#include "Gamelist.h" #include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h" #include "FileData.h" #include "FileFilterIndex.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include #include FileData* findOrCreateFile(SystemData* system, const boost::filesystem::path& path, FileType type) { // first, verify that path is within the system's root folder FileData* root = system->getRootFolder(); bool contains = false; boost::filesystem::path relative = Utils::FileSystem::removeCommonPath(path.generic_string(), root->getPath().generic_string(), contains); if(!contains) { LOG(LogError) << "File path \"" << path << "\" is outside system path \"" << system->getStartPath() << "\""; return NULL; } auto path_it = relative.begin(); FileData* treeNode = root; bool found = false; while(path_it != relative.end()) { const std::unordered_map& children = treeNode->getChildrenByFilename(); std::string key = path_it->string(); found = children.find(key) != children.cend(); if (found) { treeNode = children.at(key); } // this is the end if(path_it == --relative.end()) { if(found) return treeNode; if(type == FOLDER) { LOG(LogWarning) << "gameList: folder doesn't already exist, won't create"; return NULL; } FileData* file = new FileData(type, path, system->getSystemEnvData(), system); treeNode->addChild(file); return file; } if(!found) { // don't create folders unless it's leading up to a game // if type is a folder it's gonna be empty, so don't bother if(type == FOLDER) { LOG(LogWarning) << "gameList: folder doesn't already exist, won't create"; return NULL; } // create missing folder FileData* folder = new FileData(FOLDER, treeNode->getPath().stem() / *path_it, system->getSystemEnvData(), system); treeNode->addChild(folder); treeNode = folder; } path_it++; } return NULL; } void parseGamelist(SystemData* system) { std::string xmlpath = system->getGamelistPath(false); if(!Utils::FileSystem::exists(xmlpath)) return; LOG(LogInfo) << "Parsing XML file \"" << xmlpath << "\"..."; pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(xmlpath.c_str()); if(!result) { LOG(LogError) << "Error parsing XML file \"" << xmlpath << "\"!\n " << result.description(); return; } pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("gameList"); if(!root) { LOG(LogError) << "Could not find node in gamelist \"" << xmlpath << "\"!"; return; } boost::filesystem::path relativeTo = system->getStartPath(); const char* tagList[2] = { "game", "folder" }; FileType typeList[2] = { GAME, FOLDER }; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const char* tag = tagList[i]; FileType type = typeList[i]; for(pugi::xml_node fileNode = root.child(tag); fileNode; fileNode = fileNode.next_sibling(tag)) { boost::filesystem::path path = Utils::FileSystem::resolveRelativePath(fileNode.child("path").text().get(), relativeTo.generic_string(), false); if(!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path.generic_string())) { LOG(LogWarning) << "File \"" << path << "\" does not exist! Ignoring."; continue; } FileData* file = findOrCreateFile(system, path, type); if(!file) { LOG(LogError) << "Error finding/creating FileData for \"" << path << "\", skipping."; continue; } //load the metadata std::string defaultName = file->metadata.get("name"); file->metadata = MetaDataList::createFromXML(GAME_METADATA, fileNode, relativeTo); //make sure name gets set if one didn't exist if(file->metadata.get("name").empty()) file->metadata.set("name", defaultName); file->metadata.resetChangedFlag(); } } } void addFileDataNode(pugi::xml_node& parent, const FileData* file, const char* tag, SystemData* system) { //create game and add to parent node pugi::xml_node newNode = parent.append_child(tag); //write metadata file->metadata.appendToXML(newNode, true, system->getStartPath()); if(newNode.children().begin() == newNode.child("name") //first element is name && ++newNode.children().begin() == newNode.children().end() //theres only one element && newNode.child("name").text().get() == file->getDisplayName()) //the name is the default { //if the only info is the default name, don't bother with this node //delete it and ultimately do nothing parent.remove_child(newNode); }else{ //there's something useful in there so we'll keep the node, add the path // try and make the path relative if we can so things still work if we change the rom folder location in the future newNode.prepend_child("path").text().set(Utils::FileSystem::createRelativePath(file->getPath().generic_string(), system->getStartPath(), false).c_str()); } } void updateGamelist(SystemData* system) { //We do this by reading the XML again, adding changes and then writing it back, //because there might be information missing in our systemdata which would then miss in the new XML. //We have the complete information for every game though, so we can simply remove a game //we already have in the system from the XML, and then add it back from its GameData information... if(Settings::getInstance()->getBool("IgnoreGamelist")) return; pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_node root; std::string xmlReadPath = system->getGamelistPath(false); if(Utils::FileSystem::exists(xmlReadPath)) { //parse an existing file first pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(xmlReadPath.c_str()); if(!result) { LOG(LogError) << "Error parsing XML file \"" << xmlReadPath << "\"!\n " << result.description(); return; } root = doc.child("gameList"); if(!root) { LOG(LogError) << "Could not find node in gamelist \"" << xmlReadPath << "\"!"; return; } }else{ //set up an empty gamelist to append to root = doc.append_child("gameList"); } //now we have all the information from the XML. now iterate through all our games and add information from there FileData* rootFolder = system->getRootFolder(); if (rootFolder != nullptr) { int numUpdated = 0; //get only files, no folders std::vector files = rootFolder->getFilesRecursive(GAME | FOLDER); //iterate through all files, checking if they're already in the XML for(std::vector::const_iterator fit = files.cbegin(); fit != files.cend(); ++fit) { const char* tag = ((*fit)->getType() == GAME) ? "game" : "folder"; // check if current file has metadata, if no, skip it as it wont be in the gamelist anyway. if ((*fit)->metadata.isDefault()) { continue; } // do not touch if it wasn't changed anyway if (!(*fit)->metadata.wasChanged()) continue; // check if the file already exists in the XML // if it does, remove it before adding for(pugi::xml_node fileNode = root.child(tag); fileNode; fileNode = fileNode.next_sibling(tag)) { pugi::xml_node pathNode = fileNode.child("path"); if(!pathNode) { LOG(LogError) << "<" << tag << "> node contains no child!"; continue; } boost::filesystem::path nodePath = Utils::FileSystem::resolveRelativePath(pathNode.text().get(), system->getStartPath(), true); boost::filesystem::path gamePath((*fit)->getPath()); if(nodePath == gamePath || (Utils::FileSystem::exists(nodePath.generic_string()) && Utils::FileSystem::exists(gamePath.generic_string()) && boost::filesystem::equivalent(nodePath, gamePath))) { // found it root.remove_child(fileNode); break; } } // it was either removed or never existed to begin with; either way, we can add it now addFileDataNode(root, *fit, tag, system); ++numUpdated; } //now write the file if (numUpdated > 0) { //make sure the folders leading up to this path exist (or the write will fail) boost::filesystem::path xmlWritePath(system->getGamelistPath(true)); Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(xmlWritePath.parent_path().generic_string()); LOG(LogInfo) << "Added/Updated " << numUpdated << " entities in '" << xmlReadPath << "'"; if (!doc.save_file(xmlWritePath.c_str())) { LOG(LogError) << "Error saving gamelist.xml to \"" << xmlWritePath << "\" (for system " << system->getName() << ")!"; } } }else{ LOG(LogError) << "Found no root folder for system \"" << system->getName() << "\"!"; } }