// // GamesDBJSONScraper.cpp // // Functions specifically for scraping from thegamesdb.net // Called from Scraper. // #include #include #include "scrapers/GamesDBJSONScraper.h" #include "scrapers/GamesDBJSONScraperResources.h" #include "FileData.h" #include "Log.h" #include "PlatformId.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include "MameNames.h" #include "utils/TimeUtil.h" #include // When raspbian will get an up to date version of rapidjson we'll be // able to have it throw in case of error with the following: //ifndef RAPIDJSON_ASSERT //#define RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(x) \ // if (!(x)) { \ // throw std::runtime_error("rapidjson internal assertion failure: " #x); \ // } //#endif // RAPIDJSON_ASSERT #include #include using namespace PlatformIds; using namespace rapidjson; namespace { TheGamesDBJSONRequestResources resources; } const std::map gamesdb_new_platformid_map { { THREEDO, "25" }, { AMIGA, "4911" }, { AMSTRAD_CPC, "4914" }, { APPLE_II, "4942" }, { ARCADE, "23" }, { ATARI_800, "4943" }, { ATARI_2600, "22" }, { ATARI_5200, "26" }, { ATARI_7800, "27" }, { ATARI_JAGUAR, "28" }, { ATARI_JAGUAR_CD, "29" }, { ATARI_LYNX, "4924" }, { ATARI_ST, "4937" }, { ATARI_XE, "30" }, { COLECOVISION, "31" }, { COMMODORE_64, "40" }, { INTELLIVISION, "32" }, { MAC_OS, "37" }, { XBOX, "14" }, { XBOX_360, "15" }, { MSX, "4929" }, { NEOGEO, "24" }, { NEOGEO_POCKET, "4922" }, { NEOGEO_POCKET_COLOR, "4923" }, { NINTENDO_3DS, "4912" }, { NINTENDO_64, "3" }, { NINTENDO_DS, "8" }, { FAMICOM_DISK_SYSTEM, "4936" }, { NINTENDO_ENTERTAINMENT_SYSTEM, "7" }, { GAME_BOY, "4" }, { GAME_BOY_ADVANCE, "5" }, { GAME_BOY_COLOR, "41" }, { NINTENDO_GAMECUBE, "2" }, { NINTENDO_WII, "9" }, { NINTENDO_WII_U, "38" }, { NINTENDO_VIRTUAL_BOY, "4918" }, { NINTENDO_GAME_AND_WATCH, "-1" }, { DOS, "1" }, { SEGA_32X, "33" }, { SEGA_CD, "21" }, { SEGA_DREAMCAST, "16" }, { SEGA_GAME_GEAR, "20" }, { SEGA_GENESIS, "18" }, { SEGA_MASTER_SYSTEM, "35" }, { SEGA_MEGA_DRIVE, "36" }, { SEGA_SATURN, "17" }, { SEGA_SG1000, "4949" }, { PLAYSTATION, "10" }, { PLAYSTATION_2, "11" }, { PLAYSTATION_3, "12" }, { PLAYSTATION_4, "4919" }, { PLAYSTATION_VITA, "39" }, { PLAYSTATION_PORTABLE, "13" }, { SUPER_NINTENDO, "6" }, { TURBOGRAFX_16, "34" }, // HuCards only. { TURBOGRAFX_CD, "4955" }, // CD-ROMs only. { WONDERSWAN, "4925" }, { WONDERSWAN_COLOR, "4926" }, { ZX_SPECTRUM, "4913" }, { VIDEOPAC_ODYSSEY2, "4927" }, { VECTREX, "4939" }, { TRS80_COLOR_COMPUTER, "4941" }, { TANDY, "4941" }, }; void thegamesdb_generate_json_scraper_requests( const ScraperSearchParams& params, std::queue>& requests, std::vector& results) { resources.prepare(); std::string path = "https://api.thegamesdb.net/v1"; bool usingGameID = false; const std::string apiKey = std::string("apikey=") + resources.getApiKey(); std::string cleanName = params.nameOverride; if (!cleanName.empty() && cleanName.substr(0, 3) == "id:") { std::string gameID = cleanName.substr(3); path += "/Games/ByGameID?" + apiKey + "&fields=players,publishers,genres,overview,last_updated,rating," "platform,coop,youtube,os,processor,ram,hdd,video,sound,alternates&id=" + HttpReq::urlEncode(gameID); usingGameID = true; } else { if (cleanName.empty()) { // If it's an arcade game (MAME or Neo Geo) then use the regular name. if (params.system->hasPlatformId(PlatformIds::ARCADE) || params.system->hasPlatformId(PlatformIds::NEOGEO)) { cleanName = params.game->getName(); cleanName = MameNames::getInstance()->getCleanName(params.game->getCleanName()); } else { cleanName = params.game->getCleanName(); } } path += "/Games/ByGameName?" + apiKey + "&fields=players,publishers,genres,overview,last_updated,rating," "platform,coop,youtube,os,processor,ram,hdd,video,sound,alternates&name=" + HttpReq::urlEncode(cleanName); } if (usingGameID) { // If we have the ID already, we don't need the GetGameList request. requests.push(std::unique_ptr(new TheGamesDBJSONRequest(results, path))); } else { std::string platformQueryParam; auto& platforms = params.system->getPlatformIds(); if (!platforms.empty()) { bool first = true; platformQueryParam += "&filter%5Bplatform%5D="; for (auto platformIt = platforms.cbegin(); platformIt != platforms.cend(); platformIt++) { auto mapIt = gamesdb_new_platformid_map.find(*platformIt); if (mapIt != gamesdb_new_platformid_map.cend()) { if (!first) platformQueryParam += ","; platformQueryParam += HttpReq::urlEncode(mapIt->second); first = false; } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "TheGamesDB scraper - no support for platform " << getPlatformName(*platformIt); } } path += platformQueryParam; } requests.push(std::unique_ptr (new TheGamesDBJSONRequest(requests, results, path))); } } void thegamesdb_generate_json_scraper_requests( const std::string& gameIDs, std::queue>& requests, std::vector& results) { resources.prepare(); std::string path = "https://api.thegamesdb.net/v1"; const std::string apiKey = std::string("apikey=") + resources.getApiKey(); path += "/Games/Images/GamesImages?" + apiKey + "&games_id=" + gameIDs; requests.push(std::unique_ptr (new TheGamesDBJSONRequest(requests, results, path))); } namespace { std::string getStringOrThrow(const Value& v, const std::string& key) { if (!v.HasMember(key.c_str()) || !v[key.c_str()].IsString()) { throw std::runtime_error( "rapidjson internal assertion failure: missing or non string key:" + key); } return v[key.c_str()].GetString(); } int getIntOrThrow(const Value& v, const std::string& key) { if (!v.HasMember(key.c_str()) || !v[key.c_str()].IsInt()) { throw std::runtime_error( "rapidjson internal assertion failure: missing or non int key:" + key); } return v[key.c_str()].GetInt(); } int getIntOrThrow(const Value& v) { if (!v.IsInt()) { throw std::runtime_error("rapidjson internal assertion failure: not an int"); } return v.GetInt(); } std::string getDeveloperString(const Value& v) { if (!v.IsArray()) return ""; std::string out = ""; bool first = true; for (int i = 0; i < (int)v.Size(); ++i) { auto mapIt = resources.gamesdb_new_developers_map.find(getIntOrThrow(v[i])); if (mapIt == resources.gamesdb_new_developers_map.cend()) continue; if (!first) out += ", "; out += mapIt->second; first = false; } return out; } std::string getPublisherString(const Value& v) { if (!v.IsArray()) return ""; std::string out = ""; bool first = true; for (int i = 0; i < (int)v.Size(); ++i) { auto mapIt = resources.gamesdb_new_publishers_map.find(getIntOrThrow(v[i])); if (mapIt == resources.gamesdb_new_publishers_map.cend()) continue; if (!first) out += ", "; out += mapIt->second; first = false; } return out; } std::string getGenreString(const Value& v) { if (!v.IsArray()) return ""; std::string out = ""; bool first = true; for (int i = 0; i < (int)v.Size(); ++i) { auto mapIt = resources.gamesdb_new_genres_map.find(getIntOrThrow(v[i])); if (mapIt == resources.gamesdb_new_genres_map.cend()) continue; if (!first) out += ", "; out += mapIt->second; first = false; } return out; } void processGame(const Value& game, std::vector& results) { ScraperSearchResult result; if (game.HasMember("id") && game["id"].IsInt()) result.gameID = std::to_string(getIntOrThrow(game, "id")); result.mdl.set("name", getStringOrThrow(game, "game_title")); LOG(LogDebug) << "GamesDBJSONScraper::processGame(): Name: " << result.mdl.get("name"); if (game.HasMember("overview") && game["overview"].IsString()) result.mdl.set("desc", game["overview"].GetString()); if (game.HasMember("release_date") && game["release_date"].IsString()) { result.mdl.set("releasedate", Utils::Time::DateTime(Utils::Time::stringToTime( game["release_date"].GetString(), "%Y-%m-%d"))); LOG(LogDebug) << "GamesDBJSONScraper::processGame(): Release Date (unparsed): " << game["release_date"].GetString(); LOG(LogDebug) << "GamesDBJSONScraper::processGame(): Release Date (parsed): " << result.mdl.get("releasedate"); } if (game.HasMember("developers") && game["developers"].IsArray()) { result.mdl.set("developer", getDeveloperString(game["developers"])); LOG(LogDebug) << "GamesDBJSONScraper::processGame(): Developer: " << result.mdl.get("developer"); } if (game.HasMember("publishers") && game["publishers"].IsArray()) { result.mdl.set("publisher", getPublisherString(game["publishers"])); LOG(LogDebug) << "GamesDBJSONScraper::processGame(): Publisher: " << result.mdl.get("publisher"); } if (game.HasMember("genres") && game["genres"].IsArray()) { result.mdl.set("genre", getGenreString(game["genres"])); LOG(LogDebug) << "GamesDBJSONScraper::processGame(): Genre: " << result.mdl.get("genre"); } if (game.HasMember("players") && game["players"].IsInt()) { result.mdl.set("players", std::to_string(game["players"].GetInt())); LOG(LogDebug) << "GamesDBJSONScraper::processGame(): Players: " << result.mdl.get("players"); } result.mediaURLFetch = NOT_STARTED; results.push_back(result); } } // namespace void processMediaURLs(const Value& images, const std::string& base_url, std::vector& results) { ScraperSearchResult result; // Step through each game ID in the JSON server response. for (auto it = images.MemberBegin(); it != images.MemberEnd(); it++) { result.gameID = it->name.GetString(); const Value& gameMedia = images[it->name]; result.coverUrl = ""; result.marqueeUrl = ""; result.screenshotUrl = ""; // Quite excessive testing for valid values, but you never know // what the server has returned and we don't want to crash the // program due to malformed data. if (gameMedia.IsArray()) { for (SizeType i = 0; i < gameMedia.Size(); i++) { std::string mediatype; std::string mediaside; if (gameMedia[i]["type"].IsString()) mediatype = gameMedia[i]["type"].GetString(); if (gameMedia[i]["side"].IsString()) mediaside = gameMedia[i]["side"].GetString(); if (mediatype == "boxart" && mediaside == "front") if (gameMedia[i]["filename"].IsString()) result.coverUrl = base_url + gameMedia[i]["filename"].GetString(); if (mediatype == "clearlogo") if (gameMedia[i]["filename"].IsString()) result.marqueeUrl = base_url + gameMedia[i]["filename"].GetString(); if (mediatype == "screenshot") if (gameMedia[i]["filename"].IsString()) result.screenshotUrl = base_url + gameMedia[i]["filename"].GetString(); } } result.mediaURLFetch = COMPLETED; results.push_back(result); } } void TheGamesDBJSONRequest::process(const std::unique_ptr& req, std::vector& results) { assert(req->status() == HttpReq::REQ_SUCCESS); Document doc; doc.Parse(req->getContent().c_str()); if (doc.HasParseError()) { std::string err = std::string("TheGamesDBJSONRequest - Error parsing JSON. \n\t") + GetParseError_En(doc.GetParseError()); setError(err); LOG(LogError) << err; return; } // If the response contains the 'images' object, then it's a game media URL request. if (doc.HasMember("data") && doc["data"].HasMember("images") && doc["data"]["images"].IsObject()) { const Value& images = doc["data"]["images"]; const Value& base_url = doc["data"]["base_url"]; std::string baseImageUrlLarge; if (base_url.HasMember("large") && base_url["large"].IsString()) { baseImageUrlLarge = base_url["large"].GetString(); } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "TheGamesDBJSONRequest - No URL path for large images.\n"; return; } try { processMediaURLs(images, baseImageUrlLarge, results); } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { LOG(LogError) << "Error while processing media URLs: " << e.what(); } // Find how many more requests we can make before the scraper // request allowance counter is reset. if (doc.HasMember("remaining_monthly_allowance") && doc.HasMember("extra_allowance")) { for (auto i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { results[i].scraperRequestAllowance = doc["remaining_monthly_allowance"].GetInt() + doc["extra_allowance"].GetInt(); } } return; } // These process steps are for the initial scraping response. if (!doc.HasMember("data") || !doc["data"].HasMember("games") || !doc["data"]["games"].IsArray()) { LOG(LogWarning) << "TheGamesDBJSONRequest - Response had no game data.\n"; return; } const Value& games = doc["data"]["games"]; resources.ensureResources(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)games.Size(); ++i) { auto& v = games[i]; try { processGame(v, results); } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { LOG(LogError) << "Error while processing game: " << e.what(); } } }