#include "ThemeData.h" #include "components/ImageComponent.h" #include "components/TextComponent.h" #include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h" #include "Log.h" #include "platform.h" #include "Settings.h" #include <pugixml/src/pugixml.hpp> #include <algorithm> std::vector<std::string> ThemeData::sSupportedViews { { "system" }, { "basic" }, { "detailed" }, { "grid" }, { "video" } }; std::vector<std::string> ThemeData::sSupportedFeatures { { "video" }, { "carousel" }, { "z-index" } }; std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, ThemeData::ElementPropertyType>> ThemeData::sElementMap { { "image", { { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "size", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "maxSize", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "origin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "rotation", FLOAT }, { "rotationOrigin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "path", PATH }, { "default", PATH }, { "tile", BOOLEAN }, { "color", COLOR }, { "zIndex", FLOAT } } }, { "imagegrid", { { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "size", NORMALIZED_PAIR } } }, { "text", { { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "size", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "origin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "rotation", FLOAT }, { "rotationOrigin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "text", STRING }, { "backgroundColor", COLOR }, { "fontPath", PATH }, { "fontSize", FLOAT }, { "color", COLOR }, { "alignment", STRING }, { "forceUppercase", BOOLEAN }, { "lineSpacing", FLOAT }, { "value", STRING }, { "zIndex", FLOAT } } }, { "textlist", { { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "size", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "origin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "selectorHeight", FLOAT }, { "selectorOffsetY", FLOAT }, { "selectorColor", COLOR }, { "selectorImagePath", PATH }, { "selectorImageTile", BOOLEAN }, { "selectedColor", COLOR }, { "primaryColor", COLOR }, { "secondaryColor", COLOR }, { "fontPath", PATH }, { "fontSize", FLOAT }, { "scrollSound", PATH }, { "alignment", STRING }, { "horizontalMargin", FLOAT }, { "forceUppercase", BOOLEAN }, { "lineSpacing", FLOAT }, { "zIndex", FLOAT } } }, { "container", { { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "size", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "origin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "zIndex", FLOAT } } }, { "ninepatch", { { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "size", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "path", PATH }, { "zIndex", FLOAT } } }, { "datetime", { { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "size", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "color", COLOR }, { "fontPath", PATH }, { "fontSize", FLOAT }, { "forceUppercase", BOOLEAN }, { "zIndex", FLOAT } } }, { "rating", { { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "size", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "origin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "rotation", FLOAT }, { "rotationOrigin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "color", COLOR }, { "filledPath", PATH }, { "unfilledPath", PATH }, { "zIndex", FLOAT } } }, { "sound", { { "path", PATH } } }, { "helpsystem", { { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "textColor", COLOR }, { "iconColor", COLOR }, { "fontPath", PATH }, { "fontSize", FLOAT } } }, { "video", { { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "size", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "maxSize", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "origin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "rotation", FLOAT }, { "rotationOrigin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "default", PATH }, { "delay", FLOAT }, { "zIndex", FLOAT }, { "showSnapshotNoVideo", BOOLEAN }, { "showSnapshotDelay", BOOLEAN } } }, { "carousel", { { "type", STRING }, { "size", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "pos", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "origin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "color", COLOR }, { "logoScale", FLOAT }, { "logoRotation", FLOAT }, { "logoRotationOrigin", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "logoSize", NORMALIZED_PAIR }, { "logoAlignment", STRING }, { "maxLogoCount", FLOAT }, { "zIndex", FLOAT } } } }; #define MINIMUM_THEME_FORMAT_VERSION 3 #define CURRENT_THEME_FORMAT_VERSION 5 // helper unsigned int getHexColor(const char* str) { ThemeException error; if(!str) throw error << "Empty color"; size_t len = strlen(str); if(len != 6 && len != 8) throw error << "Invalid color (bad length, \"" << str << "\" - must be 6 or 8)"; unsigned int val; std::stringstream ss; ss << str; ss >> std::hex >> val; if(len == 6) val = (val << 8) | 0xFF; return val; } std::map<std::string, std::string> mVariables; std::string resolvePlaceholders(const char* in) { std::string inStr(in); if(inStr.empty()) return inStr; const size_t variableBegin = inStr.find("${"); const size_t variableEnd = inStr.find("}", variableBegin); if((variableBegin == std::string::npos) || (variableEnd == std::string::npos)) return inStr; std::string prefix = inStr.substr(0, variableBegin); std::string replace = inStr.substr(variableBegin + 2, variableEnd - (variableBegin + 2)); std::string suffix = resolvePlaceholders(inStr.substr(variableEnd + 1).c_str()); return prefix + mVariables[replace] + suffix; } ThemeData::ThemeData() { mVersion = 0; } void ThemeData::loadFile(std::map<std::string, std::string> sysDataMap, const std::string& path) { mPaths.push_back(path); ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); if(!Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) throw error << "File does not exist!"; mVersion = 0; mViews.clear(); mVariables.clear(); mVariables.insert(sysDataMap.cbegin(), sysDataMap.cend()); pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result res = doc.load_file(path.c_str()); if(!res) throw error << "XML parsing error: \n " << res.description(); pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("theme"); if(!root) throw error << "Missing <theme> tag!"; // parse version mVersion = root.child("formatVersion").text().as_float(-404); if(mVersion == -404) throw error << "<formatVersion> tag missing!\n It's either out of date or you need to add <formatVersion>" << CURRENT_THEME_FORMAT_VERSION << "</formatVersion> inside your <theme> tag."; if(mVersion < MINIMUM_THEME_FORMAT_VERSION) throw error << "Theme uses format version " << mVersion << ". Minimum supported version is " << MINIMUM_THEME_FORMAT_VERSION << "."; parseVariables(root); parseIncludes(root); parseViews(root); parseFeatures(root); } void ThemeData::parseIncludes(const pugi::xml_node& root) { ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); for(pugi::xml_node node = root.child("include"); node; node = node.next_sibling("include")) { const char* relPath = node.text().get(); std::string path = Utils::FileSystem::resolveRelativePath(relPath, mPaths.back(), true); if(!ResourceManager::getInstance()->fileExists(path)) throw error << "Included file \"" << relPath << "\" not found! (resolved to \"" << path << "\")"; error << " from included file \"" << relPath << "\":\n "; mPaths.push_back(path); pugi::xml_document includeDoc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = includeDoc.load_file(path.c_str()); if(!result) throw error << "Error parsing file: \n " << result.description(); pugi::xml_node theme = includeDoc.child("theme"); if(!theme) throw error << "Missing <theme> tag!"; parseVariables(theme); parseIncludes(theme); parseViews(theme); parseFeatures(theme); mPaths.pop_back(); } } void ThemeData::parseFeatures(const pugi::xml_node& root) { ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); for(pugi::xml_node node = root.child("feature"); node; node = node.next_sibling("feature")) { if(!node.attribute("supported")) throw error << "Feature missing \"supported\" attribute!"; const std::string supportedAttr = node.attribute("supported").as_string(); if (std::find(sSupportedFeatures.cbegin(), sSupportedFeatures.cend(), supportedAttr) != sSupportedFeatures.cend()) { parseViews(node); } } } void ThemeData::parseVariables(const pugi::xml_node& root) { ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); pugi::xml_node variables = root.child("variables"); if(!variables) return; for(pugi::xml_node_iterator it = variables.begin(); it != variables.end(); ++it) { std::string key = it->name(); std::string val = it->text().as_string(); if (!val.empty()) mVariables.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(key, val)); } } void ThemeData::parseViews(const pugi::xml_node& root) { ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); // parse views for(pugi::xml_node node = root.child("view"); node; node = node.next_sibling("view")) { if(!node.attribute("name")) throw error << "View missing \"name\" attribute!"; const char* delim = " \t\r\n,"; const std::string nameAttr = node.attribute("name").as_string(); size_t prevOff = nameAttr.find_first_not_of(delim, 0); size_t off = nameAttr.find_first_of(delim, prevOff); std::string viewKey; while(off != std::string::npos || prevOff != std::string::npos) { viewKey = nameAttr.substr(prevOff, off - prevOff); prevOff = nameAttr.find_first_not_of(delim, off); off = nameAttr.find_first_of(delim, prevOff); if (std::find(sSupportedViews.cbegin(), sSupportedViews.cend(), viewKey) != sSupportedViews.cend()) { ThemeView& view = mViews.insert(std::pair<std::string, ThemeView>(viewKey, ThemeView())).first->second; parseView(node, view); } } } } void ThemeData::parseView(const pugi::xml_node& root, ThemeView& view) { ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); for(pugi::xml_node node = root.first_child(); node; node = node.next_sibling()) { if(!node.attribute("name")) throw error << "Element of type \"" << node.name() << "\" missing \"name\" attribute!"; auto elemTypeIt = sElementMap.find(node.name()); if(elemTypeIt == sElementMap.cend()) throw error << "Unknown element of type \"" << node.name() << "\"!"; const char* delim = " \t\r\n,"; const std::string nameAttr = node.attribute("name").as_string(); size_t prevOff = nameAttr.find_first_not_of(delim, 0); size_t off = nameAttr.find_first_of(delim, prevOff); while(off != std::string::npos || prevOff != std::string::npos) { std::string elemKey = nameAttr.substr(prevOff, off - prevOff); prevOff = nameAttr.find_first_not_of(delim, off); off = nameAttr.find_first_of(delim, prevOff); parseElement(node, elemTypeIt->second, view.elements.insert(std::pair<std::string, ThemeElement>(elemKey, ThemeElement())).first->second); if(std::find(view.orderedKeys.cbegin(), view.orderedKeys.cend(), elemKey) == view.orderedKeys.cend()) view.orderedKeys.push_back(elemKey); } } } void ThemeData::parseElement(const pugi::xml_node& root, const std::map<std::string, ElementPropertyType>& typeMap, ThemeElement& element) { ThemeException error; error.setFiles(mPaths); element.type = root.name(); element.extra = root.attribute("extra").as_bool(false); for(pugi::xml_node node = root.first_child(); node; node = node.next_sibling()) { auto typeIt = typeMap.find(node.name()); if(typeIt == typeMap.cend()) throw error << "Unknown property type \"" << node.name() << "\" (for element of type " << root.name() << ")."; std::string str = resolvePlaceholders(node.text().as_string()); switch(typeIt->second) { case NORMALIZED_PAIR: { size_t divider = str.find(' '); if(divider == std::string::npos) throw error << "invalid normalized pair (property \"" << node.name() << "\", value \"" << str.c_str() << "\")"; std::string first = str.substr(0, divider); std::string second = str.substr(divider, std::string::npos); Vector2f val((float)atof(first.c_str()), (float)atof(second.c_str())); element.properties[node.name()] = val; break; } case STRING: element.properties[node.name()] = str; break; case PATH: { std::string path = Utils::FileSystem::resolveRelativePath(str, mPaths.back(), true); if(!ResourceManager::getInstance()->fileExists(path)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << " Warning " << error.msg; // "from theme yadda yadda, included file yadda yadda ss << "could not find file \"" << node.text().get() << "\" "; if(node.text().get() != path) ss << "(which resolved to \"" << path << "\") "; LOG(LogWarning) << ss.str(); } element.properties[node.name()] = path; break; } case COLOR: element.properties[node.name()] = getHexColor(str.c_str()); break; case FLOAT: { float floatVal = static_cast<float>(strtod(str.c_str(), 0)); element.properties[node.name()] = floatVal; break; } case BOOLEAN: { // only look at first char char first = str[0]; // 1*, t* (true), T* (True), y* (yes), Y* (YES) bool boolVal = (first == '1' || first == 't' || first == 'T' || first == 'y' || first == 'Y'); element.properties[node.name()] = boolVal; break; } default: throw error << "Unknown ElementPropertyType for \"" << root.attribute("name").as_string() << "\", property " << node.name(); } } } bool ThemeData::hasView(const std::string& view) { auto viewIt = mViews.find(view); return (viewIt != mViews.cend()); } const ThemeData::ThemeElement* ThemeData::getElement(const std::string& view, const std::string& element, const std::string& expectedType) const { auto viewIt = mViews.find(view); if(viewIt == mViews.cend()) return NULL; // not found auto elemIt = viewIt->second.elements.find(element); if(elemIt == viewIt->second.elements.cend()) return NULL; if(elemIt->second.type != expectedType && !expectedType.empty()) { LOG(LogWarning) << " requested mismatched theme type for [" << view << "." << element << "] - expected \"" << expectedType << "\", got \"" << elemIt->second.type << "\""; return NULL; } return &elemIt->second; } const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& ThemeData::getDefault() { static std::shared_ptr<ThemeData> theme = nullptr; if(theme == nullptr) { theme = std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>(new ThemeData()); const std::string path = Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() + "/.emulationstation/es_theme_default.xml"; if(Utils::FileSystem::exists(path)) { try { std::map<std::string, std::string> emptyMap; theme->loadFile(emptyMap, path); } catch(ThemeException& e) { LOG(LogError) << e.what(); theme = std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>(new ThemeData()); //reset to empty } } } return theme; } std::vector<GuiComponent*> ThemeData::makeExtras(const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme, const std::string& view, Window* window) { std::vector<GuiComponent*> comps; auto viewIt = theme->mViews.find(view); if(viewIt == theme->mViews.cend()) return comps; for(auto it = viewIt->second.orderedKeys.cbegin(); it != viewIt->second.orderedKeys.cend(); it++) { ThemeElement& elem = viewIt->second.elements.at(*it); if(elem.extra) { GuiComponent* comp = NULL; const std::string& t = elem.type; if(t == "image") comp = new ImageComponent(window); else if(t == "text") comp = new TextComponent(window); comp->setDefaultZIndex(10); comp->applyTheme(theme, view, *it, ThemeFlags::ALL); comps.push_back(comp); } } return comps; } std::map<std::string, ThemeSet> ThemeData::getThemeSets() { std::map<std::string, ThemeSet> sets; static const size_t pathCount = 2; std::string paths[pathCount] = { "/etc/emulationstation/themes", Utils::FileSystem::getHomePath() + "/.emulationstation/themes" }; for(size_t i = 0; i < pathCount; i++) { if(!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(paths[i])) continue; Utils::FileSystem::stringList dirContent = Utils::FileSystem::getDirContent(paths[i]); for(Utils::FileSystem::stringList::const_iterator it = dirContent.cbegin(); it != dirContent.cend(); ++it) { if(Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(*it)) { ThemeSet set = {*it}; sets[set.getName()] = set; } } } return sets; } std::string ThemeData::getThemeFromCurrentSet(const std::string& system) { std::map<std::string, ThemeSet> themeSets = ThemeData::getThemeSets(); if(themeSets.empty()) { // no theme sets available return ""; } std::map<std::string, ThemeSet>::const_iterator set = themeSets.find(Settings::getInstance()->getString("ThemeSet")); if(set == themeSets.cend()) { // currently selected theme set is missing, so just pick the first available set set = themeSets.cbegin(); Settings::getInstance()->setString("ThemeSet", set->first); } return set->second.getThemePath(system); }