/* # # File : image_registration2d.cpp # ( C++ source file ) # # Description : Compute a motion field between two images, # with a multiscale and variational algorithm. # This file is a part of the CImg Library project. # ( http://cimg.eu ) # # Copyright : David Tschumperlé # ( http://tschumperle.users.greyc.fr/ ) # # License : CeCILL v2.0 # ( http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html ) # # This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # "http://www.cecill.info". # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated # with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the # software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, # that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced # professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore # encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their # requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or # data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the # same conditions as regards security. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. # */ #include "CImg.h" using namespace cimg_library; #ifndef cimg_imagepath #define cimg_imagepath "img/" #endif #undef min #undef max // animate_warp() : Create warping animation from two images and a motion field //---------------- void animate_warp(const CImg<unsigned char>& src, const CImg<unsigned char>& dest, const CImg<>& U, const bool morph, const bool imode, const char *filename,int nb, CImgDisplay& disp) { CImg<unsigned char> visu = (src,dest,src)>'x', warp(src); float t = 0; for (unsigned int iteration = 0; !disp || (!disp.is_closed() && !disp.is_keyQ()); ++iteration) { if (morph) cimg_forXYC(warp,x,y,k) { const float dx = U(x,y,0), dy = U(x,y,1), I1 = (float)src.linear_atXY(x - t*dx, y - t*dy, k), I2 = (float)dest.linear_atXY(x + (1 - t)*dx,y + (1 - t)*dy,k); warp(x,y,k) = (unsigned char)((1 - t)*I1 + t*I2); } else cimg_forXYC(warp,x,y,k) { const float dx = U(x,y,0), dy = U(x,y,1), I1 = (float)src.linear_atXY(x - t*dx, y - t*dy, 0,k); warp(x,y,k) = (unsigned char)I1; } if (disp) visu.draw_image(2*src.width(),warp).display(disp.resize().wait(30)); if (filename && *filename && (imode || (int)iteration<nb)) { std::fprintf(stderr,"\r > frame %d ",iteration); warp.save(filename,iteration); } t+=1.0f/nb; if (t<0) { t = 0; nb = -nb; } if (t>1) { t = 1; nb = -nb; if (filename && *filename) std::exit(0); } } } // optflow() : multiscale version of the image registration algorithm //----------- CImg<> optflow(const CImg<>& source, const CImg<>& target, const float smoothness, const float precision, const unsigned int nb_scales, CImgDisplay& disp) { const unsigned int iteration_max = 100000; const float _precision = (float)std::pow(10.0,-(double)precision); const CImg<> src = source.get_resize(target,3).normalize(0,1), dest = target.get_normalize(0,1); CImg<> U; const unsigned int _nb_scales = nb_scales>0?nb_scales: (unsigned int)(2*std::log((double)(std::max(src.width(),src.height())))); for (int scale = _nb_scales - 1; scale>=0; --scale) { const float factor = (float)std::pow(1.5,(double)scale); const unsigned int _sw = (unsigned int)(src.width()/factor), sw = _sw?_sw:1, _sh = (unsigned int)(src.height()/factor), sh = _sh?_sh:1; const CImg<> I1 = src.get_resize(sw,sh,1,-100,2), I2 = dest.get_resize(I1,2); std::fprintf(stderr," * Scale %d\n",scale); if (U) (U*=1.5f).resize(I2.width(),I2.height(),1,-100,3); else U.assign(I2.width(),I2.height(),1,2,0); float dt = 2, energy = cimg::type<float>::max(); const CImgList<> dI = I2.get_gradient(); for (unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration<iteration_max; ++iteration) { std::fprintf(stderr,"\r- Iteration %d - E = %g",iteration,energy); std::fflush(stderr); float _energy = 0; cimg_for3XY(U,x,y) { const float X = x + U(x,y,0), Y = y + U(x,y,1); float deltaI = 0; cimg_forC(I2,c) deltaI+=(float)(I1(x,y,c) - I2.linear_atXY(X,Y,c)); float _energy_regul = 0; cimg_forC(U,c) { const float Ux = 0.5f*(U(_n1x,y,c) - U(_p1x,y,c)), Uy = 0.5f*(U(x,_n1y,c) - U(x,_p1y,c)), Uxx = U(_n1x,y,c) + U(_p1x,y,c), Uyy = U(x,_n1y,c) + U(x,_p1y,c); U(x,y,c) = (float)( U(x,y,c) + dt*(deltaI*dI[c].linear_atXY(X,Y) + smoothness* ( Uxx + Uyy )))/(1 + 4*smoothness*dt); _energy_regul+=Ux*Ux + Uy*Uy; } _energy+=deltaI*deltaI + smoothness*_energy_regul; } const float d_energy = (_energy - energy)/(sw*sh); if (d_energy<=0 && -d_energy<_precision) break; if (d_energy>0) dt*=0.5f; energy = _energy; if (disp) disp.resize(); if (disp && disp.is_closed()) std::exit(0); if (disp && !(iteration%300)) { const unsigned char white[] = { 255,255,255 }; CImg<unsigned char> tmp = I1.get_warp(U,true,true,1).normalize(0,200); tmp.resize(disp.width(),disp.height()).draw_quiver(U,white,0.7f,15,-14,true).display(disp); } } std::fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } return U; } /*------------------------ Main function ------------------------*/ int main(int argc,char **argv) { // Read command line parameters cimg_usage("Compute an optical flow between two 2D images, and create a warped animation"); const char *name_i1 = cimg_option("-i",cimg_imagepath "sh0r.pgm","Input Image 1 (Destination)"), *name_i2 = cimg_option("-i2",cimg_imagepath "sh1r.pgm","Input Image 2 (Source)"), *name_o = cimg_option("-o",(const char*)NULL,"Output 2D flow (inrimage)"), *name_seq = cimg_option("-o2",(const char*)NULL,"Output Warping Sequence"); const float smoothness = cimg_option("-s",0.1f,"Flow Smoothness"), precision = cimg_option("-p",6.0f,"Convergence precision"); const unsigned int nb = cimg_option("-n",40,"Number of warped frames"), nb_scales = cimg_option("-scale",0,"Number of scales (0=auto)"); const bool normalize = cimg_option("-equalize",true,"Histogram normalization of the images"), morph = cimg_option("-m",true,"Morphing mode"), imode = cimg_option("-c",true,"Complete interpolation (or last frame is missing)"), dispflag = !cimg_option("-novisu",false,"Visualization"); // Init images and display std::fprintf(stderr," - Init images.\n"); const CImg<> src(name_i1), dest(CImg<>(name_i2).resize(src,3)), src_blur = normalize?src.get_blur(0.5f).equalize(256):src.get_blur(0.5f), dest_blur = normalize?dest.get_blur(0.5f).equalize(256):dest.get_blur(0.5f); CImgDisplay disp; if (dispflag) { unsigned int w = src.width(), h = src.height(); const unsigned int dmin = std::min(w,h), minsiz = 512; if (dmin<minsiz) { w=w*minsiz/dmin; h=h*minsiz/dmin; } const unsigned int dmax = std::max(w,h), maxsiz = 1024; if (dmax>maxsiz) { w=w*maxsiz/dmax; h=h*maxsiz/dmax; } disp.assign(w,h,"Estimated Motion",0); } // Run Motion estimation algorithm std::fprintf(stderr," - Compute optical flow.\n"); const CImg<> U = optflow(src_blur,dest_blur,smoothness,precision,nb_scales,disp); if (name_o) U.save(name_o); U.print("Computed flow"); // Do morphing animation std::fprintf(stderr," - Create warped animation.\n"); CImgDisplay disp2; if (dispflag) { unsigned int w = src.width(), h = src.height(); const unsigned int dmin = std::min(w,h), minsiz = 100; if (dmin<minsiz) { w = w*minsiz/dmin; h=h*minsiz/dmin; } const unsigned int dmax = std::max(w,h), maxsiz = 1024/3; if (dmax>maxsiz) { w = w*maxsiz/dmax; h=h*maxsiz/dmax; } disp2.assign(3*w,h,"Source/Destination images and Motion animation",0); } animate_warp(src.get_normalize(0,255),dest.get_normalize(0,255),U,morph,imode,name_seq,nb,disp2); std::exit(0); return 0; }