// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // EmulationStation Desktop Edition // InputConfig.cpp // // Input device configuration functions. // #include "InputConfig.h" #include "Log.h" #include <pugixml.hpp> // Some utility functions. std::string inputTypeToString(InputType type) { switch (type) { case TYPE_AXIS: return "axis"; case TYPE_BUTTON: return "button"; case TYPE_HAT: return "hat"; case TYPE_KEY: return "key"; case TYPE_CEC_BUTTON: return "cec-button"; default: return "error"; } } InputType stringToInputType(const std::string& type) { if (type == "axis") return TYPE_AXIS; if (type == "button") return TYPE_BUTTON; if (type == "hat") return TYPE_HAT; if (type == "key") return TYPE_KEY; if (type == "cec-button") return TYPE_CEC_BUTTON; return TYPE_COUNT; } std::string toLower(std::string str) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) str[i] = static_cast<char>(tolower(str[i])); return str; } // End of utility functions. InputConfig::InputConfig( int deviceId, const std::string& deviceName, const std::string& deviceGUID) : mDeviceId(deviceId), mDeviceName(deviceName), mDeviceGUID(deviceGUID), mDefaultConfigFlag(false) { } void InputConfig::clear() { mNameMap.clear(); } bool InputConfig::isConfigured() { return mNameMap.size() > 0; } void InputConfig::mapInput(const std::string& name, Input input) { mNameMap[toLower(name)] = input; } void InputConfig::unmapInput(const std::string& name) { auto it = mNameMap.find(toLower(name)); if (it != mNameMap.cend()) mNameMap.erase(it); } bool InputConfig::getInputByName(const std::string& name, Input* result) { auto it = mNameMap.find(toLower(name)); if (it != mNameMap.cend()) { *result = it->second; return true; } return false; } int InputConfig::getInputIDByName(const std::string& name) { auto it = mNameMap.find(toLower(name)); if (it != mNameMap.cend()) { return it->second.id; } return -1; } bool InputConfig::isMappedTo(const std::string& name, Input input) { Input comp; if (!getInputByName(name, &comp)) return false; if (comp.configured && comp.type == input.type && comp.id == input.id) { if (comp.type == TYPE_HAT) return (input.value == 0 || input.value & comp.value); if (comp.type == TYPE_AXIS) return input.value == 0 || comp.value == input.value; else return true; } return false; } bool InputConfig::isMappedLike(const std::string& name, Input input) { if (name == "left") { return isMappedTo("left", input) || isMappedTo("leftanalogleft", input) || isMappedTo("rightanalogleft", input); } else if (name == "right") { return isMappedTo("right", input) || isMappedTo("leftanalogright", input) || isMappedTo("rightanalogright", input); } else if (name == "up") { return isMappedTo("up", input) || isMappedTo("leftanalogup", input) || isMappedTo("rightanalogup", input); } else if (name == "down") { return isMappedTo("down", input) || isMappedTo("leftanalogdown", input) || isMappedTo("rightanalogdown", input); } else if (name == "leftshoulder") { return isMappedTo("leftshoulder", input) || isMappedTo("pageup", input); } else if (name == "rightshoulder") { return isMappedTo("rightshoulder", input) || isMappedTo("pagedown", input); } else if (name == "lefttrigger") { return isMappedTo("lefttrigger", input) || isMappedTo("home", input); } else if (name == "righttrigger") { return isMappedTo("righttrigger", input) || isMappedTo("end", input); } return isMappedTo(name, input); } std::vector<std::string> InputConfig::getMappedTo(Input input) { std::vector<std::string> maps; typedef std::map<std::string, Input>::const_iterator it_type; for (it_type iterator = mNameMap.cbegin(); iterator != mNameMap.cend(); iterator++) { Input chk = iterator->second; if (!chk.configured) continue; if (chk.device == input.device && chk.type == input.type && chk.id == input.id) { if (chk.type == TYPE_HAT) { if (input.value == 0 || input.value & chk.value) maps.push_back(iterator->first); continue; } if (input.type == TYPE_AXIS) { if (input.value == 0 || chk.value == input.value) maps.push_back(iterator->first); } else { maps.push_back(iterator->first); } } } return maps; } void InputConfig::loadFromXML(pugi::xml_node& node) { clear(); for (pugi::xml_node input = node.child("input"); input; input = input.next_sibling("input")) { std::string name = input.attribute("name").as_string(); std::string type = input.attribute("type").as_string(); InputType typeEnum = stringToInputType(type); if (typeEnum == TYPE_COUNT) { LOG(LogError) << "InputConfig load error - input of type \"" << type << "\" is invalid! Skipping input \"" << name << "\".\n"; continue; } int id = input.attribute("id").as_int(); int value = input.attribute("value").as_int(); if (value == 0) { LOG(LogWarning) << "InputConfig value is 0 for " << type << " " << id << "!\n"; } mNameMap[toLower(name)] = Input(mDeviceId, typeEnum, id, value, true); } } void InputConfig::writeToXML(pugi::xml_node& parent) { pugi::xml_node cfg = parent.append_child("inputConfig"); if (mDeviceId == DEVICE_KEYBOARD) { cfg.append_attribute("type") = "keyboard"; cfg.append_attribute("deviceName") = "Keyboard"; } else if (mDeviceId == DEVICE_CEC) { cfg.append_attribute("type") = "cec"; cfg.append_attribute("deviceName") = "CEC"; } else { cfg.append_attribute("type") = "joystick"; cfg.append_attribute("deviceName") = mDeviceName.c_str(); } cfg.append_attribute("deviceGUID") = mDeviceGUID.c_str(); typedef std::map<std::string, Input>::const_iterator it_type; for (it_type iterator = mNameMap.cbegin(); iterator != mNameMap.cend(); iterator++) { if (!iterator->second.configured) continue; pugi::xml_node input = cfg.append_child("input"); input.append_attribute("name") = iterator->first.c_str(); input.append_attribute("type") = inputTypeToString(iterator->second.type).c_str(); input.append_attribute("id").set_value(iterator->second.id); input.append_attribute("value").set_value(iterator->second.value); } }