//  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
//  ES-DE Frontend
//  SliderComponent.h
//  Slider to set value in a predefined range.


#include "GuiComponent.h"
#include "components/ImageComponent.h"
#include "components/TextComponent.h"

class SliderComponent : public GuiComponent
    using GuiComponent::getValue;
    using GuiComponent::setValue;

    // Minimum and maximum values, how much to increment each step the knob is moved and
    // an optional unit.
    SliderComponent(float min, float max, float increment, const std::string& suffix = "");

    void setCallback(const std::function<void()>& callbackFunc)
        mChangedValueCallback = callbackFunc;

    void setValue(float value);
    float getValue() { return mValue; }

    bool input(InputConfig* config, Input input) override;
    void update(int deltaTime) override;
    void render(const glm::mat4& parentTrans) override;

    void onSizeChanged() override;
    void setOpacity(float opacity) override
        mOpacity = opacity;

    std::vector<HelpPrompt> getHelpPrompts() override;

    void onValueChanged();

    Renderer* mRenderer;
    float mMin, mMax;
    float mValue;
    float mSingleIncrement;
    float mMoveRate;
    float mBarLength;
    float mBarHeight;
    float mBarPosY;
    int mMoveAccumulator;
    glm::vec2 mSliderTextSize;

    ImageComponent mKnob;
    ImageComponent mKnobDisabled;

    std::string mSuffix;
    std::unique_ptr<TextComponent> mSliderText;
    std::function<void()> mChangedValueCallback;