// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // Window.h // // Window management, screensaver management, help prompts and splash screen. // The input stack starts here as well, as this is the first instance called by InputManager. // #ifndef ES_CORE_WINDOW_H #define ES_CORE_WINDOW_H #include "GuiComponent.h" #include "HelpPrompt.h" #include "HelpStyle.h" #include "InputConfig.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "components/HelpComponent.h" #include "components/ImageComponent.h" #include "components/TextComponent.h" #include "guis/GuiInfoPopup.h" #include "resources/Font.h" #include "resources/TextureResource.h" #include <atomic> #include <memory> #include <queue> class FileData; class Window { public: class Screensaver { public: virtual bool isScreensaverActive() = 0; virtual bool isFallbackScreensaver() = 0; virtual void startScreensaver(bool generateMediaList) = 0; virtual void stopScreensaver() = 0; virtual void nextGame() = 0; virtual void launchGame() = 0; virtual void goToGame() = 0; virtual void renderScreensaver() = 0; virtual void update(int deltaTime) = 0; virtual FileData* getCurrentGame() = 0; virtual void triggerNextGame() = 0; }; class MediaViewer { public: virtual bool startMediaViewer(FileData* game) = 0; virtual void stopMediaViewer() = 0; virtual void launchPDFViewer() = 0; virtual void input(InputConfig* config, Input input) = 0; virtual void update(int deltaTime) = 0; virtual void render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) = 0; virtual std::vector<HelpPrompt> getHelpPrompts() = 0; }; class PDFViewer { public: virtual bool startPDFViewer(FileData* game) = 0; virtual void stopPDFViewer() = 0; virtual void launchMediaViewer() = 0; virtual void input(InputConfig* config, Input input) = 0; virtual void update(int deltaTime) = 0; virtual void render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) = 0; virtual std::vector<HelpPrompt> getHelpPrompts() = 0; }; class GuiLaunchScreen { public: virtual void displayLaunchScreen(FileData* game) = 0; virtual void closeLaunchScreen() = 0; virtual void update(int deltaTime) = 0; virtual void render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) = 0; }; static Window* getInstance(); void pushGui(GuiComponent* gui); void removeGui(GuiComponent* gui); GuiComponent* peekGui(); int getGuiStackSize() { return static_cast<int>(mGuiStack.size()); } bool isBackgroundDimmed(); bool init(bool resized = false); void deinit(); void input(InputConfig* config, Input input); void textInput(const std::string& text, const bool pasting = false); void logInput(InputConfig* config, Input input); void update(int deltaTime); void render(); void setBlockInput(const bool state) { mBlockInput = state; } void normalizeNextUpdate() { mNormalizeNextUpdate = true; } enum class SplashScreenState { SCANNING, POPULATING, RELOADING, RESOURCE_COPY, DIR_CREATION }; void updateSplashScreenText(); void renderSplashScreen(SplashScreenState state, float progress); // The list scroll overlay is triggered from IList when the highest scrolling tier is reached. void renderListScrollOverlay(const float opacity, const std::string& text); void renderHelpPromptsEarly(); // Used to render HelpPrompts before a fade. void setHelpPrompts(const std::vector<HelpPrompt>& prompts, const HelpStyle& style); // GuiInfoPopup notifications. void queueInfoPopup(const std::string& message, const int& duration) { mInfoPopupQueue.emplace(std::make_pair(message, duration)); } void stopInfoPopup(); void startScreensaver(bool onTimer); bool stopScreensaver(); void screensaverTriggerNextGame() { mScreensaver->triggerNextGame(); } void setScreensaver(Screensaver* screensaver) { mScreensaver = screensaver; } bool isScreensaverActive() { return mRenderScreensaver; } void startMediaViewer(FileData* game); void stopMediaViewer(); void setMediaViewer(MediaViewer* mediaViewer) { mMediaViewer = mediaViewer; } bool isMediaViewerActive() { return mRenderMediaViewer; } void startPDFViewer(FileData* game); void stopPDFViewer(); void setPDFViewer(PDFViewer* pdfViewer) { mPDFViewer = pdfViewer; } bool isPDFViewerActive() { return mRenderPDFViewer; } void displayLaunchScreen(FileData* game); void closeLaunchScreen(); void setLaunchScreen(GuiLaunchScreen* launchScreen) { mLaunchScreen = launchScreen; } bool isLaunchScreenDisplayed() { return mRenderLaunchScreen; } void increaseVideoPlayerCount() { ++mVideoPlayerCount; } void decreaseVideoPlayerCount() { --mVideoPlayerCount; } int getVideoPlayerCount(); void setLaunchedGame(bool state) { mGameLaunchedState = state; } void invalidateCachedBackground(); bool isInvalidatingCachedBackground() { return mInvalidateCacheTimer > 0; } std::vector<std::string>& getGameEndEventParams() { return mGameEndEventParams; } bool getGameLaunchedState() { return mGameLaunchedState; } void setAllowTextScrolling(bool value) { mAllowTextScrolling = value; } bool getAllowTextScrolling() { return mAllowTextScrolling; } // For GIF and Lottie animations. void setAllowFileAnimation(bool value) { mAllowFileAnimation = value; } bool getAllowFileAnimation() { return mAllowFileAnimation; } void setChangedTheme() { mChangedTheme = true; } bool getChangedTheme() { return mChangedTheme; } private: Window() noexcept; ~Window(); // Returns true if at least one component on the stack is processing. bool isProcessing(); struct ProgressBarRectangle { float barWidth; float barHeight; float barPosX; float barPosY; unsigned int color; }; Renderer* mRenderer; std::unique_ptr<HelpComponent> mHelp; std::unique_ptr<ImageComponent> mBackgroundOverlay; std::unique_ptr<ImageComponent> mSplash; std::unique_ptr<TextComponent> mSplashTextScanning; std::unique_ptr<TextComponent> mSplashTextPopulating; std::unique_ptr<TextComponent> mSplashTextReloading; std::unique_ptr<TextComponent> mSplashTextResourceCopy; std::unique_ptr<TextComponent> mSplashTextDirCreation; glm::vec4 mSplashTextPositions; std::vector<ProgressBarRectangle> mProgressBarRectangles; float mBackgroundOverlayOpacity; std::vector<GuiComponent*> mGuiStack; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Font>> mDefaultFonts; std::unique_ptr<TextComponent> mGPUStatisticsText; Screensaver* mScreensaver; MediaViewer* mMediaViewer; PDFViewer* mPDFViewer; GuiLaunchScreen* mLaunchScreen; GuiInfoPopup* mInfoPopup; std::queue<std::pair<std::string, int>> mInfoPopupQueue; std::shared_ptr<TextureResource> mPostprocessedBackground; std::vector<std::string> mGameEndEventParams; std::unique_ptr<TextComponent> mListScrollText; float mListScrollOpacity; int mFrameTimeElapsed; int mFrameCountElapsed; int mAverageDeltaTime; unsigned int mTimeSinceLastInput; bool mBlockInput; bool mNormalizeNextUpdate; bool mRenderScreensaver; bool mRenderMediaViewer; bool mRenderLaunchScreen; bool mRenderPDFViewer; std::atomic<bool> mGameLaunchedState; std::atomic<bool> mAllowTextScrolling; std::atomic<bool> mAllowFileAnimation; bool mCachedBackground; bool mInvalidatedCachedBackground; bool mInitiateCacheTimer; int mInvalidateCacheTimer; std::atomic<int> mVideoPlayerCount; float mTopScale; bool mRenderedHelpPrompts; bool mChangedTheme; }; #endif // ES_CORE_WINDOW_H