//  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
//  ES-DE Frontend
//  Scripting.h
//  Executes custom scripts for various events.
//  By calling fireEvent() the scripts inside the directory corresponding to the
//  argument "eventName" will be executed with arg1, arg2, arg3 and arg4 as arguments.
//  The scripts are searched for in <application data>/scripts/<eventName>
//  For example, if the event is called "game-start", all scripts inside the directory
//  <application data>/scripts/game-start/ will be executed.


#include <string>

namespace Scripting
    void fireEvent(const std::string& eventName,
                   const std::string& arg1 = "",
                   const std::string& arg2 = "",
                   const std::string& arg3 = "",
                   const std::string& arg4 = "");