// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // ScreenScraper.cpp // // Functions specifically for scraping from screenscraper.fr // Called from Scraper. // #include "scrapers/ScreenScraper.h" #include "FileData.h" #include "Log.h" #include "PlatformId.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SystemData.h" #include "utils/LocalizationUtil.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" #include "utils/TimeUtil.h" #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <pugixml.hpp> using namespace PlatformIds; namespace { // List of systems and their IDs from: // https://api.screenscraper.fr/api/systemesListe.php?devid=xxx&devpassword=yyy&softname=zzz&output=XML const std::map<PlatformId, unsigned short> screenscraper_platformid_map { {THREEDO, 29}, {ACORN_ELECTRON, 85}, {AMSTRAD_CPC, 65}, {AMSTRAD_GX4000, 87}, {APPLE_II, 86}, {APPLE_IIGS, 217}, {ARCADE, 75}, {ARCADIA_2001, 94}, {ACORN_ARCHIMEDES, 84}, {ARDUBOY, 263}, {BALLY_ASTROCADE, 44}, {ATARI_800, 43}, {ATARI_2600, 26}, {ATARI_5200, 40}, {ATARI_7800, 41}, {ATARI_JAGUAR, 27}, {ATARI_JAGUAR_CD, 171}, {ATARI_LYNX, 28}, {ATARI_ST, 42}, {ATARI_XE, 43}, {ATOMISWAVE, 53}, {BBC_MICRO, 37}, {BIT_CORPORATION_GAMATE, 266}, {CASIO_PV1000, 74}, {COLECO_ADAM, 89}, {COLECOVISION, 48}, {VTECH_CREATIVISION, 241}, {VTECH_VSMILE, 120}, {COMMODORE_64, 66}, {COMMODORE_AMIGA, 64}, {COMMODORE_AMIGA_CD32, 130}, {COMMODORE_CDTV, 129}, {COMMODORE_PLUS4, 99}, {COMMODORE_VIC20, 73}, {CREATRONIC_MEGA_DUCK, 90}, {DAPHNE, 49}, {EPOCH_SCV, 67}, {FUJITSU_FM_7, 97}, {FUJITSU_FM_TOWNS, 253}, {FUNTECH_SUPER_ACAN, 100}, {INTELLIVISION, 115}, {GAMEENGINE_LUTRO, 206}, {GAMEENGINE_LOWRES_NX, 244}, {GAMEENGINE_WASM4, 262}, {HARTUNG_GAME_MASTER, 103}, {APPLE_MACINTOSH, 146}, {GOOGLE_ANDROID, 63}, {LCD_GAMES, 75}, {MICROSOFT_XBOX, 32}, {MICROSOFT_XBOX_360, 33}, {MSX, 113}, {MSX2, 116}, {MSX_TURBO_R, 118}, {SNK_NEO_GEO, 142}, {SNK_NEO_GEO_CD, 70}, {SNK_NEO_GEO_POCKET, 25}, {SNK_NEO_GEO_POCKET_COLOR, 82}, {NINTENDO_3DS, 17}, {NINTENDO_64, 14}, {NINTENDO_DS, 15}, {NINTENDO_FAMICOM, 3}, {NINTENDO_FAMICOM_DISK_SYSTEM, 106}, {NINTENDO_ENTERTAINMENT_SYSTEM, 3}, {FAIRCHILD_CHANNELF, 80}, {NINTENDO_GAME_BOY, 9}, {NINTENDO_GAME_BOY_ADVANCE, 12}, {NINTENDO_GAME_BOY_COLOR, 10}, {NINTENDO_SUPER_GAME_BOY, 127}, {NINTENDO_GAMECUBE, 13}, {NINTENDO_WII, 16}, {NINTENDO_WII_U, 18}, {NINTENDO_VIRTUAL_BOY, 11}, {NINTENDO_GAME_AND_WATCH, 52}, {NINTENDO_POKEMON_MINI, 211}, {NINTENDO_SATELLAVIEW, 107}, {NINTENDO_SWITCH, 225}, {NOKIA_NGAGE, 30}, {BANDAI_SUFAMI_TURBO, 108}, {DRAGON32, 91}, {DOS, 135}, {PC, 135}, {MICROSOFT_WINDOWS, 138}, {MICROSOFT_WINDOWS_3X, 136}, {VALVE_STEAM, 138}, {NEC_PCFX, 72}, {GAMEENGINE_PICO8, 234}, {PHILIPS_CDI, 133}, {GAMEENGINE_OPENBOR, 214}, {GAMEENGINE_EASYRPG, 231}, {TANGERINE_ORIC, 131}, {GAMEENGINE_SCUMMVM, 123}, {SEGA_32X, 19}, {SEGA_CD, 20}, {SEGA_DREAMCAST, 23}, {SEGA_GAME_GEAR, 21}, {SEGA_GENESIS, 1}, {SEGA_MASTER_SYSTEM, 2}, {SEGA_MEGA_DRIVE, 1}, {SEGA_SATURN, 22}, {SEGA_SG1000, 109}, {SHARP_X1, 220}, {SHARP_X68000, 79}, {GAMEENGINE_SOLARUS, 223}, {GAMEENGINE_Z_MACHINE, 215}, {SONY_PLAYSTATION, 57}, {SONY_PLAYSTATION_2, 58}, {SONY_PLAYSTATION_3, 59}, {SONY_PLAYSTATION_4, 60}, {SONY_PLAYSTATION_VITA, 62}, {SONY_PLAYSTATION_PORTABLE, 61}, {SAMCOUPE, 213}, {SUPER_NINTENDO, 4}, {SUPER_NINTENDO_MSU1, 210}, {NEC_SUPERGRAFX, 105}, {GAMEENGINE_TIC80, 222}, {NEC_PC_8800, 221}, {NEC_PC_9800, 208}, {NEC_PC_ENGINE, 31}, {NEC_PC_ENGINE_CD, 114}, {BANDAI_WONDERSWAN, 45}, {BANDAI_WONDERSWAN_COLOR, 46}, {SINCLAIR_ZX_SPECTRUM, 76}, {SINCLAIR_ZX81_SINCLAR, 77}, {VIDEOPAC_ODYSSEY2, 104}, {VECTREX, 102}, {TANDY_TRS80, 144}, {TANDY_COLOR_COMPUTER, 144}, {TEXAS_INSTRUMENTS_TI99, 205}, {TIGER_GAME_COM, 121}, {SEGA_NAOMI, 56}, {THOMSON_MOTO, 141}, {UZEBOX, 216}, {FUTURE_PINBALL, 199}, {VISUAL_PINBALL, 198}, {WATARA_SUPERVISION, 207}, {SPECTRAVIDEO, 218}, {PALM_OS, 219}}; // Help XML parsing method, finding an direct child XML node starting from the parent and // filtering by an attribute value list. pugi::xml_node find_child_by_attribute_list(const pugi::xml_node& node_parent, const std::string& node_name, const std::string& attribute_name, const std::vector<std::string> attribute_values) { for (auto _val : attribute_values) { for (pugi::xml_node node : node_parent.children(node_name.c_str())) { if (node.attribute(attribute_name.c_str()).value() == _val) return node; } } return pugi::xml_node(nullptr); } } // namespace void screenscraper_generate_scraper_requests(const ScraperSearchParams& params, std::queue<std::unique_ptr<ScraperRequest>>& requests, std::vector<ScraperSearchResult>& results) { std::string path; ScreenScraperRequest::ScreenScraperConfig ssConfig; ssConfig.automaticMode = params.automaticMode; if (params.game->isArcadeGame()) ssConfig.isArcadeSystem = true; else ssConfig.isArcadeSystem = false; if (params.nameOverride == "") { if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperSearchMetadataName")) { path = ssConfig.getGameSearchUrl( Utils::String::removeParenthesis(params.game->metadata.get("name")), params.md5Hash, params.fileSize); } else { std::string cleanName; if (params.game->getType() == GAME && Utils::FileSystem::isDirectory(params.game->getFullPath())) { // For the special case where a directory has a supported file extension and is // therefore interpreted as a file, exclude the extension from the search. cleanName = Utils::FileSystem::getStem(params.game->getCleanName()); } else { cleanName = params.game->getCleanName(); } path = ssConfig.getGameSearchUrl(cleanName, params.md5Hash, params.fileSize); } } else { path = ssConfig.getGameSearchUrl(params.nameOverride, params.md5Hash, params.fileSize); } auto& platforms = params.system->getPlatformIds(); std::vector<unsigned short> p_ids; // Get the IDs of each platform from the ScreenScraper list. for (auto platformIt = platforms.cbegin(); platformIt != platforms.cend(); ++platformIt) { auto mapIt = screenscraper_platformid_map.find(*platformIt); if (mapIt != screenscraper_platformid_map.cend()) { p_ids.emplace_back(mapIt->second); } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "ScreenScraper: No support for platform \"" << getPlatformName(*platformIt) << "\", search will be inaccurate"; // Add the scrape request without a platform/system ID. requests.push( std::unique_ptr<ScraperRequest>(new ScreenScraperRequest(requests, results, path))); } } if (p_ids.size() == 0) { LOG(LogWarning) << "ScreenScraper: No platform defined, search will be inaccurate"; // Add the scrape request without a platform/system ID. requests.push( std::unique_ptr<ScraperRequest>(new ScreenScraperRequest(requests, results, path))); } // Sort the platform IDs and remove duplicates. std::sort(p_ids.begin(), p_ids.end()); auto last = std::unique(p_ids.begin(), p_ids.end()); p_ids.erase(last, p_ids.end()); for (auto platform = p_ids.cbegin(); platform != p_ids.cend(); ++platform) { requests.push(std::unique_ptr<ScraperRequest>(new ScreenScraperRequest( requests, results, path + "&systemeid=" + HttpReq::urlEncode(std::to_string(*platform))))); } } void ScreenScraperRequest::process(const std::unique_ptr<HttpReq>& req, std::vector<ScraperSearchResult>& results) { assert(req->status() == HttpReq::REQ_SUCCESS); pugi::xml_document doc; // It seems as if screenscraper.fr has changed their API slightly and now just returns // a simple text messsage upon not finding any matching game. If we don't return here, // we will get a pugixml error trying to process this string as an XML message. if (req->getContent().find("Erreur : Rom") == 0) return; pugi::xml_parse_result parseResult {doc.load_string(req->getContent().c_str())}; if (!parseResult) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "ScreenScraperRequest - Error parsing XML: " << parseResult.description(); const size_t maxErrorLength {150}; std::string err {ss.str()}; if (err.length() > maxErrorLength) err = err.substr(0, maxErrorLength) + "..."; LOG(LogError) << err; std::string content {req->getContent()}; if (content.length() > maxErrorLength) content = content.substr(0, maxErrorLength) + "..."; setError(_("ScreenScraper error:") + " \n" + content, true); return; } processGame(doc, results); // For some files, screenscraper.fr consistently responds with the game name 'ZZZ(notgame)', // or sometimes in the longer format 'ZZZ(notgame):Fichier Annexes - Non Jeux'. For instance // this can happen for configuration files for DOS games such as 'setup.exe' and similar. // We definitely don't want to save these to our gamelists, so we simply skip these // responses. There also seems to be some cases where this type of response is randomly // returned instead of a valid game name, and retrying a second time returns the proper // name. But it's basically impossible to know which is the case, and we really can't // compensate for errors in the scraper service. for (auto it = results.cbegin(); it != results.cend();) { const std::string gameName {Utils::String::toUpper((*it).mdl.get("name"))}; if (gameName.substr(0, 12) == "ZZZ(NOTGAME)") { LOG(LogWarning) << "ScreenScraperRequest: Received \"ZZZ(notgame)\" as game name, " "ignoring response"; it = results.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } // If there are multiple platforms defined for the system, then it's possible that the scraper // service will return the same results for each platform, so we need to remove such duplicates. if (results.size() > 1) { std::vector<std::string> gameIDs; for (auto it = results.cbegin(); it != results.cend();) { if (std::find(gameIDs.begin(), gameIDs.end(), (*it).gameID) != gameIDs.end()) { LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::process(): Removed duplicate entry for game ID " << (*it).gameID; it = results.erase(it); } else { gameIDs.emplace_back((*it).gameID); ++it; } } } } void ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(const pugi::xml_document& xmldoc, std::vector<ScraperSearchResult>& out_results) { pugi::xml_node data {xmldoc.child("Data")}; // The "niveau" tag indicates whether the account is valid (correct username and password). if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperUseAccountScreenScraper") && Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScraperUsernameScreenScraper") != "") { if (data.child("ssuser").child("niveau") != nullptr) { const std::string userID {data.child("ssuser").child("id").text().get()}; const std::string userStatus {data.child("ssuser").child("niveau").text().get()}; if (userStatus != "0") { LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Scraping using account \"" << userID << "\""; } else { LOG(LogError) << "ScreenScraper: Couldn't authenticate user \"" << Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScraperUsernameScreenScraper") << "\", wrong username or password?"; setError(_("ScreenScraper: Wrong username or password"), false, true); return; } } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Invalid server response, missing " "\"niveau\" tag"; } } else { LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Scraping without a user account"; } // Find how many more requests we can make before the scraper request // allowance counter is reset. For some strange reason the ssuser information // is not provided for all games even though the request looks identical apart // from the game name. unsigned requestsToday {data.child("ssuser").child("requeststoday").text().as_uint()}; unsigned maxRequestsPerDay {data.child("ssuser").child("maxrequestsperday").text().as_uint()}; unsigned int scraperRequestAllowance {maxRequestsPerDay - requestsToday}; // Scraping allowance. if (maxRequestsPerDay > 0) { LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Daily scraping allowance: " << requestsToday << "/" << maxRequestsPerDay << " (" << scraperRequestAllowance << " remaining)"; } else { LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Daily scraping allowance: " "No statistics were provided with the response"; } if (data.child("jeux")) data = data.child("jeux"); for (pugi::xml_node game {data.child("jeu")}; game; game = game.next_sibling("jeu")) { ScraperSearchResult result; ScreenScraperRequest::ScreenScraperConfig ssConfig; result.scraperRequestAllowance = scraperRequestAllowance; result.gameID = game.attribute("id").as_string(); std::string region { Utils::String::toLower(Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScraperRegion"))}; std::string language { Utils::String::toLower(Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScraperLanguage"))}; // Name fallback: US, WOR(LD). (Xpath: Data/jeu[0]/noms/nom[*]). std::string gameName {find_child_by_attribute_list(game.child("noms"), "nom", "region", {region, "wor", "us", "ss", "eu", "jp"}) .text() .get()}; // Translate some HTML character codes to UTF-8 characters for the game name. gameName = Utils::String::replace(gameName, " ", " "); gameName = Utils::String::replace(gameName, "&", "&"); gameName = Utils::String::replace(gameName, "'", "‘"); // In some very rare cases game names contain newline characters that we need to remove. result.mdl.set("name", Utils::String::replace(gameName, "\n", "")); LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Name: " << result.mdl.get("name"); LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Game ID: " << result.gameID; pugi::xml_node system {game.child("systeme")}; int platformID {system.attribute("id").as_int()}; int parentPlatformID {system.attribute("parentid").as_int()}; // Platform IDs. for (auto& platform : screenscraper_platformid_map) { if (platform.second == platformID || platform.second == parentPlatformID) result.platformIDs.emplace_back(platform.first); } if (result.platformIDs.empty()) result.platformIDs.emplace_back(PlatformId::PLATFORM_UNKNOWN); LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Platform ID: " << platformID; LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Parent platform ID: " << (parentPlatformID == 0 ? "n/a" : std::to_string(parentPlatformID)); // Validate rating. // Process the rating even if the setting to scrape ratings has been disabled. // This is required so that the rating can still be shown in the scraper GUI. // GuiScraperSearch::saveMetadata() will take care of skipping the rating saving // if this option has been set as such. if (game.child("note")) { float ratingVal {game.child("note").text().as_float() / 20.0f}; // Round up to the closest .1 value, i.e. to the closest half-star. ratingVal = ceilf(ratingVal / 0.1f) / 10; std::stringstream ss; ss << ratingVal; if (ratingVal > 0) { result.mdl.set("rating", ss.str()); LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Rating: " << result.mdl.get("rating"); } } // Description fallback language: EN, WOR(LD). std::string description {find_child_by_attribute_list(game.child("synopsis"), "synopsis", "langue", {language, "en", "wor"}) .text() .get()}; // Translate some HTML character codes to UTF-8 characters for the description. // This does not capture all such characters in the ScreenScraper database but these // are the most common ones. if (!description.empty()) { description = Utils::String::replace(description, " ", " "); description = Utils::String::replace(description, """, "\""); description = Utils::String::replace(description, "©", "©"); description = Utils::String::replace(description, "'", "'"); description = Utils::String::replace(description, "'", "'"); result.mdl.set("desc", description); } // Get the date proper. The API returns multiple 'date' children nodes to the 'dates' // main child of 'jeu'. Date fallback: WOR(LD), US, SS, JP, EU. std::string date {find_child_by_attribute_list(game.child("dates"), "date", "region", {region, "wor", "us", "ss", "jp", "eu"}) .text() .get()}; // Date can be YYYY-MM-DD or just YYYY. if (date.length() > 4) { result.mdl.set("releasedate", Utils::Time::DateTime(Utils::Time::stringToTime(date, "%Y-%m-%d"))); } else if (date.length() > 0) { result.mdl.set("releasedate", Utils::Time::DateTime(Utils::Time::stringToTime(date, "%Y"))); } if (date.length() > 0) { LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Release Date (unparsed): " << date; LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Release Date (parsed): " << result.mdl.get("releasedate"); } // Developer for the game (Xpath: Data/jeu[0]/developpeur). std::string developer {game.child("developpeur").text().get()}; if (!developer.empty()) { result.mdl.set("developer", Utils::String::replace(developer, " ", " ")); LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Developer: " << result.mdl.get("developer"); } // Publisher for the game (Xpath: Data/jeu[0]/editeur). std::string publisher {game.child("editeur").text().get()}; if (!publisher.empty()) { result.mdl.set("publisher", Utils::String::replace(publisher, " ", " ")); LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Publisher: " << result.mdl.get("publisher"); } // Genre fallback language: EN. (Xpath: Data/jeu[0]/genres/genre[*]). std::string genre { find_child_by_attribute_list(game.child("genres"), "genre", "langue", {language, "en"}) .text() .get()}; if (!genre.empty()) { result.mdl.set("genre", genre); LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Genre: " << result.mdl.get("genre"); } // Players. std::string players {game.child("joueurs").text().get()}; if (!players.empty()) { result.mdl.set("players", players); LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Players: " << result.mdl.get("players"); } // ScreenScraper controller scraping is currently broken, it's unclear if they will fix it. // // Controller (only for the Arcade and SNK Neo Geo systems). // if (parentPlatformID == 75 || parentPlatformID == 142) { // std::string controller {Utils::String::toLower(game.child("controles").text().get())}; // // LOG(LogError) << controller; // // if (!controller.empty()) { // std::string controllerDescription {"Other"}; // // Place the steering wheel entry first as some games support both joysticks and // // and steering wheels and it's likely more interesting to capture the steering // // wheel option in this case. // if (controller.find("steering wheel") != std::string::npos || // controller.find("paddle") != std::string::npos || // controller.find("pedal") != std::string::npos) { // result.mdl.set("controller", "steering_wheel_generic"); // controllerDescription = "Steering wheel"; // } // else if (controller.find("control type=\"joy") != std::string::npos || // controller.find("joystick") != std::string::npos) { // std::string buttonEntry; // std::string buttonCount; // if (controller.find("p1numbuttons=") != std::string::npos) // buttonEntry = controller.substr(controller.find("p1numbuttons=") + 13, 4); // else if (controller.find("buttons=") != std::string::npos) // buttonEntry = controller.substr(controller.find("buttons=") + 8, 5); // // bool foundDigit {false}; // for (unsigned char character : buttonEntry) { // if (std::isdigit(character)) { // buttonCount.emplace_back(character); // foundDigit = true; // } // else if (foundDigit == true) { // break; // } // } // // if (buttonCount == "0") { // result.mdl.set("controller", "joystick_arcade_no_buttons"); // controllerDescription = "Joystick (no buttons)"; // } // else if (buttonCount == "1") { // result.mdl.set("controller", "joystick_arcade_1_button"); // controllerDescription = "Joystick (1 button)"; // } // else if (buttonCount == "2") { // result.mdl.set("controller", "joystick_arcade_2_buttons"); // controllerDescription = "Joystick (2 buttons)"; // } // else if (buttonCount == "3") { // result.mdl.set("controller", "joystick_arcade_3_buttons"); // controllerDescription = "Joystick (3 buttons)"; // } // else if (buttonCount == "4") { // result.mdl.set("controller", "joystick_arcade_4_buttons"); // controllerDescription = "Joystick (4 buttons)"; // } // else if (buttonCount == "5") { // result.mdl.set("controller", "joystick_arcade_5_buttons"); // controllerDescription = "Joystick (5 buttons)"; // } // else if (buttonCount == "6") { // result.mdl.set("controller", "joystick_arcade_6_buttons"); // controllerDescription = "Joystick (6 buttons)"; // } // else { // controllerDescription = "Joystick (other)"; // } // } // else if (controller.find("spinner") != std::string::npos) { // result.mdl.set("controller", "spinner_generic"); // controllerDescription = "Spinner"; // } // else if (controller.find("trackball") != std::string::npos) { // result.mdl.set("controller", "trackball_generic"); // controllerDescription = "Trackball"; // } // else if (controller.find("gun") != std::string::npos) { // result.mdl.set("controller", "lightgun_generic"); // controllerDescription = "Lightgun"; // } // else if (controller.find("stick") != std::string::npos) { // result.mdl.set("controller", "flight_stick_generic"); // controllerDescription = "Flight stick"; // } // // LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): Controller: " // << controllerDescription; // } // } const pugi::xml_node rom {game.child("rom")}; result.md5Hash = Utils::String::toLower(rom.child("rommd5").text().as_string()); // Media super-node. pugi::xml_node media_list {game.child("medias")}; if (media_list) { // 3D box. processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_3dbox, result.box3DUrl, result.box3DFormat, region); // Box back cover. processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_backcover, result.backcoverUrl, result.backcoverFormat, region); // Box cover. processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_cover, result.coverUrl, result.coverFormat, region); // Fan art. processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_fanart, result.fanartUrl, result.fanartFormat, region); // Marquee (wheel). // There are two media types for the marquee named "wheel" and "wheel"-hd that should // be considered equivalent, i.e. the most closely matching region should be considered // across both media types. This is a logical error, but as it's caused by an issue on // the server side this workaround is still required. int regionPosWheel {0}; std::string fileURLWheel; std::string fileFormatWheel; regionPosWheel = processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_marquee, fileURLWheel, fileFormatWheel, region); int regionPosWheelHD {0}; std::string fileURLWheelHD; std::string fileFormatWheelHD; regionPosWheelHD = processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_marquee_hd, fileURLWheelHD, fileFormatWheelHD, region); if ((regionPosWheelHD != 0 && regionPosWheelHD <= regionPosWheel) || regionPosWheel == 0) { result.marqueeUrl = fileURLWheelHD; result.marqueeFormat = fileFormatWheelHD; } else { result.marqueeUrl = fileURLWheel; result.marqueeFormat = fileFormatWheel; } // Physical media. processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_physicalmedia, result.physicalmediaUrl, result.physicalmediaFormat, region); // Screenshot. processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_screenshot, result.screenshotUrl, result.screenshotFormat, region); // Title screen. processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_titlescreen, result.titlescreenUrl, result.titlescreenFormat, region); // Video. processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_video, result.videoUrl, result.videoFormat, region); // Fallback to normalized video if no regular video was found. if (result.videoUrl == "") processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_video_normalized, result.videoUrl, result.videoFormat, region); // Game manuals. processMedia(result, media_list, ssConfig.media_manual, result.manualUrl, result.manualFormat, region); } result.mediaURLFetch = COMPLETED; out_results.emplace_back(result); } // Game. if (out_results.size() == 0) { LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processGame(): No games found"; } } int ScreenScraperRequest::processMedia(ScraperSearchResult& result, const pugi::xml_node& media_list, std::string& mediaType, std::string& fileURL, std::string& fileFormat, const std::string& region) { pugi::xml_node art {pugi::xml_node(nullptr)}; int regionPos {0}; // Do an XPath query for media[type='$media_type'], then filter by region. // We need to do this because any child of 'medias' has the form // <media type="..." region="..." format="..."> // and we need to find the right media for the region. pugi::xpath_node_set results {media_list.select_nodes( (static_cast<std::string>("media[@type='") + mediaType + "']").c_str())}; if (results.size()) { // Videos and fan art don't have any region attributes, so just take the first entry // (which should be the only entry as well). if (mediaType == "video" || mediaType == "video-normalized" || mediaType == "fanart") { art = results.first().node(); } else { std::string otherRegion; if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperRegionFallback")) { // In case none of the regular fallback regions are found, try whatever is the // first region in the returned results. This should capture games only released // for specific countries and such as well as invalid database entries where the // wrong region was defined. This fallback also includes the ss/ScreenScraper // region which adds media for unofficial games (e.g. for OpenBOR and PICO-8). otherRegion = results.first().node().attribute("region").as_string(); } // Region fallback: world, USA, Japan, EU and custom. for (auto regionEntry : std::vector<std::string> {region, "wor", "us", "jp", "eu", "cus", otherRegion}) { if (art) break; ++regionPos; for (auto node : results) { if (node.node().attribute("region").value() == regionEntry) { art = node.node(); break; } } } } } if (art) { // Sending a 'softname' containing space will make the media URLs returned // by the API also contain the space. Escape any spaces in the URL here. fileURL = Utils::String::replace(art.text().get(), " ", "%20"); // Get the media type returned by ScreenScraper. std::string media_type {art.attribute("format").value()}; if (!media_type.empty()) fileFormat = "." + media_type; } else { LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::processMedia(): " "Failed to find media XML node with name \"" << mediaType << "\""; } return regionPos; } std::string ScreenScraperRequest::ScreenScraperConfig::getGameSearchUrl(const std::string& gameName, const std::string& md5Hash, const long fileSize) const { if (md5Hash != "") { LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::getGameSearchUrl(): Performing MD5 file hash search " "using digest \"" << md5Hash << "\""; } else if (md5Hash == "" && Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperSearchFileHash") && fileSize > Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScraperSearchFileHashMaxSize") * 1024 * 1024) { LOG(LogDebug) << "ScreenScraperRequest::getGameSearchUrl(): Skipping MD5 file hash search as game " "file is larger than size limit of " << Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScraperSearchFileHashMaxSize") << " MiB"; } std::string searchName {gameName}; bool singleSearch {false}; // Trim leading and trailing whitespaces. searchName = Utils::String::trim(searchName); if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperConvertUnderscores")) searchName = Utils::String::replace(searchName, "_", " "); // If only whitespaces were entered as the search string, then search using a random string // that will not return any results. This is a quick and dirty way to avoid french error // messages about malformed URLs that would surely confuse the user. if (searchName == "") searchName = "zzzzzz"; // If the game is an arcade game and we're not searching using the metadata name, then // search using the individual ROM name rather than running a wider text matching search. // Also run this search mode if the game name is shorter than four characters, as // screenscraper.fr will otherwise throw an error that the necessary search parameters // were not provided with the search. Possibly this is because a search using less than // four characters would return too many results. But there are some games with really // short names, so it's annoying that they can't be searched using this method. if (isArcadeSystem && !Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperSearchMetadataName")) { singleSearch = true; } else if (searchName.size() < 4) { singleSearch = true; } else if (searchName.back() == '+') { // Special case where ScreenScraper will apparently strip trailing plus characters // from the search strings, and if we don't handle this we could end up with less // than four characters which would break the wide search. std::string trimTrailingPluses {searchName}; trimTrailingPluses.erase(std::find_if(trimTrailingPluses.rbegin(), trimTrailingPluses.rend(), [](char c) { return c != '+'; }) .base(), trimTrailingPluses.end()); if (trimTrailingPluses.size() < 4) singleSearch = true; } // Another issue is that ScreenScraper removes the word "the" from the search string, which // could also lead to an error for short game names. if (!singleSearch) { std::string removeThe { Utils::String::replace(Utils::String::toUpper(searchName), "THE ", "")}; // Any additional spaces must also be removed. removeThe.erase(removeThe.begin(), std::find_if(removeThe.begin(), removeThe.end(), [](char c) { return !std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)); })); // If "the" is placed at the end of the search string, ScreenScraper also removes it. if (removeThe.size() > 4) { if (removeThe.substr(removeThe.size() - 4, 4) == " THE") removeThe = removeThe.substr(0, removeThe.size() - 4); } if (removeThe.size() < 4) singleSearch = true; } std::string screenScraperURL; if (automaticMode || singleSearch) { if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperAutomaticRemoveDots")) searchName = Utils::String::replace(searchName, ".", ""); screenScraperURL.append(API_URL_BASE) .append("/jeuInfos.php?devid=") .append(Utils::String::scramble(API_DEV_U, API_DEV_KEY)) .append("&devpassword=") .append(Utils::String::scramble(API_DEV_P, API_DEV_KEY)) .append("&softname=") .append(HttpReq::urlEncode(API_SOFT_NAME)) .append("&output=xml") .append("&romnom=") .append(HttpReq::urlEncode(searchName)); if (md5Hash != "") { screenScraperURL.append("&md5=") .append(md5Hash) .append("&romtaille=") .append(std::to_string(fileSize)); } } else { screenScraperURL.append(API_URL_BASE) .append("/jeuRecherche.php?devid=") .append(Utils::String::scramble(API_DEV_U, API_DEV_KEY)) .append("&devpassword=") .append(Utils::String::scramble(API_DEV_P, API_DEV_KEY)) .append("&softname=") .append(HttpReq::urlEncode(API_SOFT_NAME)) .append("&output=xml") .append("&recherche=") .append(HttpReq::urlEncode(searchName)); } // Username / password, if this has been setup and activated. if (Settings::getInstance()->getBool("ScraperUseAccountScreenScraper")) { const std::string username { Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScraperUsernameScreenScraper")}; const std::string password { Settings::getInstance()->getString("ScraperPasswordScreenScraper")}; if (!username.empty() && !password.empty()) { screenScraperURL.append("&ssid=") .append(HttpReq::urlEncode(username)) .append("&sspassword=") .append(HttpReq::urlEncode(password)); } } return screenScraperURL; }