August 9 -Removed multithreaded image loading -Improved GuiImage rendering speed by adding additional processing at load time (SDL_DisplayFormat) -Began work on the GuiTheme class, allowing custom theming with an XML file August 8 -Added automatic resizing of images using SDL_gfx -Experimenting with multithreaded image loading for the GuiImage class -Removed warning if an unknown variable is found in a systems config file (useful for additional utilities) August 7 -gamelist.xml files are now read from each system's individual search directory. -The switch --gamelist-only was added. Use it to skip automatic searching and only use files defined in gamelist.xml. -A gamelist.xml file can now specify a file that wasn't previously found by the automatic search. -Fixed alphabetizing uppercase and lowercase letters differently (woops!) -When loading the system config file, if a system doesn't contain any games, it will be automatically deleted. August 4 -Moved configuration files to $HOME/.emulationstation/ -Renderer::loadFonts() will now fall back to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf if LinLibertine.ttf is not found. -All folders should now be sorted alphabetically -Added Menu button -Added menu consisting of bash commands for "Restart" and "Shutdown"