// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup.cpp // // Text edit popup with a virtual keyboard. // Has a default mode and a complex mode, both with various options passed as arguments. // #define KEYBOARD_HEIGHT \ (Renderer::getIsVerticalOrientation() ? Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.60f : \ Renderer::getScreenHeight() * 0.60f) #define KEYBOARD_PADDINGX (Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.02f) #define KEYBOARD_PADDINGY (Renderer::getScreenWidth() * 0.01f) #define BUTTON_GRID_HORIZ_PADDING (10.0f * Renderer::getScreenResolutionModifier()) #define NAVIGATION_REPEAT_START_DELAY 400 #define NAVIGATION_REPEAT_SPEED 70 // Lower is faster. #define DELETE_REPEAT_START_DELAY 600 #define DELETE_REPEAT_SPEED 90 // Lower is faster. #if defined(_MSC_VER) // MSVC compiler. #define DELETE_SYMBOL Utils::String::wideStringToString(L"\uf177") #define OK_SYMBOL Utils::String::wideStringToString(L"\uf058") #define SHIFT_SYMBOL Utils::String::wideStringToString(L"\uf176") #define ALT_SYMBOL Utils::String::wideStringToString(L"\uf141") #else #define DELETE_SYMBOL "\uf177" #define OK_SYMBOL "\uf058" #define SHIFT_SYMBOL "\uf176" #define ALT_SYMBOL "\uf141" #endif #include "guis/GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup.h" #include "components/MenuComponent.h" #include "guis/GuiMsgBox.h" #include "utils/StringUtil.h" GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup( const HelpStyle& helpstyle, const float verticalPosition, const std::string& title, const std::string& initValue, const std::function<void(const std::string&)>& okCallback, bool multiLine, const std::string& acceptBtnHelpText, const std::string& saveConfirmationText, const std::string& infoString, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::string& loadBtnHelpText, const std::string& clearBtnHelpText, const std::string& cancelBtnHelpText) : mRenderer {Renderer::getInstance()} , mBackground {":/graphics/frame.svg"} , mGrid {glm::ivec2 {1, (infoString != "" && defaultValue != "" ? 8 : 6)}} , mHelpStyle {helpstyle} , mInitValue {initValue} , mAcceptBtnHelpText {acceptBtnHelpText} , mSaveConfirmationText {saveConfirmationText} , mLoadBtnHelpText {loadBtnHelpText} , mClearBtnHelpText {clearBtnHelpText} , mCancelBtnHelpText {cancelBtnHelpText} , mOkCallback {okCallback} , mMultiLine {multiLine} , mComplexMode {(infoString != "" && defaultValue != "")} , mDeleteRepeat {false} , mShift {false} , mAlt {false} , mVerticalPosition {verticalPosition} , mDeleteRepeatTimer {0} , mNavigationRepeatTimer {0} , mNavigationRepeatDirX {0} , mNavigationRepeatDirY {0} { // clang-format off std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> kbBaseUS { {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "-", "=", "DEL"}, {"!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "_", "+", "DEL"}, {"¡", "²", "³", "¤", "€", "¼", "½", "¾", "‘", "’", "¥", "×", "DEL"}, {"¹", "", "", "£", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "÷", "DEL"}, {"q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p", "[", "]", "OK"}, {"Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", "{", "}", "OK"}, {"ä", "å", "é", "®", "þ", "ü", "ú", "í", "ó", "ö", "«", "»", "OK"}, {"Ä", "Å", "É", "", "Þ", "Ü", "Ú", "Í", "Ó", "Ö", "", "", "OK"}, {"a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", ";", "'", "\\", "-rowspan-"}, {"A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", ":", "\"", "|", "-rowspan-"}, {"á", "ß", "ð", "", "", "", "", "", "ø", "¶", "´", "¬", "-rowspan-"}, {"Á", "§", "Ð", "", "", "", "", "", "Ø", "°", "¨", "¦", "-rowspan-"}, {"`", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", ",", ".", "/", "ALT", "-colspan-"}, {"~", "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", "<", ">", "?", "ALT", "-colspan-"}, {"", "æ", "", "©", "", "", "ñ", "µ", "ç", "", "¿", "ALT", "-colspan-"}, {"", "Æ", "", "¢", "", "", "Ñ", "Μ", "Ç", "", "", "ALT", "-colspan-"}}; std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> kbLastRowNormal { {"SHIFT", "-colspan-", _("SPACE"), "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", _("CLEAR"), "-colspan-", _("CANCEL"), "-colspan-"}, {"SHIFT", "-colspan-", _("SPACE"), "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", _("CLEAR"), "-colspan-", _("CANCEL"), "-colspan-"}, {"SHIFT", "-colspan-", _("SPACE"), "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", _("CLEAR"), "-colspan-", _("CANCEL"), "-colspan-"}, {"SHIFT", "-colspan-", _("SPACE"), "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", _("CLEAR"), "-colspan-", _("CANCEL"), "-colspan-"}}; std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> kbLastRowLoad { {"SHIFT", "-colspan-", _("SPACE"), "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", _("LOAD"), "-colspan-", _("CLEAR"), "-colspan-", _("CANCEL"), "-colspan-"}, {"SHIFT", "-colspan-", _("SPACE"), "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", _("LOAD"), "-colspan-", _("CLEAR"), "-colspan-", _("CANCEL"), "-colspan-"}, {"SHIFT", "-colspan-", _("SPACE"), "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", _("LOAD"), "-colspan-", _("CLEAR"), "-colspan-", _("CANCEL"), "-colspan-"}, {"SHIFT", "-colspan-", _("SPACE"), "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", "-colspan-", _("LOAD"), "-colspan-", _("CLEAR"), "-colspan-", _("CANCEL"), "-colspan-"}}; // clang-format on addChild(&mBackground); addChild(&mGrid); mTitle = std::make_shared<TextComponent>( title, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE * Utils::Localization::sMenuTitleScaleFactor), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_CENTER); std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> kbLayout; // At the moment there is only the US keyboard layout available. kbLayout.insert(kbLayout.cend(), kbBaseUS.cbegin(), kbBaseUS.cend()); // In complex mode, the last row of the keyboard contains an additional "LOAD" button. if (mComplexMode) kbLayout.insert(kbLayout.cend(), kbLastRowLoad.cbegin(), kbLastRowLoad.cend()); else kbLayout.insert(kbLayout.cend(), kbLastRowNormal.cbegin(), kbLastRowNormal.cend()); mHorizontalKeyCount = static_cast<int>(kbLayout[0].size()); mKeyboardGrid = std::make_shared<ComponentGrid>( glm::ivec2 {mHorizontalKeyCount, static_cast<int>(kbLayout.size()) / 3}); mText = std::make_shared<TextEditComponent>(mMultiLine); mText->setText(initValue, false); // Header. mGrid.setEntry(mTitle, glm::ivec2 {0, 0}, false, true); int yPos {1}; if (mComplexMode) { mInfoString = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(infoString, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_CENTER); mGrid.setEntry(mInfoString, glm::ivec2 {0, yPos}, false, true); mDefaultValue = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(defaultValue, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_CENTER); mGrid.setEntry(mDefaultValue, glm::ivec2 {0, yPos + 1}, false, true); yPos += 2; } // Text edit field. mGrid.setEntry(mText, glm::ivec2 {0, yPos}, true, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_TOP); std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ButtonComponent>>> buttonList; // Create keyboard. for (int i {0}; i < static_cast<int>(kbLayout.size()) / 4; ++i) { std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ButtonComponent>> buttons; for (int j {0}; j < static_cast<int>(kbLayout[i].size()); ++j) { std::string lower {kbLayout[4 * i][j]}; if (lower.empty() || lower == "-rowspan-" || lower == "-colspan-") continue; std::string upper {kbLayout[4 * i + 1][j]}; std::string alted {kbLayout[4 * i + 2][j]}; std::string altshifted {kbLayout[4 * i + 3][j]}; std::shared_ptr<ButtonComponent> button; if (lower == "DEL") { lower = DELETE_SYMBOL; upper = DELETE_SYMBOL; alted = DELETE_SYMBOL; altshifted = DELETE_SYMBOL; } else if (lower == "OK") { lower = OK_SYMBOL; upper = OK_SYMBOL; alted = OK_SYMBOL; altshifted = OK_SYMBOL; } else if (lower == _("SPACE")) { lower = " "; upper = " "; alted = " "; altshifted = " "; } else if (lower != "SHIFT" && lower.length() > 1) { lower = (lower.c_str()); upper = (upper.c_str()); alted = (alted.c_str()); altshifted = (altshifted.c_str()); } if (lower == "SHIFT") { mShiftButton = std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>( (SHIFT_SYMBOL), ("SHIFT"), [this] { shiftKeys(); }, false, true); button = mShiftButton; } else if (lower == "ALT") { mAltButton = std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>((ALT_SYMBOL), ("ALT"), [this] { altKeys(); }, false, true); button = mAltButton; } else { button = makeButton(lower, upper, alted, altshifted); } button->setPadding( glm::vec4 {BUTTON_GRID_HORIZ_PADDING / 4.0f, BUTTON_GRID_HORIZ_PADDING / 4.0f, BUTTON_GRID_HORIZ_PADDING / 4.0f, BUTTON_GRID_HORIZ_PADDING / 4.0f}); buttons.push_back(button); int colSpan {1}; for (int cs {j + 1}; cs < static_cast<int>(kbLayout[i].size()); ++cs) { if (std::string(kbLayout[4 * i][cs]) == "-colspan-") ++colSpan; else break; } int rowSpan = 1; for (int cs {(4 * i) + 4}; cs < static_cast<int>(kbLayout.size()); cs += 4) { if (std::string(kbLayout[cs][j]) == "-rowspan-") ++rowSpan; else break; } mKeyboardGrid->setEntry(button, glm::ivec2 {j, i}, true, true, glm::ivec2 {colSpan, rowSpan}); buttonList.push_back(buttons); } } mGrid.setEntry(mKeyboardGrid, glm::ivec2 {0, yPos + 1}, true, true, glm::ivec2 {1, 4}); float textHeight {mText->getFont()->getHeight()}; // If the multiLine option has been set, then include three lines of text on screen. if (multiLine) { textHeight *= 3.0f; textHeight += 2.0f * mRenderer->getScreenResolutionModifier(); } mText->setSize(0.0f, textHeight); // If attempting to navigate beyond the edge of the keyboard grid, then wrap around. mGrid.setPastBoundaryCallback([this, kbLayout](InputConfig* config, Input input) -> bool { if (config->isMappedLike("left", input)) { if (mGrid.getSelectedComponent() == mKeyboardGrid) { mKeyboardGrid->moveCursorTo(mHorizontalKeyCount - 1, -1, true); return true; } } else if (config->isMappedLike("right", input)) { if (mGrid.getSelectedComponent() == mKeyboardGrid) { mKeyboardGrid->moveCursorTo(0, -1); return true; } } return false; }); // Adapt width to the geometry of the display. The 1.778 aspect ratio is the 16:9 reference. float aspectValue {1.778f / mRenderer->getScreenAspectRatio()}; const float maxWidthMultiplier {mRenderer->getIsVerticalOrientation() ? 0.95f : 0.90f}; float width {glm::clamp(0.78f * aspectValue, 0.35f, maxWidthMultiplier) * mRenderer->getScreenWidth()}; // The combination of multiLine and complex mode is not supported as there is currently // no need for that. if (mMultiLine) { setSize(width, KEYBOARD_HEIGHT + textHeight - mText->getFont()->getHeight()); if (mVerticalPosition == 0.0f) setPosition((mRenderer->getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, (mRenderer->getScreenHeight() - mSize.y) / 2.0f); else setPosition((mRenderer->getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, mVerticalPosition); } else { if (mComplexMode) setSize(width, KEYBOARD_HEIGHT + mDefaultValue->getSize().y * 3.0f); else setSize(width, KEYBOARD_HEIGHT); if (mVerticalPosition == 0.0f) setPosition((mRenderer->getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, (mRenderer->getScreenHeight() - mSize.y) / 2.0f); else setPosition((mRenderer->getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, mVerticalPosition); } if (!multiLine) mText->setCursor(initValue.size()); } void GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::onSizeChanged() { mBackground.fitTo(mSize); mText->setSize(mSize.x - KEYBOARD_PADDINGX - KEYBOARD_PADDINGX, mText->getSize().y); // Update grid. mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(0, mTitle->getFont()->getHeight() / mSize.y); if (mInfoString && mDefaultValue) { mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(1, (mInfoString->getSize().y * 0.6f) / mSize.y); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(2, (mDefaultValue->getSize().y * 1.6f) / mSize.y); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(1, (mText->getSize().y * 1.0f) / mSize.y); } else if (mMultiLine) { mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(1, (mText->getSize().y * 1.15f) / mSize.y); } mGrid.setSize(mSize); auto pos = mKeyboardGrid->getPosition(); auto sz = mKeyboardGrid->getSize(); // Add a small margin between buttons. mKeyboardGrid->setSize(mSize.x - KEYBOARD_PADDINGX - KEYBOARD_PADDINGX, sz.y - KEYBOARD_PADDINGY + 70.0f * mRenderer->getScreenResolutionModifier()); mKeyboardGrid->setPosition(KEYBOARD_PADDINGX, pos.y); } bool GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { // Enter/return key or numpad enter key accepts the changes. if (config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && mText->isEditing() && !mMultiLine && input.value && (input.id == SDLK_RETURN || input.id == SDLK_KP_ENTER)) { this->mOkCallback(mText->getValue()); delete this; return true; } // Dito for the A button if using a controller. else if (config->getDeviceId() != DEVICE_KEYBOARD && mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedTo("a", input) && input.value) { this->mOkCallback(mText->getValue()); delete this; return true; } // Pressing a key stops the navigation repeat, i.e. the cursor stops at the selected key. if (config->isMappedTo("a", input) && input.value && !mText->isEditing()) { mNavigationRepeatDirX = 0; mNavigationRepeatDirY = 0; } // Ignore whatever key is mapped to the back button so it can be used for text input. const bool keyboardBack {config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedLike("b", input)}; // Pressing back (or the escape key if using keyboard input) closes us. if ((config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.value && input.id == SDLK_ESCAPE) || (!keyboardBack && input.value && config->isMappedTo("b", input))) { if (mText->getValue() != mInitValue) { // Changes were made, ask if the user wants to save them. mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( mHelpStyle, mSaveConfirmationText, _("YES"), [this] { this->mOkCallback(mText->getValue()); delete this; return true; }, _("NO"), [this] { delete this; return true; }, "", nullptr, nullptr, true)); } else { if (mText->isEditing()) mText->stopEditing(); delete this; return true; } } if (mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedLike("down", input) && input.value) mGrid.setCursorTo(mGrid.getSelectedComponent()); // Left trigger button outside text editing field toggles Shift key. if (!mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedLike("lefttrigger", input) && input.value) shiftKeys(); // Right trigger button outside text editing field toggles Alt key. if (!mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedLike("righttrigger", input) && input.value) altKeys(); // Left shoulder button deletes a character (backspace). if (config->isMappedTo("leftshoulder", input)) { if (input.value) { mDeleteRepeat = true; mDeleteRepeatTimer = -(DELETE_REPEAT_START_DELAY - DELETE_REPEAT_SPEED); const bool editing {mText->isEditing()}; if (!editing) mText->startEditing(); mText->setMaskInput(false); mText->textInput("\b"); mText->setMaskInput(true); if (!editing) mText->stopEditing(); } else { mDeleteRepeat = false; } return true; } // Right shoulder button inserts a blank space. if (config->isMappedTo("rightshoulder", input) && input.value) { const bool editing {mText->isEditing()}; if (!editing) mText->startEditing(); mText->setMaskInput(false); mText->textInput(" "); mText->setMaskInput(true); if (!editing) mText->stopEditing(); return true; } // Actual navigation of the keyboard grid is done in ComponentGrid, this code only handles // key repeat while holding the left/right/up/down buttons. if (!mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedLike("left", input)) { if (input.value) { mNavigationRepeatDirX = -1; mNavigationRepeatTimer = -(NAVIGATION_REPEAT_START_DELAY - NAVIGATION_REPEAT_SPEED); } else { mNavigationRepeatDirX = 0; } } if (!mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedLike("right", input)) { if (input.value) { mNavigationRepeatDirX = 1; mNavigationRepeatTimer = -(NAVIGATION_REPEAT_START_DELAY - NAVIGATION_REPEAT_SPEED); } else { mNavigationRepeatDirX = 0; } } if (!mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedLike("up", input)) { if (input.value) { mNavigationRepeatDirY = -1; mNavigationRepeatTimer = -(NAVIGATION_REPEAT_START_DELAY - NAVIGATION_REPEAT_SPEED); } else { mNavigationRepeatDirY = 0; } } if (!mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedLike("down", input)) { if (input.value) { mNavigationRepeatDirY = 1; mNavigationRepeatTimer = -(NAVIGATION_REPEAT_START_DELAY - NAVIGATION_REPEAT_SPEED); } else { mNavigationRepeatDirY = 0; } } if (GuiComponent::input(config, input)) return true; return false; } void GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::update(int deltaTime) { if (mText->isEditing()) mNavigationRepeatDirX = 0; updateNavigationRepeat(deltaTime); updateDeleteRepeat(deltaTime); GuiComponent::update(deltaTime); } std::vector<HelpPrompt> GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector<HelpPrompt> prompts {mGrid.getHelpPrompts()}; if (!mText->isEditing()) { prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("lt", _("shift"))); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("rt", _("alt"))); } else if (mMultiLine) { prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", _("newline"))); } else { prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", mAcceptBtnHelpText)); } prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("l", _("backspace"))); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("r", _("space"))); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("b", _("back"))); if (prompts.size() > 0 && prompts.front().second == OK_SYMBOL) prompts.front().second = mAcceptBtnHelpText; else if (prompts.size() > 0 && prompts.front().second == " ") prompts.front().second = _("SPACE"); else if (prompts.size() > 0 && prompts.front().second == _("CLEAR")) prompts.front().second = mClearBtnHelpText; else if (prompts.size() > 0 && prompts.front().second == _("LOAD")) prompts.front().second = mLoadBtnHelpText; else if (prompts.size() > 0 && prompts.front().second == _("CANCEL")) prompts.front().second = mCancelBtnHelpText; // If a prompt has no value set, then remove it. if (prompts.size() > 0 && prompts.front().second == "") prompts.erase(prompts.begin(), prompts.begin() + 1); return prompts; } void GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::updateDeleteRepeat(int deltaTime) { if (!mDeleteRepeat) return; mDeleteRepeatTimer += deltaTime; while (mDeleteRepeatTimer >= DELETE_REPEAT_SPEED) { bool editing {mText->isEditing()}; if (!editing) mText->startEditing(); mText->setMaskInput(false); mText->textInput("\b"); mText->setMaskInput(true); if (!editing) mText->stopEditing(); mDeleteRepeatTimer -= DELETE_REPEAT_SPEED; } } void GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::updateNavigationRepeat(int deltaTime) { if (mNavigationRepeatDirX == 0 && mNavigationRepeatDirY == 0) return; mNavigationRepeatTimer += deltaTime; while (mNavigationRepeatTimer >= NAVIGATION_REPEAT_SPEED) { if (mNavigationRepeatDirX != 0) { mKeyboardGrid.get()->moveCursor({mNavigationRepeatDirX, 0}); // If replacing the line above with this code, the keyboard will wrap around the // edges also when key repeat is active. // if (!mKeyboardGrid.get()->moveCursor({mNavigationRepeatDirX, 0})) { // if (mNavigationRepeatDirX < 0) // mKeyboardGrid->moveCursorTo(mHorizontalKeyCount - 1, -1); // else // mKeyboardGrid->moveCursorTo(0, -1); // } } if (mNavigationRepeatDirY != 0) mKeyboardGrid.get()->moveCursor({0, mNavigationRepeatDirY}); mNavigationRepeatTimer -= NAVIGATION_REPEAT_SPEED; } } void GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::shiftKeys() { mShift = !mShift; if (mShift) { mShiftButton->setFlatColorFocused(mMenuColorKeyboardModifier); mShiftButton->setFlatColorUnfocused(mMenuColorKeyboardModifier); } else { mShiftButton->setFlatColorFocused(mMenuColorButtonFlatFocused); mShiftButton->setFlatColorUnfocused(mMenuColorButtonFlatUnfocused); } if (mAlt && mShift) { altShiftKeys(); return; } // This only happens when Alt was deselected while both Shift and Alt were active. if (mAlt) { altKeys(); altKeys(); } else { for (auto& kb : mKeyboardButtons) { const std::string& text {mShift ? kb.shiftedKey : kb.key}; auto sz = kb.button->getSize(); kb.button->setText(text, text, false); kb.button->setSize(sz); } } } void GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::altKeys() { mAlt = !mAlt; if (mAlt) { mAltButton->setFlatColorFocused(mMenuColorKeyboardModifier); mAltButton->setFlatColorUnfocused(mMenuColorKeyboardModifier); } else { mAltButton->setFlatColorFocused(mMenuColorButtonFlatFocused); mAltButton->setFlatColorUnfocused(mMenuColorButtonFlatUnfocused); } if (mShift && mAlt) { altShiftKeys(); return; } // This only happens when Shift was deselected while both Shift and Alt were active. if (mShift) { shiftKeys(); shiftKeys(); } else { for (auto& kb : mKeyboardButtons) { const std::string& text {mAlt ? kb.altedKey : kb.key}; auto sz = kb.button->getSize(); kb.button->setText(text, text, false); kb.button->setSize(sz); } } } void GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::altShiftKeys() { for (auto& kb : mKeyboardButtons) { const std::string& text {kb.altshiftedKey}; auto sz = kb.button->getSize(); kb.button->setText(text, text, false); kb.button->setSize(sz); } } std::shared_ptr<ButtonComponent> GuiTextEditKeyboardPopup::makeButton( const std::string& key, const std::string& shiftedKey, const std::string& altedKey, const std::string& altshiftedKey) { std::shared_ptr<ButtonComponent> button {std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>( key, key, [this, key, shiftedKey, altedKey, altshiftedKey] { if (key == (OK_SYMBOL) || key.find("OK") != std::string::npos) { mOkCallback(mText->getValue()); delete this; return; } else if (key == (DELETE_SYMBOL) || key == "DEL") { mText->startEditing(); mText->textInput("\b"); mText->stopEditing(); return; } else if (key == _("SPACE") || key == " ") { mText->startEditing(); mText->textInput(" "); mText->stopEditing(); return; } else if (key == _("LOAD")) { mText->setText(mDefaultValue->getValue()); mText->setCursor(mDefaultValue->getValue().size()); return; } else if (key == _("CLEAR")) { mText->setText(""); return; } else if (key == _("CANCEL")) { delete this; return; } if (mAlt && altedKey.empty()) return; mText->startEditing(); if (mShift && mAlt) mText->textInput(altshiftedKey.c_str()); else if (mAlt) mText->textInput(altedKey.c_str()); else if (mShift) mText->textInput(shiftedKey.c_str()); else mText->textInput(key.c_str()); mText->stopEditing(); }, false, true)}; KeyboardButton kb {button, key, shiftedKey, altedKey, altshiftedKey}; mKeyboardButtons.push_back(kb); return button; }