { if (mColor == color) return; mColor = color; mColorOpacity = static_cast<float>(mColor & 0x000000FF) / 255.0f; onColorChanged(); } const glm::vec2 TextComponent::getGlyphPosition(int cursor) { if (mTextCache == nullptr || mTextCache->glyphPositions.empty()) return glm::vec2 {0.0f, 0.0f}; return mTextCache->glyphPositions.at(cursor); } void TextComponent::setBackgroundColor(unsigned int color) { if (mBgColor == color) return; mBgColor = color; mBgColorOpacity = static_cast<float>(mBgColor & 0x000000FF) / 255.0f; } void TextComponent::setOpacity(float opacity) { float textOpacity {opacity * mColorOpacity}; mColor = (mColor & 0xFFFFFF00) | static_cast<unsigned char>(textOpacity * 255.0f); onColorChanged(); GuiComponent::setOpacity(opacity); if (mTextCache) mTextCache->setOpacity(mThemeOpacity); } void TextComponent::setSaturation(float saturation) { if (mSaturation == saturation) return; mSaturation = saturation; if (mTextCache) mTextCache->setSaturation(saturation); } void TextComponent::setDimming(float dimming) { if (mDimming == dimming) return; mDimming = dimming; if (mTextCache) mTextCache->setDimming(dimming); } void TextComponent::setText(const std::string& text, bool update, float maxLength) { if (mText == text && mMaxLength == maxLength) return; mText = text; mMaxLength = maxLength; if (update) onTextChanged(); } void TextComponent::setUppercase(bool uppercase) { if (mUppercase == uppercase) return; mUppercase = uppercase; if (uppercase) { mLowercase = false; mCapitalize = false; } onTextChanged(); } void TextComponent::setLowercase(bool lowercase) { if (mLowercase == lowercase) return; mLowercase = lowercase; if (lowercase) { mUppercase = false; mCapitalize = false; } onTextChanged(); } void TextComponent::setCapitalize(bool capitalize) { if (mCapitalize == capitalize) return; mCapitalize = capitalize; if (capitalize) { mUppercase = false; mLowercase = false; } onTextChanged(); } void TextComponent::render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) { if (!isVisible() || mTextCache == nullptr || mThemeOpacity == 0.0f || mSize.x == 0.0f || mSize.y == 0.0f) return; glm::mat4 trans {parentTrans * getTransform()}; mRenderer->setMatrix(trans); float offsetX {0.0f}; if (mHorizontalScrolling) { if (mTextCache->metrics.size.x < mSize.x) { // This is needed for text that does not fill the entire width and thus gets aligned. if (mHorizontalAlignment == Alignment::ALIGN_CENTER) offsetX = ((mSize.x * mRelativeScale) - mTextCache->metrics.size.x) / 2.0f; else if (mHorizontalAlignment == Alignment::ALIGN_RIGHT) offsetX = (mSize.x * mRelativeScale) - mTextCache->metrics.size.x; } if (offsetX < 0.0f) offsetX = 0.0f; // Clip the texture using a fragment shader which allows for rotation and other benefits // as compared to using the pushClipRect() function. mTextCache->setClipRegion(glm::vec4 {mScrollOffset1, 0.0f, (mSize.x * mRelativeScale) + mScrollOffset1, mTextCache->metrics.size.y}); trans = glm::translate(trans, glm::vec3 {offsetX - mScrollOffset1, 0.0f, 0.0f}); } auto renderFunc = [this](glm::mat4 trans, bool secondPass) { if (mRenderBackground && !secondPass) if (mBackgroundMargins.x > 0.0f) { trans = glm::translate(trans, glm::vec3 {-mBackgroundMargins.x, 0.0f, 0.0f}); mRenderer->setMatrix(trans); } mRenderer->drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, mSize.x + mBackgroundMargins.x + mBackgroundMargins.y, mSize.y, mBgColor, mBgColor, false, mOpacity * mThemeOpacity, mDimming, Renderer::BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA, Renderer::BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, mBackgroundCornerRadius); if (mBackgroundMargins.x > 0.0f) { trans = glm::translate(trans, glm::vec3 {mBackgroundMargins.x, 0.0f, 0.0f}); mRenderer->setMatrix(trans); } if (mTextCache) { const float textHeight {mTextCache->metrics.size.y}; float yOff {0.0f}; float yOffDebugOverlay {0.0f}; if (mSize.y > textHeight) { switch (mVerticalAlignment) { case ALIGN_TOP: { yOff = 0.0f; break; } case ALIGN_BOTTOM: { yOff = mSize.y - textHeight; break; } case ALIGN_CENTER: { yOff = (mSize.y - textHeight) / 2.0f; break; } default: { break; } } } else { // If height is smaller than the font height, then centering is done in // Font::buildTextCache() yOffDebugOverlay = (mSize.y - textHeight) / 2.0f; } // Draw the overall textbox area. If we're inside a vertical scrollable container then // this area is rendered inside that component instead of here. Some other components // also disable rendering here in a similar fashion. if (mDebugRendering && !secondPass && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DebugText")) { if (!mParent || !mParent->isScrollable()) mRenderer->drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, mSize.x, mSize.y, 0x0000FF33, 0x0000FF33); } trans = glm::translate(trans, glm::vec3 {0.0f, std::round(yOff), 0.0f}); mRenderer->setMatrix(trans); if (mDebugRendering && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DebugText")) { const float relativeScaleOffset {(mSize.x - (mSize.x * mRelativeScale)) / 2.0f}; if (mHorizontalScrolling && !secondPass) { if (mScrollOffset1 <= mTextCache->metrics.size.x) { const float width {mTextCache->metrics.size.x - mScrollOffset1}; mRenderer->drawRect( mScrollOffset1 + relativeScaleOffset, yOffDebugOverlay, width > mSize.x * mRelativeScale ? mSize.x * mRelativeScale : width, mTextCache->metrics.size.y, 0x00000033, 0x00000033); } } else if (mHorizontalScrolling && secondPass) { if ((mSize.x * mRelativeScale) - -mScrollOffset2 > 0.0f) { mRenderer->drawRect(relativeScaleOffset, yOffDebugOverlay, (mSize.x * mRelativeScale) - -mScrollOffset2, mTextCache->metrics.size.y, 0x00000033, 0x00000033); } } else { switch (mHorizontalAlignment) { case ALIGN_LEFT: { mRenderer->drawRect(0.0f, yOffDebugOverlay, mTextCache->metrics.size.x, mTextCache->metrics.size.y, 0x00000033, 0x00000033); break; } case ALIGN_CENTER: { mRenderer->drawRect((mSize.x - mTextCache->metrics.size.x) / 2.0f, yOffDebugOverlay, mTextCache->metrics.size.x, mTextCache->metrics.size.y, 0x000033, 0x00000033); break; } case ALIGN_RIGHT: { mRenderer->drawRect(mSize.x - mTextCache->metrics.size.x, yOffDebugOverlay, mTextCache->metrics.size.x, mTextCache->metrics.size.y, 0x00000033, 0x00000033); break; } default: { break; } } } } // We need to adjust positioning if the relative scale multiplier is in use. if (mRelativeScale < 1.0f) { trans = glm::translate( trans, glm::vec3 {(mSize.x - (mSize.x * mRelativeScale)) / 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}); mRenderer->setMatrix(trans); } mFont->renderTextCache(mTextCache.get()); } }; renderFunc(trans, false); // Render again if the text has moved far enough to repeat. if (mHorizontalScrolling && mTextCache->metrics.size.x > mSize.x * mRelativeScale) { if (mScrollOffset2 < 0.0f) { mTextCache->setClipRegion(glm::vec4 {mScrollOffset2, 0.0f, (mSize.x * mRelativeScale) + mScrollOffset2, mTextCache->metrics.size.y}); trans = glm::translate(parentTrans * getTransform(), glm::vec3 {offsetX - mScrollOffset2, 0.0f, 0.0f}); renderFunc(trans, true); } } } void TextComponent::setValue(const std::string& value) { if (value == _p("theme", "unknown") && mDefaultValue != "" && (mThemeMetadata == "developer" || mThemeMetadata == "publisher" || mThemeMetadata == "genre" || mThemeMetadata == "players")) { setText(mDefaultValue); } else { setText(value); } } void TextComponent::setHorizontalScrolling(bool state) { resetComponent(); mHorizontalScrolling = state; if (mHorizontalScrolling) { mScrollSpeed = mFont->getSizeReference() * 0.247f * mScrollSpeedMultiplier; } else if (mTextCache != nullptr) { mTextCache->setClipRegion( glm::vec4 {0.0f, 0.0f, mSize.x * mRelativeScale, mTextCache->metrics.size.y}); } } void TextComponent::update(int deltaTime) { if (mHorizontalScrolling && mTextCache != nullptr) { // Don't scroll if the media viewer or screensaver is active or if text scrolling // is disabled; if (mWindow->isMediaViewerActive() || mWindow->isScreensaverActive() || !mWindow->getAllowTextScrolling()) { if (mScrollTime != 0 && !mWindow->isLaunchScreenDisplayed()) resetComponent(); return; } assert(mScrollSpeed != 0.0f); mScrollOffset1 = 0.0f; mScrollOffset2 = 0.0f; if (mTextCache->metrics.size.x > mSize.x * mRelativeScale) { const float scrollLength {mTextCache->metrics.size.x}; const float returnLength {mScrollSpeed * mScrollGap / mScrollSpeedMultiplier}; const float scrollTime {(scrollLength * 1000.0f) / mScrollSpeed}; const float returnTime {(returnLength * 1000.0f) / mScrollSpeed}; const float maxTime {mScrollDelay + scrollTime + returnTime}; mScrollTime += deltaTime; while (mScrollTime > maxTime) mScrollTime -= maxTime; mScrollOffset1 = Utils::Math::loop(mScrollDelay, scrollTime + returnTime, mScrollTime, scrollLength + returnLength); if (mScrollOffset1 > (scrollLength - (mSize.x * mRelativeScale - returnLength))) mScrollOffset2 = mScrollOffset1 - (scrollLength + returnLength); else if (mScrollOffset2 < 0) mScrollOffset2 = 0; } } updateSelf(deltaTime); } void TextComponent::onTextChanged() { mTextCache.reset(); std::string text; if (mText != "") { if (mUppercase) text = Utils::String::toUpper(mText); else if (mLowercase) text = Utils::String::toLower(mText); else if (mCapitalize) text = Utils::String::toCapitalized(mText); else text = mText; // Original case. } if (!mFont || text.empty()) return; const float lineHeight {mFont->getHeight(mLineSpacing)}; if ((!mAutoCalcExtent.y && mSize.y == 0.0f)) mSize.y = lineHeight; // If the line height is less than the font size then a vertical offset is required to make // sure the text is correctly centered vertically. const float offsetY {std::round(lineHeight > mSize.y && mSize.y != 0.0f && !mAutoCalcExtent.y ? (mSize.y - lineHeight) / 2.0f : 0.0f)}; const float length {mAutoCalcExtent.x || mHorizontalScrolling ? 0.0f : mSize.x * mRelativeScale}; const float height {mAutoCalcExtent.y ? 0.0f : (mSize.y * mRelativeScale) - lineHeight}; const Alignment horizontalAlignment {mHorizontalScrolling ? ALIGN_LEFT : mHorizontalAlignment}; const bool multiLine {mAutoCalcExtent.y == 1 || mSize.y > lineHeight}; // Always convert line breaks to spaces for single-line text (or if it's set explicitly). if (mRemoveLineBreaks || mAutoCalcExtent == glm::ivec2 {1, 0}) text = Utils::String::replace(text, "\n", " "); mTextCache = std::shared_ptr<TextCache>(mFont->buildTextCache( text, length, mMaxLength * mRelativeScale, height, offsetY, mLineSpacing, horizontalAlignment, mColor, mNoTopMargin, multiLine, mNeedGlyphsPos)); if (mHorizontalScrolling && mSize.x == 0.0f) mSize.x = mTextCache->metrics.size.x; else if (mAutoCalcExtent.x && !mHorizontalScrolling && !mNoSizeUpdate) mSize.x = mTextCache->metrics.size.x; if (mAutoCalcExtent.y && !mNoSizeUpdate) mSize.y = mTextCache->metrics.size.y; if (mOpacity != 1.0f || mThemeOpacity != 1.0f) setOpacity(mOpacity); // This is required to set the color transparency. onColorChanged(); } void TextComponent::onColorChanged() { if (mTextCache) mTextCache->setColor(mColor); } void TextComponent::setHorizontalAlignment(Alignment align) { if (mHorizontalAlignment == align) return; mHorizontalAlignment = align; onTextChanged(); } void TextComponent::setLineSpacing(float spacing) { if (mLineSpacing == spacing) return; mLineSpacing = spacing; onTextChanged(); } void TextComponent::setNoTopMargin(bool margin) { if (mNoTopMargin == margin) return; mNoTopMargin = margin; onTextChanged(); } std::vector<HelpPrompt> TextComponent::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector<HelpPrompt> prompts; if (mSelectable) prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", _("select"))); return prompts; } void TextComponent::applyTheme(const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme, const std::string& view, const std::string& element, unsigned int properties) { using namespace ThemeFlags; GuiComponent::applyTheme(theme, view, element, properties); std::string elementType {"text"}; std::string componentName {"TextComponent"}; if (element.substr(0, 13) == "gamelistinfo_") { elementType = "gamelistinfo"; componentName = "gamelistInfoComponent"; } const ThemeData::ThemeElement* elem {theme->getElement(view, element, elementType)}; if (!elem) return; if (properties & ThemeFlags::POSITION && elem->has("stationary")) { const std::string& stationary {elem->get<std::string>("stationary")}; if (stationary == "never") mStationary = Stationary::NEVER; else if (stationary == "always") mStationary = Stationary::ALWAYS; else if (stationary == "withinView") mStationary = Stationary::WITHIN_VIEW; else if (stationary == "betweenViews") mStationary = Stationary::BETWEEN_VIEWS; else LOG(LogWarning) << componentName << ": Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"stationary\" for element \"" << element.substr(elementType == "gamelistinfo" ? 13 : 5) << "\" defined as \"" << stationary << "\""; } if (elem->has("metadataElement") && elem->get<bool>("metadataElement")) mComponentThemeFlags |= ComponentThemeFlags::METADATA_ELEMENT; if (properties & COLOR && elem->has("color")) setColor(elem->get<unsigned int>("color")); setRenderBackground(false); if (properties & COLOR && elem->has("backgroundColor")) { setBackgroundColor(elem->get<unsigned int>("backgroundColor")); setRenderBackground(true); } if (properties & ALIGNMENT && elem->has("horizontalAlignment")) { const std::string& horizontalAlignment {elem->get<std::string>("horizontalAlignment")}; if (horizontalAlignment == "left") setHorizontalAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT); else if (horizontalAlignment == "center") setHorizontalAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER); else if (horizontalAlignment == "right") setHorizontalAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT); else LOG(LogWarning) << componentName << ": Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"horizontalAlignment\" for element \"" << element.substr(elementType == "gamelistinfo" ? 13 : 5) << "\" defined as \"" << horizontalAlignment << "\""; } if (properties & ALIGNMENT && elem->has("verticalAlignment")) { const std::string& verticalAlignment {elem->get<std::string>("verticalAlignment")}; if (verticalAlignment == "top") setVerticalAlignment(ALIGN_TOP); else if (verticalAlignment == "center") setVerticalAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER); else if (verticalAlignment == "bottom") setVerticalAlignment(ALIGN_BOTTOM); else LOG(LogWarning) << componentName << ": Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"verticalAlignment\" for element \"" << element.substr(elementType == "gamelistinfo" ? 13 : 5) << "\" defined as \"" << verticalAlignment << "\""; } if (elem->has("container") && elem->get<bool>("container")) { if (!elem->has("size") || (elem->has("size") && elem->get<glm::vec2>("size").x == 0.0f)) { LOG(LogError) << "TextComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"container\" for element \"" << element.substr(5) << "\" can't be used as a horizontal size has not been defined"; } else if (elem->has("containerType")) { const std::string& containerType {elem->get<std::string>("containerType")}; if (containerType == "horizontal") { if (elem->has("containerScrollSpeed")) { mScrollSpeedMultiplier = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("containerScrollSpeed"), 0.1f, 10.0f); } if (elem->has("containerStartDelay")) { mScrollDelay = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("containerStartDelay"), 0.0f, 10.0f) * 1000.0f; } if (elem->has("containerScrollGap")) { mScrollGap = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("containerScrollGap"), 0.1f, 5.0f); } mAutoCalcExtent = glm::ivec2 {1, 0}; mHorizontalScrolling = true; } else if (containerType != "vertical") { LOG(LogError) << "TextComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"containerType\" for element \"" << element.substr(5) << "\" defined as \"" << containerType << "\""; } } } if (properties & TEXT && elem->has("text")) setText(elem->get<std::string>("text")); if (properties & METADATA && elem->has("systemdata")) { mThemeSystemdata = ""; const std::string& systemdata {elem->get<std::string>("systemdata")}; for (auto& type : supportedSystemdataTypes) { if (type == systemdata) { mThemeSystemdata = type; break; } } if (mThemeSystemdata == "") { LOG(LogError) << "TextComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"systemdata\" for element \"" << element.substr(5) << "\" defined as \"" << systemdata << "\""; } } bool systemdataAndMetadata {false}; if (elem->has("systemdata") && elem->has("metadata")) { systemdataAndMetadata = true; LOG(LogWarning) << "TextComponent: Invalid theme configuration, element \"" << element.substr(5) << "\" has both \"systemdata\" and \"metadata\" properties defined"; } if (!systemdataAndMetadata && properties & METADATA && elem->has("metadata")) { mThemeMetadata = ""; const std::string& metadata {elem->get<std::string>("metadata")}; for (auto& type : supportedMetadataTypes) { if (type == metadata) { mThemeMetadata = type; if (elem->has("defaultValue")) { if (mThemeMetadata == "developer" || mThemeMetadata == "publisher" || mThemeMetadata == "genre" || mThemeMetadata == "players" || mThemeMetadata == "systemName" || mThemeMetadata == "systemFullname" || mThemeMetadata == "sourceSystemName" || mThemeMetadata == "sourceSystemFullname") { const std::string& defaultValue {elem->get<std::string>("defaultValue")}; if (defaultValue == ":space:") mDefaultValue = " "; else mDefaultValue = defaultValue; } } if (mThemeMetadata == "name" || mThemeMetadata == "description") { if (elem->has("systemNameSuffix")) mSystemNameSuffix = elem->get<bool>("systemNameSuffix"); else mSystemNameSuffix = true; } break; } } if (mThemeMetadata == "") { LOG(LogError) << "TextComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"metadata\" for element \"" << element.substr(5) << "\" defined as \"" << metadata << "\""; } } if (elem->has("backgroundMargins")) { const glm::vec2 backgroundMargins { glm::clamp(elem->get<glm::vec2>("backgroundMargins"), 0.0f, 0.5f)}; mBackgroundMargins = backgroundMargins * Renderer::getScreenWidth(); } if (elem->has("backgroundCornerRadius")) { mBackgroundCornerRadius = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("backgroundCornerRadius"), 0.0f, 0.5f) * mRenderer->getScreenWidth(); } if (properties & LETTER_CASE && elem->has("letterCaseSystemNameSuffix")) { const std::string& letterCase {elem->get<std::string>("letterCaseSystemNameSuffix")}; if (letterCase == "uppercase") { mLetterCaseSystemNameSuffix = LetterCase::UPPERCASE; } else if (letterCase == "lowercase") { mLetterCaseSystemNameSuffix = LetterCase::LOWERCASE; } else if (letterCase == "capitalize") { mLetterCaseSystemNameSuffix = LetterCase::CAPITALIZE; } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "TextComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"letterCaseSystemNameSuffix\" for element \"" << element.substr(5) << "\" defined as \"" << letterCase << "\""; } } if (properties & LETTER_CASE && elem->has("letterCase")) { const std::string& letterCase {elem->get<std::string>("letterCase")}; if (letterCase == "uppercase") { setUppercase(true); } else if (letterCase == "lowercase") { setLowercase(true); } else if (letterCase == "capitalize") { setCapitalize(true); } else if (letterCase != "none") { LOG(LogWarning) << "TextComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"letterCase\" for element \"" << element.substr(5) << "\" defined as \"" << letterCase << "\""; } } float maxHeight {0.0f}; bool hasSize {false}; if (elem->has("size")) { const glm::vec2 size {elem->get<glm::vec2>("size")}; if (size.x != 0.0f && size.y != 0.0f) { maxHeight = mSize.y * 2.0f; hasSize = true; } } if (properties & LINE_SPACING && elem->has("lineSpacing")) setLineSpacing(glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("lineSpacing"), 0.5f, 3.0f)); if (mAutoCalcExtent == glm::ivec2 {1, 0} && !hasSize) mSize.y = 0.0f; setFont(Font::getFromTheme(elem, properties, mFont, maxHeight)); mSize = glm::round(mSize); // We need to do this after setting the font as the scroll speed is calculated from its size. if (mHorizontalScrolling) setHorizontalScrolling(true); }