#include "ScraperCmdLine.h" #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "SystemData.h" #include "Settings.h" #include <signal.h> #include "Log.h" std::ostream& out = std::cout; void handle_interrupt_signal(int p) { sleep(50); LOG(LogInfo) << "Interrupt received during scrape..."; SystemData::deleteSystems(); exit(1); } int run_scraper_cmdline() { out << "EmulationStation scraper\n"; out << "========================\n"; out << "\n"; signal(SIGINT, handle_interrupt_signal); //================================================================================== //filter //================================================================================== enum FilterChoice { FILTER_MISSING_IMAGES, FILTER_ALL }; int filter_choice; do { out << "Select filter for games to be scraped:\n"; out << FILTER_MISSING_IMAGES << " - games missing images\n"; out << FILTER_ALL << " - all games period, can overwrite existing metadata\n"; std::cin >> filter_choice; std::cin.ignore(1, '\n'); //skip the unconsumed newline } while(filter_choice < FILTER_MISSING_IMAGES || filter_choice > FILTER_ALL); out << "\n"; //================================================================================== //platforms //================================================================================== std::vector<SystemData*> systems; out << "You can scrape only specific platforms, or scrape all of them.\n"; out << "Would you like to scrape all platforms? (y/n)\n"; std::string system_choice; std::getline(std::cin, system_choice); if(system_choice == "y" || system_choice == "Y") { out << "Will scrape all platforms.\n"; for(auto i = SystemData::sSystemVector.begin(); i != SystemData::sSystemVector.end(); i++) { out << " " << (*i)->getName() << " (" << (*i)->getGameCount() << " games)\n"; systems.push_back(*i); } }else{ std::string sys_name; out << "Enter the names of the platforms you would like to scrape, one at a time.\n"; out << "Type nothing and press enter when you are ready to continue.\n"; do { for(auto i = SystemData::sSystemVector.begin(); i != SystemData::sSystemVector.end(); i++) { if(std::find(systems.begin(), systems.end(), (*i)) != systems.end()) out << " C "; else out << " "; out << "\"" << (*i)->getName() << "\" (" << (*i)->getGameCount() << " games)\n"; } std::getline(std::cin, sys_name); if(sys_name.empty()) break; bool found = false; for(auto i = SystemData::sSystemVector.begin(); i != SystemData::sSystemVector.end(); i++) { if((*i)->getName() == sys_name) { systems.push_back(*i); found = true; break; } } if(!found) out << "System not found.\n"; } while(true); } //================================================================================== //manual mode //================================================================================== out << "\n"; out << "You can let the scraper try to automatically choose the best result, or\n"; out << "you can manually approve each result. This \"manual mode\" is much more accurate.\n"; out << "It is highly recommended you use manual mode unless you have a very large collection.\n"; out << "Scrape in manual mode? (y/n)\n"; std::string manual_mode_str; std::getline(std::cin, manual_mode_str); bool manual_mode = false; if(manual_mode_str == "y" || manual_mode_str == "Y") { manual_mode = true; out << "Scraping in manual mode!\n"; }else{ out << "Scraping in automatic mode!\n"; } //================================================================================== //scraping //================================================================================== out << "\n"; out << "Alright, let's do this thing!\n"; out << "=============================\n"; /* std::shared_ptr<Scraper> scraper = Settings::getInstance()->getScraper(); for(auto sysIt = systems.begin(); sysIt != systems.end(); sysIt++) { std::vector<FileData*> files = (*sysIt)->getRootFolder()->getFilesRecursive(GAME); ScraperSearchParams params; params.system = (*sysIt); for(auto gameIt = files.begin(); gameIt != files.end(); gameIt++) { params.nameOverride = ""; params.game = *gameIt; //print original search term out << getCleanFileName(params.game->getPath()) << "...\n"; //need to take into account filter_choice if(filter_choice == FILTER_MISSING_IMAGES) { if(!params.game->metadata.get("image").empty()) //maybe should also check if the image file exists/is a URL { out << " Skipping, metadata \"image\" entry is not empty.\n"; continue; } } //actually get some results do { std::vector<MetaDataList> mdls = scraper->getResults(params); //no results if(mdls.size() == 0) { if(manual_mode) { //in manual mode let the user enter a custom search out << " NO RESULTS FOUND! Enter a new name to search for, or nothing to skip.\n"; std::getline(std::cin, params.nameOverride); if(params.nameOverride.empty()) { out << " Skipping...\n"; break; } continue; }else{ out << " NO RESULTS FOUND! Skipping...\n"; break; } } //some results if(manual_mode) { //print list of choices for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mdls.size(); i++) { out << " " << i << " - " << mdls.at(i).get("name") << "\n"; } int choice = -1; std::string choice_str; out << "Your choice: "; std::getline(std::cin, choice_str); std::stringstream choice_buff(choice_str); //convert to int choice_buff >> choice; if(choice >= 0 && choice < (int)mdls.size()) { params.game->metadata = mdls.at(choice); break; }else{ out << "Invalid choice.\n"; continue; } }else{ //automatic mode //always choose the first choice out << " name -> " << mdls.at(0).get("name") << "\n"; params.game->metadata = mdls.at(0); break; } } while(true); out << "===================\n"; } } out << "\n\n"; out << "Downloading boxart...\n"; for(auto sysIt = systems.begin(); sysIt != systems.end(); sysIt++) { std::vector<FileData*> files = (*sysIt)->getRootFolder()->getFilesRecursive(GAME); for(auto gameIt = files.begin(); gameIt != files.end(); gameIt++) { FileData* game = *gameIt; const std::vector<MetaDataDecl>& mdd = game->metadata.getMDD(); for(auto i = mdd.begin(); i != mdd.end(); i++) { std::string key = i->key; std::string url = game->metadata.get(key); if(i->type == MD_IMAGE_PATH && HttpReq::isUrl(url)) { std::string urlShort = url.substr(0, url.length() > 35 ? 35 : url.length()); if(url.length() != urlShort.length()) urlShort += "..."; out << " " << game->metadata.get("name") << " [from: " << urlShort << "]...\n"; ScraperSearchParams p; p.game = game; p.system = *sysIt; game->metadata.set(key, downloadImage(url, getSaveAsPath(p, key, url))); if(game->metadata.get(key).empty()) { out << " FAILED! Skipping.\n"; game->metadata.set(key, url); //result URL to what it was if download failed, retry some other time } } } } } out << "\n\n"; out << "==============================\n"; out << "SCRAPE COMPLETE!\n"; out << "==============================\n"; */ out << "\n\n"; out << "ACTUALLY THIS IS STILL TODO\n"; return 0; }