#include "InputManager.h" #include "InputConfig.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Log.h" #include "pugiXML/pugixml.hpp" #include #include "platform.h" #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) #include #endif namespace fs = boost::filesystem; //----- InputDevice ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- InputDevice::InputDevice(const std::string & deviceName, unsigned long vendorId, unsigned long productId) : name(deviceName), vendor(vendorId), product(productId) { } bool InputDevice::operator==(const InputDevice & b) const { return (name == b.name && vendor == b.vendor && product == b.product); } //----- InputManager --------------------------------------------------------------------------- InputManager::InputManager(Window* window) : mWindow(window), mJoysticks(NULL), mInputConfigs(NULL), mKeyboardInputConfig(NULL), mPrevAxisValues(NULL), mNumJoysticks(0), mNumPlayers(0), devicePollingTimer(nullptr) { } InputManager::~InputManager() { deinit(); } std::vector InputManager::getInputDevices() const { std::vector currentDevices; //retrieve all input devices from system #if defined (__APPLE__) #error TODO: Not implemented for MacOS yet!!! #elif defined(__linux__) //open linux input devices file system const std::string inputPath("/dev/input"); fs::directory_iterator dirIt(inputPath); while (dirIt != fs::directory_iterator()) { //get directory entry std::string deviceName = (*dirIt).path().string(); //remove parent path deviceName.erase(0, inputPath.length() + 1); //check if it start with "js" if (deviceName.length() >= 3 && deviceName.find("js") == 0) { //looks like a joystick. add to devices. currentDevices.push_back(InputDevice(deviceName, 0, 0)); } dirIt++; } //or dump /proc/bus/input/devices anbd search for a Handler=..."js"... entry #elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) RAWINPUTDEVICELIST * deviceList = nullptr; UINT nrOfDevices = 0; //get number of input devices if (GetRawInputDeviceList(deviceList, &nrOfDevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) != -1 && nrOfDevices > 0) { //get list of input devices deviceList = new RAWINPUTDEVICELIST[nrOfDevices]; if (GetRawInputDeviceList(deviceList, &nrOfDevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) != -1) { //loop through input devices for (int i = 0; i < nrOfDevices; i++) { //get device name char * rawName = new char[2048]; UINT rawNameSize = 2047; GetRawInputDeviceInfo(deviceList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, (void *)rawName, &rawNameSize); //null-terminate string rawName[rawNameSize] = '\0'; //convert to string std::string deviceName = rawName; delete [] rawName; //get deviceType RID_DEVICE_INFO deviceInfo; UINT deviceInfoSize = sizeof(RID_DEVICE_INFO); GetRawInputDeviceInfo(deviceList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICEINFO, (void *)&deviceInfo, &deviceInfoSize); //check if it is a HID. we ignore keyboards and mice... if (deviceInfo.dwType == RIM_TYPEHID) { //check if the vendor/product already exists in list. yes. could be more elegant... std::vector::const_iterator cdIt = currentDevices.cbegin(); while (cdIt != currentDevices.cend()) { if (cdIt->name == deviceName && cdIt->product == deviceInfo.hid.dwProductId && cdIt->vendor == deviceInfo.hid.dwVendorId) { //device already there break; } ++cdIt; } //was the device found? if (cdIt == currentDevices.cend()) { //no. add it. currentDevices.push_back(InputDevice(deviceName, deviceInfo.hid.dwProductId, deviceInfo.hid.dwVendorId)); } } } } delete [] deviceList; } #endif return currentDevices; } Uint32 InputManager::devicePollingCallback(Uint32 interval, void* param) { //this thing my be running in a different thread, so we're not allowed to call //any functions or change/allocate/delete stuff, but can send a user event SDL_Event event; SDL_UserEvent userevent; userevent.type = SDL_USEREVENT_POLLDEVICES; userevent.code = 0; userevent.data1 = nullptr; userevent.data2 = nullptr; event.type = SDL_USEREVENT; event.user = userevent; SDL_PushEvent(&event); return interval; } void InputManager::init() { if(mJoysticks != NULL) deinit(); //get current input devices from system inputDevices = getInputDevices(); SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL_INIT_TIMER); mNumJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks(); mJoysticks = new SDL_Joystick*[mNumJoysticks]; mInputConfigs = new InputConfig*[mNumJoysticks]; mPrevAxisValues = new std::map[mNumJoysticks]; for(int i = 0; i < mNumJoysticks; i++) { mJoysticks[i] = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); mInputConfigs[i] = new InputConfig(i); for(int k = 0; k < SDL_JoystickNumAxes(mJoysticks[i]); k++) { mPrevAxisValues[i][k] = 0; } } mKeyboardInputConfig = new InputConfig(DEVICE_KEYBOARD); SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE); //start timer for input device polling devicePollingTimer = SDL_AddTimer(POLLING_INTERVAL, devicePollingCallback, (void *)this); loadConfig(); } void InputManager::deinit() { SDL_RemoveTimer(devicePollingTimer); SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_DISABLE); if(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)) return; if(mJoysticks != NULL) { for(int i = 0; i < mNumJoysticks; i++) { SDL_JoystickClose(mJoysticks[i]); delete mInputConfigs[i]; } delete[] mInputConfigs; mInputConfigs = NULL; delete[] mJoysticks; mJoysticks = NULL; delete mKeyboardInputConfig; mKeyboardInputConfig = NULL; delete[] mPrevAxisValues; mPrevAxisValues = NULL; } SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL_INIT_TIMER); inputDevices.clear(); } int InputManager::getNumJoysticks() { return mNumJoysticks; } int InputManager::getButtonCountByDevice(int id) { if(id == DEVICE_KEYBOARD) return 120; //it's a lot, okay. else return SDL_JoystickNumButtons(mJoysticks[id]); } int InputManager::getNumPlayers() { return mNumPlayers; } void InputManager::setNumPlayers(int num) { mNumPlayers = num; } InputConfig* InputManager::getInputConfigByDevice(int device) { if(device == DEVICE_KEYBOARD) return mKeyboardInputConfig; else return mInputConfigs[device]; } InputConfig* InputManager::getInputConfigByPlayer(int player) { if(mKeyboardInputConfig->getPlayerNum() == player) return mKeyboardInputConfig; for(int i = 0; i < mNumJoysticks; i++) { if(mInputConfigs[i]->getPlayerNum() == player) return mInputConfigs[i]; } LOG(LogError) << "Could not find input config for player number " << player << "!"; return NULL; } bool InputManager::parseEvent(const SDL_Event& ev) { bool causedEvent = false; switch(ev.type) { case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: //if it switched boundaries if((abs(ev.jaxis.value) > DEADZONE) != (abs(mPrevAxisValues[ev.jaxis.which][ev.jaxis.axis]) > DEADZONE)) { int normValue; if(abs(ev.jaxis.value) <= DEADZONE) normValue = 0; else if(ev.jaxis.value > 0) normValue = 1; else normValue = -1; mWindow->input(getInputConfigByDevice(ev.jaxis.which), Input(ev.jaxis.which, TYPE_AXIS, ev.jaxis.axis, normValue, false)); causedEvent = true; } mPrevAxisValues[ev.jaxis.which][ev.jaxis.axis] = ev.jaxis.value; return causedEvent; case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: mWindow->input(getInputConfigByDevice(ev.jbutton.which), Input(ev.jbutton.which, TYPE_BUTTON, ev.jbutton.button, ev.jbutton.state == SDL_PRESSED, false)); return true; case SDL_JOYHATMOTION: mWindow->input(getInputConfigByDevice(ev.jhat.which), Input(ev.jhat.which, TYPE_HAT, ev.jhat.hat, ev.jhat.value, false)); return true; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if(ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F4) { SDL_Event* quit = new SDL_Event(); quit->type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(quit); return false; } mWindow->input(getInputConfigByDevice(DEVICE_KEYBOARD), Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, ev.key.keysym.sym, 1, false)); return true; case SDL_KEYUP: mWindow->input(getInputConfigByDevice(DEVICE_KEYBOARD), Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, ev.key.keysym.sym, 0, false)); return true; case SDL_USEREVENT_POLLDEVICES: //poll joystick / HID again std::vector currentDevices = getInputDevices(); //compare device lists to see if devices were added/deleted if (currentDevices != inputDevices) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Device configuration changed!"; inputDevices = currentDevices; } return true; } return false; } void InputManager::loadConfig() { if(!mJoysticks) { LOG(LogError) << "ERROR - cannot load InputManager config without being initialized!"; } std::string path = getConfigPath(); if(!fs::exists(path)) return; pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result res = doc.load_file(path.c_str()); if(!res) { LOG(LogError) << "Error loading input config: " << res.description(); return; } mNumPlayers = 0; bool* configuredDevice = new bool[mNumJoysticks]; for(int i = 0; i < mNumJoysticks; i++) { mInputConfigs[i]->setPlayerNum(-1); configuredDevice[i] = false; } pugi::xml_node root = doc.child("inputList"); for(pugi::xml_node node = root.child("inputConfig"); node; node = node.next_sibling("inputConfig")) { std::string type = node.attribute("type").as_string(); if(type == "keyboard") { getInputConfigByDevice(DEVICE_KEYBOARD)->loadFromXML(node, mNumPlayers); mNumPlayers++; }else if(type == "joystick") { bool found = false; std::string devName = node.attribute("deviceName").as_string(); for(int i = 0; i < mNumJoysticks; i++) { if(!configuredDevice[i] && SDL_JoystickName(i) == devName) { mInputConfigs[i]->loadFromXML(node, mNumPlayers); mNumPlayers++; found = true; configuredDevice[i] = true; break; } } if(!found) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Could not find unconfigured joystick named \"" << devName << "\"! Skipping it.\n"; continue; } }else{ LOG(LogWarning) << "Device type \"" << type << "\" unknown!\n"; } } delete[] configuredDevice; if(mNumPlayers == 0) { LOG(LogInfo) << "No input configs loaded. Loading default keyboard config."; loadDefaultConfig(); } } //used in an "emergency" where no configs could be loaded from the inputmanager config file //allows the user to select to reconfigure in menus if this happens without having to delete es_input.cfg manually void InputManager::loadDefaultConfig() { InputConfig* cfg = getInputConfigByDevice(DEVICE_KEYBOARD); mNumPlayers++; cfg->setPlayerNum(0); cfg->mapInput("up", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_UP, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("down", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_DOWN, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("left", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_LEFT, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("right", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_RIGHT, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("a", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_RETURN, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("b", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_ESCAPE, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("menu", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_F1, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("select", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_F2, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("pageup", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("pagedown", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_LEFTBRACKET, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("mastervolup", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_PLUS, 1, true)); cfg->mapInput("mastervoldown", Input(DEVICE_KEYBOARD, TYPE_KEY, SDLK_MINUS, 1, true)); } void InputManager::writeConfig() { if(!mJoysticks) { LOG(LogError) << "ERROR - cannot write config without being initialized!"; return; } std::string path = getConfigPath(); pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_node root = doc.append_child("inputList"); mKeyboardInputConfig->writeToXML(root); for(int i = 0; i < mNumJoysticks; i++) { mInputConfigs[i]->writeToXML(root); } doc.save_file(path.c_str()); } std::string InputManager::getConfigPath() { std::string path = getHomePath(); path += "/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg"; return path; }