// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // IList.h // // List base class, used by the system view, gamelist view and menu system. // #ifndef ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_ILIST_H #define ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_ILIST_H #include "Window.h" #include "components/ImageComponent.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" enum class CursorState { CURSOR_STOPPED, CURSOR_SCROLLING }; enum class ListLoopType { LIST_ALWAYS_LOOP, LIST_PAUSE_AT_END, LIST_PAUSE_AT_END_ON_JUMP, LIST_NEVER_LOOP }; template <typename EntryData, typename UserData> class IList : public virtual GuiComponent { public: struct Entry { std::string name; UserData object; EntryData data; }; protected: struct ScrollTier { int length; // How long we stay on this tier before going to the next. int scrollDelay; // How long between scrolls. }; struct ScrollTierList { int count; const ScrollTier* tiers; }; // Default scroll tiers. // clang-format off static inline const ScrollTier QUICK_SCROLL_TIERS[3] { {500, 500}, {1200, 114}, {0, 16} }; static inline const ScrollTierList LIST_SCROLL_STYLE_QUICK { 3, QUICK_SCROLL_TIERS }; static inline const ScrollTier MEDIUM_SCROLL_TIERS[3] { {500, 500}, {1100, 180}, {0, 80} }; static inline const ScrollTierList LIST_SCROLL_STYLE_MEDIUM { 3, MEDIUM_SCROLL_TIERS }; static inline const ScrollTier SLOW_SCROLL_TIERS[2] { {500, 500}, {0, 200} }; static inline const ScrollTierList LIST_SCROLL_STYLE_SLOW { 2, SLOW_SCROLL_TIERS }; // clang-format on Window* mWindow; std::vector<Entry> mEntries; ScrollTierList mTierList; const ListLoopType mLoopType; int mCursor; int mLastCursor; int mColumns; int mRows; int mScrollTier; int mScrollVelocity; int mScrollTierAccumulator; int mScrollCursorAccumulator; float mTitleOverlayOpacity; unsigned int mTitleOverlayColor; public: IList(const ScrollTierList& tierList = LIST_SCROLL_STYLE_QUICK, const ListLoopType& loopType = ListLoopType::LIST_PAUSE_AT_END) : mWindow {Window::getInstance()} , mTierList {tierList} , mLoopType {loopType} , mCursor {0} , mLastCursor {0} , mColumns {0} , mRows {0} , mScrollTier {0} , mScrollVelocity {0} , mScrollTierAccumulator {0} , mScrollCursorAccumulator {0} , mTitleOverlayOpacity {0.0f} , mTitleOverlayColor {0xFFFFFF00} { } const bool isScrolling() const { return (mScrollVelocity != 0 && mScrollTier > 0); } void stopScrolling() { mTitleOverlayOpacity = 0.0f; if (mScrollVelocity == 0) return; listInput(0); if (mScrollVelocity == 0) onCursorChanged(CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED); } const int getScrollingVelocity() const { return mScrollVelocity; } void clear() { mEntries.clear(); mCursor = 0; mLastCursor = 0; listInput(0); onCursorChanged(CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED); } const std::string& getSelectedName() { assert(size() > 0); return mEntries.at(mCursor).name; } const UserData& getSelected() const { assert(size() > 0); return mEntries.at(mCursor).object; } const UserData& getNext() const { // If there is a next entry, then return it, otherwise return the current entry. if (mCursor + 1 < static_cast<int>(mEntries.size())) return mEntries.at(mCursor + 1).object; else return mEntries.at(mCursor).object; } const UserData& getPrevious() const { // If there is a previous entry, then return it, otherwise return the current entry. if (mCursor != 0) return mEntries.at(mCursor - 1).object; else return mEntries.at(mCursor).object; } const UserData& getFirst() const { assert(size() > 0); return mEntries.front().object; } const UserData& getLast() const { assert(size() > 0); return mEntries.back().object; } void setCursor(typename std::vector<Entry>::const_iterator& it) { assert(it != mEntries.cend()); mCursor = it - mEntries.cbegin(); onCursorChanged(CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED); } bool setCursor(const UserData& obj) { for (auto it = mEntries.cbegin(); it != mEntries.cend(); ++it) { if ((*it).object == obj) { mCursor = static_cast<int>(it - mEntries.cbegin()); onCursorChanged(CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED); return true; } } return false; } // Entry management. void add(const Entry& e) { mEntries.push_back(e); } bool remove(const UserData& obj) { for (auto it = mEntries.cbegin(); it != mEntries.cend(); ++it) { if ((*it).object == obj) { remove(it); return true; } } return false; } int size() const { return static_cast<int>(mEntries.size()); } protected: void remove(typename std::vector<Entry>::const_iterator& it) { if (mCursor > 0 && it - mEntries.cbegin() <= mCursor) { --mCursor; onCursorChanged(CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED); } mEntries.erase(it); } bool listFirstRow() { mLastCursor = mCursor; mCursor = 0; mScrollVelocity = 0; mScrollTier = 0; onCursorChanged(CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED); onScroll(); return true; } bool listLastRow() { mLastCursor = mCursor; mCursor = static_cast<int>(mEntries.size()) - 1; mScrollVelocity = 0; mScrollTier = 0; onCursorChanged(CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED); onScroll(); return true; } bool listInput(int velocity) // A velocity of 0 = stop scrolling. { mScrollVelocity = velocity; mScrollTier = 0; mScrollTierAccumulator = 0; mScrollCursorAccumulator = 0; int prevCursor = mCursor; scroll(mScrollVelocity); return (prevCursor != mCursor); } void listUpdate(int deltaTime) { // Update the title overlay opacity. // Fade in if scroll tier is >= 1, otherwise fade out. const float dir {(mScrollTier >= mTierList.count - 1) ? 1.0f : -1.0f}; // We simply translate the time directly to opacity, i.e. no scaling is performed. mTitleOverlayOpacity = glm::clamp( mTitleOverlayOpacity + (static_cast<float>(deltaTime) / 255.0f) * dir, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (mScrollVelocity == 0 || size() < 2) return; mScrollCursorAccumulator += deltaTime; mScrollTierAccumulator += deltaTime; // We delay scrolling until after scroll tier has updated so isScrolling() returns // accurately during onCursorChanged callbacks. We don't just do scroll tier first // because it would not catch the scrollDelay == tier length case. int scrollCount {0}; while (mScrollCursorAccumulator >= mTierList.tiers[mScrollTier].scrollDelay) { mScrollCursorAccumulator -= mTierList.tiers[mScrollTier].scrollDelay; ++scrollCount; } // Should we go to the next scrolling tier? while (mScrollTier < mTierList.count - 1 && mScrollTierAccumulator >= mTierList.tiers[mScrollTier].length) { mScrollTierAccumulator -= mTierList.tiers[mScrollTier].length; // This is required for the carousel as the highest tier introduces weird behavior // if there are only two entries. if (!(mScrollTier > 0 && mEntries.size() < 3)) ++mScrollTier; } // Actually perform the scrolling. for (int i {0}; i < scrollCount; ++i) scroll(mScrollVelocity); } void listRenderTitleOverlay(const glm::mat4&) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v<UserData, FileData*>) { if (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ListScrollOverlay")) return; if (size() == 0 || mTitleOverlayOpacity == 0.0f) { mWindow->renderListScrollOverlay(0.0f, ""); return; } std::string titleIndex; bool favoritesSorting {true}; if (getSelected()->getSystem()->isCustomCollection()) favoritesSorting = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavFirstCustom"); else favoritesSorting = Settings::getInstance()->getBool("FavoritesFirst"); if (favoritesSorting && getSelected()->getFavorite()) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) // MSVC compiler. titleIndex = Utils::String::wideStringToString(L"\uF005"); #else titleIndex = "\uF005"; #endif } else { titleIndex = getSelected()->getName(); if (titleIndex.size()) { titleIndex[0] = toupper(titleIndex[0]); if (titleIndex.size() > 1) { titleIndex = titleIndex.substr(0, 2); titleIndex[1] = tolower(titleIndex[1]); } } } // The actual rendering takes place in Window to make sure that the overlay is placed on // top of all GUI elements but below the info popups and GPU statistics overlay. mWindow->renderListScrollOverlay(mTitleOverlayOpacity, titleIndex); } } void scroll(int amt) { if (mScrollVelocity == 0 || size() < 2) return; bool doScroll {true}; // This is only needed for GridComponent. if (mColumns > 1 && mScrollVelocity == -mColumns && mCursor < mColumns) { doScroll = false; } else if (mColumns != 0 && mScrollVelocity == mColumns) { if (size() - mCursor <= size() % mColumns) doScroll = false; else if (mColumns != 1 && mCursor >= (mColumns * mRows) - mColumns && size() - mCursor <= mColumns && size() % mColumns == 0) doScroll = false; else if (size() < mColumns) doScroll = false; } mLastCursor = mCursor; if (!doScroll) { onCursorChanged(CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED); return; } int cursor {mCursor + amt}; int absAmt {amt < 0 ? -amt : amt}; bool stopScroll {false}; // Depending on the loop type we'll either pause at the ends if holding a navigation // button, or we'll only stop if it's a quick jump key (should or trigger button) that // is held, or we never loop. if (mLoopType == ListLoopType::LIST_PAUSE_AT_END && (mScrollTier > 0 || absAmt > 1)) stopScroll = true; else if (mLoopType == ListLoopType::LIST_PAUSE_AT_END_ON_JUMP && abs(mScrollVelocity) > 1 && (mScrollTier > 0 || absAmt > 1)) stopScroll = true; else if (mLoopType == ListLoopType::LIST_NEVER_LOOP) stopScroll = true; if (stopScroll) { if (cursor < 0) { cursor = 0; mScrollVelocity = 0; mScrollTier = 0; } else if (cursor >= size()) { cursor = size() - 1; mScrollVelocity = 0; mScrollTier = 0; } } else { while (cursor < 0) cursor += size(); while (cursor >= size()) cursor -= size(); } if (cursor != mCursor) onScroll(); mCursor = cursor; onCursorChanged((mScrollTier > 0) ? CursorState::CURSOR_SCROLLING : CursorState::CURSOR_STOPPED); } virtual void onCursorChanged(const CursorState&) {} virtual void onScroll() {} }; #endif // ES_CORE_COMPONENTS_ILIST_H