// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE // RatingComponent.cpp // // Game rating icons. // Used by gamelist views, metadata editor and scraper. // #include "components/RatingComponent.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "ThemeData.h" #include "resources/TextureResource.h" RatingComponent::RatingComponent(bool colorizeChanges, bool linearInterpolation) : mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()} , mValue {0.5f} , mImageRatio {1.0f} , mColorOriginalValue {mMenuColorPrimary} , mColorChangedValue {mMenuColorPrimary} , mColorizeChanges {colorizeChanges} , mOverlay {true} , mHideIfZero {false} { mSize = glm::vec2 {std::round(mRenderer->getScreenHeight() * 0.06f) * NUM_RATING_STARS, std::round(mRenderer->getScreenHeight() * 0.06f)}; mIconFilled.setResize(mSize, false); mIconFilled.setTileSize(mSize.y, mSize.y); mIconFilled.setDynamic(false); mIconFilled.setLinearInterpolation(linearInterpolation); mIconFilled.setColorShift(mMenuColorPrimary); mIconUnfilled.setResize(mSize, false); mIconUnfilled.setTileSize(mSize.y, mSize.y); mIconUnfilled.setDynamic(false); mIconUnfilled.setLinearInterpolation(linearInterpolation); mIconUnfilled.setColorShift(mMenuColorPrimary); mIconFilled.setImage(std::string(":/graphics/star_filled.svg"), true); mIconUnfilled.setImage(std::string(":/graphics/star_unfilled.svg"), true); } void RatingComponent::setValue(const std::string& value) { if (value.empty()) { mValue = 0.0f; } else { // Round to the closest .1 value, i.e. to the closest half-icon. mValue = std::round(stof(value) / 0.1f) / 10.0f; mOriginalValue = static_cast<int>(mValue * 10.0f); // If the argument to colorize the rating icons has been passed, set the // color shift accordingly. if (mColorizeChanges) { if (static_cast<int>(mValue * 10.0f) == mOriginalValue) mIconFilled.setColorShift(mColorOriginalValue); else mIconFilled.setColorShift(mColorChangedValue); } // For the special situation where there is a fractional rating in the gamelist.xml // file that has been rounded to a half-star rating, render the rating icons green. // This should only happen if an external scraper has been used or if the file has // been manually edited. if (mColorizeChanges && mValue != stof(value)) { mOriginalValue = mMenuColorBlue; mIconFilled.setColorShift(0x449944FF); } if (mValue > 1.0f) mValue = 1.0f; else if (mValue < 0.0f) mValue = 0.0f; } const float clipValue {std::round(mIconUnfilled.getSize().x * mValue)}; if (!mOverlay) mIconUnfilled.setClipRegion(glm::vec4 {clipValue, 0.0f, mSize.x, mSize.y}); mIconFilled.setClipRegion(glm::vec4 {0.0f, 0.0f, clipValue, mSize.y}); } std::string RatingComponent::getValue() const { // Do not use std::to_string here as it will use the current locale // and that sometimes encodes decimals as commas. std::stringstream ss; ss << mValue; return ss.str(); } std::string RatingComponent::getRatingValue(const std::string& rating) { std::stringstream ss; ss << (std::round(stof(rating) / 0.1f) / 10.0f) * NUM_RATING_STARS; return ss.str(); } void RatingComponent::setDimming(float dimming) { mDimming = dimming; mIconFilled.setDimming(dimming); mIconUnfilled.setDimming(dimming); } void RatingComponent::onSizeChanged() { mSize = glm::round(mSize); if (mSize.x == 0.0f) mSize.x = mSize.y * NUM_RATING_STARS; mIconFilled.getTexture()->setSize(mSize.y, mSize.y); mIconFilled.setTileSize(mSize.y, mSize.y); mIconFilled.setResize(glm::vec2 {std::round(mSize.y * mImageRatio) * NUM_RATING_STARS, mSize.y}, true); mIconUnfilled.getTexture()->setSize(mSize.y, mSize.y); mIconUnfilled.setTileSize(mSize.y, mSize.y); mIconUnfilled.setResize( glm::vec2 {std::round(mSize.y * mImageRatio) * NUM_RATING_STARS, mSize.y}, true); } void RatingComponent::render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) { if (!isVisible() || mThemeOpacity == 0.0f || mOpacity == 0.0f) return; if (mHideIfZero && mValue == 0.0f) return; glm::mat4 trans {parentTrans * getTransform()}; mIconUnfilled.setOpacity(mOpacity * mThemeOpacity); mIconFilled.setOpacity(mOpacity * mThemeOpacity); mIconUnfilled.render(trans); mIconFilled.render(trans); } bool RatingComponent::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { if (config->isMappedTo("a", input) && input.value != 0) { mValue += (1.0f / 2.0f) / NUM_RATING_STARS; if (mValue > 1.05f) mValue = 0.0f; // If the argument to colorize the rating icons has been passed, // set the color shift accordingly. if (mColorizeChanges) { if (static_cast<int>(mValue * 10.0f) == mOriginalValue) mIconFilled.setColorShift(mColorOriginalValue); else mIconFilled.setColorShift(mColorChangedValue); } const float clipValue {std::round(mIconUnfilled.getSize().x * mValue)}; if (!mOverlay) mIconUnfilled.setClipRegion(glm::vec4 {clipValue, 0.0f, mSize.x, mSize.y}); mIconFilled.setClipRegion(glm::vec4 {0.0f, 0.0f, clipValue, mSize.y}); } return GuiComponent::input(config, input); } void RatingComponent::applyTheme(const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme, const std::string& view, const std::string& element, unsigned int properties) { using namespace ThemeFlags; const ThemeData::ThemeElement* elem {theme->getElement(view, element, "rating")}; if (!elem) return; GuiComponent::applyTheme(theme, view, element, properties ^ ThemeFlags::SIZE); glm::vec2 scale {getParent() ? getParent()->getSize() : glm::vec2(Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight())}; { // Read the image file in order to retrieve the image dimensions needed to calculate // the aspect ratio constant. if (properties & PATH && elem->has("filledPath")) { const std::string& path {std::string(elem->get<std::string>("filledPath"))}; if (Utils::FileSystem::isRegularFile(path) || Utils::FileSystem::isSymlink(path)) { auto tempImage = TextureResource::get(path, false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f); mImageRatio = static_cast<float>(tempImage->getSize().x) / static_cast<float>(tempImage->getSize().y); } } } if (elem->has("size")) { glm::vec2 ratingSize {elem->get<glm::vec2>("size")}; if (ratingSize == glm::vec2 {0.0f, 0.0f}) { LOG(LogWarning) << "RatingComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property \"size\" " "for element \"" << element.substr(7) << "\" is set to zero"; ratingSize.y = 0.06f; } if (ratingSize.x > 0.0f) ratingSize.x = glm::clamp(ratingSize.x, 0.01f, 1.0f); if (ratingSize.y > 0.0f) ratingSize.y = glm::clamp(ratingSize.y, 0.01f, 0.5f); mSize = glm::round(ratingSize * scale); if (mSize.y == 0.0f) mSize.y = std::round(mSize.x / mImageRatio) / NUM_RATING_STARS; else mSize.x = std::round(mSize.y * mImageRatio) * NUM_RATING_STARS; } if (properties & ThemeFlags::POSITION && elem->has("stationary")) { const std::string& stationary {elem->get<std::string>("stationary")}; if (stationary == "never") mStationary = Stationary::NEVER; else if (stationary == "always") mStationary = Stationary::ALWAYS; else if (stationary == "withinView") mStationary = Stationary::WITHIN_VIEW; else if (stationary == "betweenViews") mStationary = Stationary::BETWEEN_VIEWS; else LOG(LogWarning) << "RatingComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"stationary\" for element \"" << element.substr(7) << "\" defined as \"" << stationary << "\""; } if (elem->has("hideIfZero")) mHideIfZero = elem->get<bool>("hideIfZero"); bool linearInterpolation {false}; // Enable linear interpolation by default if element is arbitrarily rotated. if (properties & ThemeFlags::ROTATION && elem->has("rotation")) { const float rotation {std::abs(elem->get<float>("rotation"))}; if (rotation != 0.0f && (std::round(rotation) != rotation || static_cast<int>(rotation) % 90 != 0)) linearInterpolation = true; } if (elem->has("interpolation")) { const std::string& interpolation {elem->get<std::string>("interpolation")}; if (interpolation == "linear") { linearInterpolation = true; } else if (interpolation == "nearest") { linearInterpolation = false; } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "RatingComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property \"interpolation\" " "for element \"" << element.substr(7) << "\" defined as \"" << interpolation << "\""; } } mIconFilled.setTileSize(std::round(mSize.y * mImageRatio), mSize.y); mIconFilled.setResize(glm::vec2 {mSize}, false); if (properties & PATH && elem->has("filledPath") && (Utils::FileSystem::isRegularFile(elem->get<std::string>("filledPath")) || Utils::FileSystem::isSymlink(elem->get<std::string>("filledPath")))) { mIconFilled.setLinearInterpolation(linearInterpolation); mIconFilled.setImage(std::string(elem->get<std::string>("filledPath")), true); mIconFilled.getTexture()->setSize(std::round(mSize.y * mImageRatio), mSize.y); mIconFilled.onSizeChanged(); } else { mIconFilled.setImage(std::string(":/graphics/star_filled.svg"), true); } mIconUnfilled.setTileSize(std::round(mSize.y * mImageRatio), mSize.y); mIconUnfilled.setResize(glm::vec2 {mSize}, false); if (properties & PATH && elem->has("unfilledPath") && (Utils::FileSystem::isRegularFile(elem->get<std::string>("unfilledPath")) || Utils::FileSystem::isSymlink(elem->get<std::string>("unfilledPath")))) { mIconUnfilled.setLinearInterpolation(linearInterpolation); mIconUnfilled.setImage(std::string(elem->get<std::string>("unfilledPath")), true); mIconUnfilled.getTexture()->setSize(std::round(mSize.y * mImageRatio), mSize.y); mIconUnfilled.onSizeChanged(); } else { mIconUnfilled.setImage(std::string(":/graphics/star_unfilled.svg"), true); } if (elem->has("overlay") && !elem->get<bool>("overlay")) mOverlay = false; if (properties & COLOR) { if (elem->has("color")) { mIconFilled.setColorShift(elem->get<unsigned int>("color")); mIconUnfilled.setColorShift(elem->get<unsigned int>("color")); } else { mIconFilled.setColorShift(0xFFFFFFFF); mIconUnfilled.setColorShift(0xFFFFFFFF); } } } std::vector<HelpPrompt> RatingComponent::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector<HelpPrompt> prompts; prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", "add half star")); return prompts; }