// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // EmulationStation Desktop Edition // VideoFFmpegComponent.cpp // // Video player based on FFmpeg. // #define DEBUG_VIDEO false #include "components/VideoFFmpegComponent.h" #include "AudioManager.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "Window.h" #include "resources/TextureResource.h" #include <algorithm> #include <iomanip> enum AVHWDeviceType VideoFFmpegComponent::sDeviceType = AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE; enum AVPixelFormat VideoFFmpegComponent::sPixelFormat = AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; std::vector<std::string> VideoFFmpegComponent::sHWDecodedVideos; std::vector<std::string> VideoFFmpegComponent::sSWDecodedVideos; VideoFFmpegComponent::VideoFFmpegComponent() : mRectangleOffset {0.0f, 0.0f} , mFrameProcessingThread {nullptr} , mFormatContext {nullptr} , mVideoStream {nullptr} , mAudioStream {nullptr} , mVideoCodec {nullptr} , mAudioCodec {nullptr} , mHardwareCodec {nullptr} , mHwContext {nullptr} , mVideoCodecContext {nullptr} , mAudioCodecContext {nullptr} , mVBufferSrcContext {nullptr} , mVBufferSinkContext {nullptr} , mVFilterGraph {nullptr} , mVFilterInputs {nullptr} , mVFilterOutputs {nullptr} , mABufferSrcContext {nullptr} , mABufferSinkContext {nullptr} , mAFilterGraph {nullptr} , mAFilterInputs {nullptr} , mAFilterOutputs {nullptr} , mVideoTargetQueueSize {0} , mAudioTargetQueueSize {0} , mVideoTimeBase {0.0l} , mAccumulatedTime {0.0l} , mStartTimeAccumulation {false} , mDecodedFrame {false} , mEndOfVideo {false} { } void VideoFFmpegComponent::setResize(float width, float height) { // This resize function is used when stretching videos to full screen in the video screensaver. mTargetSize = glm::vec2 {width, height}; mTargetIsMax = false; mStaticImage.setResize(width, height); resize(); } void VideoFFmpegComponent::setMaxSize(float width, float height) { // This resize function is used in most instances, such as non-stretched video screensaver // and the gamelist videos. mTargetSize = glm::vec2 {width, height}; mTargetIsMax = true; mStaticImage.setMaxSize(width, height); resize(); } void VideoFFmpegComponent::resize() { if (!mTexture) return; const glm::vec2 textureSize {static_cast<float>(mVideoWidth), static_cast<float>(mVideoHeight)}; if (textureSize == glm::vec2 {}) return; if (mTargetIsMax) { mSize = textureSize; glm::vec2 resizeScale {(mTargetSize.x / mSize.x), (mTargetSize.y / mSize.y)}; if (resizeScale.x < resizeScale.y) { mSize.x *= resizeScale.x; mSize.y *= resizeScale.x; } else { mSize.x *= resizeScale.y; mSize.y *= resizeScale.y; } mSize.y = std::round(mSize.y); mSize.x = (mSize.y / textureSize.y) * textureSize.x; } else { // If both components are set, we just stretch. // If no components are set, we don't resize at all. mSize = mTargetSize == glm::vec2 {} ? textureSize : mTargetSize; // If only one component is set, we resize in a way that maintains aspect ratio. if (!mTargetSize.x && mTargetSize.y) { mSize.y = std::round(mTargetSize.y); mSize.x = (mSize.y / textureSize.y) * textureSize.x; } else if (mTargetSize.x && !mTargetSize.y) { mSize.y = std::round((mTargetSize.x / textureSize.x) * textureSize.y); mSize.x = (mSize.y / textureSize.y) * textureSize.x; } } onSizeChanged(); } void VideoFFmpegComponent::render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) { if (!isVisible() || mThemeOpacity == 0.0f) return; if (!mHasVideo && mStaticImagePath == "") return; glm::mat4 trans {parentTrans * getTransform()}; GuiComponent::renderChildren(trans); if (mIsPlaying && mFormatContext) { unsigned int color; if (mDecodedFrame && mFadeIn < 1) { const unsigned int fadeIn = static_cast<int>(mFadeIn * 255.0f); color = Renderer::convertRGBAToABGR((fadeIn << 24) | (fadeIn << 16) | (fadeIn << 8) | 255); } else { color = 0xFFFFFFFF; } Renderer::Vertex vertices[4]; Renderer::setMatrix(parentTrans); unsigned int rectColor {0x000000FF}; if (mThemeOpacity != 1.0f) { color = (static_cast<int>(mThemeOpacity * mFadeIn * 255.0f) << 24) + 0x00FFFFFF; rectColor = static_cast<int>(mThemeOpacity * mFadeIn * 255.0f); } // Render the black rectangle behind the video. if (mVideoRectangleCoords.size() == 4) { Renderer::drawRect(mVideoRectangleCoords[0], mVideoRectangleCoords[1], mVideoRectangleCoords[2], mVideoRectangleCoords[3], // Line break. rectColor, rectColor); } // clang-format off vertices[0] = {{0.0f + mRectangleOffset.x, 0.0f + mRectangleOffset.y }, {0.0f, 0.0f}, color}; vertices[1] = {{0.0f + mRectangleOffset.x, mSize.y + mRectangleOffset.y }, {0.0f, 1.0f}, color}; vertices[2] = {{mSize.x + mRectangleOffset.x, 0.0f + + mRectangleOffset.y }, {1.0f, 0.0f}, color}; vertices[3] = {{mSize.x + mRectangleOffset.x, mSize.y + + mRectangleOffset.y}, {1.0f, 1.0f}, color}; // clang-format on // Round vertices. for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) vertices[i].pos = glm::round(vertices[i].pos); // This is needed to avoid a slight gap before the video starts playing. if (!mDecodedFrame) return; std::unique_lock<std::mutex> pictureLock(mPictureMutex); if (!mOutputPicture.hasBeenRendered) { // Move the contents of mOutputPicture to a temporary vector in order to call // initFromPixels() only after the mutex unlock. This significantly reduces the // lock waits in outputFrames(). size_t pictureSize = mOutputPicture.pictureRGBA.size(); std::vector<uint8_t> tempPictureRGBA; int pictureWidth = 0; int pictureHeight = 0; if (pictureSize > 0) { tempPictureRGBA.insert(tempPictureRGBA.begin(), std::make_move_iterator(mOutputPicture.pictureRGBA.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(mOutputPicture.pictureRGBA.end())); mOutputPicture.pictureRGBA.erase(mOutputPicture.pictureRGBA.begin(), mOutputPicture.pictureRGBA.end()); pictureWidth = mOutputPicture.width; pictureHeight = mOutputPicture.height; mOutputPicture.hasBeenRendered = true; } pictureLock.unlock(); if (pictureSize > 0) { // Build a texture for the video frame. mTexture->initFromPixels(&tempPictureRGBA.at(0), pictureWidth, pictureHeight); } } else { pictureLock.unlock(); } if (mTexture != nullptr) mTexture->bind(); #if defined(USE_OPENGL_21) // Render scanlines if this option is enabled. However, if this is the media viewer // or the video screensaver, then skip this as the scanline rendering is then handled // in those modules as a postprocessing step. if (!mScreensaverMode && !mMediaViewerMode) { vertices[0].opacity = mFadeIn * mThemeOpacity; if ((mLegacyTheme && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("GamelistVideoScanlines")) || (!mLegacyTheme && mRenderScanlines)) { vertices[0].shaders = Renderer::SHADER_SCANLINES; } else { vertices[0].shaders = Renderer::SHADER_OPACITY; } } #endif // Render it. Renderer::setMatrix(trans); Renderer::drawTriangleStrips(&vertices[0], 4, trans); } else { if (mVisible) VideoComponent::renderSnapshot(parentTrans); } } void VideoFFmpegComponent::updatePlayer() { if (mPaused || !mFormatContext) return; // Output any audio that has been added by the processing thread. std::unique_lock<std::mutex> audioLock(mAudioMutex); if (mOutputAudio.size()) { AudioManager::getInstance().processStream(&mOutputAudio.at(0), static_cast<unsigned int>(mOutputAudio.size())); mOutputAudio.clear(); } if (mIsActuallyPlaying && mStartTimeAccumulation) { mAccumulatedTime = mAccumulatedTime + static_cast<double>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - mTimeReference) .count()) / 1000000000.0l; } mTimeReference = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); audioLock.unlock(); if (!mFrameProcessingThread) { AudioManager::getInstance().unmuteStream(); mFrameProcessingThread = std::make_unique<std::thread>(&VideoFFmpegComponent::frameProcessing, this); } } void VideoFFmpegComponent::frameProcessing() { mWindow->increaseVideoPlayerCount(); bool videoFilter = false; bool audioFilter = false; videoFilter = setupVideoFilters(); if (mAudioCodecContext) audioFilter = setupAudioFilters(); while (mIsPlaying && !mPaused && videoFilter && (!mAudioCodecContext || audioFilter)) { readFrames(); if (!mIsPlaying) break; getProcessedFrames(); if (!mIsPlaying) break; outputFrames(); // This 1 ms wait makes sure that the thread does not consume all available CPU cycles. SDL_Delay(1); } if (videoFilter) { avfilter_inout_free(&mVFilterInputs); avfilter_inout_free(&mVFilterOutputs); avfilter_free(mVBufferSrcContext); avfilter_free(mVBufferSinkContext); avfilter_graph_free(&mVFilterGraph); mVBufferSrcContext = nullptr; mVBufferSinkContext = nullptr; } if (audioFilter) { avfilter_inout_free(&mAFilterInputs); avfilter_inout_free(&mAFilterOutputs); avfilter_free(mABufferSrcContext); avfilter_free(mABufferSinkContext); avfilter_graph_free(&mAFilterGraph); mABufferSrcContext = nullptr; mABufferSinkContext = nullptr; } mWindow->decreaseVideoPlayerCount(); } bool VideoFFmpegComponent::setupVideoFilters() { int returnValue = 0; char errorMessage[512]; const enum AVPixelFormat outPixFormats[] = {AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE}; mVFilterInputs = avfilter_inout_alloc(); mVFilterOutputs = avfilter_inout_alloc(); if (!(mVFilterGraph = avfilter_graph_alloc())) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupVideoFilters(): " "Couldn't allocate filter graph"; return false; } // Limit the libavfilter video processing to two additional threads. // Not sure why the actual thread count is one less than specified. mVFilterGraph->nb_threads = 3; const AVFilter* bufferSrc = avfilter_get_by_name("buffer"); if (!bufferSrc) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupVideoFilters(): " "Couldn't find \"buffer\" filter"; return false; } const AVFilter* bufferSink = avfilter_get_by_name("buffersink"); if (!bufferSink) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupVideoFilters(): " "Couldn't find \"buffersink\" filter"; return false; } // Some codecs such as H.264 need the width to be in increments of 16 pixels. int width = mVideoCodecContext->width; int height = mVideoCodecContext->height; int modulo = mVideoCodecContext->width % 16; if (modulo > 0) width += 16 - modulo; std::string filterArguments = "width=" + std::to_string(width) + ":" + "height=" + std::to_string(height) + ":pix_fmt=" + av_get_pix_fmt_name(mVideoCodecContext->pix_fmt) + ":time_base=" + std::to_string(mVideoStream->time_base.num) + "/" + std::to_string(mVideoStream->time_base.den) + ":sar=" + std::to_string(mVideoCodecContext->sample_aspect_ratio.num) + "/" + std::to_string(mVideoCodecContext->sample_aspect_ratio.den); returnValue = avfilter_graph_create_filter(&mVBufferSrcContext, bufferSrc, "in", filterArguments.c_str(), nullptr, mVFilterGraph); if (returnValue < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupVideoFilters(): " "Couldn't create filter instance for buffer source: " << av_make_error_string(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), returnValue); return false; } returnValue = avfilter_graph_create_filter(&mVBufferSinkContext, bufferSink, "out", nullptr, nullptr, mVFilterGraph); if (returnValue < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupVideoFilters(): " "Couldn't create filter instance for buffer sink: " << av_make_error_string(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), returnValue); return false; } // Endpoints for the filter graph. mVFilterInputs->name = av_strdup("out"); mVFilterInputs->filter_ctx = mVBufferSinkContext; mVFilterInputs->pad_idx = 0; mVFilterInputs->next = nullptr; mVFilterOutputs->name = av_strdup("in"); mVFilterOutputs->filter_ctx = mVBufferSrcContext; mVFilterOutputs->pad_idx = 0; mVFilterOutputs->next = nullptr; std::string filterDescription; // Whether to upscale the frame rate to 60 FPS. if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("VideoUpscaleFrameRate")) { if (modulo > 0) filterDescription = "scale=width=" + std::to_string(width) + ":height=" + std::to_string(height) + ",fps=fps=60,"; else filterDescription = "fps=fps=60,"; // The "framerate" filter is a more advanced way to upscale the frame rate using // interpolation. However I have not been able to get this to work with slice // threading so the performance is poor. As such it's disabled for now. // if (modulo > 0) // filterDescription = // "scale=width=" + std::to_string(width) + // ":height=" + std::to_string(height) + // ",framerate=fps=60,"; // else // filterDescription = "framerate=fps=60,"; } filterDescription += "format=pix_fmts=" + std::string(av_get_pix_fmt_name(outPixFormats[0])); returnValue = avfilter_graph_parse_ptr(mVFilterGraph, filterDescription.c_str(), &mVFilterInputs, &mVFilterOutputs, nullptr); if (returnValue < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupVideoFilters(): " "Couldn't add graph filter: " << av_make_error_string(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), returnValue); return false; } returnValue = avfilter_graph_config(mVFilterGraph, nullptr); if (returnValue < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupVideoFilters(): " "Couldn't configure graph: " << av_make_error_string(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), returnValue); return false; } return true; } bool VideoFFmpegComponent::setupAudioFilters() { int returnValue = 0; char errorMessage[512]; const int outSampleRates[] = {AudioManager::getInstance().sAudioFormat.freq, -1}; const enum AVSampleFormat outSampleFormats[] = {AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE}; mAFilterInputs = avfilter_inout_alloc(); mAFilterOutputs = avfilter_inout_alloc(); if (!(mAFilterGraph = avfilter_graph_alloc())) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupAudioFilters(): " "Couldn't allocate filter graph"; return false; } // Limit the libavfilter audio processing to one additional thread. // Not sure why the actual thread count is one less than specified. mAFilterGraph->nb_threads = 2; const AVFilter* bufferSrc = avfilter_get_by_name("abuffer"); if (!bufferSrc) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupAudioFilters(): " "Couldn't find \"abuffer\" filter"; return false; } const AVFilter* bufferSink = avfilter_get_by_name("abuffersink"); if (!bufferSink) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupAudioFilters(): " "Couldn't find \"abuffersink\" filter"; return false; } char channelLayout[512]; av_get_channel_layout_string(channelLayout, sizeof(channelLayout), mAudioCodecContext->channels, mAudioCodecContext->channel_layout); std::string filterArguments = "time_base=" + std::to_string(mAudioStream->time_base.num) + "/" + std::to_string(mAudioStream->time_base.den) + ":sample_rate=" + std::to_string(mAudioCodecContext->sample_rate) + ":sample_fmt=" + av_get_sample_fmt_name(mAudioCodecContext->sample_fmt) + ":channel_layout=" + channelLayout; returnValue = avfilter_graph_create_filter(&mABufferSrcContext, bufferSrc, "in", filterArguments.c_str(), nullptr, mAFilterGraph); if (returnValue < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupAudioFilters(): " "Couldn't create filter instance for buffer source: " << av_make_error_string(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), returnValue); return false; } returnValue = avfilter_graph_create_filter(&mABufferSinkContext, bufferSink, "out", nullptr, nullptr, mAFilterGraph); if (returnValue < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupAudioFilters(): " "Couldn't create filter instance for buffer sink: " << av_make_error_string(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), returnValue); return false; } // Endpoints for the filter graph. mAFilterInputs->name = av_strdup("out"); mAFilterInputs->filter_ctx = mABufferSinkContext; mAFilterInputs->pad_idx = 0; mAFilterInputs->next = nullptr; mAFilterOutputs->name = av_strdup("in"); mAFilterOutputs->filter_ctx = mABufferSrcContext; mAFilterOutputs->pad_idx = 0; mAFilterOutputs->next = nullptr; std::string filterDescription = "aresample=" + std::to_string(outSampleRates[0]) + "," + "aformat=sample_fmts=" + av_get_sample_fmt_name(outSampleFormats[0]) + ":channel_layouts=stereo," "asetnsamples=n=1024:p=0"; returnValue = avfilter_graph_parse_ptr(mAFilterGraph, filterDescription.c_str(), &mAFilterInputs, &mAFilterOutputs, nullptr); if (returnValue < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupAudioFilters(): " "Couldn't add graph filter: " << av_make_error_string(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), returnValue); return false; } returnValue = avfilter_graph_config(mAFilterGraph, nullptr); if (returnValue < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::setupAudioFilters(): " "Couldn't configure graph: " << av_make_error_string(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), returnValue); return false; } return true; } void VideoFFmpegComponent::readFrames() { int readFrameReturn = 0; // It's not clear if this can actually happen in practise, but in theory we could // continue to load frames indefinitely and run out of memory if invalid PTS values // are presented by FFmpeg. if (mVideoFrameQueue.size() > 300 || mAudioFrameQueue.size() > 600) return; int readLoops = 1; // If we can't keep up the audio processing, then drop video frames as it's much worse // to have stuttering audio than a lower video framerate. if (mAudioStreamIndex >= 0 && mAudioFrameCount > mAudioTargetQueueSize / 2) { if (static_cast<int>(mAudioFrameQueue.size()) < mAudioTargetQueueSize / 6) readLoops = 5; else if (static_cast<int>(mAudioFrameQueue.size()) < mAudioTargetQueueSize / 4) readLoops = 3; else if (static_cast<int>(mAudioFrameQueue.size()) < mAudioTargetQueueSize / 2) readLoops = 2; } if (mVideoCodecContext && mFormatContext) { for (int i = 0; i < readLoops; ++i) { if (static_cast<int>(mVideoFrameQueue.size()) < mVideoTargetQueueSize || (mAudioStreamIndex >= 0 && static_cast<int>(mAudioFrameQueue.size()) < mAudioTargetQueueSize)) { while ((readFrameReturn = av_read_frame(mFormatContext, mPacket)) >= 0) { if (mPacket->stream_index == mVideoStreamIndex) { if (!avcodec_send_packet(mVideoCodecContext, mPacket) && !avcodec_receive_frame(mVideoCodecContext, mVideoFrame)) { int returnValue = 0; ++mVideoFrameReadCount; if (mSWDecoder) { // Drop the frame if necessary. if (i == 0 || mAudioFrameCount == 0) { returnValue = av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags( mVBufferSrcContext, mVideoFrame, AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_NO_CHECK_FORMAT); } else { ++mVideoFrameDroppedCount; } } else { if (i == 0 || mAudioFrameCount == 0) { AVFrame* destFrame = nullptr; destFrame = av_frame_alloc(); if (mVideoFrame->format == sPixelFormat) { if (av_hwframe_transfer_data(destFrame, mVideoFrame, 0) < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::readFrames(): " "Couldn't transfer decoded video frame to " "system memory"; av_frame_free(&destFrame); av_packet_unref(mPacket); break; } else { destFrame->pts = mVideoFrame->pts; destFrame->pkt_dts = mVideoFrame->pkt_dts; destFrame->pict_type = mVideoFrame->pict_type; destFrame->chroma_location = mVideoFrame->chroma_location; destFrame->pkt_pos = mVideoFrame->pkt_pos; destFrame->pkt_duration = mVideoFrame->pkt_duration; destFrame->pkt_size = mVideoFrame->pkt_size; } } else { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::readFrames(): " "Couldn't decode video frame"; } returnValue = av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags( mVBufferSrcContext, destFrame, AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_NO_CHECK_FORMAT); av_frame_free(&destFrame); } else { ++mVideoFrameDroppedCount; } } if (returnValue < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::readFrames(): " "Couldn't add video frame to buffer source"; } av_packet_unref(mPacket); break; } else { av_packet_unref(mPacket); } } else if (mPacket->stream_index == mAudioStreamIndex) { if (!avcodec_send_packet(mAudioCodecContext, mPacket) && !avcodec_receive_frame(mAudioCodecContext, mAudioFrame)) { // We have an audio frame that needs conversion and resampling. int returnValue = av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags( mABufferSrcContext, mAudioFrame, AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_KEEP_REF); if (returnValue < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::readFrames(): " "Couldn't add audio frame to buffer source"; } av_packet_unref(mPacket); continue; } else { av_packet_unref(mPacket); } } else { // Ignore any stream that is not video or audio. av_packet_unref(mPacket); } } } else { // The target queue sizes have been reached. break; } } } if (readFrameReturn < 0) mEndOfVideo = true; } void VideoFFmpegComponent::getProcessedFrames() { // Video frames. while (av_buffersink_get_frame(mVBufferSinkContext, mVideoFrameResampled) >= 0) { // Save the frame into the queue for later processing. VideoFrame currFrame; currFrame.width = mVideoFrameResampled->width; currFrame.height = mVideoFrameResampled->height; mVideoFrameResampled->best_effort_timestamp = mVideoFrameResampled->pkt_dts; // The PTS value is the presentation time, i.e. the time stamp when the frame // (picture) should be displayed. The packet DTS value is used for the basis of // the calculation as per the recommendation in the FFmpeg documentation for // the av_read_frame function. double pts = static_cast<double>(mVideoFrameResampled->pkt_dts) * av_q2d(mVideoStream->time_base); // Needs to be adjusted if changing the rate? double frameDuration = static_cast<double>(mVideoFrameResampled->pkt_duration) * av_q2d(mVideoStream->time_base); currFrame.pts = pts; currFrame.frameDuration = frameDuration; int bufferSize = mVideoFrameResampled->width * mVideoFrameResampled->height * 4; currFrame.frameRGBA.insert( currFrame.frameRGBA.begin(), std::make_move_iterator(&mVideoFrameResampled->data[0][0]), std::make_move_iterator(&mVideoFrameResampled->data[0][bufferSize])); mVideoFrameQueue.emplace(std::move(currFrame)); av_frame_unref(mVideoFrameResampled); } // Audio frames. // When resampling, we may not always get a frame returned from the sink as there may not // have been enough data available to the filter. while (mAudioCodecContext && av_buffersink_get_frame(mABufferSinkContext, mAudioFrameResampled) >= 0) { AudioFrame currFrame; AVRational timeBase; mAudioFrameResampled->best_effort_timestamp = mAudioFrameResampled->pts; timeBase.num = 1; timeBase.den = mAudioFrameResampled->sample_rate; double pts = mAudioFrameResampled->pts * av_q2d(timeBase); currFrame.pts = pts; int bufferSize = mAudioFrameResampled->nb_samples * mAudioFrameResampled->channels * av_get_bytes_per_sample(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT); currFrame.resampledData.insert(currFrame.resampledData.begin(), &mAudioFrameResampled->data[0][0], &mAudioFrameResampled->data[0][bufferSize]); mAudioFrameQueue.emplace(std::move(currFrame)); av_frame_unref(mAudioFrameResampled); } } void VideoFFmpegComponent::outputFrames() { // Check if we should start counting the time (i.e. start playing the video). // The audio stream controls when the playback and time counting starts, assuming // there is an audio track. if (!mAudioCodecContext || (mAudioCodecContext && !mAudioFrameQueue.empty())) { if (!mStartTimeAccumulation) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> audioLock(mAudioMutex); mTimeReference = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); mStartTimeAccumulation = true; mIsActuallyPlaying = true; } } // Process the audio frames that have a PTS value below mAccumulatedTime (plus a small // buffer to avoid underflows). while (!mAudioFrameQueue.empty()) { if (mAudioFrameQueue.front().pts < mAccumulatedTime + AUDIO_BUFFER) { // Enable only when needed, as this generates a lot of debug output. if (DEBUG_VIDEO) { LOG(LogDebug) << "Processing audio frame with PTS: " << mAudioFrameQueue.front().pts; LOG(LogDebug) << "Total audio frames processed / audio frame queue size: " << mAudioFrameCount << " / " << std::to_string(mAudioFrameQueue.size()); } bool outputSound = false; if ((!mScreensaverMode && !mMediaViewerMode) && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("GamelistVideoAudio")) outputSound = true; else if (mScreensaverMode && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScreensaverVideoAudio")) outputSound = true; else if (mMediaViewerMode && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("MediaViewerVideoAudio")) outputSound = true; if (outputSound) { // The audio is output to AudioManager from updatePlayer() in the main thread. std::unique_lock<std::mutex> audioLock(mAudioMutex); mOutputAudio.insert( mOutputAudio.end(), std::make_move_iterator(mAudioFrameQueue.front().resampledData.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(mAudioFrameQueue.front().resampledData.end())); audioLock.unlock(); } mAudioFrameQueue.pop(); ++mAudioFrameCount; } else { break; } } // Process all available video frames that have a PTS value below mAccumulatedTime. // But if more than one frame is processed here, it means that the computer can't // keep up for some reason. while (mIsActuallyPlaying && !mVideoFrameQueue.empty()) { if (mVideoFrameQueue.front().pts < mAccumulatedTime) { // Enable only when needed, as this generates a lot of debug output. if (DEBUG_VIDEO) { LOG(LogDebug) << "Processing video frame with PTS: " << mVideoFrameQueue.front().pts; LOG(LogDebug) << "Total video frames processed / video frame queue size: " << mVideoFrameCount << " / " << std::to_string(mVideoFrameQueue.size()); if (mVideoFrameDroppedCount > 0) { LOG(LogDebug) << "Video frames dropped: " << mVideoFrameDroppedCount << " of " << mVideoFrameReadCount << " (" << std::setprecision(2) << (static_cast<float>(mVideoFrameDroppedCount) / static_cast<float>(mVideoFrameReadCount)) * 100.0f << "%)"; } } std::unique_lock<std::mutex> pictureLock(mPictureMutex); // Give some leeway for frames that have not yet been rendered but that have pts // values with a time difference relative to the frame duration that is under a // certain threshold. In this case, give the renderer an additional chance to output // the frames. If the difference exceeds the threshold though, then skip them as // otherwise videos would just slow down instead of skipping frames when the computer // can't keep up. This approach primarily decreases stuttering for videos with frame // rates close to, or at, the rendering frame rate, for example 59.94 and 60 FPS. if (mDecodedFrame && !mOutputPicture.hasBeenRendered) { double timeDifference = mAccumulatedTime - mVideoFrameQueue.front().pts - mVideoFrameQueue.front().frameDuration * 2.0l; if (timeDifference < mVideoFrameQueue.front().frameDuration) { pictureLock.unlock(); break; } } mOutputPicture.pictureRGBA.clear(); mOutputPicture.pictureRGBA.insert( mOutputPicture.pictureRGBA.begin(), std::make_move_iterator(mVideoFrameQueue.front().frameRGBA.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(mVideoFrameQueue.front().frameRGBA.end())); mOutputPicture.width = mVideoFrameQueue.front().width; mOutputPicture.height = mVideoFrameQueue.front().height; mOutputPicture.hasBeenRendered = false; mDecodedFrame = true; pictureLock.unlock(); mVideoFrameQueue.pop(); ++mVideoFrameCount; } else { break; } } } void VideoFFmpegComponent::calculateBlackRectangle() { // Calculate the position and size for the black rectangle that will be rendered behind // videos. If the option to display pillarboxes (and letterboxes) is enabled, then this // would extend to the entire md_video area (if above the threshold as defined below) or // otherwise it will exactly match the video size. The reason to add a black rectangle // behind videos in this second instance is that the scanline rendering will make the // video partially transparent so this may avoid some unforseen issues with some themes. if (mVideoAreaPos != glm::vec2 {0.0f, 0.0f} && mVideoAreaSize != glm::vec2 {0.0f, 0.0f}) { mVideoRectangleCoords.clear(); mRectangleOffset = {0.0f, 0.0f}; if ((mLegacyTheme && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("GamelistVideoPillarbox")) || (!mLegacyTheme && mDrawPillarboxes)) { float rectHeight; float rectWidth; // Video is in landscape orientation. if (mSize.x > mSize.y) { // Checking the Y size should not normally be required as landscape format // should mean the height can't be higher than the max size defined by the // theme. But as the height in mSize is provided by FFmpeg in integer format // and then scaled, there could be rounding errors that make the video height // slightly higher than allowed. It's only a single pixel or a few pixels, but // it's still visible for some videos. if (mSize.y < mVideoAreaSize.y && mSize.y / mVideoAreaSize.y < 0.90f) rectHeight = mVideoAreaSize.y; else rectHeight = mSize.y; // Don't add a black border that is too narrow, that's what the 0.85 constant // takes care of. if (mSize.x < mVideoAreaSize.x && mSize.x / mVideoAreaSize.x < 0.85f) rectWidth = mVideoAreaSize.x; else rectWidth = mSize.x; } // Video is in portrait orientation (or completely square). else { rectWidth = mVideoAreaSize.x; rectHeight = mSize.y; } // Populate the rectangle coordinates to be used in render(). mVideoRectangleCoords.emplace_back(std::round(mVideoAreaPos.x - rectWidth * mOrigin.x)); mVideoRectangleCoords.emplace_back( std::round(mVideoAreaPos.y - rectHeight * mOrigin.y)); mVideoRectangleCoords.emplace_back(std::round(rectWidth)); mVideoRectangleCoords.emplace_back(std::round(rectHeight)); // If an origin value other than 0.5 is used, then create an offset for centering // the video inside the rectangle. if (mOrigin != glm::vec2 {0.5f, 0.5f}) { if (rectWidth > mSize.x) mRectangleOffset.x -= (rectWidth - mSize.x) * (mOrigin.x - 0.5f); else if (rectHeight > mSize.y) mRectangleOffset.y -= (rectHeight - mSize.y) * (mOrigin.y - 0.5f); } } // If the option to display pillarboxes is disabled, then make the rectangle equivalent // to the size of the video. else { mVideoRectangleCoords.emplace_back(std::round(mPosition.x - mSize.x * mOrigin.x)); mVideoRectangleCoords.emplace_back(std::round(mPosition.y - mSize.y * mOrigin.y)); mVideoRectangleCoords.emplace_back(std::round(mSize.x)); mVideoRectangleCoords.emplace_back(std::round(mSize.y)); } } } void VideoFFmpegComponent::detectHWDecoder() { #if defined(__APPLE__) LOG(LogDebug) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::detectHWDecoder(): Using hardware decoder VideoToolbox"; sDeviceType = AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VIDEOTOOLBOX; return; #elif defined(_WIN64) bool hasDXVA2 = false; bool hasD3D11VA = false; AVBufferRef* testContext = nullptr; AVHWDeviceType tempDevice = AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE; while ((tempDevice = av_hwdevice_iterate_types(tempDevice)) != AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE) { // The Direct3D 11 decoder detection seems to cause stability issues on some machines // so disabling it for now. if (tempDevice == AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DXVA2) { // if (tempDevice == AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DXVA2 || tempDevice == AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_D3D11VA) { if (av_hwdevice_ctx_create(&testContext, tempDevice, nullptr, nullptr, 0) >= 0) { if (tempDevice == AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DXVA2) hasDXVA2 = true; else hasD3D11VA = true; } av_buffer_unref(&testContext); } } // Prioritize DXVA2. if (hasDXVA2) { LOG(LogDebug) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::detectHWDecoder(): Using hardware decoder DXVA2"; sDeviceType = AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DXVA2; } else if (hasD3D11VA) { LOG(LogDebug) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::detectHWDecoder(): Using hardware decoder D3D11VA"; sDeviceType = AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_D3D11VA; } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::detectHWDecoder(): Unable to detect any usable " "hardware decoder"; } #else // This would mostly be Linux, but possibly also BSD Unix. bool hasVAAPI = false; bool hasVDPAU = false; AVBufferRef* testContext = nullptr; AVHWDeviceType tempDevice = AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE; while ((tempDevice = av_hwdevice_iterate_types(tempDevice)) != AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE) { if (tempDevice == AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VDPAU || tempDevice == AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VAAPI) { if (av_hwdevice_ctx_create(&testContext, tempDevice, nullptr, nullptr, 0) >= 0) { if (tempDevice == AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VAAPI) hasVAAPI = true; else hasVDPAU = true; } av_buffer_unref(&testContext); } } // Prioritize VAAPI. if (hasVAAPI) { LOG(LogDebug) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::detectHWDecoder(): Using hardware decoder VAAPI"; sDeviceType = AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VAAPI; } else if (hasVDPAU) { LOG(LogDebug) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::detectHWDecoder(): Using hardware decoder VDPAU"; sDeviceType = AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VDPAU; } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::detectHWDecoder(): Unable to detect any " "usable hardware decoder"; } #endif } bool VideoFFmpegComponent::decoderInitHW() { // This should only be required the first time any video is played. if (sDeviceType == AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE) detectHWDecoder(); // If there is no device, the detection failed. if (sDeviceType == AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_NONE) return true; // If the hardware decoding of the file was previously unsuccessful during the program // session, then don't attempt it again. if (std::find(sSWDecodedVideos.begin(), sSWDecodedVideos.end(), mVideoPath) != sSWDecodedVideos.end()) { return true; } // 50 is just an arbitrary number so we don't potentially get stuck in an endless loop. for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { const AVCodecHWConfig* config = avcodec_get_hw_config(mHardwareCodec, i); if (!config) { LOG(LogDebug) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::decoderInitHW(): Hardware decoder \"" << av_hwdevice_get_type_name(sDeviceType) << "\" does not seem to support codec \"" << mHardwareCodec->name << "\""; } else if (config->methods & AV_CODEC_HW_CONFIG_METHOD_HW_DEVICE_CTX && config->device_type == sDeviceType) { sPixelFormat = config->pix_fmt; break; } } // If the pixel format is not set properly, then hardware decoding won't work for the file. if (sPixelFormat == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) return true; if (av_hwdevice_ctx_create(&mHwContext, sDeviceType, nullptr, nullptr, 0) < 0) { LOG(LogDebug) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::decoderInitHW(): Unable to open hardware device \"" << av_hwdevice_get_type_name(sDeviceType) << "\""; av_buffer_unref(&mHwContext); return true; } // Callback function for AVCodecContext. // clang-format off auto formatFunc = [](AVCodecContext* ctx, const enum AVPixelFormat* pix_fmts) -> enum AVPixelFormat { const enum AVPixelFormat* pixelFormats; for (pixelFormats = pix_fmts; *pixelFormats != -1; ++pixelFormats) if (*pixelFormats == sPixelFormat) return static_cast<enum AVPixelFormat>(sPixelFormat); return AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; }; // Check if the video can actually be hardware decoded (unless this has already been done). if (std::find(sHWDecodedVideos.begin(), sHWDecodedVideos.end(), mVideoPath) == sHWDecodedVideos.end()) { // clang-format on AVCodecContext* checkCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(mHardwareCodec); if (avcodec_parameters_to_context(checkCodecContext, mVideoStream->codecpar)) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::decoderInitHW(): " "Couldn't fill the video codec context parameters for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; avcodec_free_context(&checkCodecContext); return true; } else { bool onlySWDecode = false; checkCodecContext->get_format = formatFunc; checkCodecContext->hw_device_ctx = av_buffer_ref(mHwContext); if (avcodec_open2(checkCodecContext, mHardwareCodec, nullptr)) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::decoderInitHW(): " "Couldn't initialize the video codec context for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; } AVPacket* checkPacket = av_packet_alloc(); int readFrameReturn = 0; while ((readFrameReturn = av_read_frame(mFormatContext, checkPacket)) == 0) { if (checkPacket->stream_index != mVideoStreamIndex) av_packet_unref(checkPacket); else break; } // Supplying a packet to the decoder will cause an immediate error for some videos // while others will require that one or several frame receive attempts are performed // before we get a definitive result. On error we fall back to the software decoder. if (readFrameReturn == 0 && checkPacket->stream_index == mVideoStreamIndex) { if (avcodec_send_packet(checkCodecContext, checkPacket) < 0) { // Save the file path to the list of videos that require software decoding // so we don't have to check it again during the program session. sSWDecodedVideos.emplace_back(mVideoPath); onlySWDecode = true; } else { AVFrame* checkFrame; checkFrame = av_frame_alloc(); onlySWDecode = true; // For some videos we need to process at least one extra frame to verify // that the hardware encoder can actually be used, otherwise the fallback // to software decoding would take place when it's not necessary. for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (avcodec_receive_frame(checkCodecContext, checkFrame) < 0) { av_packet_unref(checkPacket); while (av_read_frame(mFormatContext, checkPacket) == 0) { if (checkPacket->stream_index != mVideoStreamIndex) av_packet_unref(checkPacket); else break; } avcodec_send_packet(checkCodecContext, checkPacket); av_packet_unref(checkPacket); if (avcodec_receive_frame(checkCodecContext, checkFrame) == 0) { onlySWDecode = false; break; } else { onlySWDecode = true; } } else { onlySWDecode = false; } av_packet_unref(checkPacket); av_frame_unref(checkFrame); } av_frame_free(&checkFrame); if (onlySWDecode == false) { // Save the file path to the list of videos that work with hardware // decoding so we don't have to check it again during the program session. sHWDecodedVideos.emplace_back(mVideoPath); } } av_packet_free(&checkPacket); avcodec_free_context(&checkCodecContext); // Seek back to the start position of the file. av_seek_frame(mFormatContext, -1, 0, AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY); if (onlySWDecode) return true; } } } // The hardware decoding check passed successfully or it was done previously for the file. // Now perform the real setup. mVideoCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(mHardwareCodec); if (!mVideoCodecContext) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::decoderInitHW(): " "Couldn't allocate video codec context for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; avcodec_free_context(&mVideoCodecContext); return true; } if (avcodec_parameters_to_context(mVideoCodecContext, mVideoStream->codecpar)) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::decoderInitHW(): " "Couldn't fill the video codec context parameters for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; avcodec_free_context(&mVideoCodecContext); return true; } mVideoCodecContext->get_format = formatFunc; mVideoCodecContext->hw_device_ctx = av_buffer_ref(mHwContext); if (avcodec_open2(mVideoCodecContext, mHardwareCodec, nullptr)) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::decoderInitHW(): " "Couldn't initialize the video codec context for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; avcodec_free_context(&mVideoCodecContext); return true; } return false; } void VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream() { mIsPlaying = true; if (!mFormatContext) { mHardwareCodec = nullptr; mHwContext = nullptr; mFrameProcessingThread = nullptr; mVideoWidth = 0; mVideoHeight = 0; mAccumulatedTime = 0; mStartTimeAccumulation = false; mSWDecoder = true; mDecodedFrame = false; mEndOfVideo = false; mVideoFrameCount = 0; mAudioFrameCount = 0; mVideoFrameReadCount = 0; mVideoFrameDroppedCount = 0; mOutputPicture = {}; // Get an empty texture for rendering the video. mTexture = TextureResource::get(""); // This is used for the audio and video synchronization. mTimeReference = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); // Clear the video and audio frame queues. std::queue<VideoFrame>().swap(mVideoFrameQueue); std::queue<AudioFrame>().swap(mAudioFrameQueue); std::string filePath = "file:" + mVideoPath; // This will disable the FFmpeg logging, so comment this out if debug info is needed. av_log_set_callback(nullptr); // File operations and basic setup. if (avformat_open_input(&mFormatContext, filePath.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr)) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " "Couldn't open video file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; return; } if (avformat_find_stream_info(mFormatContext, nullptr)) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " "Couldn't read stream information from video file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; return; } mVideoStreamIndex = -1; mAudioStreamIndex = -1; // Video stream setup. #if defined(VIDEO_HW_DECODING) bool hwDecoding = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("VideoHardwareDecoding"); #else bool hwDecoding = false; #endif mVideoStreamIndex = av_find_best_stream(mFormatContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, &mHardwareCodec, 0); if (mVideoStreamIndex < 0) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " "Couldn't retrieve video stream for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; avformat_close_input(&mFormatContext); avformat_free_context(mFormatContext); return; } mVideoStream = mFormatContext->streams[mVideoStreamIndex]; mVideoWidth = mFormatContext->streams[mVideoStreamIndex]->codecpar->width; mVideoHeight = mFormatContext->streams[mVideoStreamIndex]->codecpar->height; LOG(LogDebug) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " << "Playing video \"" << mVideoPath << "\" (codec: " << avcodec_get_name( mFormatContext->streams[mVideoStreamIndex]->codecpar->codec_id) << ", decoder: " << (hwDecoding ? "hardware" : "software") << ")"; if (hwDecoding) mSWDecoder = decoderInitHW(); else mSWDecoder = true; if (mSWDecoder) { // The hardware decoder initialization failed, which can happen for a number of reasons. if (hwDecoding) { LOG(LogDebug) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): Hardware decoding failed, " "falling back to software decoder"; } mVideoCodec = const_cast<AVCodec*>(avcodec_find_decoder(mVideoStream->codecpar->codec_id)); if (!mVideoCodec) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " "Couldn't find a suitable video codec for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; return; } mVideoCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(mVideoCodec); if (!mVideoCodecContext) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " "Couldn't allocate video codec context for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; return; } if (mVideoCodec->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED) mVideoCodecContext->flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED; if (avcodec_parameters_to_context(mVideoCodecContext, mVideoStream->codecpar)) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " "Couldn't fill the video codec context parameters for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; return; } if (avcodec_open2(mVideoCodecContext, mVideoCodec, nullptr)) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " "Couldn't initialize the video codec context for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; return; } } // Audio stream setup, optional as some videos do not have any audio tracks. mAudioStreamIndex = av_find_best_stream(mFormatContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, nullptr, 0); if (mAudioStreamIndex < 0) { LOG(LogDebug) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " "File does not seem to contain any audio streams"; } if (mAudioStreamIndex >= 0) { mAudioStream = mFormatContext->streams[mAudioStreamIndex]; mAudioCodec = const_cast<AVCodec*>(avcodec_find_decoder(mAudioStream->codecpar->codec_id)); if (!mAudioCodec) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't find a suitable audio codec for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; return; } mAudioCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(mAudioCodec); if (mAudioCodec->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED) mAudioCodecContext->flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED; // Some formats want separate stream headers. if (mAudioCodecContext->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) mAudioCodecContext->flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; if (avcodec_parameters_to_context(mAudioCodecContext, mAudioStream->codecpar)) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " "Couldn't fill the audio codec context parameters for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; return; } if (avcodec_open2(mAudioCodecContext, mAudioCodec, nullptr)) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoFFmpegComponent::startVideoStream(): " "Couldn't initialize the audio codec context for file \"" << mVideoPath << "\""; return; } } mVideoTimeBase = 1.0l / av_q2d(mVideoStream->avg_frame_rate); // Set some reasonable target queue sizes (buffers). mVideoTargetQueueSize = static_cast<int>(av_q2d(mVideoStream->avg_frame_rate) / 2.0l); if (mAudioStreamIndex >= 0) mAudioTargetQueueSize = mAudioStream->codecpar->channels * 15; else mAudioTargetQueueSize = 30; mPacket = av_packet_alloc(); mVideoFrame = av_frame_alloc(); mVideoFrameResampled = av_frame_alloc(); mAudioFrame = av_frame_alloc(); mAudioFrameResampled = av_frame_alloc(); // Resize the video surface, which is needed both for the gamelist view and for // the video screeensaver. resize(); // Calculate pillarbox/letterbox sizes. calculateBlackRectangle(); mFadeIn = 0.0f; } } void VideoFFmpegComponent::stopVideoPlayer() { muteVideoPlayer(); mIsPlaying = false; mIsActuallyPlaying = false; mPaused = false; mEndOfVideo = false; mTexture.reset(); if (mFrameProcessingThread) { if (mWindow->getVideoPlayerCount() == 0) AudioManager::getInstance().muteStream(); // Wait for the thread execution to complete. mFrameProcessingThread->join(); mFrameProcessingThread.reset(); mOutputAudio.clear(); } // Clear the video and audio frame queues. std::queue<VideoFrame>().swap(mVideoFrameQueue); std::queue<AudioFrame>().swap(mAudioFrameQueue); // Clear the audio buffer. if (AudioManager::sAudioDevice != 0) AudioManager::getInstance().clearStream(); if (mFormatContext) { av_frame_free(&mVideoFrame); av_frame_free(&mVideoFrameResampled); av_frame_free(&mAudioFrame); av_frame_free(&mAudioFrameResampled); av_packet_unref(mPacket); av_packet_free(&mPacket); av_buffer_unref(&mHwContext); avcodec_free_context(&mVideoCodecContext); avcodec_free_context(&mAudioCodecContext); avformat_close_input(&mFormatContext); avformat_free_context(mFormatContext); mVideoCodecContext = nullptr; mAudioCodecContext = nullptr; mFormatContext = nullptr; } } void VideoFFmpegComponent::pauseVideoPlayer() { muteVideoPlayer(); mPaused = true; } void VideoFFmpegComponent::handleLooping() { if (mIsPlaying && mEndOfVideo) { // If the screensaver video swap time is set to 0, it means we should // skip to the next game when the video has finished playing. if (mScreensaverMode && Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreensaverSwapVideoTimeout") == 0) { mWindow->screensaverTriggerNextGame(); } else { stopVideoPlayer(); startVideoStream(); } } } void VideoFFmpegComponent::muteVideoPlayer() { if (AudioManager::sAudioDevice != 0) { AudioManager::getInstance().clearStream(); AudioManager::getInstance().muteStream(); } }