// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // EmulationStation Desktop Edition // SystemView.cpp // // Main system view. // #include "views/SystemView.h" #include "animations/LambdaAnimation.h" #include "guis/GuiMsgBox.h" #include "views/UIModeController.h" #include "views/ViewController.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include "Window.h" #if defined(_WIN64) #include #endif // Buffer values for scrolling velocity (left, stopped, right). const int logoBuffersLeft[] = { -5, -2, -1 }; const int logoBuffersRight[] = { 1, 2, 5 }; SystemView::SystemView( Window* window) : IList (window, LIST_SCROLL_STYLE_SLOW, LIST_ALWAYS_LOOP), mViewNeedsReload(true), mSystemInfo(window, "SYSTEM INFO", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x33333300, ALIGN_CENTER) { mCamOffset = 0; mExtrasCamOffset = 0; mExtrasFadeOpacity = 0.0f; setSize(static_cast(Renderer::getScreenWidth()), static_cast(Renderer::getScreenHeight())); populate(); } SystemView::~SystemView() { // Delete any existing extras. for (auto entry : mEntries) { for (auto extra : entry.data.backgroundExtras) delete extra; entry.data.backgroundExtras.clear(); } } void SystemView::populate() { mEntries.clear(); for (auto it = SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(); it != SystemData::sSystemVector.cend(); it++) { const std::shared_ptr& theme = (*it)->getTheme(); if (mViewNeedsReload) getViewElements(theme); if ((*it)->isVisible()) { Entry e; e.name = (*it)->getName(); e.object = *it; // Make logo. const ThemeData::ThemeElement* logoElem = theme->getElement("system", "logo", "image"); if (logoElem) { std::string path = logoElem->get("path"); std::string defaultPath = logoElem->has("default") ? logoElem->get("default") : ""; if ((!path.empty() && ResourceManager::getInstance()->fileExists(path)) || (!defaultPath.empty() && ResourceManager::getInstance()->fileExists(defaultPath))) { ImageComponent* logo = new ImageComponent(mWindow, false, false); logo->setMaxSize(mCarousel.logoSize * mCarousel.logoScale); logo->applyTheme(theme, "system", "logo", ThemeFlags::PATH | ThemeFlags::COLOR); logo->setRotateByTargetSize(true); e.data.logo = std::shared_ptr(logo); } } if (!e.data.logo) { // No logo in theme; use text. TextComponent* text = new TextComponent( mWindow, (*it)->getName(), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE), 0x000000FF, ALIGN_CENTER); text->setSize(mCarousel.logoSize * mCarousel.logoScale); text->applyTheme((*it)->getTheme(), "system", "logoText", ThemeFlags::FONT_PATH | ThemeFlags::FONT_SIZE | ThemeFlags::COLOR | ThemeFlags::FORCE_UPPERCASE | ThemeFlags::LINE_SPACING | ThemeFlags::TEXT); e.data.logo = std::shared_ptr(text); if (mCarousel.type == VERTICAL || mCarousel.type == VERTICAL_WHEEL) { text->setHorizontalAlignment(mCarousel.logoAlignment); text->setVerticalAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER); } else { text->setHorizontalAlignment(ALIGN_CENTER); text->setVerticalAlignment(mCarousel.logoAlignment); } } if (mCarousel.type == VERTICAL || mCarousel.type == VERTICAL_WHEEL) { if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT) e.data.logo->setOrigin(0, 0.5); else if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_RIGHT) e.data.logo->setOrigin(1.0, 0.5); else e.data.logo->setOrigin(0.5, 0.5); } else { if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_TOP) e.data.logo->setOrigin(0.5, 0); else if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_BOTTOM) e.data.logo->setOrigin(0.5, 1); else e.data.logo->setOrigin(0.5, 0.5); } Vector2f denormalized = mCarousel.logoSize * e.data.logo->getOrigin(); e.data.logo->setPosition(denormalized.x(), denormalized.y(), 0.0); // Make background extras. e.data.backgroundExtras = ThemeData::makeExtras((*it)->getTheme(), "system", mWindow); // Sort the extras by z-index. std::stable_sort(e.data.backgroundExtras.begin(), e.data.backgroundExtras.end(), [](GuiComponent* a, GuiComponent* b) { return b->getZIndex() > a->getZIndex(); }); this->add(e); } } if (mEntries.size() == 0) { // Something is wrong, there is not a single system to show, check if UI mode is not full. if (!UIModeController::getInstance()->isUIModeFull()) { Settings::getInstance()->setString("UIMode", "full"); mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox(mWindow, getHelpStyle(), "The selected UI mode has nothing to show,\n returning to UI mode \"Full\"", "OK", nullptr)); } } } void SystemView::goToSystem(SystemData* system, bool animate) { setCursor(system); if (!animate) finishAnimation(0); } bool SystemView::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { auto it = SystemData::sSystemVector.cbegin(); const std::shared_ptr& theme = (*it)->getTheme(); if (input.value != 0) { if (config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.value && input.id == SDLK_r && SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_LCTRL && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("Debug")) { LOG(LogInfo) << " Reloading all"; ViewController::get()->reloadAll(); return true; } switch (mCarousel.type) { case VERTICAL: case VERTICAL_WHEEL: if (config->isMappedLike("up", input)) { ViewController::get()->resetMovingCamera(); listInput(-1); return true; } if (config->isMappedLike("down", input)) { ViewController::get()->resetMovingCamera(); listInput(1); return true; } break; case HORIZONTAL: case HORIZONTAL_WHEEL: default: if (config->isMappedLike("left", input)) { ViewController::get()->resetMovingCamera(); listInput(-1); return true; } if (config->isMappedLike("right", input)) { ViewController::get()->resetMovingCamera(); listInput(1); return true; } break; } if (config->isMappedTo("a", input)) { stopScrolling(); ViewController::get()->goToGameList(getSelected()); NavigationSounds::getInstance()->playThemeNavigationSound(SELECTSOUND); return true; } if (config->isMappedTo("x", input)) { // Get random system. // Go to system. NavigationSounds::getInstance()->playThemeNavigationSound(SYSTEMBROWSESOUND); setCursor(SystemData::getRandomSystem(getSelected())); return true; } if (!UIModeController::getInstance()->isUIModeKid() && config->isMappedTo("select", input) && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScreenSaverControls")) { if (!mWindow->isScreenSaverActive()) { mWindow->startScreenSaver(); mWindow->renderScreenSaver(); } return true; } } else { if (config->isMappedLike("left", input) || config->isMappedLike("right", input) || config->isMappedLike("up", input) || config->isMappedLike("down", input)) listInput(0); } return GuiComponent::input(config, input); } void SystemView::update(int deltaTime) { listUpdate(deltaTime); GuiComponent::update(deltaTime); } void SystemView::onCursorChanged(const CursorState& /*state*/) { // Update help style. updateHelpPrompts(); float startPos = mCamOffset; float posMax = static_cast(mEntries.size()); float target = static_cast(mCursor); // What's the shortest way to get to our target? // It's one of these... float endPos = target; // Directly. float dist = fabs(endPos - startPos); if (fabs(target + posMax - startPos - mScrollVelocity) < dist) endPos = target + posMax; // Loop around the end (0 -> max). if (fabs(target - posMax - startPos - mScrollVelocity) < dist) endPos = target - posMax; // Loop around the start (max - 1 -> -1). // Animate mSystemInfo's opacity (fade out, wait, fade back in). cancelAnimation(1); cancelAnimation(2); std::string transition_style = Settings::getInstance()->getString("TransitionStyle"); bool goFast = transition_style == "instant"; const float infoStartOpacity = mSystemInfo.getOpacity() / 255.f; Animation* infoFadeOut = new LambdaAnimation( [infoStartOpacity, this] (float t) { mSystemInfo.setOpacity(static_cast( Math::lerp(infoStartOpacity, 0.f, t) * 255)); }, static_cast(infoStartOpacity * (goFast ? 10 : 150))); std::pair gameCount = getSelected()->getDisplayedGameCount(); // Also change the text after we've fully faded out. setAnimation(infoFadeOut, 0, [this, gameCount] { std::stringstream ss; unsigned int totalGameCount = gameCount.first + gameCount.second; if (!getSelected()->isGameSystem()) ss << "CONFIGURATION"; else if (getSelected()->isCollection() && (getSelected()->getName() == "favorites")) ss << totalGameCount << " GAME" << (totalGameCount == 1 ? " " : "S"); // The 'recent' gamelist has probably been trimmed after sorting, so we'll cap it at // its maximum limit of 50 games. else if (getSelected()->isCollection() && (getSelected()->getName() == "recent")) ss << (totalGameCount > 50 ? 50 : totalGameCount) << " GAME" << (totalGameCount == 1 ? " " : "S"); else ss << totalGameCount << " GAME" << (totalGameCount == 1 ? " " : "S ") << "(" << gameCount.second << " FAVORITE" << (gameCount.second == 1 ? ")" : "S)"); mSystemInfo.setText(ss.str()); }, false, 1); Animation* infoFadeIn = new LambdaAnimation( [this](float t) { mSystemInfo.setOpacity(static_cast(Math::lerp(0.f, 1.f, t) * 255)); }, goFast ? 10 : 300); // Wait 150ms to fade in. setAnimation(infoFadeIn, goFast ? 0 : 500, nullptr, false, 2); // No need to animate transition, we're not going anywhere (probably mEntries.size() == 1). if (endPos == mCamOffset && endPos == mExtrasCamOffset) return; Animation* anim; bool move_carousel = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("MoveCarousel"); if (transition_style == "fade") { float startExtrasFade = mExtrasFadeOpacity; anim = new LambdaAnimation( [this, startExtrasFade, startPos, endPos, posMax, move_carousel](float t) { t -= 1; float f = Math::lerp(startPos, endPos, t*t*t + 1); if (f < 0) f += posMax; if (f >= posMax) f -= posMax; this->mCamOffset = move_carousel ? f : endPos; t += 1; if (t < 0.3f) this->mExtrasFadeOpacity = Math::lerp(0.0f, 1.0f, t / 0.2f + startExtrasFade); else if (t < 0.7f) this->mExtrasFadeOpacity = 1.0f; else this->mExtrasFadeOpacity = Math::lerp(1.0f, 0.0f, (t - 0.6f) / 0.3f); if (t > 0.5f) this->mExtrasCamOffset = endPos; }, 500); } else if (transition_style == "slide") { // Slide. anim = new LambdaAnimation( [this, startPos, endPos, posMax, move_carousel](float t) { t -= 1; float f = Math::lerp(startPos, endPos, t*t*t + 1); if (f < 0) f += posMax; if (f >= posMax) f -= posMax; this->mCamOffset = move_carousel ? f : endPos; this->mExtrasCamOffset = f; }, 500); } else { // Instant. anim = new LambdaAnimation( [this, startPos, endPos, posMax, move_carousel ](float t) { t -= 1; float f = Math::lerp(startPos, endPos, t*t*t + 1); if (f < 0) f += posMax; if (f >= posMax) f -= posMax; this->mCamOffset = move_carousel ? f : endPos; this->mExtrasCamOffset = endPos; }, move_carousel ? 500 : 1); } setAnimation(anim, 0, nullptr, false, 0); } void SystemView::render(const Transform4x4f& parentTrans) { if (size() == 0) return; // Nothing to render. Transform4x4f trans = getTransform() * parentTrans; auto systemInfoZIndex = mSystemInfo.getZIndex(); auto minMax = std::minmax(mCarousel.zIndex, systemInfoZIndex); renderExtras(trans, INT16_MIN, minMax.first); renderFade(trans); if (mCarousel.zIndex > mSystemInfo.getZIndex()) { renderInfoBar(trans); } else { renderCarousel(trans); } renderExtras(trans, minMax.first, minMax.second); if (mCarousel.zIndex > mSystemInfo.getZIndex()) { renderCarousel(trans); } else { renderInfoBar(trans); } renderExtras(trans, minMax.second, INT16_MAX); } std::vector SystemView::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector prompts; if (mCarousel.type == VERTICAL || mCarousel.type == VERTICAL_WHEEL) prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("up/down", "choose")); else prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("left/right", "choose")); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", "select")); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("x", "random")); if (!UIModeController::getInstance()->isUIModeKid() && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScreenSaverControls")) prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("select", "toggle screensaver")); return prompts; } HelpStyle SystemView::getHelpStyle() { HelpStyle style; style.applyTheme(mEntries.at(mCursor).object->getTheme(), "system"); return style; } void SystemView::onThemeChanged(const std::shared_ptr& /*theme*/) { LOG(LogDebug) << "SystemView::onThemeChanged()"; mViewNeedsReload = true; populate(); } // Get the ThemeElements that make up the SystemView. void SystemView::getViewElements(const std::shared_ptr& theme) { LOG(LogDebug) << "SystemView::getViewElements()"; getDefaultElements(); if (!theme->hasView("system")) return; const ThemeData::ThemeElement* carouselElem = theme-> getElement("system", "systemcarousel", "carousel"); if (carouselElem) getCarouselFromTheme(carouselElem); const ThemeData::ThemeElement* sysInfoElem = theme-> getElement("system", "systemInfo", "text"); if (sysInfoElem) mSystemInfo.applyTheme(theme, "system", "systemInfo", ThemeFlags::ALL); mViewNeedsReload = false; } // Render system carousel. void SystemView::renderCarousel(const Transform4x4f& trans) { // Background box behind logos. Transform4x4f carouselTrans = trans; carouselTrans.translate(Vector3f(mCarousel.pos.x(), mCarousel.pos.y(), 0.0)); carouselTrans.translate(Vector3f(mCarousel.origin.x() * mCarousel.size.x() * -1, mCarousel.origin.y() * mCarousel.size.y() * -1, 0.0f)); Vector2f clipPos(carouselTrans.translation().x(), carouselTrans.translation().y()); Renderer::pushClipRect(Vector2i(static_cast(clipPos.x()), static_cast(clipPos.y())), Vector2i(static_cast(mCarousel.size.x()), static_cast(mCarousel.size.y()))); Renderer::setMatrix(carouselTrans); Renderer::drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, mCarousel.size.x(), mCarousel.size.y(), mCarousel.color, mCarousel.colorEnd, mCarousel.colorGradientHorizontal); // Draw logos. // NB: logoSpacing will also include the size of the logo itself! Vector2f logoSpacing(0.0, 0.0); float xOff = 0.0; float yOff = 0.0; switch (mCarousel.type) { case VERTICAL_WHEEL: yOff = (mCarousel.size.y() - mCarousel.logoSize.y()) / 2.f - (mCamOffset * logoSpacing[1]); if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT) xOff = mCarousel.logoSize.x() / 10.f; else if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_RIGHT) xOff = mCarousel.size.x() - (mCarousel.logoSize.x() * 1.1f); else xOff = (mCarousel.size.x() - mCarousel.logoSize.x()) / 2.f; break; case VERTICAL: logoSpacing[1] = ((mCarousel.size.y() - (mCarousel.logoSize.y() * mCarousel.maxLogoCount)) / (mCarousel.maxLogoCount)) + mCarousel.logoSize.y(); yOff = (mCarousel.size.y() - mCarousel.logoSize.y()) / 2.f - (mCamOffset * logoSpacing[1]); if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_LEFT) xOff = mCarousel.logoSize.x() / 10.f; else if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_RIGHT) xOff = mCarousel.size.x() - (mCarousel.logoSize.x() * 1.1f); else xOff = (mCarousel.size.x() - mCarousel.logoSize.x()) / 2; break; case HORIZONTAL_WHEEL: xOff = (mCarousel.size.x() - mCarousel.logoSize.x()) / 2 - (mCamOffset * logoSpacing[1]); if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_TOP) yOff = mCarousel.logoSize.y() / 10; else if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_BOTTOM) yOff = mCarousel.size.y() - (mCarousel.logoSize.y() * 1.1f); else yOff = (mCarousel.size.y() - mCarousel.logoSize.y()) / 2; break; case HORIZONTAL: default: logoSpacing[0] = ((mCarousel.size.x() - (mCarousel.logoSize.x() * mCarousel.maxLogoCount)) / (mCarousel.maxLogoCount)) + mCarousel.logoSize.x(); xOff = (mCarousel.size.x() - mCarousel.logoSize.x()) / 2.f - (mCamOffset * logoSpacing[0]); if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_TOP) yOff = mCarousel.logoSize.y() / 10.f; else if (mCarousel.logoAlignment == ALIGN_BOTTOM) yOff = mCarousel.size.y() - (mCarousel.logoSize.y() * 1.1f); else yOff = (mCarousel.size.y() - mCarousel.logoSize.y()) / 2.f; break; } int center = static_cast(mCamOffset); int logoCount = Math::min(mCarousel.maxLogoCount, static_cast(mEntries.size())); // Adding texture loading buffers depending on scrolling speed and status. int bufferIndex = getScrollingVelocity() + 1; int bufferLeft = logoBuffersLeft[bufferIndex]; int bufferRight = logoBuffersRight[bufferIndex]; if (logoCount == 1) { bufferLeft = 0; bufferRight = 0; } for (int i = center - logoCount / 2 + bufferLeft; i <= center + logoCount / 2 + bufferRight; i++) { int index = i; while (index < 0) index += static_cast(mEntries.size()); while (index >= static_cast(mEntries.size())) index -= static_cast(mEntries.size()); Transform4x4f logoTrans = carouselTrans; logoTrans.translate(Vector3f(i * logoSpacing[0] + xOff, i * logoSpacing[1] + yOff, 0)); float distance = i - mCamOffset; float scale = 1.0f + ((mCarousel.logoScale - 1.0f) * (1.0f - fabs(distance))); scale = Math::min(mCarousel.logoScale, Math::max(1.0f, scale)); scale /= mCarousel.logoScale; int opacity = static_cast(Math::round(0x80 + ((0xFF - 0x80) * (1.0f - fabs(distance))))); opacity = Math::max(static_cast(0x80), opacity); const std::shared_ptr &comp = mEntries.at(index).data.logo; if (mCarousel.type == VERTICAL_WHEEL || mCarousel.type == HORIZONTAL_WHEEL) { comp->setRotationDegrees(mCarousel.logoRotation * distance); comp->setRotationOrigin(mCarousel.logoRotationOrigin); } comp->setScale(scale); comp->setOpacity(static_cast(opacity)); comp->render(logoTrans); } Renderer::popClipRect(); } void SystemView::renderInfoBar(const Transform4x4f& trans) { Renderer::setMatrix(trans); mSystemInfo.render(trans); } // Draw background extras. void SystemView::renderExtras(const Transform4x4f& trans, float lower, float upper) { int extrasCenter = static_cast(mExtrasCamOffset); // Adding texture loading buffers depending on scrolling speed and status. int bufferIndex = getScrollingVelocity() + 1; Renderer::pushClipRect(Vector2i::Zero(), Vector2i(static_cast(mSize.x()), static_cast(mSize.y()))); for (int i = extrasCenter + logoBuffersLeft[bufferIndex]; i <= extrasCenter + logoBuffersRight[bufferIndex]; i++) { int index = i; while (index < 0) index += static_cast(mEntries.size()); while (index >= static_cast(mEntries.size())) index -= static_cast(mEntries.size()); // Only render selected system when not showing. if (mShowing || index == mCursor) { Transform4x4f extrasTrans = trans; if (mCarousel.type == HORIZONTAL || mCarousel.type == HORIZONTAL_WHEEL) extrasTrans.translate(Vector3f((i - mExtrasCamOffset) * mSize.x(), 0, 0)); else extrasTrans.translate(Vector3f(0, (i - mExtrasCamOffset) * mSize.y(), 0)); Renderer::pushClipRect(Vector2i(static_cast(extrasTrans.translation()[0]), static_cast(extrasTrans.translation()[1])), Vector2i(static_cast(mSize.x()), static_cast(mSize.y()))); SystemViewData data = mEntries.at(index).data; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < data.backgroundExtras.size(); j++) { GuiComponent *extra = data.backgroundExtras[j]; if (extra->getZIndex() >= lower && extra->getZIndex() < upper) { extra->render(extrasTrans); } } Renderer::popClipRect(); } } Renderer::popClipRect(); } void SystemView::renderFade(const Transform4x4f& trans) { // Fade extras if necessary. if (mExtrasFadeOpacity) { unsigned int fadeColor = 0x00000000 | static_cast(mExtrasFadeOpacity * 255); Renderer::setMatrix(trans); Renderer::drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, mSize.x(), mSize.y(), fadeColor, fadeColor); } } // Populate the system carousel with the legacy values. void SystemView::getDefaultElements(void) { // Carousel. mCarousel.type = HORIZONTAL; mCarousel.logoAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER; mCarousel.size.x() = mSize.x(); mCarousel.size.y() = 0.2325f * mSize.y(); mCarousel.pos.x() = 0.0f; mCarousel.pos.y() = 0.5f * (mSize.y() - mCarousel.size.y()); mCarousel.origin.x() = 0.0f; mCarousel.origin.y() = 0.0f; mCarousel.color = 0xFFFFFFD8; mCarousel.colorEnd = 0xFFFFFFD8; mCarousel.colorGradientHorizontal = true; mCarousel.logoScale = 1.2f; mCarousel.logoRotation = 7.5; mCarousel.logoRotationOrigin.x() = -5; mCarousel.logoRotationOrigin.y() = 0.5; mCarousel.logoSize.x() = 0.25f * mSize.x(); mCarousel.logoSize.y() = 0.155f * mSize.y(); mCarousel.maxLogoCount = 3; mCarousel.zIndex = 40; // System Info Bar. mSystemInfo.setSize(mSize.x(), mSystemInfo.getFont()->getLetterHeight()*2.2f); mSystemInfo.setPosition(0, (mCarousel.pos.y() + mCarousel.size.y() - 0.2f)); mSystemInfo.setBackgroundColor(0xDDDDDDD8); mSystemInfo.setRenderBackground(true); mSystemInfo.setFont(Font::get(static_cast(0.035f * mSize.y()), Font::getDefaultPath())); mSystemInfo.setColor(0x000000FF); mSystemInfo.setZIndex(50); mSystemInfo.setDefaultZIndex(50); } void SystemView::getCarouselFromTheme(const ThemeData::ThemeElement* elem) { if (elem->has("type")) { if (!(elem->get("type").compare("vertical"))) mCarousel.type = VERTICAL; else if (!(elem->get("type").compare("vertical_wheel"))) mCarousel.type = VERTICAL_WHEEL; else if (!(elem->get("type").compare("horizontal_wheel"))) mCarousel.type = HORIZONTAL_WHEEL; else mCarousel.type = HORIZONTAL; } if (elem->has("size")) mCarousel.size = elem->get("size") * mSize; if (elem->has("pos")) mCarousel.pos = elem->get("pos") * mSize; if (elem->has("origin")) mCarousel.origin = elem->get("origin"); if (elem->has("color")) { mCarousel.color = elem->get("color"); mCarousel.colorEnd = mCarousel.color; } if (elem->has("colorEnd")) mCarousel.colorEnd = elem->get("colorEnd"); if (elem->has("gradientType")) mCarousel.colorGradientHorizontal = !(elem->get("gradientType").compare("horizontal")); if (elem->has("logoScale")) mCarousel.logoScale = elem->get("logoScale"); if (elem->has("logoSize")) mCarousel.logoSize = elem->get("logoSize") * mSize; if (elem->has("maxLogoCount")) mCarousel.maxLogoCount = static_cast(Math::round(elem->get("maxLogoCount"))); if (elem->has("zIndex")) mCarousel.zIndex = elem->get("zIndex"); if (elem->has("logoRotation")) mCarousel.logoRotation = elem->get("logoRotation"); if (elem->has("logoRotationOrigin")) mCarousel.logoRotationOrigin = elem->get("logoRotationOrigin"); if (elem->has("logoAlignment")) { if (!(elem->get("logoAlignment").compare("left"))) mCarousel.logoAlignment = ALIGN_LEFT; else if (!(elem->get("logoAlignment").compare("right"))) mCarousel.logoAlignment = ALIGN_RIGHT; else if (!(elem->get("logoAlignment").compare("top"))) mCarousel.logoAlignment = ALIGN_TOP; else if (!(elem->get("logoAlignment").compare("bottom"))) mCarousel.logoAlignment = ALIGN_BOTTOM; else mCarousel.logoAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER; } } void SystemView::onShow() { mShowing = true; } void SystemView::onHide() { mShowing = false; }