//  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
//  EmulationStation Desktop Edition
//  Platform.h
//  Platform utility functions.


#include <string>

#if defined(_WIN64)
#include <windows.h>

namespace Utils
    namespace Platform
        enum QuitMode {
            QUIT = 0, // Replace with AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: false (clang-format >=11.0).
            REBOOT = 1,
            POWEROFF = 2

        int runRebootCommand();
        int runPoweroffCommand();

        // Uses UTF-8 for Unix and does a UTF-16/wstring conversion for Windows.
        int runSystemCommand(const std::string& cmd_utf8);
        // Windows specific UTF-16/wstring function. (FOR FUTURE USE)
        int runSystemCommand(const std::wstring& cmd_utf16);

        int launchGameUnix(const std::string& cmd_utf8,
                           const std::string& startDirectory,
                           bool runInBackground);
        int launchGameWindows(const std::wstring& cmd_utf16,
                              const std::wstring& startDirectory,
                              bool runInBackground,
                              bool hideWindow);

        unsigned int getTaskbarState();
        void hideTaskbar();
        void revertTaskbarState(unsigned int& state);

        // Clean, normal shutdown.
        int quitES(QuitMode mode = QuitMode::QUIT);
        void processQuitMode();

        // Immediately shut down the application as cleanly as possible.
        void emergencyShutdown();

        static QuitMode sQuitMode = QuitMode::QUIT;
        // This is simply to get rid of a GCC false positive -Wunused-variable compiler warning.
        static QuitMode sQuitModeDummy = sQuitMode;

    } // namespace Platform

} // namespace Utils