/* # # File : pde_TschumperleDeriche2d.cpp # ( C++ source file ) # # Description : Implementation of the Tschumperlé-Deriche's Regularization # PDE, for 2D multivalued images, as described in the articles below. # This file is a part of the CImg Library project. # ( http://cimg.eu ) # # (1) PDE-Based Regularization of Multivalued Images and Applications. # (D. Tschumperlé). PhD Thesis. University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, December 2002. # (2) Diffusion PDE's on Vector-valued Images : Local Approach and Geometric Viewpoint. # (D. Tschumperlé and R. Deriche). IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, October 2002. # (3) Vector-Valued Image Regularization with PDE's : A Common Framework for Different Applications. # (D. Tschumperlé and R. Deriche). CVPR'2003, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, # Madison, United States, June 2003. # # This code can be used to perform image restoration, inpainting, magnification or flow visualization. # # Copyright : David Tschumperlé # ( http://tschumperle.users.greyc.fr/ ) # # License : CeCILL v2.0 # ( http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html ) # # This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and # abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, # modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL # license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # "http://www.cecill.info". # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, # modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only # with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the # economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated # with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the # software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, # that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced # professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore # encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their # requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or # data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the # same conditions as regards security. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had # knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. # */ #include "CImg.h" using namespace cimg_library; #ifndef cimg_imagepath #define cimg_imagepath "img/" #endif #undef min #undef max // Main procedure //---------------- int main(int argc,char **argv) { // Read command line arguments //----------------------------- cimg_usage("Tschumperlé-Deriche's flow for 2D Image Restoration, Inpainting, Magnification or Flow visualization"); const char *file_i = cimg_option("-i",cimg_imagepath "milla.bmp","Input image"); const char *file_m = cimg_option("-m",(char*)NULL,"Mask image (if Inpainting)"); const char *file_f = cimg_option("-f",(char*)NULL,"Flow image (if Flow visualization)"); const char *file_o = cimg_option("-o",(char*)NULL,"Output file"); const double zoom = cimg_option("-zoom",1.0,"Image magnification"); const unsigned int nb_iter = cimg_option("-iter",100000,"Number of iterations"); const double dt = cimg_option("-dt",20.0,"Adapting time step"); const double alpha = cimg_option("-alpha",0.0,"Gradient smoothing"); const double sigma = cimg_option("-sigma",0.5,"Structure tensor smoothing"); const float a1 = cimg_option("-a1",0.5f,"Diffusion limiter along minimal variations"); const float a2 = cimg_option("-a2",0.9f,"Diffusion limiter along maximal variations"); const double noiseg = cimg_option("-ng",0.0,"Add gauss noise before aplying the algorithm"); const double noiseu = cimg_option("-nu",0.0,"Add uniform noise before applying the algorithm"); const double noises = cimg_option("-ns",0.0,"Add salt&pepper noise before applying the algorithm"); const bool stflag = cimg_option("-stats",false,"Display image statistics at each iteration"); const unsigned int save = cimg_option("-save",0,"Iteration saving step"); const unsigned int visu = cimg_option("-visu",10,"Visualization step (0=no visualization)"); const unsigned int init = cimg_option("-init",3,"Inpainting initialization (0=black, 1=white, 2=noise, 3=unchanged)"); const unsigned int skip = cimg_option("-skip",1,"Step of image geometry computation"); bool view_t = cimg_option("-d",false,"View tensor directions (useful for debug)"); double xdt = 0; // Variable initialization //------------------------- CImg<> img, flow; CImg<int> mask; if (file_i) { img = CImg<>(file_i).resize(-100,-100,1,-100); if (file_m) mask = CImg<unsigned char>(file_m).resize(img.width(),img.height(),1,1); else if (zoom>1) { mask = CImg<int>(img.width(),img.height(),1,1,-1). resize((int)(img.width()*zoom),(int)(img.height()*zoom),1,1,4) + 1; img.resize((int)(img.width()*zoom),(int)(img.height()*zoom),1,-100,3); } } else { if (file_f) { flow = CImg<>(file_f); img = CImg<>((int)(flow.width()*zoom),(int)(flow.height()*zoom),1,1,0).noise(100,2); flow.resize(img.width(),img.height(),1,2,3); } else throw CImgException("You need to specify at least one input image (option -i), or one flow image (option -f)"); } img.noise(noiseg,0).noise(noiseu,1).noise(noises,2); float initial_min, initial_max = img.max_min(initial_min); if (mask && init!=3) cimg_forXYC(img,x,y,k) if (mask(x,y)) img(x,y,k) = (float)((init? (init==1?initial_max:((initial_max - initial_min)*cimg::rand())): initial_min)); CImgDisplay disp; if (visu) disp.assign(img,"Iterated Image"); CImg<> G(img.width(),img.height(),1,3,0), T(G), veloc(img), val(2), vec(2,2); // PDE main iteration loop //------------------------- for (unsigned int iter = 0; iter<nb_iter && (!disp || (!disp.is_closed() && !disp.is_keyQ() && !disp.is_keyESC())); ++iter) { std::printf("\riter %u , xdt = %g ",iter,xdt); std::fflush(stdout); if (stflag) img.print(); if (disp && disp.is_keySPACE()) { view_t = !view_t; disp.set_key(); } if (!(iter%skip)) { // Compute the tensor field T, used to drive the diffusion //--------------------------------------------------------- // When using PDE for flow visualization if (flow) cimg_forXY(flow,x,y) { const float u = flow(x,y,0,0), v = flow(x,y,0,1), n = (float)std::sqrt((double)(u*u + v*v)), nn = (n!=0)?n:1; T(x,y,0) = u*u/nn; T(x,y,1) = u*v/nn; T(x,y,2) = v*v/nn; } else { // Compute structure tensor field G CImgList<> grad = img.get_gradient(); if (alpha!=0) cimglist_for(grad,l) grad[l].blur((float)alpha); G.fill(0); cimg_forXYC(img,x,y,k) { const float ix = grad[0](x,y,k), iy = grad[1](x,y,k); G(x,y,0) += ix*ix; G(x,y,1) += ix*iy; G(x,y,2) += iy*iy; } if (sigma!=0) G.blur((float)sigma); // When using PDE for image restoration, inpainting or zooming T.fill(0); if (!mask) cimg_forXY(G,x,y) { G.get_tensor_at(x,y).symmetric_eigen(val,vec); const float l1 = (float)std::pow(1.0f + val[0] + val[1],-a1), l2 = (float)std::pow(1.0f + val[0] + val[1],-a2), ux = vec(1,0), uy = vec(1,1); T(x,y,0) = l1*ux*ux + l2*uy*uy; T(x,y,1) = l1*ux*uy - l2*ux*uy; T(x,y,2) = l1*uy*uy + l2*ux*ux; } else cimg_forXY(G,x,y) if (mask(x,y)) { G.get_tensor_at(x,y).symmetric_eigen(val,vec); const float ux = vec(1,0), uy = vec(1,1); T(x,y,0) = ux*ux; T(x,y,1) = ux*uy; T(x,y,2) = uy*uy; } } } // Compute the PDE velocity and update the iterated image //-------------------------------------------------------- CImg_3x3(I,float); veloc.fill(0); cimg_forC(img,k) cimg_for3x3(img,x,y,0,k,I,float) { const float a = T(x,y,0), b = T(x,y,1), c = T(x,y,2), ixx = Inc + Ipc - 2*Icc, iyy = Icn + Icp - 2*Icc, ixy = 0.25f*(Ipp + Inn - Ipn - Inp); veloc(x,y,k) = a*ixx + 2*b*ixy + c*iyy; } if (dt>0) { float m, M = veloc.max_min(m); xdt = dt/std::max(cimg::abs(m),cimg::abs(M)); } else xdt=-dt; img+=veloc*xdt; img.cut((float)initial_min,(float)initial_max); // Display and save iterations if (disp && !(iter%visu)) { if (!view_t) img.display(disp); else { const unsigned char white[3] = {255,255,255}; CImg<unsigned char> nvisu = img.get_resize(disp.width(),disp.height()).normalize(0,255); CImg<> isophotes(img.width(),img.height(),1,2,0); cimg_forXY(img,x,y) if (!mask || mask(x,y)) { T.get_tensor_at(x,y).symmetric_eigen(val,vec); isophotes(x,y,0) = vec(0,0); isophotes(x,y,1) = vec(0,1); } nvisu.draw_quiver(isophotes,white,0.5f,10,9,0).display(disp); } } if (save && file_o && !(iter%save)) img.save(file_o,iter); if (disp) disp.resize().display(img); } // Save result and exit. if (file_o) img.save(file_o); return 0; }