// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // GamelistBase.cpp // // Gamelist base class with utility functions and other low-level logic. // #if defined(_WIN64) // Why this is needed here is anyone's guess but without it the compilation fails. #include <winsock2.h> #endif #include "views/GamelistBase.h" #include "CollectionSystemsManager.h" #include "FileFilterIndex.h" #include "UIModeController.h" #include "guis/GuiGamelistOptions.h" #include "utils/LocalizationUtil.h" #include "views/ViewController.h" GamelistBase::GamelistBase(FileData* root) : mRoot {root} , mPrimary {nullptr} , mRandomGame {nullptr} , mLastUpdated {nullptr} , mGameCount {0} , mFavoritesGameCount {0} , mFilteredGameCount {0} , mFilteredGameCountAll {0} , mIsFiltered {false} , mIsFolder {false} , mVideoPlaying {false} , mLeftRightAvailable {true} , mSystemNameSuffix {false} { setSize(Renderer::getScreenWidth(), Renderer::getScreenHeight()); } void GamelistBase::setCursor(FileData* cursor) { if (!mPrimary->setCursor(cursor) && (!cursor->isPlaceHolder())) { populateList(cursor->getParent()->getChildrenListToDisplay(), cursor->getParent()); mPrimary->setCursor(cursor); // Update our cursor stack in case our cursor just got set to some folder // we weren't in before. if (mCursorStack.empty() || mCursorStack.top() != cursor->getParent()) { std::stack<FileData*> tmp; FileData* ptr {cursor->getParent()}; while (ptr && ptr != mRoot) { tmp.push(ptr); ptr = ptr->getParent(); } // Flip the stack and put it in mCursorStack. mCursorStack = std::stack<FileData*>(); while (!tmp.empty()) { mCursorStack.push(tmp.top()); tmp.pop(); } } } } bool GamelistBase::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { if (input.value != 0) { if (config->isMappedTo("a", input)) { FileData* cursor {getCursor()}; if (cursor->getType() == GAME) { pauseViewVideos(); ViewController::getInstance()->cancelViewTransitions(); stopListScrolling(); stopGamelistFadeAnimations(); launch(cursor); } else { // It's a folder. if (cursor->getChildren().size() > 0) { ViewController::getInstance()->cancelViewTransitions(); // If a folder link entry has been set on the folder, then check if it // corresponds to an actual child entry, and if so then launch this child // instead of entering the folder. if (!CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->isEditing() && cursor->metadata.get("folderlink") != "") { std::string folderLink; folderLink.append(cursor->getPath()) .append("/") .append(Utils::String::replace(cursor->metadata.get("folderlink"), "\\", "/")); for (auto child : cursor->getChildrenRecursive()) { if (child->getPath() == folderLink) { pauseViewVideos(); ViewController::getInstance()->cancelViewTransitions(); stopListScrolling(); stopGamelistFadeAnimations(); launch(child); return true; } } } NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SELECTSOUND); mCursorStack.push(cursor); populateList(cursor->getChildrenListToDisplay(), cursor); FileData* newCursor {nullptr}; std::vector<FileData*> listEntries {cursor->getChildrenListToDisplay()}; // Check if there is an entry in the cursor stack history matching any entry // in the currect folder. If so, select that entry. for (auto it = mCursorStackHistory.begin(); // Line break. it != mCursorStackHistory.end(); ++it) { if (std::find(listEntries.begin(), listEntries.end(), *it) != listEntries.end()) { newCursor = *it; mCursorStackHistory.erase(it); break; } } // If there was no match in the cursor history, simply select the first entry. if (!newCursor) newCursor = getCursor(); setCursor(newCursor); stopListScrolling(); if (mRoot->getSystem()->getThemeFolder() == "custom-collections") updateHelpPrompts(); } else { NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SCROLLSOUND); } } return true; } else if (config->isMappedTo("b", input)) { ViewController::getInstance()->cancelViewTransitions(); if (mCursorStack.size()) { // Save the position to the cursor stack history. mCursorStackHistory.push_back(getCursor()); NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(BACKSOUND); populateList(mCursorStack.top()->getParent()->getChildrenListToDisplay(), mCursorStack.top()->getParent()); setCursor(mCursorStack.top()); stopListScrolling(); stopGamelistFadeAnimations(); if (mCursorStack.size() > 0) mCursorStack.pop(); if (mRoot->getSystem()->getThemeFolder() == "custom-collections") updateHelpPrompts(); } else { NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(BACKSOUND); muteViewVideos(); onFocusLost(); stopListScrolling(); stopGamelistFadeAnimations(); SystemData* systemToView = getCursor()->getSystem(); if (systemToView->isCustomCollection() && systemToView->getRootFolder()->getParent()) ViewController::getInstance()->goToSystemView( systemToView->getRootFolder()->getParent()->getSystem(), true); else ViewController::getInstance()->goToSystemView(systemToView, true); } return true; } else if (config->isMappedTo("x", input)) { if (getCursor()->getType() == PLACEHOLDER) { NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SCROLLSOUND); return true; } else if (config->isMappedTo("x", input) && mRoot->getSystem()->getThemeFolder() == "custom-collections" && mCursorStack.empty() && ViewController::getInstance()->getState().viewing == ViewController::ViewMode::GAMELIST) { NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SCROLLSOUND); // Jump to the randomly selected game. if (mRandomGame) { stopListScrolling(); ViewController::getInstance()->cancelViewTransitions(); mWindow->startMediaViewer(mRandomGame); return true; } } else if (mRoot->getSystem()->isGameSystem()) { stopListScrolling(); stopGamelistFadeAnimations(); ViewController::getInstance()->cancelViewTransitions(); NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SCROLLSOUND); mWindow->startMediaViewer(getCursor()); return true; } } else if (config->isMappedLike(getQuickSystemSelectRightButton(), input)) { if (SystemData::sSystemVector.size() > 1) { muteViewVideos(); onFocusLost(); stopListScrolling(); stopGamelistFadeAnimations(); ViewController::getInstance()->goToNextGamelist(); return true; } } else if (config->isMappedLike(getQuickSystemSelectLeftButton(), input)) { if (SystemData::sSystemVector.size() > 1) { muteViewVideos(); onFocusLost(); stopListScrolling(); stopGamelistFadeAnimations(); ViewController::getInstance()->goToPrevGamelist(); return true; } } else if ((Settings::getInstance()->getString("RandomEntryButton") == "games" || Settings::getInstance()->getString("RandomEntryButton") == "gamessystems") && (config->isMappedTo("leftthumbstickclick", input) || config->isMappedTo("rightthumbstickclick", input))) { if (mRoot->getSystem()->isGameSystem() && getCursor()->getType() != PLACEHOLDER) { stopListScrolling(); // Jump to a random game. NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SCROLLSOUND); FileData* randomGame {getCursor()->getSystem()->getRandomGame(getCursor())}; if (randomGame) setCursor(randomGame); return true; } } else if (config->isMappedTo("y", input) && mRoot->getSystem()->getThemeFolder() == "custom-collections" && !CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->isEditing() && mCursorStack.empty() && ViewController::getInstance()->getState().viewing == ViewController::ViewMode::GAMELIST) { // Jump to the randomly selected game. if (mRandomGame) { NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SELECTSOUND); // If there is already an mCursorStackHistory entry for the collection, then // remove it so we don't get multiple entries. std::vector<FileData*> listEntries { mRandomGame->getSystem()->getRootFolder()->getChildrenListToDisplay()}; for (auto it = mCursorStackHistory.begin(); it != mCursorStackHistory.end(); ++it) { if (std::find(listEntries.begin(), listEntries.end(), *it) != listEntries.end()) { mCursorStackHistory.erase(it); break; } } setCursor(mRandomGame); stopListScrolling(); updateHelpPrompts(); } else { NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SCROLLSOUND); } } else if (config->isMappedTo("y", input) && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavoritesAddButton") && !CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->isEditing()) { return true; } else if (config->isMappedTo("y", input) && !UIModeController::getInstance()->isUIModeKid() && !UIModeController::getInstance()->isUIModeKiosk()) { // Notify the user if attempting to add a custom collection to a custom collection. if (CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->isEditing() && mRoot->getSystem()->isGameSystem() && getCursor()->getType() != PLACEHOLDER && getCursor()->getParent()->getPath() == "collections") { NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(FAVORITESOUND); mWindow->queueInfoPopup(_("CAN'T ADD CUSTOM COLLECTIONS TO CUSTOM COLLECTIONS"), 4000); } // Notify the user if attempting to add a placeholder to a custom collection. if (CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->isEditing() && mRoot->getSystem()->isGameSystem() && getCursor()->getType() == PLACEHOLDER) { NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(FAVORITESOUND); mWindow->queueInfoPopup(_("CAN'T ADD PLACEHOLDERS TO CUSTOM COLLECTIONS"), 4000); } else if (mRoot->getSystem()->isGameSystem() && getCursor()->getType() != PLACEHOLDER && getCursor()->getParent()->getPath() != "collections") { if (getCursor()->getType() == GAME || getCursor()->getType() == FOLDER) NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(FAVORITESOUND); // When marking or unmarking a game as favorite, don't jump to the new position // it gets after the gamelist sorting. Instead retain the cursor position in the // list using the logic below. FileData* entryToUpdate {getCursor()}; SystemData* system {getCursor()->getSystem()}; bool favoritesSorting; bool removedLastFavorite {false}; bool selectLastEntry {false}; bool isEditing {CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->isEditing()}; bool foldersOnTop {Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FoldersOnTop")}; // If the current list only contains folders, then treat it as if the folders // are not sorted on top, this way the logic should work exactly as for mixed // lists or files-only lists. if (getCursor()->getType() == FOLDER && foldersOnTop == true) foldersOnTop = !getCursor()->getParent()->getOnlyFoldersFlag(); if (mRoot->getSystem()->isCustomCollection() || mRoot->getSystem()->getThemeFolder() == "custom-collections") favoritesSorting = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavFirstCustom"); else favoritesSorting = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavoritesFirst"); if (favoritesSorting && mRoot->getSystem()->getName() != "recent" && !isEditing) { FileData* entryToSelect; // Add favorite flag. if (!getCursor()->getFavorite()) { // If it's a folder and folders are sorted on top, select the current entry. if (foldersOnTop && getCursor()->getType() == FOLDER) { entryToSelect = getCursor(); } // If it's the first entry to be marked as favorite, select the next entry. else if (getCursor() == getFirstEntry()) { entryToSelect = getNextEntry(); } else if (getCursor() == getLastEntry() && getPreviousEntry()->getFavorite()) { entryToSelect = getLastEntry(); selectLastEntry = true; } // If we are on the favorite marking boundary, select the next entry. else if (getCursor()->getFavorite() != getPreviousEntry()->getFavorite()) { entryToSelect = getNextEntry(); } // If we mark the second entry as favorite and the first entry is not a // favorite, then select this entry if they are of the same type. else if (getPreviousEntry() == getFirstEntry() && getCursor()->getType() == getPreviousEntry()->getType()) { entryToSelect = getPreviousEntry(); } // For all other scenarios try to select the next entry, and if it doesn't // exist, select the previous entry. else { entryToSelect = getCursor() != getNextEntry() ? getNextEntry() : getPreviousEntry(); } } // Remove favorite flag. else { // If it's a folder and folders are sorted on top, select the current entry. if (foldersOnTop && getCursor()->getType() == FOLDER) { entryToSelect = getCursor(); } // If it's the last entry, select the previous entry. else if (getCursor() == getLastEntry()) { entryToSelect = getPreviousEntry(); } // If we are on the favorite marking boundary, select the previous entry, // unless folders are sorted on top and the previous entry is a folder. else if (foldersOnTop && getCursor()->getFavorite() != getNextEntry()->getFavorite()) { entryToSelect = getPreviousEntry()->getType() == FOLDER ? getCursor() : getPreviousEntry(); } // If we are on the favorite marking boundary, select the previous entry. else if (getCursor()->getFavorite() != getNextEntry()->getFavorite()) { entryToSelect = getPreviousEntry(); } // For all other scenarios try to select the next entry, and if it doesn't // exist, select the previous entry. else { entryToSelect = getCursor() != getNextEntry() ? getNextEntry() : getPreviousEntry(); } // If we removed the last favorite marking, set the flag to jump to the // first list entry after the sorting has been performed. if (foldersOnTop && getCursor() == getFirstGameEntry() && !getNextEntry()->getFavorite()) removedLastFavorite = true; else if (getCursor() == getFirstEntry() && !getNextEntry()->getFavorite()) removedLastFavorite = true; } setCursor(entryToSelect); system = entryToUpdate->getSystem(); } // Marking folders as favorites don't make them part of any collections, // so it makes more sense to handle it here than to add the function to // CollectionSystemsManager. if (entryToUpdate->getType() == FOLDER) { if (isEditing) { mWindow->queueInfoPopup(_("CAN'T ADD FOLDERS TO CUSTOM COLLECTIONS"), 4000); } else { MetaDataList* md {&entryToUpdate->getSourceFileData()->metadata}; if (md->get("favorite") == "false") { md->set("favorite", "true"); mWindow->queueInfoPopup( Utils::String::format( _("MARKED FOLDER '%s' AS FAVORITE"), Utils::String::toUpper( Utils::String::removeParenthesis(entryToUpdate->getName())) .c_str()), 4000); } else { md->set("favorite", "false"); mWindow->queueInfoPopup( Utils::String::format( _("REMOVED FAVORITE MARKING FOR FOLDER '%s'"), Utils::String::toUpper( Utils::String::removeParenthesis(entryToUpdate->getName())) .c_str()), 4000); } } entryToUpdate->getSourceFileData()->getSystem()->onMetaDataSavePoint(); getCursor()->getParent()->sort( mRoot->getSortTypeFromString(mRoot->getSortTypeString()), Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavoritesFirst")); ViewController::getInstance()->onFileChanged(getCursor(), false); // Always jump to the first entry in the gamelist if the last favorite // was unmarked. We couldn't do this earlier as we didn't have the list // sorted yet. if (removedLastFavorite) { ViewController::getInstance() ->getGamelistView(entryToUpdate->getSystem()) ->setCursor(ViewController::getInstance() ->getGamelistView(entryToUpdate->getSystem()) ->getFirstEntry()); } return true; } else if (isEditing && entryToUpdate->metadata.get("nogamecount") == "true") { mWindow->queueInfoPopup(_("CAN'T ADD ENTRIES THAT ARE NOT COUNTED " "AS GAMES TO CUSTOM COLLECTIONS"), 4000); } else if (CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->toggleGameInCollection( entryToUpdate)) { // Needed to avoid some minor transition animation glitches. auto grid = ViewController::getInstance()->getGamelistView(system).get()->mGrid.get(); if (grid != nullptr) grid->setSuppressTransitions(true); // As the toggling of the game destroyed this object, we need to get the view // from ViewController instead of using the reference that existed before the // destruction. Otherwise we get random crashes. GamelistView* view { ViewController::getInstance()->getGamelistView(system).get()}; // Jump to the first entry in the gamelist if the last favorite was unmarked. if (foldersOnTop && removedLastFavorite && !entryToUpdate->getSystem()->isCustomCollection()) { ViewController::getInstance() ->getGamelistView(entryToUpdate->getSystem()) ->setCursor(ViewController::getInstance() ->getGamelistView(entryToUpdate->getSystem()) ->getFirstGameEntry()); } else if (removedLastFavorite && !entryToUpdate->getSystem()->isCustomCollection()) { setCursor(getFirstEntry()); view->setCursor(view->getFirstEntry()); } else if (selectLastEntry && view->getPrimary()->size() > 0) { view->setCursor(view->getLastEntry()); } if (grid != nullptr) grid->setSuppressTransitions(false); // Display the indication icons which show what games are part of the // custom collection currently being edited. This is done cheaply using // onFileChanged() which will trigger populateList(). if (isEditing) { for (auto it = SystemData::sSystemVector.begin(); it != SystemData::sSystemVector.end(); ++it) { ViewController::getInstance()->getGamelistView((*it))->onFileChanged( ViewController::getInstance()->getGamelistView((*it))->getCursor(), false); } } return true; } } else if (config->isMappedTo("y", input) && getCursor()->isPlaceHolder()) { NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SCROLLSOUND); } } } // Select button opens GuiGamelistOptions. if (!UIModeController::getInstance()->isUIModeKid() && // Line break. config->isMappedTo("back", input) && input.value) { ViewController::getInstance()->cancelViewTransitions(); stopListScrolling(); pauseViewVideos(); stopGamelistFadeAnimations(); mWindow->setAllowTextScrolling(false); mWindow->setAllowFileAnimation(false); mWindow->pushGui(new GuiGamelistOptions(this->mRoot->getSystem())); return true; } // Ctrl-R reloads the view when debugging. else if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("Debug") && config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && (SDL_GetModState() & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL)) && input.id == SDLK_r && input.value != 0) { LOG(LogDebug) << "GamelistView::input(): Reloading view"; ViewController::getInstance()->reloadGamelistView(this->mRoot->getSystem(), true); return true; } return GuiComponent::input(config, input); } void GamelistBase::enterDirectory(FileData* cursor) { assert(cursor->getType() == FOLDER); if (cursor->getChildren().size() > 0) { ViewController::getInstance()->cancelViewTransitions(); NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SELECTSOUND); mCursorStack.push(cursor); populateList(cursor->getChildrenListToDisplay(), cursor); FileData* newCursor {nullptr}; std::vector<FileData*> listEntries = cursor->getChildrenListToDisplay(); // Check if there is an entry in the cursor stack history matching any entry // in the currect folder. If so, select that entry. for (auto it = mCursorStackHistory.begin(); it != mCursorStackHistory.end(); ++it) { if (std::find(listEntries.begin(), listEntries.end(), *it) != listEntries.end()) { newCursor = *it; mCursorStackHistory.erase(it); break; } } // If there was no match in the cursor history, simply select the first entry. if (!newCursor) newCursor = getCursor(); setCursor(newCursor); stopListScrolling(); if (mRoot->getSystem()->getThemeFolder() == "custom-collections") updateHelpPrompts(); } else { NavigationSounds::getInstance().playThemeNavigationSound(SCROLLSOUND); } } void GamelistBase::addPlaceholder(FileData* firstEntry) { // Empty list, add a placeholder. FileData* placeholder {nullptr}; if (firstEntry && firstEntry->getSystem()->isGroupedCustomCollection()) placeholder = firstEntry->getSystem()->getPlaceholder(); else placeholder = this->mRoot->getSystem()->getPlaceholder(); auto letterCaseFunc = [this](std::string& name) { const LetterCase letterCase {mPrimary->getLetterCase()}; if (letterCase == LetterCase::UPPERCASE) name = Utils::String::toUpper(name); else if (letterCase == LetterCase::LOWERCASE) name = Utils::String::toLower(name); else if (letterCase == LetterCase::CAPITALIZE) name = Utils::String::toCapitalized(name); }; if (mTextList != nullptr) { TextListComponent<FileData*>::Entry textListEntry; textListEntry.name = placeholder->getName(); letterCaseFunc(textListEntry.name); textListEntry.object = placeholder; textListEntry.data.entryType = TextListEntryType::SECONDARY; mTextList->addEntry(textListEntry); } else if (mCarousel != nullptr) { CarouselComponent<FileData*>::Entry carouselEntry; carouselEntry.name = placeholder->getName(); letterCaseFunc(carouselEntry.name); carouselEntry.object = placeholder; mCarousel->addEntry(carouselEntry, mRoot->getSystem()->getTheme()); } else if (mGrid != nullptr) { GridComponent<FileData*>::Entry gridEntry; gridEntry.name = placeholder->getName(); letterCaseFunc(gridEntry.name); gridEntry.object = placeholder; mGrid->addEntry(gridEntry, mRoot->getSystem()->getTheme()); } } void GamelistBase::remove(FileData* game, bool deleteFile) { // Optionally delete the game file on the filesystem. if (deleteFile) Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(game->getPath()); FileData* parent {game->getParent()}; // Select next element in list, or previous if none. if (getCursor() == game) { std::vector<FileData*> siblings {parent->getChildrenListToDisplay()}; auto gameIter = std::find(siblings.cbegin(), siblings.cend(), game); unsigned int gamePos { static_cast<unsigned int>(std::distance(siblings.cbegin(), gameIter))}; if (gameIter != siblings.cend()) { if ((gamePos + 1) < siblings.size()) setCursor(siblings.at(gamePos + 1)); else if (gamePos > 1) setCursor(siblings.at(gamePos - 1)); } } mPrimary->remove(game); if (mPrimary->size() == 0) addPlaceholder(nullptr); // If a game has been deleted, immediately remove the entry from gamelist.xml // regardless of the value of the setting SaveGamelistsMode. game->setDeletionFlag(true); parent->getSystem()->writeMetaData(); // Remove before repopulating (removes from parent), then update the view. delete game; if (deleteFile) { parent->sort(parent->getSortTypeFromString(parent->getSortTypeString()), Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavoritesFirst")); onFileChanged(parent, false); } } void GamelistBase::removeMedia(FileData* game) { std::string systemMediaDir {FileData::getMediaDirectory() + game->getSystem()->getName()}; std::string mediaType; std::string path; // Stop the video player, especially important on Windows as the file would otherwise be locked. stopViewVideos(); // If there are no media files left in the directory after the deletion, then remove // the directory too. Remove any empty parent directories as well. auto removeEmptyDirFunc = [](std::string systemMediaDir, std::string mediaType, std::string path) { std::string parentPath {Utils::FileSystem::getParent(path)}; while (parentPath != systemMediaDir + "/" + mediaType) { if (Utils::FileSystem::getDirContent(parentPath).size() == 0) { Utils::FileSystem::removeDirectory(parentPath, false); parentPath = Utils::FileSystem::getParent(parentPath); } else { break; } } }; // Remove all game media files on the filesystem. while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->getVideoPath())) { mediaType = "videos"; path = game->getVideoPath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->getManualPath())) { mediaType = "manuals"; path = game->getManualPath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->getMiximagePath())) { mediaType = "miximages"; path = game->getMiximagePath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->getScreenshotPath())) { mediaType = "screenshots"; path = game->getScreenshotPath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->getTitleScreenPath())) { mediaType = "titlescreens"; path = game->getTitleScreenPath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->getCoverPath())) { mediaType = "covers"; path = game->getCoverPath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->getBackCoverPath())) { mediaType = "backcovers"; path = game->getBackCoverPath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->getFanArtPath())) { mediaType = "fanart"; path = game->getFanArtPath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->getMarqueePath())) { mediaType = "marquees"; path = game->getMarqueePath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->get3DBoxPath())) { mediaType = "3dboxes"; path = game->get3DBoxPath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } while (Utils::FileSystem::exists(game->getPhysicalMediaPath())) { mediaType = "physicalmedia"; path = game->getPhysicalMediaPath(); if (!Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(path)) break; removeEmptyDirFunc(systemMediaDir, mediaType, path); } } void GamelistBase::populateList(const std::vector<FileData*>& files, FileData* firstEntry) { mFirstGameEntry = nullptr; bool favoriteStar {true}; bool isEditing {false}; bool isCollection {false}; bool isCustomCollection {false}; std::string editingCollection; std::string inCollectionPrefix; LetterCase letterCase {LetterCase::NONE}; if (CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->isEditing()) { editingCollection = CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->getEditingCollection(); isEditing = true; } if (files.size() > 0) { isCollection = files.front()->getSystem()->isCollection(); isCustomCollection = files.front()->getSystem()->isCustomCollection(); // Read the settings that control whether a unicode star character should be added // as a prefix to the game name. if (isCustomCollection) favoriteStar = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavStarCustom"); else favoriteStar = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavoritesStar"); } if (mPrimary != nullptr) mPrimary->clear(); auto nameSuffixFunc = [this](std::vector<FileData*>::const_iterator it, std::string& name) { if ((*it)->getType() == GAME) { const LetterCase letterCase {mPrimary->getLetterCaseSystemNameSuffix()}; name.append(" ["); if (letterCase == LetterCase::UPPERCASE) { name.append( Utils::String::toUpper((*it)->getSourceFileData()->getSystem()->getName())); } else if (letterCase == LetterCase::CAPITALIZE) { name.append(Utils::String::toCapitalized( (*it)->getSourceFileData()->getSystem()->getName())); } else { name.append((*it)->getSourceFileData()->getSystem()->getName()); } name.append("]"); } }; auto theme = mRoot->getSystem()->getTheme(); std::string name; std::string defaultImage; std::string defaultFolderImage; if (mCarousel != nullptr) { defaultImage = mCarousel->getDefaultCarouselImage(); defaultFolderImage = mCarousel->getDefaultCarouselFolderImage(); if (!ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(defaultImage)) defaultImage = ""; } else if (mGrid != nullptr) { defaultImage = mGrid->getDefaultGridImage(); defaultFolderImage = mGrid->getDefaultGridFolderImage(); if (!ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(defaultImage)) defaultImage = ""; } if (files.size() > 0) { for (auto it = files.cbegin(); it != files.cend(); ++it) { if (!mFirstGameEntry && (*it)->getType() == GAME) mFirstGameEntry = (*it); if (isCustomCollection && (*it)->getType() == FOLDER) { letterCase = mPrimary->getLetterCaseCustomCollections(); if (letterCase == LetterCase::UNDEFINED) letterCase = mPrimary->getLetterCase(); } else { letterCase = mPrimary->getLetterCase(); } if (mCarousel != nullptr) { CarouselComponent<FileData*>::Entry carouselEntry; carouselEntry.name = (*it)->getName(); carouselEntry.object = *it; if (letterCase == LetterCase::UPPERCASE) carouselEntry.name = Utils::String::toUpper(carouselEntry.name); else if (letterCase == LetterCase::LOWERCASE) carouselEntry.name = Utils::String::toLower(carouselEntry.name); else if (letterCase == LetterCase::CAPITALIZE) carouselEntry.name = Utils::String::toCapitalized(carouselEntry.name); if (isCollection && mSystemNameSuffix) nameSuffixFunc(it, carouselEntry.name); if ((*it)->getType() == FOLDER) { if (defaultFolderImage != "") carouselEntry.data.defaultImagePath = defaultFolderImage; else if (defaultImage != "") carouselEntry.data.defaultImagePath = defaultImage; } else if (defaultImage != "") { carouselEntry.data.defaultImagePath = defaultImage; } mCarousel->addEntry(carouselEntry, theme); } else if (mGrid != nullptr) { GridComponent<FileData*>::Entry gridEntry; gridEntry.name = (*it)->getName(); gridEntry.object = *it; if (letterCase == LetterCase::UPPERCASE) gridEntry.name = Utils::String::toUpper(gridEntry.name); else if (letterCase == LetterCase::LOWERCASE) gridEntry.name = Utils::String::toLower(gridEntry.name); else if (letterCase == LetterCase::CAPITALIZE) gridEntry.name = Utils::String::toCapitalized(gridEntry.name); if (isCollection && mSystemNameSuffix) nameSuffixFunc(it, gridEntry.name); if ((*it)->getType() == FOLDER) { if (defaultFolderImage != "") gridEntry.data.defaultImagePath = defaultFolderImage; else if (defaultImage != "") gridEntry.data.defaultImagePath = defaultImage; } else if (defaultImage != "") { gridEntry.data.defaultImagePath = defaultImage; } mGrid->addEntry(gridEntry, theme); } else if (mTextList != nullptr) { TextListComponent<FileData*>::Entry textListEntry; std::string indicators {mTextList->getIndicators()}; std::string collectionIndicators {mTextList->getCollectionIndicators()}; // Add a leading tick mark icon to the game name if it's part of the custom // collection currently being edited. if (isEditing && (*it)->getType() == GAME) { if (CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->inCustomCollection( editingCollection, (*it))) { if (collectionIndicators == "ascii") inCollectionPrefix = "! "; else inCollectionPrefix = ViewController::TICKMARK_CHAR + " "; } else { inCollectionPrefix = ""; } } if (indicators == "none") { name = inCollectionPrefix + (*it)->getName(); } else { if ((*it)->getFavorite() && favoriteStar && mRoot->getSystem()->getName() != "favorites") { if (indicators == "ascii") name = inCollectionPrefix + "* " + (*it)->getName(); else name = inCollectionPrefix + ViewController::FAVORITE_CHAR + " " + (*it)->getName(); } else if ((*it)->getType() == FOLDER && mRoot->getSystem()->getName() != "collections") { if (indicators == "ascii") { if ((*it)->metadata.get("folderlink") != "") name = "> " + (*it)->getName(); else name = "# " + (*it)->getName(); } else { if ((*it)->metadata.get("folderlink") != "") name = ViewController::FOLDERLINK_CHAR + " " + (*it)->getName(); else name = ViewController::FOLDER_CHAR + " " + (*it)->getName(); } } else { name = inCollectionPrefix + (*it)->getName(); } } if (letterCase == LetterCase::UPPERCASE) name = Utils::String::toUpper(name); else if (letterCase == LetterCase::LOWERCASE) name = Utils::String::toLower(name); else if (letterCase == LetterCase::CAPITALIZE) name = Utils::String::toCapitalized(name); if (isCollection && mSystemNameSuffix) nameSuffixFunc(it, name); textListEntry.name = name; textListEntry.object = *it; if ((*it)->getType() == FOLDER) textListEntry.data.entryType = TextListEntryType::SECONDARY; else textListEntry.data.entryType = TextListEntryType::PRIMARY; mTextList->addEntry(textListEntry); } } } else { addPlaceholder(firstEntry); } if (mGrid != nullptr) mGrid->calculateLayout(); generateGamelistInfo(getCursor(), firstEntry); generateFirstLetterIndex(files); } void GamelistBase::generateFirstLetterIndex(const std::vector<FileData*>& files) { std::string firstChar; bool onlyFavorites {true}; bool onlyFolders {true}; bool hasFavorites {false}; bool hasFolderFavorites {false}; bool hasFolders {false}; bool favoritesSorting {false}; mFirstLetterIndex.clear(); if (files.size() > 0 && files.front()->getSystem()->isCustomCollection()) favoritesSorting = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavFirstCustom"); else favoritesSorting = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavoritesFirst"); bool foldersOnTop {Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FoldersOnTop")}; // Find out if there are only favorites and/or only folders in the list. for (auto it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) { if (!((*it)->getFavorite())) onlyFavorites = false; if (!((*it)->getType() == FOLDER)) onlyFolders = false; } // Build the index. for (auto it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->getType() == FOLDER && (*it)->getFavorite() && favoritesSorting && !onlyFavorites) { hasFolderFavorites = true; } else if ((*it)->getType() == FOLDER && foldersOnTop && !onlyFolders) { hasFolders = true; } else if ((*it)->getType() == GAME && (*it)->getFavorite() && favoritesSorting && !onlyFavorites) { hasFavorites = true; } else { mFirstLetterIndex.push_back(Utils::String::getFirstCharacter((*it)->getSortName())); } } // Sort and make each entry unique. std::sort(mFirstLetterIndex.begin(), mFirstLetterIndex.end()); auto last = std::unique(mFirstLetterIndex.begin(), mFirstLetterIndex.end()); mFirstLetterIndex.erase(last, mFirstLetterIndex.end()); // If there are any favorites and/or folders in the list, insert their respective // Unicode characters at the beginning of the vector. if (hasFavorites || (hasFolderFavorites && onlyFolders)) mFirstLetterIndex.insert(mFirstLetterIndex.begin(), ViewController::FAVORITE_CHAR); if (hasFolders) mFirstLetterIndex.insert(mFirstLetterIndex.begin(), ViewController::FOLDER_CHAR); } void GamelistBase::generateGamelistInfo(FileData* cursor, FileData* firstEntry) { // Generate data needed for the gamelistInfo field, which is displayed from the // gamelist interfaces. mIsFiltered = false; mIsFolder = false; FileData* rootFolder {firstEntry->getSystem()->getRootFolder()}; std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> gameCount; FileFilterIndex* idx {rootFolder->getSystem()->getIndex()}; // For the 'recent' collection we need to recount the games as the collection was // trimmed down to 50 items. If we don't do this, the game count will not be correct // as it would include all the games prior to trimming. if (mRoot->getPath() == "recent") mRoot->countGames(gameCount); gameCount = rootFolder->getGameCount(); mGameCount = gameCount.first; mFavoritesGameCount = gameCount.second; mFilteredGameCount = 0; mFilteredGameCountAll = 0; if (idx->isFiltered()) { mIsFiltered = true; mFilteredGameCount = static_cast<unsigned int>(rootFolder->getFilesRecursive(GAME, true, false).size()); // Also count the games that are set to not be counted as games, as the filter may // apply to such entries as well and this will be indicated with a separate '+ XX' // in the GamelistInfo field. mFilteredGameCountAll = static_cast<unsigned int>(rootFolder->getFilesRecursive(GAME, true, true).size()); } if (firstEntry->getParent() && firstEntry->getParent()->getType() == FOLDER) mIsFolder = true; } std::string GamelistBase::getQuickSystemSelectLeftButton() { if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "leftrightshoulders") { if (mLeftRightAvailable) return "left"; else return "leftshoulder"; } if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "leftrighttriggers") { if (mLeftRightAvailable) return "left"; else return "lefttrigger"; } if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "shoulders") return "leftshoulder"; if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "triggers") return "lefttrigger"; if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "leftright") { if (mLeftRightAvailable) return "left"; else return ""; } if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "disabled") return ""; // This should only happen if there is an invalid value in es_settings.xml. if (mLeftRightAvailable) return "left"; else return "leftshoulder"; } std::string GamelistBase::getQuickSystemSelectRightButton() { if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "leftrightshoulders") { if (mLeftRightAvailable) return "right"; else return "rightshoulder"; } if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "leftrighttriggers") { if (mLeftRightAvailable) return "right"; else return "righttrigger"; } if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "shoulders") return "rightshoulder"; if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "triggers") return "righttrigger"; if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "leftright") { if (mLeftRightAvailable) return "right"; else return ""; } if (Settings::getInstance()->getString("QuickSystemSelect") == "disabled") return ""; if (mLeftRightAvailable) return "right"; else return "rightshoulder"; }