<theme> <view name="system"> <text name="info1"> <text>Manufacturer: Hori, Nintendo</text> </text> <text name="info2"> <text>Released: 1994</text> </text> <text name="info3"> <text>The Super Game Boy is a peripheral that allows</text> </text> <text name="info4"> <text>Game Boy cartridges to be played on a Super Nintendo</text> </text> <text name="info5"> <text>Entertainment System console. It adds the ability to</text> </text> <text name="info6"> <text>map the four shades of green to various colors on the</text> </text> <text name="info7"> <text>screen as well as providing enhancements like special</text> </text> <text name="info8"> <text>background sprites, additional colors and enhanced</text> </text> <text name="info9"> <text>sound by utilizing the SNES hardware.</text> </text> </view> </theme>