#ifndef _FONT_H_ #define _FONT_H_ #include #include "platform.h" #include GLHEADER #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H //A TrueType Font renderer that uses FreeType and OpenGL. initLibrary() MUST be called before using it. class Font { public: static void initLibrary(); Font(std::string path, int size); ~Font(); FT_Face face; //contains sizing information for every glyph. struct charPosData { int texX; int texY; int texW; int texH; int advX; int advY; int bearingY; }; charPosData charData[128]; GLuint textureID; void drawText(std::string text, int startx, int starty, int color); //Render some text using this font. void sizeText(std::string text, int* w, int* h); //Sets the width and height of a given string to given pointers. Skipped if pointer is NULL. private: static int getDpiX(); static int getDpiY(); static FT_Library sLibrary; void buildAtlas(); //Builds a "texture atlas," one big OpenGL texture with glyphs 32 to 128. int textureWidth; //OpenGL texture width int textureHeight; //OpenGL texture height int mMaxGlyphHeight; }; #endif