/************************************************************************* * matlab.h * --------- * * matlab.h is a "plugin" for the CImg library that allows to convert * CImg<T> images from/to MATLAB arrays, so that CImg can be used to write * MATLAB mex files. It also swaps the "x" and "y" coordinates when going * from / to MATLAB array, i.e. the usual image-processing annoying MATLAB * behaviour of considering images as matrices. * * Added to the CImg<T> class are: * * - a constructor : CImg(const mxArray *matlabArray, bool vdata = false) * the vdata serves to decide whether a 3D matlab array should give * rise to a 3D CImg object or a "2D vectorial" one. * * - a assignment operator : CImg & operator=(const mxArray *matlabArray) * (I use myself extremely seldom and might remove it in the future). * * - a routine converting a CImg image to a matlab array: * mxArray *toMatlab(mxClassID classID = mxDOUBLE_CLASS, * bool squeeze = false) const * the squeeze argument serves the opposite purpose than the vdata from * the constructor. * * For a bit more documentation, the manual is this header, see the more * detailed comments in the source code (i.e. RTFM) * * * Its usage should be straightforward: * * - file matlab.h must be in a directory that the compiler can locate. * - prior to include CImg.h, mex.h must be included first, else it will * result in a compiler error. * - after the inclusion of mex.h, one must define the macro cimg_plugin as * "matlab.h" or <matlab.h> or <CImg/plugins/matlab.h> or * a variation that matches your local installation of CImg package and * plugins probably via the appropriate specification of the include path * "-Ipath/to/cimg/and/plugins" at mex cmdline. * * You would probably have this kind of declaration: * * // The begining of my fantastic mex file code... * #include <mex.h> * ... * #define cimg_plugin <matlab.h> * #include <CImg.h> * ... * // and now I can implement my new killer MATLAB function! * .... * * * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Francois Lauze * Licence: the Gnu Lesser General Public License * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * * MATLAB is copyright of The MathWorks, Inc, http://www.mathworks.com * * Any comments, improvements and potential bug corrections are welcome, so * write to me at francois@diku.dk, or use CImg forums, I promise I'll try * to read them once in a while. BTW who modified the cpMatlabData with the * cimg::type<t>::is_float() test (good idea!) * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef cimg_plugin_matlab #define cimg_plugin_matlab #define CIMGMATLAB_VER 0102 #ifndef mex_h #error the file mex.h must be included prior to inclusion of matlab.h #endif #ifndef cimg_version #error matlab.h requires that CImg.h is included! #endif /********************************************************** * introduction of mwSize and mwIndex types in relatively * * recent versions of matlab, 7.3.0 from what I gathered. * * here is hopefully a needed fix for older versions * **********************************************************/ #if !defined(MX_API_VER) || MX_API_VER < 0x7030000 typedef int mwSize; #endif /********************************************************* * begin of included methods * * They are just added as member functions / constructor * * for the CImg<T> class. * *********************************************************/ private: /********************************************************************** * internally used to transfer MATLAB array values to CImg<> objects, * check wether the array type is a "numerical" one (including logical) */ static int isNumericalClassID(mxClassID id) { // all these constants are defined in matrix.h included by mex.h switch (id) { case mxLOGICAL_CLASS: case mxDOUBLE_CLASS: case mxSINGLE_CLASS: case mxINT8_CLASS: case mxUINT8_CLASS: case mxINT16_CLASS: case mxUINT16_CLASS: case mxINT32_CLASS: case mxUINT32_CLASS: case mxINT64_CLASS: case mxUINT64_CLASS: return 1; default: return 0; } } /*************************************************** * driving routine that will copy the content of * a MATLAB array to this->_data * The type names used are defined in matlab c/c++ * header file tmwtypes.h */ void makeImageFromMatlabData(const mxArray *matlabArray, mxClassID classID) { if (classID==mxLOGICAL_CLASS) { // logical type works a bit differently than the numerical types mxLogical *mdata = mxGetLogicals(matlabArray); cpMatlabData((const mxLogical *)mdata); } else { void *mdata = (void*)mxGetPr(matlabArray); switch (classID) { case mxDOUBLE_CLASS : cpMatlabData((const real64_T*)mdata); break; case mxSINGLE_CLASS : cpMatlabData((const real32_T*)mdata); break; case mxINT8_CLASS : cpMatlabData((const int8_T*)mdata); break; case mxUINT8_CLASS : cpMatlabData((const uint8_T*)mdata); break; case mxINT16_CLASS : cpMatlabData((const int16_T*)mdata); break; case mxUINT16_CLASS : cpMatlabData((const uint16_T*)mdata); break; case mxINT32_CLASS : cpMatlabData((const int32_T*)mdata); break; case mxUINT32_CLASS : cpMatlabData((const uint32_T*)mdata); break; case mxINT64_CLASS : cpMatlabData((const int64_T*)mdata); break; case mxUINT64_CLASS : cpMatlabData((const uint64_T*)mdata); break; } } } /*********************************************************** * the actual memory copy and base type conversion is then * performed by this routine that handles the annoying x-y * problem of MATLAB when dealing with images: we switch * line and column storage: the MATLAB A(x,y) becomes the * CImg img(y,x) */ template <typename t> void cpMatlabData(const t* mdata) { if (cimg::type<t>::is_float()) { cimg_forXYZC(*this,x,y,z,v) (*this)(x,y,z,v) = (T)(mdata[((v*_depth + z)*_width + x)*_height + y]); } else { cimg_forXYZC(*this,x,y,z,v) (*this)(x,y,z,v) = (T)(int)(mdata[((v*_depth + z)*_width + x)*_height + y]); } } public: /****************************************************************** * Consruct a CImg<T> object from a MATLAB mxArray. * The MATLAB array must be AT MOST 4-dimensional. The boolean * argument vdata is employed in the case the the input mxArray * has dimension 3, say M x N x K. In that case, if vdata is true, * the last dimension is assumed to be "vectorial" and the * resulting CImg<T> object has dimension N x M x 1 x K. Otherwise, * the resulting object has dimension N x M x K x 1. * When MATLAB array has dimension 2 or 4, vdata has no effects. * No shared memory mechanisms are used, it would be the easiest * to crash Matlab (from my own experience...) */ CImg(const mxArray *matlabArray, const bool vdata = false) : _is_shared(false) { mwSize nbdims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(matlabArray); mxClassID classID = mxGetClassID(matlabArray); if (nbdims>4 || !isNumericalClassID(classID)) { _data = 0; _width = _height = _depth = _spectrum = 0; #if cimg_debug>1 cimg::warn("MATLAB array is more than 4D or/and not numerical, returning an empty image."); #endif } else { const mwSize *dims = mxGetDimensions(matlabArray); _depth = _spectrum = 1; _width = (unsigned)dims[1]; _height = (unsigned)dims[0]; if (nbdims==4) { _depth = (unsigned)dims[2]; _spectrum = (unsigned)dims[3]; } else if (nbdims==3) { if (vdata) _spectrum = (unsigned)dims[2]; else _depth = (unsigned)dims[2]; } _data = new T[size()]; makeImageFromMatlabData(matlabArray,classID); } } /******************************************************************* * operator=(). Copy mxMarray data mArray into the current image * Works as the previous constructor, but without the vdata stuff. * don't know if it is of any use... */ CImg & operator=(const mxArray *matlabArray) { int nbdims = (int)mxGetNumberOfDimensions(matlabArray), classID = mxGetClassID(matlabArray); if (nbdims>4 || !isNumericalClassID(classID)) { delete [] _data; _data = 0; _width = _height = _depth = _spectrum = 0; #if cimg_debug>1 cimg::warn("MATLAB array is more than 4D or/and not numerical, returning an empty image."); #endif } else { const mwSize *dims = mxGetDimensions(matlabArray); _depth = _spectrum = 1; _width = (unsigned)dims[1]; _height = (unsigned)dims[0]; if (nbdims>2) _depth = (unsigned)dims[2]; else if (nbdims>3) _spectrum = (unsigned)dims[3]; delete [] _data; _data = new T[size()]; makeImageFromMatlabData(matlabArray,classID); } } private: /***************************************************************** * private routines used for transfering a CImg<T> to a mxArray * here also, we have to exchange the x and y dims so we get the * expected MATLAB array. */ template <typename c> void populate_maltlab_array(c *const mdata) const { cimg_forXYZC(*this,x,y,z,v) mdata[((v*_depth + z)*_width + x)*_height + y] = (c)(*this)(x,y,z,v); } /************************************************* * the specialized version for "logical" entries */ void populate_maltlab_array(mxLogical *const mdata) const { cimg_forXYZC(*this,x,y,z,v) mdata[((v*_depth + z)*_width + x)*_height + y] = (mxLogical)((*this)(x,y,z,v)!=0); } public: /****************************************** * export a CImg image to a MATLAB array. **/ mxArray *toMatlab(mxClassID classID=mxDOUBLE_CLASS, const bool squeeze=false) const { if (!isNumericalClassID(classID)) { #if cimg_debug>1 cimg::warn("Invalid MATLAB Class Id Specified."); #endif return 0; } mwSize dims[4]; dims[0] = (mwSize)_height; dims[1] = (mwSize)_width; dims[2] = (mwSize)_depth; dims[3] = (mwSize)_spectrum; if (squeeze && _depth == 1) { dims[2] = (mwSize)_spectrum; dims[3] = (mwSize)1; } mxArray *matlabArray = mxCreateNumericArray((mwSize)4,dims,classID,mxREAL); if (classID==mxLOGICAL_CLASS) { mxLogical *mdata = mxGetLogicals(matlabArray); populate_maltlab_array(mdata); } else { void *mdata = mxGetPr(matlabArray); switch (classID) { case mxDOUBLE_CLASS : populate_maltlab_array((real64_T*)mdata); break; case mxSINGLE_CLASS : populate_maltlab_array((real32_T*)mdata); break; case mxINT8_CLASS : populate_maltlab_array((int8_T*)mdata); break; case mxUINT8_CLASS : populate_maltlab_array((uint8_T*)mdata); break; case mxINT16_CLASS : populate_maltlab_array((int16_T*)mdata); break; case mxUINT16_CLASS : populate_maltlab_array((uint16_T*)mdata); break; case mxINT32_CLASS : populate_maltlab_array((int32_T*)mdata); break; case mxUINT32_CLASS : populate_maltlab_array((uint32_T*)mdata); break; case mxINT64_CLASS : populate_maltlab_array((int64_T*)mdata); break; case mxUINT64_CLASS : populate_maltlab_array((uint64_T*)mdata); break; } } return matlabArray; } // end of matlab.h #endif /* cimg_plugin_matlab */