// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // EmulationStation Desktop Edition // GuiOfflineGenerator.cpp // // User interface for the miximage offline generator. // Calls MiximageGenerator to do the actual work. // #include "guis/GuiOfflineGenerator.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include "components/MenuComponent.h" GuiOfflineGenerator::GuiOfflineGenerator(const std::queue& gameQueue) : mGameQueue {gameQueue} , mBackground {":/graphics/frame.svg"} , mGrid {glm::ivec2 {6, 13}} { addChild(&mBackground); addChild(&mGrid); mProcessing = false; mPaused = false; mOverwriting = false; mTotalGames = static_cast(mGameQueue.size()); mGamesProcessed = 0; mImagesGenerated = 0; mImagesOverwritten = 0; mGamesSkipped = 0; mGamesFailed = 0; mGame = nullptr; // Header. mTitle = std::make_shared("MIXIMAGE OFFLINE GENERATOR", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE), 0x555555FF, ALIGN_CENTER); mGrid.setEntry(mTitle, glm::ivec2 {0, 0}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {6, 1}); mStatus = std::make_shared("NOT STARTED", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM), 0x777777FF, ALIGN_CENTER); mGrid.setEntry(mStatus, glm::ivec2 {0, 1}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {6, 1}); mGameCounter = std::make_shared( std::to_string(mGamesProcessed) + " OF " + std::to_string(mTotalGames) + (mTotalGames == 1 ? " GAME " : " GAMES ") + "PROCESSED", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_CENTER); mGrid.setEntry(mGameCounter, glm::ivec2 {0, 2}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {6, 1}); // Spacer row with top border. mGrid.setEntry(std::make_shared(), glm::ivec2 {0, 3}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {6, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_TOP); // Left spacer. mGrid.setEntry(std::make_shared(), glm::ivec2 {0, 4}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 7}); // Generated label. mGeneratedLbl = std::make_shared("Generated:", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mGeneratedLbl, glm::ivec2 {1, 4}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Generated value/counter. mGeneratedVal = std::make_shared( std::to_string(mGamesProcessed), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mGeneratedVal, glm::ivec2 {2, 4}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Overwritten label. mOverwrittenLbl = std::make_shared("Overwritten:", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mOverwrittenLbl, glm::ivec2 {1, 5}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Overwritten value/counter. mOverwrittenVal = std::make_shared( std::to_string(mImagesOverwritten), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mOverwrittenVal, glm::ivec2 {2, 5}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Skipping label. mSkippedLbl = std::make_shared("Skipped (existing):", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mSkippedLbl, glm::ivec2 {1, 6}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Skipping value/counter. mSkippedVal = std::make_shared( std::to_string(mGamesSkipped), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mSkippedVal, glm::ivec2 {2, 6}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Failed label. mFailedLbl = std::make_shared("Failed:", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mFailedLbl, glm::ivec2 {1, 7}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Failed value/counter. mFailedVal = std::make_shared( std::to_string(mGamesFailed), Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mFailedVal, glm::ivec2 {2, 7}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Processing label. mProcessingLbl = std::make_shared("Processing: ", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mProcessingLbl, glm::ivec2 {3, 4}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Processing value. mProcessingVal = std::make_shared("", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mProcessingVal, glm::ivec2 {4, 4}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}); // Spacer row. mGrid.setEntry(std::make_shared(), glm::ivec2 {1, 8}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}); // Last error message label. mLastErrorLbl = std::make_shared( "Last error message:", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mLastErrorLbl, glm::ivec2 {1, 9}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}); // Last error message value. mLastErrorVal = std::make_shared("", Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), 0x888888FF, ALIGN_LEFT); mGrid.setEntry(mLastErrorVal, glm::ivec2 {1, 10}, false, true, glm::ivec2 {4, 1}); // Right spacer. mGrid.setEntry(std::make_shared(), glm::ivec2 {5, 4}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 7}); // Spacer row with bottom border. mGrid.setEntry(std::make_shared(), glm::ivec2 {0, 11}, false, false, glm::ivec2 {6, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_BOTTOM); // Buttons. std::vector> buttons; mStartPauseButton = std::make_shared("START", "start processing", [this]() { if (!mProcessing) { mProcessing = true; mPaused = false; mStartPauseButton->setText("PAUSE", "pause processing"); mCloseButton->setText("CLOSE", "close (abort processing)"); mStatus->setText("RUNNING..."); if (mGamesProcessed == 0) { LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiOfflineGenerator: Processing " << mTotalGames << " games"; } } else { if (mMiximageGeneratorThread.joinable()) mMiximageGeneratorThread.join(); mPaused = true; update(1); mProcessing = false; this->mStartPauseButton->setText("START", "start processing"); this->mCloseButton->setText("CLOSE", "close (abort processing)"); mStatus->setText("PAUSED"); } }); buttons.push_back(mStartPauseButton); mCloseButton = std::make_shared("CLOSE", "close", [this]() { if (mGamesProcessed != 0 && mGamesProcessed != mTotalGames) { LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiOfflineGenerator: Aborted after processing " << mGamesProcessed << (mGamesProcessed == 1 ? " game (" : " games (") << mImagesGenerated << (mImagesGenerated == 1 ? " image " : " images ") << "generated, " << mGamesSkipped << (mGamesSkipped == 1 ? " game " : " games ") << "skipped, " << mGamesFailed << (mGamesFailed == 1 ? " game " : " games ") << "failed)"; } delete this; }); buttons.push_back(mCloseButton); mButtonGrid = makeButtonGrid(buttons); mGrid.setEntry(mButtonGrid, glm::ivec2 {0, 12}, true, false, glm::ivec2 {6, 1}); // For narrower displays (e.g. in 4:3 ratio), allow the window to fill 95% of the screen // width rather than the 85% allowed for wider displays. float width {Renderer::getScreenWidth() * ((Renderer::getScreenAspectRatio() < 1.4f) ? 0.95f : 0.85f)}; setSize(width, Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.75f); setPosition((Renderer::getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, (Renderer::getScreenHeight() - mSize.y) / 2.0f); } GuiOfflineGenerator::~GuiOfflineGenerator() { // Let the miximage generator thread complete. if (mMiximageGeneratorThread.joinable()) mMiximageGeneratorThread.join(); mMiximageGenerator.reset(); if (mImagesGenerated > 0) ViewController::getInstance()->reloadAll(); } void GuiOfflineGenerator::onSizeChanged() { mBackground.fitTo(mSize, glm::vec3 {}, glm::vec2 {-32.0f, -32.0f}); // Set row heights. mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(0, mTitle->getFont()->getLetterHeight() * 1.9725f / mSize.y, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(1, (mStatus->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + 2.0f) / mSize.y, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(2, mGameCounter->getFont()->getHeight() * 1.75f / mSize.y, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(3, (mStatus->getFont()->getLetterHeight() + 3.0f) / mSize.y, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(4, 0.07f, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(5, 0.07f, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(6, 0.07f, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(7, 0.07f, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(8, 0.02f, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(9, 0.07f, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(10, 0.07f, false); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(12, mButtonGrid->getSize().y / mSize.y, false); // Set column widths. mGrid.setColWidthPerc(0, 0.03f); mGrid.setColWidthPerc(1, 0.20f); mGrid.setColWidthPerc(2, 0.145f); mGrid.setColWidthPerc(5, 0.03f); // Adjust the width slightly depending on the aspect ratio of the screen to make sure // that the label does not get abbreviated. if (Renderer::getScreenAspectRatio() <= 1.4f) mGrid.setColWidthPerc(3, 0.13f); else if (Renderer::getScreenAspectRatio() <= 1.6f) mGrid.setColWidthPerc(3, 0.12f); else mGrid.setColWidthPerc(3, 0.113f); mGrid.setSize(mSize); } void GuiOfflineGenerator::update(int deltaTime) { if (!mProcessing) return; // Check if a miximage generator thread was started, and if the processing has been completed. if (mMiximageGenerator && mGeneratorFuture.valid()) { // Only wait one millisecond as this update() function runs very frequently. if (mGeneratorFuture.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)) == std::future_status::ready) { // We always let the miximage generator thread complete. if (mMiximageGeneratorThread.joinable()) mMiximageGeneratorThread.join(); mMiximageGenerator.reset(); if (!mGeneratorFuture.get()) { ++mImagesGenerated; TextureResource::manualUnload(mGame->getMiximagePath(), false); mProcessingVal->setText(""); if (mOverwriting) { ++mImagesOverwritten; mOverwriting = false; } } else { std::string errorMessage {mResultMessage + " (" + mGameName + ")"}; mLastErrorVal->setText(errorMessage); LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiOfflineGenerator: " << errorMessage; ++mGamesFailed; } mGame = nullptr; ++mGamesProcessed; } } // This is simply to retain the name of the last processed game on-screen while paused. if (mPaused) mProcessingVal->setText(mGameName); if (!mPaused && !mGameQueue.empty() && !mMiximageGenerator) { mGame = mGameQueue.front(); mGameQueue.pop(); mGameName = mGame->getName() + " [" + Utils::String::toUpper(mGame->getSystem()->getName()) + "]"; mProcessingVal->setText(mGameName); if (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("MiximageOverwrite") && mGame->getMiximagePath() != "") { ++mGamesProcessed; ++mGamesSkipped; mSkippedVal->setText(std::to_string(mGamesSkipped)); } else { if (mGame->getMiximagePath() != "") mOverwriting = true; mMiximageGenerator = std::make_unique(mGame, mResultMessage); // The promise/future mechanism is used as signaling for the thread to indicate // that processing has been completed. std::promise().swap(mGeneratorPromise); mGeneratorFuture = mGeneratorPromise.get_future(); mMiximageGeneratorThread = std::thread(&MiximageGenerator::startThread, mMiximageGenerator.get(), &mGeneratorPromise); } } // Update the statistics. mStatus->setText("RUNNING..."); mGameCounter->setText(std::to_string(mGamesProcessed) + " OF " + std::to_string(mTotalGames) + (mTotalGames == 1 ? " GAME " : " GAMES ") + "PROCESSED"); mGeneratedVal->setText(std::to_string(mImagesGenerated)); mFailedVal->setText(std::to_string(mGamesFailed)); mOverwrittenVal->setText(std::to_string(mImagesOverwritten)); if (mGamesProcessed == mTotalGames) { mStatus->setText("COMPLETED"); mStartPauseButton->setText("DONE", "done (close)"); mStartPauseButton->setPressedFunc([this]() { delete this; }); mCloseButton->setText("CLOSE", "close"); mProcessingVal->setText(""); LOG(LogInfo) << "GuiOfflineGenerator: Completed processing (" << mImagesGenerated << (mImagesGenerated == 1 ? " image " : " images ") << "generated, " << mGamesSkipped << (mGamesSkipped == 1 ? " game " : " games ") << "skipped, " << mGamesFailed << (mGamesFailed == 1 ? " game " : " games ") << "failed)"; mProcessing = false; } } std::vector GuiOfflineGenerator::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector prompts {mGrid.getHelpPrompts()}; return prompts; }