// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE is a frontend for browsing and launching games from your multi-platform collection. // // The column limit is 100 characters. // All ES-DE C++ source code is formatted using clang-format. // // main.cpp // // Main program loop. Interprets command-line arguments, checks for the home folder // and es_settings.xml configuration file, sets up the application environment and // starts listening to SDL events. // #include "ApplicationUpdater.h" #include "ApplicationVersion.h" #include "AudioManager.h" #include "CollectionSystemsManager.h" #include "InputManager.h" #include "Log.h" #include "MameNames.h" #include "MediaViewer.h" #include "PDFViewer.h" #include "Screensaver.h" #include "Scripting.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include "guis/GuiDetectDevice.h" #include "guis/GuiLaunchScreen.h" #include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h" #include "utils/LocalizationUtil.h" #include "utils/PlatformUtil.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" #include "views/ViewController.h" #include <SDL2/SDL_events.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_main.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_timer.h> #if defined(__ANDROID__) #include "utils/PlatformUtilAndroid.h" #endif #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) #include <emscripten.h> #endif #if defined(_WIN64) #include <cstring> #include <windows.h> #endif #include <FreeImage.h> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <time.h> namespace { SDL_Event event {}; Renderer* renderer {nullptr}; Window* window {nullptr}; int lastTime {0}; #if defined(__ANDROID__) int inputBlockTime {0}; bool blockInput {false}; #endif #if defined(APPLICATION_UPDATER) bool noUpdateCheck {false}; #endif bool forceInputConfig {false}; bool createSystemDirectories {false}; bool settingsNeedSaving {false}; bool portableMode {false}; enum loadSystemsReturnCode { LOADING_OK, INVALID_FILE, NO_ROMS }; #if defined(_WIN64) enum win64ConsoleType { NO_CONSOLE, PARENT_CONSOLE, ALLOCATED_CONSOLE }; #endif } // namespace #if defined(_WIN64) // As we link using the WINDOWS subsystem there is no console allocated on application startup. // As such we'll attempt to attach to a parent console, and if this fails it probably means we've // not been started from the command line. In this case there is no need to redirect anything. // Note that some console types such as the "Git Bash" shell simply don't work properly. Windows // thinks it's attaching to a console but is unable to redirect the standard input and output. // Output also can't be redirected or piped by the user for any console type, and PowerShell // behaves quite strange. Still it works well enough to be somewhat usable. void outputToConsole() { HANDLE outputHandle {nullptr}; HWND consoleWindow {nullptr}; // Try to attach to a parent console process. if (AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) outputHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); // If there is a parent console process, then attempt to retrieve its handle. if (outputHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && outputHandle != nullptr) consoleWindow = GetConsoleWindow(); // If we couldn't retrieve the handle, then we're probably not running from a console. if (!consoleWindow) return; // Redirect stdin, stdout and stderr to the console window. FILE* fp {nullptr}; freopen_s(&fp, "CONIN$", "r", stdin); freopen_s(&fp, "CONOUT$", "w", stdout); setvbuf(stdout, 0, _IONBF, 0); freopen_s(&fp, "CONOUT$", "w", stderr); setvbuf(stderr, 0, _IONBF, 0); // Point the standard streams to the console. std::ios::sync_with_stdio(true); // Clear the error state for each standard stream. std::wcout.clear(); std::cout.clear(); std::wcerr.clear(); std::cerr.clear(); std::wcin.clear(); std::cin.clear(); } #endif bool parseArguments(const std::vector<std::string>& arguments) { Utils::FileSystem::setExePath(arguments[0]); const std::string portableFilePath {Utils::FileSystem::getExePath() + "/portable.txt"}; // This is primarily intended for portable ES-DE installations on Windows (for example // placed on a USB memory stick) but it may be usable for other operating systems too. if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(portableFilePath)) { std::cout << "Found portable.txt in the ES-DE executable directory\n"; std::ifstream portableFile; std::string homePath; #if defined(_WIN64) portableFile.open(Utils::String::stringToWideString(portableFilePath).c_str()); #else portableFile.open(portableFilePath.c_str()); #endif if (!portableFile.fail()) { std::string relativePath; getline(portableFile, relativePath); // If the file is empty, use the ES-DE executable directory as home. if (relativePath == "") homePath = Utils::FileSystem::getExePath(); else homePath = Utils::FileSystem::getExePath() + "/" + relativePath; #if defined(_WIN64) homePath = Utils::String::replace(homePath, "/", "\\"); #endif bool homeExists {false}; if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(homePath)) homeExists = true; #if defined(_WIN64) else if (homePath.size() == 2 && Utils::FileSystem::driveExists(homePath)) homeExists = true; #endif if (!homeExists) { std::cerr << "Error: Defined home path \"" << homePath << "\" does not exist\n"; } else if (Utils::FileSystem::isRegularFile(homePath)) { std::cerr << "Error: Defined home path \"" << homePath << "\" is a file\n"; } else { std::cout << "Setting home path to \"" << homePath << "\"\n"; Utils::FileSystem::setHomePath(homePath); portableMode = true; } } portableFile.close(); } // We need to process --home before any call to Settings::getInstance(), because // settings are loaded from the home path. for (size_t i {1}; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { if (arguments[i] == "--home") { if (i >= arguments.size() - 1) { std::cerr << "Error: No home path supplied with \'--home'\n"; return false; } #if defined(_WIN64) if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(arguments[i + 1]) && (!Utils::FileSystem::driveExists(arguments[i + 1]))) { #else if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(arguments[i + 1])) { #endif std::cerr << "Error: Home path \'" << arguments[i + 1] << "\' does not exist\n"; return false; } if (Utils::FileSystem::isRegularFile(arguments[i + 1])) { std::cerr << "Error: Home path \'" << arguments[i + 1] << "\' is a file and not a directory\n"; return false; } Utils::FileSystem::setHomePath(arguments[i + 1]); portableMode = false; break; } } for (size_t i {1}; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { // Skip past --home flag as we already processed it. if (arguments[i] == "--home") { ++i; // Skip the argument value. continue; } if (arguments[i] == "--display") { if (i >= arguments.size() - 1 || stoi(arguments[i + 1]) < 1 || stoi(arguments[i + 1]) > 4) { std::cerr << "Error: Invalid display index supplied\n"; return false; } const int displayIndex {stoi(arguments[i + 1])}; Settings::getInstance()->setInt("DisplayIndex", displayIndex); settingsNeedSaving = true; ++i; } else if (arguments[i] == "--resolution") { if (i >= arguments.size() - 2) { std::cerr << "Error: Invalid resolution values supplied\n"; return false; } const std::string widthArg {arguments[i + 1]}; const std::string heightArg {arguments[i + 2]}; if (widthArg.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos || heightArg.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos) { std::cerr << "Error: Invalid resolution values supplied\n"; return false; } const int width {stoi(arguments[i + 1])}; const int height {stoi(arguments[i + 2])}; if (width < 224 || height < 224 || width > 7680 || height > 7680 || height < width / 4 || width < height / 3) { std::cerr << "Error: Unsupported resolution " << width << "x" << height << " supplied\n"; return false; } Settings::getInstance()->setInt("ScreenWidth", width); Settings::getInstance()->setInt("ScreenHeight", height); i += 2; } else if (arguments[i] == "--screenoffset") { if (i >= arguments.size() - 2) { std::cerr << "Error: Invalid screenoffset values supplied\n"; return false; } const int x {stoi(arguments[i + 1])}; const int y {stoi(arguments[i + 2])}; Settings::getInstance()->setInt("ScreenOffsetX", x); Settings::getInstance()->setInt("ScreenOffsetY", y); i += 2; } else if (arguments[i] == "--screenrotate") { if (i >= arguments.size() - 1) { std::cerr << "Error: No screenrotate value supplied\n"; return false; } const std::string rotateValue {arguments[i + 1]}; if (rotateValue != "0" && rotateValue != "90" && rotateValue != "180" && rotateValue != "270") { std::cerr << "Error: Invalid screenrotate value supplied\n"; return false; } Settings::getInstance()->setInt("ScreenRotate", stoi(arguments[i + 1])); settingsNeedSaving = true; ++i; } else if (arguments[i] == "--fullscreen-padding") { if (i >= arguments.size() - 1) { std::cerr << "Error: No fullscreen-padding value supplied\n"; return false; } std::string fullscreenPaddingValue {arguments[i + 1]}; if (fullscreenPaddingValue != "on" && fullscreenPaddingValue != "off" && fullscreenPaddingValue != "1" && fullscreenPaddingValue != "0") { std::cerr << "Error: Invalid fullscreen-padding value supplied\n"; return false; } const bool fullscreenPadding { (fullscreenPaddingValue == "on" || fullscreenPaddingValue == "1") ? true : false}; Settings::getInstance()->setBool("FullscreenPadding", fullscreenPadding); ++i; } else if (arguments[i] == "--vsync") { if (i >= arguments.size() - 1) { std::cerr << "Error: No VSync value supplied\n"; return false; } std::string vSyncValue {arguments[i + 1]}; if (vSyncValue != "on" && vSyncValue != "off" && vSyncValue != "1" && vSyncValue != "0") { std::cerr << "Error: Invalid VSync value supplied\n"; return false; } const bool vSync {(vSyncValue == "on" || vSyncValue == "1") ? true : false}; Settings::getInstance()->setBool("VSync", vSync); ++i; } else if (arguments[i] == "--max-vram") { if (i >= arguments.size() - 1) { std::cerr << "Error: Invalid VRAM value supplied\n"; return false; } const int maxVRAM {stoi(arguments[i + 1])}; Settings::getInstance()->setInt("MaxVRAM", maxVRAM); settingsNeedSaving = true; ++i; } #if !defined(USE_OPENGLES) else if (arguments[i] == "--anti-aliasing") { bool invalidValue {false}; int antiAlias {0}; if (i >= arguments.size() - 1) { invalidValue = true; } else { antiAlias = stoi(arguments[i + 1]); if (antiAlias != 0 && antiAlias != 2 && antiAlias != 4) invalidValue = true; } if (invalidValue) { std::cerr << "Error: Invalid anti-aliasing value supplied\n"; return false; } Settings::getInstance()->setInt("AntiAliasing", antiAlias); settingsNeedSaving = true; ++i; } #endif else if (arguments[i] == "--no-splash") { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("SplashScreen", false); } #if defined(APPLICATION_UPDATER) else if (arguments[i] == "--no-update-check") { noUpdateCheck = true; } #endif else if (arguments[i] == "--gamelist-only") { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("ParseGamelistOnly", true); settingsNeedSaving = true; } else if (arguments[i] == "--ignore-gamelist") { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("IgnoreGamelist", true); } else if (arguments[i] == "--show-hidden-files") { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("ShowHiddenFiles", true); settingsNeedSaving = true; } else if (arguments[i] == "--show-hidden-games") { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("ShowHiddenGames", true); settingsNeedSaving = true; } else if (arguments[i] == "--force-full") { Settings::getInstance()->setString("UIMode", "full"); Settings::getInstance()->setBool("ForceFull", true); } else if (arguments[i] == "--force-kiosk") { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("ForceKiosk", true); } else if (arguments[i] == "--force-kid") { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("ForceKid", true); } else if (arguments[i] == "--force-input-config") { forceInputConfig = true; } else if (arguments[i] == "--create-system-dirs") { createSystemDirectories = true; } else if (arguments[i] == "--debug") { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("Debug", true); Settings::getInstance()->setBool("DebugFlag", true); Log::setReportingLevel(LogDebug); } else if (arguments[i] == "--version" || arguments[i] == "-v") { std::cout << "ES-DE " << PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING << " (r" << PROGRAM_RELEASE_NUMBER << ")\n"; return false; } else if (arguments[i] == "--help" || arguments[i] == "-h") { std::cout << // clang-format off "Usage: es-de [options]\n" "ES-DE Frontend\n\n" "Options:\n" " --display [1 to 4] Display/monitor to use\n" " --resolution [width] [height] Application resolution\n" " --screenoffset [horiz.] [vert.] Offset screen contents within application window\n" " --screenrotate [0, 90, 180 or 270] Rotate screen contents within application window\n" " --fullscreen-padding [1/on or 0/off] Padding if --resolution is lower than display resolution\n" " --vsync [1/on or 0/off] Turn VSync on or off (default is on)\n" " --max-vram [size] Max VRAM to use (in mebibytes) before swapping\n" #if !defined(USE_OPENGLES) " --anti-aliasing [0, 2 or 4] Set MSAA anti-aliasing to disabled, 2x or 4x\n" #endif " --no-splash Don't show the splash screen during startup\n" #if defined(APPLICATION_UPDATER) " --no-update-check Don't check for application updates during startup\n" #endif " --gamelist-only Skip automatic game search, only read from gamelist.xml\n" " --ignore-gamelist Ignore the gamelist.xml files\n" " --show-hidden-files Show hidden files and folders\n" " --show-hidden-games Show hidden games\n" " --force-full Force the UI mode to Full\n" " --force-kiosk Force the UI mode to Kiosk\n" " --force-kid Force the UI mode to Kid\n" " --force-input-config Force configuration of input devices\n" " --create-system-dirs Create game system directories\n" " --home [path] Directory to use as home path\n" " --debug Enable debug mode\n" " --version, -v Display version information\n" " --help, -h Summon a sentient, angry tuba\n"; // clang-format on return false; } else { const std::string argUnknown {arguments[i]}; std::cout << "Unknown option '" << argUnknown << "'.\n"; std::cout << "Try 'es-de --help' for more information.\n"; return false; } } if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("IgnoreGamelist")) { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("ParseGamelistOnly", false); settingsNeedSaving = true; } return true; } bool checkApplicationDataDirectory() { // Check that the application data directory exists, otherwise create it. const std::string applicationData {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory()}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(applicationData)) { #if defined(__ANDROID__) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, ANDROID_APPLICATION_ID, "First startup, creating application data directory \"%s\"", applicationData.c_str()); #else std::cout << "First startup, creating application data directory \"" << applicationData << "\"\n"; #endif Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(applicationData); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(applicationData)) { #if defined(__ANDROID__) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, ANDROID_APPLICATION_ID, "Error: Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"); #else std::cerr << "Error: Couldn't create directory, permission problems?\n"; #endif return false; } } return true; } loadSystemsReturnCode loadSystemConfigFile() { if (SystemData::loadConfig()) return INVALID_FILE; if (SystemData::sSystemVector.size() == 0) { LOG(LogInfo) << "No game files were found, make sure that the system directories are " "setup correctly and that the file extensions are supported"; return NO_ROMS; } return LOADING_OK; } void onExit() { // Called on exit, assuming we get far enough to have the log initialized. Log::close(); } void applicationLoop() { #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) while (true) { #endif if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { do { #if defined(__ANDROID__) if (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT && event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED) { // This covers switching to/from multi-window mode. Note that the reload // mechanism is rather ungraceful as it just forcekills any open windows, which // is problematic if the scraper or theme downloader is running for instance. ViewController::getInstance()->setWindowSizeChanged( static_cast<int>(event.window.data1), static_cast<int>(event.window.data2)); ViewController::getInstance()->checkWindowSizeChanged(); } // Prevent that button presses get registered immediately when entering the // foreground (which most commonly mean we're returning from a game). // Also perform some other tasks on resume such as resetting timers. if (event.type == SDL_APP_WILLENTERFOREGROUND) { blockInput = true; inputBlockTime = 0; window->setBlockInput(true); Utils::Platform::Android::onResume(); ViewController::getInstance()->resetViewVideosTimer(); } #endif InputManager::getInstance().parseEvent(event); if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) return; #else SDL_Quit(); #endif } while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)); } int curTime {static_cast<int>(SDL_GetTicks())}; int deltaTime {curTime - lastTime}; lastTime = curTime; // Cap deltaTime if it ever goes negative. if (deltaTime < 0) deltaTime = 1000; #if defined(__ANDROID__) if (blockInput) { inputBlockTime += deltaTime; if (inputBlockTime > 300) { inputBlockTime = 0; blockInput = false; window->setBlockInput(false); } } #endif window->update(deltaTime); window->render(); renderer->swapBuffers(); Log::flush(); #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) } #endif } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const auto applicationStartTime {std::chrono::system_clock::now()}; std::locale::global(std::locale("C")); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_APP_NAME, "ES-DE"); #if defined(__APPLE__) // This is a workaround to disable the incredibly annoying save state functionality in // macOS which forces a restore of the previous window state. The problem is that this // removes the splash screen on startup and it may have other adverse effects as well. std::string saveStateDir {Utils::FileSystem::expandHomePath( "~/Library/Saved Application State/org.es-de.Frontend.savedState")}; // Deletion of the state files should normally not be required as there shouldn't be any // files to begin with. But maybe the files can still be created for unknown reasons // as macOS really really loves to restore windows. Let's therefore include this deletion // step as an extra precaution. if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(saveStateDir)) { for (std::string stateFile : Utils::FileSystem::getDirContent(saveStateDir)) Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(stateFile); } else { Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(saveStateDir); } // Removing the write permission from the save state directory effectively disables // the functionality. std::string chmodCommand {"chmod 500 \"" + saveStateDir + "\""}; system(chmodCommand.c_str()); #endif #if defined(_WIN64) // If we've been started from a console then redirect the standard streams there. outputToConsole(); #endif #if !defined(__ANDROID__) { std::vector<std::string> arguments; for (int i {0}; i < argc; ++i) arguments.emplace_back(argv[i]); #if defined(_WIN64) if (!parseArguments(arguments)) { FreeConsole(); return 0; } #else if (!parseArguments(arguments)) { return 0; } #endif } #endif #if defined(__ANDROID__) // This hint will prevent a popup from being displayed asking for access to the controller. // Pressing OK in that dialog grants exclusive access to the controller which makes it // unusable in any emulator that is launched. SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI, "0"); // If ES-DE is set as the home app/launcher we may be in a situation where we get started // before the external storage has been mounted. If the application data directory or the // ROMs directory have been located on this storage then the configurator will get executed. // To prevent the likelyhood of this happening we wait up to 45 * 100 milliseconds, then // we give up. This is not an airtight solution but it hopefully decreases the risk of // this failure occuring. Under normal circumstances the storage would be mounted when // the application is starting, so no delay would occur. if (SDL_AndroidGetExternalStorageState() == 0) { for (int i {0}; i < 45; ++i) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, ANDROID_APPLICATION_ID, "Storage not mounted, waiting 100 ms until next attempt"); SDL_Delay(100); if (SDL_AndroidGetExternalStorageState() != 0) break; } } if (Utils::Platform::Android::checkConfigurationNeeded()) { Utils::Platform::Android::startConfigurator(); while (AndroidVariables::sHold) SDL_Delay(20); if (Utils::Platform::Android::checkConfigurationNeeded()) exit(0); } Utils::Platform::Android::setDataDirectories(); Utils::Platform::Android::setROMDirectory(); #endif if (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DebugFlag") && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DebugMode")) { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("Debug", true); Log::setReportingLevel(LogDebug); } #if defined(FREEIMAGE_LIB) // Call this ONLY when linking with FreeImage as a static library. FreeImage_Initialise(); #endif // If the application data directory doesn't exist and can't be created, then exit. if (!checkApplicationDataDirectory()) return 1; { if (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("LegacyAppDataDirectory")) { // Create the logs folder in the application data directory. const std::string logsDir {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/logs"}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(logsDir)) { #if defined(__ANDROID__) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, ANDROID_APPLICATION_ID, "Creating logs directory \"%s\"...", logsDir.c_str()); #else std::cout << "Creating logs directory \"" << logsDir << "\"..." << std::endl; #endif Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(logsDir); if (!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(logsDir)) { #if defined(__ANDROID__) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, ANDROID_APPLICATION_ID, "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"); #else std::cerr << "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?" << std::endl; #endif } else { // Remove any old logs in the root of the directory. Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/es_log.txt"); Utils::FileSystem::removeFile(Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/es_log.txt.bak"); } } } } // Start the logger. Log::init(); Log::open(); { const std::string applicationName = "ES-DE"; #if defined(__ANDROID__) LOG(LogInfo) << applicationName << " " << PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING << "-" << ANDROID_VERSION_CODE << " (r" << PROGRAM_RELEASE_NUMBER << "), built " << PROGRAM_BUILT_STRING; if (AndroidVariables::sIsHomeApp) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Running as the Android home app"; } else { LOG(LogInfo) << "Running as a regular Android app"; } #else LOG(LogInfo) << applicationName << " " << PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING << " (r" << PROGRAM_RELEASE_NUMBER << "), built " << PROGRAM_BUILT_STRING; #endif if (portableMode) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Running in portable mode"; Settings::getInstance()->setBool("PortableMode", true); } else { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("PortableMode", false); } } // Always close the log on exit. atexit(&onExit); if (createSystemDirectories) { if (!SystemData::createSystemDirectories() && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("Debug")) std::cout << "System directories successfully created" << std::endl; LOG(LogInfo) << "ES-DE cleanly shutting down"; #if defined(_WIN64) FreeConsole(); #endif return 0; } Scripting::fireEvent("startup"); #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) // TODO: Remove when application window resizing has been implemented. Settings::getInstance()->setBool("Debug", true); Log::setReportingLevel(LogDebug); Settings::getInstance()->setInt("ScreenWidth", 1280); Settings::getInstance()->setInt("ScreenHeight", 720); #endif bool migratedSettings {false}; { if (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("LegacyAppDataDirectory")) { // Create the settings folder in the application data directory. const std::string settingsDir {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/settings"}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(settingsDir)) { #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating settings directory \"" << Utils::String::replace(settingsDir, "/", "\\") << "\"..."; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating settings directory \"" << settingsDir << "\"..."; #endif Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(settingsDir); if (!Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(settingsDir)) { LOG(LogError) << "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"; } } std::string settingsPathOld; std::string settingsPathNew; settingsPathOld = Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/es_settings.xml"; settingsPathNew = Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/settings/es_settings.xml"; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(settingsPathNew) && Utils::FileSystem::exists(settingsPathOld)) { Utils::FileSystem::renameFile(settingsPathOld, settingsPathNew, false); Settings::getInstance()->loadFile(); migratedSettings = true; } settingsPathOld = Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/es_input.xml"; settingsPathNew = Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/settings/es_input.xml"; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(settingsPathNew) && Utils::FileSystem::exists(settingsPathOld)) { Utils::FileSystem::renameFile(settingsPathOld, settingsPathNew, false); migratedSettings = true; } } } { // Check if the es_settings.xml file exists, and if not, create it. std::string settingsPath; if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("LegacyAppDataDirectory")) settingsPath = Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/es_settings.xml"; else settingsPath = Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/settings/es_settings.xml"; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(settingsPath)) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Settings file es_settings.xml does not exist, creating it..."; Settings::getInstance()->saveFile(); } else if (settingsNeedSaving) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Saving settings that were modified by command line options..."; Settings::getInstance()->saveFile(); } } #if defined(__ANDROID__) // Reset the touch overlay if at least the second screen of the configurator was reached. if (AndroidVariables::sResetTouchOverlay) { Settings::getInstance()->setBool("InputTouchOverlay", true); Settings::getInstance()->saveFile(); } #endif { // Check if the application release number has changed, which would normally mean that the // user has upgraded to a new version. int applicationRelease; if ((applicationRelease = Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ApplicationRelease")) != PROGRAM_RELEASE_NUMBER) { if (applicationRelease != 0) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Application release number changed from previous startup, from \"" << applicationRelease << "\" to \"" << PROGRAM_RELEASE_NUMBER << "\""; } else { LOG(LogInfo) << "Application release number setting is blank, changing it to \"" << PROGRAM_RELEASE_NUMBER << "\""; } Settings::getInstance()->setInt("ApplicationRelease", PROGRAM_RELEASE_NUMBER); Settings::getInstance()->saveFile(); } } { // Create the gamelists folder in the application data directory. const std::string gamelistsDir {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/gamelists"}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(gamelistsDir)) { #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating gamelists directory \"" << Utils::String::replace(gamelistsDir, "/", "\\") << "\"..."; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating gamelists directory \"" << gamelistsDir << "\"..."; #endif Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(gamelistsDir); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(gamelistsDir)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"; } } } { // Create the game media folder. const std::string mediaDirectory {FileData::getMediaDirectory()}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(mediaDirectory)) { #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating game media directory \"" << Utils::String::replace(mediaDirectory, "/", "\\") << "\"..."; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating game media directory \"" << mediaDirectory << "\"..."; #endif Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(mediaDirectory); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(mediaDirectory)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"; } } } { #if defined(__ANDROID__) const std::string themeDir {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/themes"}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(themeDir)) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating themes directory \"" << themeDir << "\"..."; Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(themeDir); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(themeDir)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"; } } if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(themeDir + "/.nomedia")) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating \"no media\" file \"" << themeDir + "/.nomedia" << "\"..."; Utils::FileSystem::createEmptyFile(themeDir + "/.nomedia"); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(themeDir + "/.nomedia")) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create file, permission problems?"; } } #else // Create the themes folder in the application data directory (or elsewhere if the // UserThemeDirectory setting has been defined). const std::string defaultUserThemeDir {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/themes"}; std::string userThemeDirSetting {Utils::FileSystem::expandHomePath( Settings::getInstance()->getString("UserThemeDirectory"))}; std::string userThemeDirectory; if (userThemeDirSetting.empty()) userThemeDirectory = defaultUserThemeDir; else userThemeDirectory = userThemeDirSetting; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(userThemeDirectory)) { #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating themes directory \"" << Utils::String::replace(userThemeDirectory, "/", "\\") << "\"..."; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating themes directory \"" << userThemeDirectory << "\"..."; #endif Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(userThemeDirectory); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(userThemeDirectory)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"; } } #endif } { #if defined(__ANDROID__) const std::string mediaDirectory {FileData::getMediaDirectory()}; if (Utils::FileSystem::exists(mediaDirectory)) if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(mediaDirectory + ".nomedia")) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating \"no media\" file \"" << mediaDirectory + ".nomedia" << "\"..."; Utils::FileSystem::createEmptyFile(mediaDirectory + ".nomedia"); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(mediaDirectory + ".nomedia")) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create file, permission problems?"; } } #endif } { // Create the scripts folder in the application data directory. This is only required // for custom event scripts so it's also created as a convenience. const std::string scriptsDir {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/scripts"}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(scriptsDir)) { #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating scripts directory \"" << Utils::String::replace(scriptsDir, "/", "\\") << "\"..."; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating scripts directory \"" << scriptsDir << "\"..."; #endif Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(scriptsDir); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(scriptsDir)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"; } } } { // Create the screensavers and screensavers/custom_slideshow directories. const std::string screensaversDir {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/screensavers"}; const std::string slideshowDir {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/screensavers/custom_slideshow"}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(screensaversDir)) { #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating screensavers directory \"" << Utils::String::replace(screensaversDir, "/", "\\") << "\"..."; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating screensavers directory \"" << screensaversDir << "\"..."; #endif Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(screensaversDir); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(screensaversDir)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"; } } #if defined(__ANDROID__) if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(screensaversDir + "/.nomedia")) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating \"no media\" file \"" << screensaversDir + "/.nomedia" << "\"..."; Utils::FileSystem::createEmptyFile(screensaversDir + "/.nomedia"); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(screensaversDir + "/.nomedia")) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create file, permission problems?"; } } #endif if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(slideshowDir)) { #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating custom_slideshow directory \"" << Utils::String::replace(slideshowDir, "/", "\\") << "\"..."; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating custom_slideshow directory \"" << slideshowDir << "\"..."; #endif Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(slideshowDir); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(slideshowDir)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"; } } } { if (!Settings::getInstance()->getBool("LegacyAppDataDirectory")) { // Create the controllers folder in the application data directory. const std::string controllersDir {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/controllers"}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(controllersDir)) { #if defined(_WIN64) LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating controllers directory \"" << Utils::String::replace(controllersDir, "/", "\\") << "\"..."; #else LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating controllers directory \"" << controllersDir << "\"..."; #endif Utils::FileSystem::createDirectory(controllersDir); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(controllersDir)) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create directory, permission problems?"; } } std::string configPathOld {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/es_controller_mappings.cfg"}; std::string configPathNew {Utils::FileSystem::getAppDataDirectory() + "/controllers/es_controller_mappings.cfg"}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(configPathNew) && Utils::FileSystem::exists(configPathOld)) { Utils::FileSystem::renameFile(configPathOld, configPathNew, false); migratedSettings = true; } } } #if defined(__ANDROID__) // We need to copy the font and locale files before starting the renderer as HarfBuzz // and libintl need them before that point. std::string buildIdentifier {PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING}; buildIdentifier.append(" (r") .append(std::to_string(PROGRAM_RELEASE_NUMBER)) .append("), built ") .append(PROGRAM_BUILT_STRING); const bool needResourceCopy {Utils::Platform::Android::checkNeedResourceCopy(buildIdentifier)}; if (needResourceCopy) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Application has been updated or it's a new installation, copying " "bundled fonts and locales to internal storage..."; Utils::Platform::Android::setupFontFiles(); Utils::Platform::Android::setupLocalizationFiles(); } { std::string audioDriver {Settings::getInstance()->getString("AudioDriver")}; if (audioDriver != "openslES" && audioDriver != "AAudio") audioDriver = "openslES"; setenv("SDL_AUDIODRIVER", audioDriver.c_str(), 1); } #endif Utils::Localization::setLocale(); renderer = Renderer::getInstance(); window = Window::getInstance(); ViewController::getInstance()->setMenuColors(); CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance(); Screensaver screensaver; MediaViewer mediaViewer; PDFViewer pdfViewer; GuiLaunchScreen guiLaunchScreen; if (!window->init()) { LOG(LogError) << "Window failed to initialize"; return 1; } #if defined(__ANDROID__) InputOverlay::getInstance().init(); LOG(LogDebug) << "Android API level: " << SDL_GetAndroidSDKVersion(); Utils::Platform::Android::printDeviceInfo(); int storageState {SDL_AndroidGetExternalStorageState()}; if (storageState == 0) { LOG(LogError) << "Android external storage state: " << SDL_GetError(); } else if (storageState == 1) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Android external storage state: mounted read-only"; } else { LOG(LogDebug) << "Android external storage state: mounted read/write"; } LOG(LogDebug) << "Android internal directory: " << AndroidVariables::sInternalDataDirectory; LOG(LogDebug) << "Android external directory: " << AndroidVariables::sExternalDataDirectory; if (needResourceCopy) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Application has been updated or it's a new installation, copying " "bundled resources and theme to internal storage..."; if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("SplashScreen")) window->renderSplashScreen(Window::SplashScreenState::RESOURCE_COPY, 0.0f); if (Utils::Platform::Android::setupResources(buildIdentifier)) { LOG(LogError) << "Copying of resources and themes failed"; return -1; } } if (Utils::Platform::Android::getCreateSystemDirectories()) { if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("SplashScreen")) window->renderSplashScreen(Window::SplashScreenState::DIR_CREATION, 0.0f); SystemData::createSystemDirectories(); } #endif #if defined(APPLICATION_UPDATER) if (!noUpdateCheck) ApplicationUpdater::getInstance().checkForUpdates(); #endif window->pushGui(ViewController::getInstance()); if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("SplashScreen")) window->renderSplashScreen(Window::SplashScreenState::SCANNING, 0.0f); #if defined(__ANDROID__) while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT && event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED) { ViewController::getInstance()->setWindowSizeChanged( static_cast<int>(event.window.data1), static_cast<int>(event.window.data2)); } }; #else while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {}; #endif #if defined(_WIN64) // Hide taskbar if the setting for this is enabled. bool taskbarStateChanged {false}; unsigned int taskbarState {0}; if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("HideTaskbar")) { taskbarStateChanged = true; taskbarState = Utils::Platform::getTaskbarState(); Utils::Platform::hideTaskbar(); } #endif AudioManager::getInstance(); SDL_version version; SDL_GetVersion(&version); LOG(LogInfo) << "SDL version: " << std::to_string(version.major) << "." << std::to_string(version.minor) << "." << std::to_string(version.patch); #if defined(__ANDROID__) if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("VirtualKeyboard")) SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_ENABLE_SCREEN_KEYBOARD, "0"); else SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_ENABLE_SCREEN_KEYBOARD, "1"); #else if (version.major > 2 || (version.major == 2 && version.minor >= 28)) { // This will prevent the popup virtual keyboard of any handheld device from being // automatically displayed on top of the ES-DE virtual keyboard. #define SDL_HINT_ENABLE_SCREEN_KEYBOARD "SDL_ENABLE_SCREEN_KEYBOARD" SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_ENABLE_SCREEN_KEYBOARD, "0"); } #endif MameNames::getInstance(); ThemeData::populateThemes(); loadSystemsReturnCode loadSystemsStatus {loadSystemConfigFile()}; if (!SystemData::sStartupExitSignal) { if (loadSystemsStatus) { // If there was an issue parsing the es_systems.xml file, display an error message. // If there were no game files found, give the option to the user to quit or to // configure a different ROM directory as well as to generate the game systems // directory structure. if (loadSystemsStatus == INVALID_FILE) { ViewController::getInstance()->invalidSystemsFileDialog(); } else if (loadSystemsStatus == NO_ROMS) { ViewController::getInstance()->noGamesDialog(); } } // Don't generate controller events while we're loading. SDL_GameControllerEventState(SDL_DISABLE); // Preload system view and all gamelist views. ViewController::getInstance()->preload(); } if (!SystemData::sStartupExitSignal) { if (loadSystemsStatus == loadSystemsReturnCode::LOADING_OK) ThemeData::themeLoadedLogOutput(); if (!loadSystemsStatus) ViewController::getInstance()->goToStart(true); // Check if any of the enabled systems have an invalid alternative emulator entry, // which means that a label is present in the gamelist.xml file which is not matching // any command tag in es_systems.xml. for (auto system : SystemData::sSystemVector) { if (system->getAlternativeEmulator().substr(0, 9) == "<INVALID>") { ViewController::getInstance()->invalidAlternativeEmulatorDialog(); break; } } #if defined(__ANDROID__) if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(FileData::getROMDirectory() + ".nomedia")) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Creating \"no media\" file \"" << FileData::getROMDirectory() + ".nomedia" << "\"..."; Utils::FileSystem::createEmptyFile(FileData::getROMDirectory() + ".nomedia"); if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(FileData::getROMDirectory() + ".nomedia")) { LOG(LogWarning) << "Couldn't create file, permission problems?"; } } #endif // Generate controller events since we're done loading. SDL_GameControllerEventState(SDL_ENABLE); lastTime = SDL_GetTicks(); #if defined(APPLICATION_UPDATER) if (ApplicationUpdater::getInstance().getResults()) ViewController::getInstance()->updateAvailableDialog(); else HttpReq::cleanupCurlMulti(); #endif #if defined(_WIN64) if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("PortableMode")) { // If it's the portable Windows release then create a release file, and check if there // are any release files from different versions than the one currently running. // If this is the case an unsafe upgrade has taken place, probably by simply unpacking // the new release on top of the old one. bool releaseFileExists {true}; const std::filesystem::path releaseFile {Utils::FileSystem::getExePath() + "/r" + std::to_string(PROGRAM_RELEASE_NUMBER) + ".rel"}; if (!Utils::FileSystem::exists(releaseFile.string())) releaseFileExists = Utils::FileSystem::createEmptyFile(releaseFile); if (releaseFileExists) { for (auto& file : Utils::FileSystem::getMatchingFiles( Utils::FileSystem::getExePath() + "/*.rel")) { if (Utils::FileSystem::getFileName(file) != releaseFile.filename()) { LOG(LogWarning) << "It seems as if an unsafe upgrade has been made"; ViewController::getInstance()->unsafeUpgradeDialog(); break; } } } } #endif if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("LegacyAppDataDirectory")) ViewController::getInstance()->legacyAppDataDialog(); if (migratedSettings) { LOG(LogInfo) << "Migrated settings from a legacy application data directory structure"; ViewController::getInstance()->migratedAppDataFilesDialog(); } LOG(LogInfo) << "Application startup time: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::system_clock::now() - applicationStartTime) .count() << " ms"; // Open the input configuration GUI if the force flag was passed from the command line. if (forceInputConfig) { ViewController::getInstance()->cancelViewTransitions(); window->pushGui(new GuiDetectDevice(false, true, nullptr)); } // Main application loop. #if defined(__ANDROID__) // If the window size changed during startup then we need to resize and reload. ViewController::getInstance()->checkWindowSizeChanged(); #endif if (!SystemData::sStartupExitSignal) { #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) emscripten_set_main_loop(&applicationLoop, 0, 1); #else applicationLoop(); #endif } } else { LOG(LogInfo) << "Exit signal received, aborting application startup"; } while (window->peekGui() != ViewController::getInstance()) delete window->peekGui(); window->deinit(); HttpReq::cleanupCurlMulti(); TextureResource::setExit(); CollectionSystemsManager::getInstance()->deinit(true); SystemData::deleteSystems(); NavigationSounds::getInstance().deinit(); #if defined(FREEIMAGE_LIB) // Call this ONLY when linking with FreeImage as a static library. FreeImage_DeInitialise(); #endif #if defined(_WIN64) // If the taskbar state was changed (taskbar was hidden), then revert it. if (taskbarStateChanged) Utils::Platform::revertTaskbarState(taskbarState); #endif Utils::Platform::processQuitMode(); LOG(LogInfo) << "ES-DE cleanly shutting down"; #if defined(_WIN64) FreeConsole(); #endif return 0; }