// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // EmulationStation Desktop Edition // ScrollableContainer.cpp // // Area containing scrollable information, for example the game description // text container in the detailed, video and grid views. // #include "components/ScrollableContainer.h" #include "math/Vector2i.h" #include "renderers/Renderer.h" #include "Window.h" #define AUTO_SCROLL_RESET_DELAY 6200 // Time before resetting to top after we reach the bottom. #define AUTO_SCROLL_DELAY 2600 // Time to wait before we start to scroll. #define AUTO_SCROLL_SPEED 42 // Relative scrolling speed (lower is faster). #define AUTO_WIDTH_MOD 350 // Line width modifier to use to calculate scrolling speed. ScrollableContainer::ScrollableContainer( Window* window) : GuiComponent(window), mAutoScrollDelay(0), mAutoScrollSpeed(0), mAutoScrollAccumulator(0), mScrollPos(0, 0), mScrollDir(0, 0), mAutoScrollResetAccumulator(0) { } void ScrollableContainer::render(const Transform4x4f& parentTrans) { if (!isVisible()) return; Transform4x4f trans = parentTrans * getTransform(); Vector2i clipPos(static_cast<int>(trans.translation().x()), static_cast<int>(trans.translation().y())); Vector3f dimScaled = trans * Vector3f(mSize.x(), mSize.y(), 0); Vector2i clipDim(static_cast<int>((dimScaled.x()) - trans.translation().x()), static_cast<int>((dimScaled.y()) - trans.translation().y())); Renderer::pushClipRect(clipPos, clipDim); trans.translate(-Vector3f(mScrollPos.x(), mScrollPos.y(), 0)); Renderer::setMatrix(trans); GuiComponent::renderChildren(trans); Renderer::popClipRect(); } void ScrollableContainer::setAutoScroll(bool autoScroll) { if (autoScroll) { mScrollDir = Vector2f(0, 1); mAutoScrollDelay = AUTO_SCROLL_DELAY; mAutoScrollSpeed = AUTO_SCROLL_SPEED; reset(); } else { mScrollDir = Vector2f(0, 0); mAutoScrollDelay = 0; mAutoScrollSpeed = 0; mAutoScrollAccumulator = 0; } } Vector2f ScrollableContainer::getScrollPos() const { return mScrollPos; } void ScrollableContainer::setScrollPos(const Vector2f& pos) { mScrollPos = pos; } void ScrollableContainer::update(int deltaTime) { // Don't scroll if the screensaver is active or text scrolling is disabled; if (mWindow->isScreensaverActive() || !mWindow->getAllowTextScrolling()) { if (mScrollPos != 0) reset(); return; } const Vector2f contentSize = getContentSize(); // Scale speed by the text width, more text per line leads to slower scrolling. const float widthMod = contentSize.x() / AUTO_WIDTH_MOD; if (mAutoScrollSpeed != 0) { mAutoScrollAccumulator += deltaTime / static_cast<int>(widthMod); while (mAutoScrollAccumulator >= mAutoScrollSpeed) { mScrollPos += mScrollDir; mAutoScrollAccumulator -= mAutoScrollSpeed; } } // Clip scrolling within bounds. if (mScrollPos.x() < 0) mScrollPos[0] = 0; if (mScrollPos.y() < 0) mScrollPos[1] = 0; if (mScrollPos.x() + getSize().x() > contentSize.x()) { mScrollPos[0] = contentSize.x() - getSize().x(); mAtEnd = true; } if (contentSize.y() < getSize().y()) { mScrollPos[1] = 0; } else if (mScrollPos.y() + getSize().y() > contentSize.y()) { mScrollPos[1] = contentSize.y() - getSize().y(); mAtEnd = true; } if (mAtEnd) { mAutoScrollResetAccumulator += deltaTime; if (mAutoScrollResetAccumulator >= AUTO_SCROLL_RESET_DELAY) reset(); } GuiComponent::update(deltaTime); } // This should probably return a box to allow for when controls don't start at 0,0. Vector2f ScrollableContainer::getContentSize() { Vector2f max(0, 0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++) { Vector2f pos(mChildren.at(i)->getPosition()[0], mChildren.at(i)->getPosition()[1]); Vector2f bottomRight = mChildren.at(i)->getSize() + pos; if (bottomRight.x() > max.x()) max.x() = bottomRight.x(); if (bottomRight.y() > max.y()) max.y() = bottomRight.y(); } return max; } void ScrollableContainer::reset() { mScrollPos = Vector2f(0, 0); mAutoScrollResetAccumulator = 0; mAutoScrollAccumulator = -mAutoScrollDelay + mAutoScrollSpeed; mAtEnd = false; }