// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // VideoComponent.cpp // // Base class for playing videos. // #include "components/VideoComponent.h" #include "ThemeData.h" #include "Window.h" #include "resources/ResourceManager.h" #include "utils/FileSystemUtil.h" #include "utils/LocalizationUtil.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" #define SCREENSAVER_FADE_IN_TIME 900 #define MEDIA_VIEWER_FADE_IN_TIME 600 VideoComponent::VideoComponent() : mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()} , mVideoWidth {0} , mVideoHeight {0} , mColorShift {0xFFFFFFFF} , mColorShiftEnd {0xFFFFFFFF} , mVideoCornerRadius {0.0f} , mColorGradientHorizontal {true} , mTargetSize {0.0f, 0.0f} , mCropPos {0.5f, 0.5f} , mCropOffset {0.0f, 0.0f} , mVideoAreaPos {0.0f, 0.0f} , mVideoAreaSize {0.0f, 0.0f} , mTopLeftCrop {0.0f, 0.0f} , mBottomRightCrop {1.0f, 1.0f} , mPillarboxThreshold {0.85f, 0.90f} , mOnIterationsDone {OnIterationsDone::NOTHING} , mStartTime {0} , mIsPlaying {false} , mIsActuallyPlaying {false} , mPaused {false} , mMediaViewerMode {false} , mScreensaverMode {false} , mTargetIsMax {false} , mTargetIsCrop {false} , mPlayAudio {true} , mDrawPillarboxes {true} , mRenderScanlines {false} , mLinearInterpolation {false} , mHasVideo {false} , mGeneralFade {false} , mFadeIn {1.0f} , mFadeInTime {1000.0f} , mIterationCount {0} , mPlayCount {0} { // Setup default configuration. mConfig.showStaticImageDelay = false; mConfig.startDelay = 1500; } VideoComponent::~VideoComponent() { // Stop any currently running video. stopVideoPlayer(); } bool VideoComponent::setVideo(std::string path) { // Convert the path into a generic format. std::string fullPath {Utils::FileSystem::getCanonicalPath(path)}; // Check that it's changed. if (fullPath == mVideoPath) return !path.empty(); // Store the path. mVideoPath = fullPath; // If the file exists then set the new video. if (!fullPath.empty() && ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(fullPath)) { mHasVideo = true; // Return true to show that we are going to attempt to play a video. return true; } if (!mVideoPath.empty() || !mConfig.staticVideoPath.empty()) mHasVideo = true; else mHasVideo = false; // Return false to show that no video will be displayed. return false; } void VideoComponent::setImage(const std::string& path, bool tile) { std::string imagePath {path}; if (imagePath == "") imagePath = mDefaultImagePath; // Check if the image has changed. if (imagePath == mStaticImagePath) return; mStaticImage.setImage(imagePath, tile); mStaticImagePath = imagePath; } void VideoComponent::setImageNoDefault(const std::string& path) { // Check if the image has changed. if (path == mStaticImagePath) return; mStaticImage.setImage(path, false); mStaticImagePath = path; } void VideoComponent::applyTheme(const std::shared_ptr<ThemeData>& theme, const std::string& view, const std::string& element, unsigned int properties) { using namespace ThemeFlags; GuiComponent::applyTheme(theme, view, element, (properties ^ ThemeFlags::SIZE) | ((properties & (ThemeFlags::SIZE | POSITION)) ? ORIGIN : 0)); const ThemeData::ThemeElement* elem {theme->getElement(view, element, "video")}; if (!elem) return; glm::vec2 scale {getParent() ? getParent()->getSize() : glm::vec2 {mRenderer->getScreenWidth(), mRenderer->getScreenHeight()}}; if (properties & ThemeFlags::SIZE) { if (elem->has("size")) { glm::vec2 videoSize {elem->get<glm::vec2>("size")}; if (videoSize == glm::vec2 {0.0f, 0.0f}) { LOG(LogWarning) << "VideoComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property \"size\" " "for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" is set to zero"; videoSize = {0.01f, 0.01f}; } if (videoSize.x > 0.0f) videoSize.x = glm::clamp(videoSize.x, 0.01f, 2.0f); if (videoSize.y > 0.0f) videoSize.y = glm::clamp(videoSize.y, 0.01f, 2.0f); setResize(videoSize.x * scale.x, videoSize.y * scale.y); mVideoAreaSize = videoSize * scale; } else if (elem->has("maxSize")) { glm::vec2 videoMaxSize {elem->get<glm::vec2>("maxSize")}; videoMaxSize.x = glm::clamp(videoMaxSize.x, 0.01f, 2.0f); videoMaxSize.y = glm::clamp(videoMaxSize.y, 0.01f, 2.0f); setMaxSize(videoMaxSize * scale); mVideoAreaSize = videoMaxSize * scale; } else if (elem->has("cropSize")) { glm::vec2 videoCropSize {elem->get<glm::vec2>("cropSize")}; videoCropSize.x = glm::clamp(videoCropSize.x, 0.01f, 2.0f); videoCropSize.y = glm::clamp(videoCropSize.y, 0.01f, 2.0f); if (elem->has("cropPos")) mCropPos = glm::clamp(elem->get<glm::vec2>("cropPos"), 0.0f, 1.0f); setCroppedSize(videoCropSize * scale); mVideoAreaSize = videoCropSize * scale; } } if (properties & ThemeFlags::POSITION) { if (elem->has("pos")) mVideoAreaPos = elem->get<glm::vec2>("pos") * scale; } if (properties & ThemeFlags::POSITION && elem->has("stationary")) { const std::string& stationary {elem->get<std::string>("stationary")}; if (stationary == "never") mStationary = Stationary::NEVER; else if (stationary == "always") mStationary = Stationary::ALWAYS; else if (stationary == "withinView") mStationary = Stationary::WITHIN_VIEW; else if (stationary == "betweenViews") mStationary = Stationary::BETWEEN_VIEWS; else LOG(LogWarning) << "VideoComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"stationary\" for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" defined as \"" << stationary << "\""; } if (elem->has("metadataElement") && elem->get<bool>("metadataElement")) mComponentThemeFlags |= ComponentThemeFlags::METADATA_ELEMENT; if (elem->has("iterationCount")) { mIterationCount = glm::clamp(elem->get<unsigned int>("iterationCount"), 0u, 10u); if (properties && elem->has("onIterationsDone")) { const std::string& onIterationsDone {elem->get<std::string>("onIterationsDone")}; if (onIterationsDone == "nothing") mOnIterationsDone = OnIterationsDone::NOTHING; else if (onIterationsDone == "image") mOnIterationsDone = OnIterationsDone::IMAGE; else LOG(LogWarning) << "VideoComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"onIterationsDone\" for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" defined as \"" << onIterationsDone << "\""; } } if (elem->has("audio")) mPlayAudio = elem->get<bool>("audio"); mStaticImage.setRotation(mRotation); mStaticImage.setRotationOrigin(mRotationOrigin); // Enable linear interpolation by default if element is arbitrarily rotated. if (properties & ThemeFlags::ROTATION && elem->has("rotation")) { const float rotation {std::abs(elem->get<float>("rotation"))}; if (rotation != 0.0f && (std::round(rotation) != rotation || static_cast<int>(rotation) % 90 != 0)) { mLinearInterpolation = true; mStaticImage.setLinearInterpolation(true); } } if (elem->has("interpolation")) { const std::string& interpolation {elem->get<std::string>("interpolation")}; if (interpolation == "linear") { mLinearInterpolation = true; mStaticImage.setLinearInterpolation(true); } else if (interpolation == "nearest") { mLinearInterpolation = false; mStaticImage.setLinearInterpolation(false); } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "VideoComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"interpolation\" for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" defined as \"" << interpolation << "\""; } } if (elem->has("imageCornerRadius")) mStaticImage.setCornerRadius(glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("imageCornerRadius"), 0.0f, 0.5f) * mRenderer->getScreenWidth()); if (elem->has("videoCornerRadius")) mVideoCornerRadius = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("videoCornerRadius"), 0.0f, 0.5f) * mRenderer->getScreenWidth(); if (elem->has("default")) { const std::string defaultVideo {elem->get<std::string>("default")}; if (ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(defaultVideo)) { mConfig.defaultVideoPath = defaultVideo; } else { LOG(LogWarning) << "VideoComponent: File defined for property \"default\" for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" does not exist: \"" << defaultVideo << "\""; } } if (elem->has("defaultImage")) { mStaticImage.setDefaultImage(elem->get<std::string>("defaultImage")); mStaticImage.setImage(mStaticImagePath); mDefaultImagePath = elem->get<std::string>("defaultImage"); } if (elem->has("path")) { const std::string& staticPath {elem->get<std::string>("path")}; if (ResourceManager::getInstance().fileExists(staticPath)) { mConfig.staticVideoPath = staticPath; } else { mThemeGameSelector = ":none:"; LOG(LogWarning) << "VideoComponent: File defined for property \"path\" for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" does not exist: \"" << staticPath << "\""; } } if ((properties & ThemeFlags::DELAY) && elem->has("delay")) mConfig.startDelay = static_cast<unsigned int>(glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("delay"), 0.0f, 15.0f) * 1000.0f); if (mConfig.startDelay != 0) mConfig.showStaticImageDelay = true; if (properties && elem->has("fadeInTime")) mFadeInTime = glm::clamp(elem->get<float>("fadeInTime"), 0.0f, 8.0f) * 1000.0f; if (properties && elem->has("imageType")) { std::string imageTypes {elem->get<std::string>("imageType")}; for (auto& character : imageTypes) { if (std::isspace(character)) character = ','; } imageTypes = Utils::String::replace(imageTypes, ",,", ","); mThemeImageTypes = Utils::String::delimitedStringToVector(imageTypes, ","); if (mThemeImageTypes.empty()) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property \"imageType\" " "for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" contains no values"; } for (std::string& type : mThemeImageTypes) { if (std::find(supportedImageTypes.cbegin(), supportedImageTypes.cend(), type) == supportedImageTypes.cend()) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property \"imageType\" " "for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" defined as \"" << type << "\""; mThemeImageTypes.clear(); break; } } std::vector<std::string> sortedTypes {mThemeImageTypes}; std::stable_sort(sortedTypes.begin(), sortedTypes.end()); if (std::adjacent_find(sortedTypes.begin(), sortedTypes.end()) != sortedTypes.end()) { LOG(LogError) << "VideoComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property \"imageType\" " "for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" contains duplicate values"; mThemeImageTypes.clear(); } } if (mThemeImageTypes.empty()) mConfig.startDelay = 0; if (elem->has("color")) { mColorShift = elem->get<unsigned int>("color"); mColorShiftEnd = mColorShift; } if (elem->has("colorEnd")) mColorShiftEnd = elem->get<unsigned int>("colorEnd"); if (elem->has("gradientType")) { const std::string& gradientType {elem->get<std::string>("gradientType")}; if (gradientType == "horizontal") { mColorGradientHorizontal = true; } else if (gradientType == "vertical") { mColorGradientHorizontal = false; } else { mColorGradientHorizontal = true; LOG(LogWarning) << "VideoComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"gradientType\" for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" defined as \"" << gradientType << "\""; } } if (elem->has("pillarboxes")) mDrawPillarboxes = elem->get<bool>("pillarboxes"); // The black frame is rendered behind all videos and may be expanded to render pillarboxes // or letterboxes. mBlackFrame.setZIndex(mZIndex); mBlackFrame.setCornerRadius(mVideoCornerRadius); mBlackFrame.setCornerAntiAliasing(false); mBlackFrame.setColorShift(0x000000FF); mBlackFrame.setImage(":/graphics/white.png"); if (elem->has("pillarboxThreshold")) { const glm::vec2 pillarboxThreshold {elem->get<glm::vec2>("pillarboxThreshold")}; mPillarboxThreshold.x = glm::clamp(pillarboxThreshold.x, 0.2f, 1.0f); mPillarboxThreshold.y = glm::clamp(pillarboxThreshold.y, 0.2f, 1.0f); } if (elem->has("scanlines")) { if (elem->has("cropSize") && elem->get<bool>("scanlines")) { LOG(LogWarning) << "VideoComponent: Invalid theme configuration, property " "\"cropSize\" for element \"" << element.substr(6) << "\" can't be combined with the \"scanlines\" property"; } else { mRenderScanlines = elem->get<bool>("scanlines"); } } if (elem->has("scrollFadeIn") && elem->get<bool>("scrollFadeIn")) mComponentThemeFlags |= ComponentThemeFlags::SCROLL_FADE_IN; } std::vector<HelpPrompt> VideoComponent::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector<HelpPrompt> ret; ret.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", _("select"))); return ret; } void VideoComponent::update(int deltaTime) { if (mIterationCount != 0 && mPlayCount == mIterationCount) return; // A deltaTime value of 0 would lead to mFadeIn being an invalid number which would prevent // the video from being rendered. This can happen on application startup in some instances. if (deltaTime == 0) deltaTime = 1; if (!mHasVideo) { // We need this update so the static image gets updated (e.g. used for fade animations). GuiComponent::update(deltaTime); return; } if (mVideoPath == "") return; // Hack to prevent the video from starting to play if the static image was shown when paused. if (mConfig.showStaticImageDelay && mPaused) mStartTime = SDL_GetTicks() + mConfig.startDelay; if (mWindow->getGameLaunchedState()) return; if (!mIsPlaying && (mConfig.startDelay == 0 || mStaticImagePath == "")) { startVideoStream(); } else if (mStartTime == 0 || SDL_GetTicks() > mStartTime) { mStartTime = 0; startVideoStream(); } // Fade in videos, the time period is a bit different between the screensaver and media viewer. // For the theme controlled videos in the gamelist and system views, the fade-in time is set // via the theme configuration. if (mScreensaverMode && mFadeIn < 1.0f) { mFadeIn = glm::clamp(mFadeIn + (deltaTime / static_cast<float>(SCREENSAVER_FADE_IN_TIME)), 0.0f, 1.0f); } else if (mMediaViewerMode && mFadeIn < 1.0f) { mFadeIn = glm::clamp(mFadeIn + (deltaTime / static_cast<float>(MEDIA_VIEWER_FADE_IN_TIME)), 0.0f, 1.0f); } else if (mFadeIn < 1.0f) { mFadeIn = glm::clamp(mFadeIn + (deltaTime / static_cast<float>(mFadeInTime)), 0.0f, 1.0f); } if (mIsPlaying) updatePlayer(); handleLooping(); GuiComponent::update(deltaTime); } void VideoComponent::startVideoPlayer() { mPlayCount = 0; if (mIsPlaying) stopVideoPlayer(); if (mConfig.showStaticImageDelay && mConfig.startDelay != 0 && mStaticImagePath != "") { mStartTime = SDL_GetTicks() + mConfig.startDelay; setImage(mStaticImagePath); } mPaused = false; } void VideoComponent::renderStaticImage(const glm::mat4& parentTrans, bool forceRender) { if (mHasVideo && (!forceRender && (!mConfig.showStaticImageDelay || mConfig.startDelay == 0))) return; if (mStaticImagePath != "") { mStaticImage.setOpacity(mOpacity * mThemeOpacity); mStaticImage.setSaturation(mSaturation * mThemeSaturation); if (mBrightness != 0.0f) mStaticImage.setBrightness(mBrightness); if (mColorShift != 0xFFFFFFFF) mStaticImage.setColorShift(mColorShift); if (mColorShift != mColorShiftEnd) mStaticImage.setColorShiftEnd(mColorShiftEnd); if (!mColorGradientHorizontal) mStaticImage.setColorGradientHorizontal(mColorGradientHorizontal); mStaticImage.setDimming(mDimming); mStaticImage.render(parentTrans); } }