<theme> <variables> <systemName>Nintendo Switch</systemName> <systemDescription>The Nintendo Switch is an eighth generation (2012-present) home video game console developed and distributed by Nintendo. It was released on March 3, 2017 in North America at a retail price of $299.99. The console was simultaneously released in Japan (2017), Europe (2017), South America (2017), Australia (2017) and other World Wide Markets (2017). The Switch is designed to be a hybrid console, allowing games to be played at a TV, and then on the go by undocking the system and playing from the handheld unit itself. As of this date, the console is still in production.</systemDescription> <systemManufacturer>Nintendo</systemManufacturer> <systemReleaseYear>2017</systemReleaseYear> <systemReleaseDate>2017-03-03</systemReleaseDate> <systemReleaseDateFormated>March 3, 2017</systemReleaseDateFormated> <systemHardwareType>Console</systemHardwareType> <systemCoverSize>3-5</systemCoverSize> <systemColor>F95651</systemColor> <systemColorPalette1>DA4A4B</systemColorPalette1> <systemColorPalette2>65BADE</systemColorPalette2> <systemColorPalette3>000000</systemColorPalette3> <systemColorPalette4>EBECEE</systemColorPalette4> </variables> <language name="sv_SE"> <variables> <systemHardwareType>Konsol</systemHardwareType> </variables> </language> </theme>