<theme> <view name="system"> <text name="info1"> <text>Developer: id Software</text> </text> <text name="info2"> <text>Released: 1996</text> </text> <text name="info3"> <text>Quake is a series of first-person shooter video games developed by</text> </text> <text name="info4"> <text>id Software. The series is composed of the eponymous game from</text> </text> <text name="info5"> <text>1996 and its nonlinear, standalone sequels which vary in setting</text> </text> <text name="info6"> <text>and plot. Quake was created as a successor franchise to id's highly</text> </text> <text name="info7"> <text>successful Doom series, which had begun in 1993.</text> </text> </view> </theme>