// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // // ES-DE Frontend // GuiTextEditPopup.cpp // // Text edit popup. // Has a default mode and a complex mode, both with various options passed as arguments. // #define DELETE_REPEAT_START_DELAY 600 #define DELETE_REPEAT_SPEED 90 // Lower is faster. #include "guis/GuiTextEditPopup.h" #include "components/MenuComponent.h" #include "guis/GuiMsgBox.h" GuiTextEditPopup::GuiTextEditPopup(const HelpStyle& helpstyle, const std::string& title, const std::string& initValue, const std::function<void(const std::string&)>& okCallback, bool multiLine, const std::string& acceptBtnText, const std::string& saveConfirmationText, const std::string& infoString, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::string& loadBtnHelpText, const std::string& clearBtnHelpText, const std::string& cancelBtnHelpText) : mBackground {":/graphics/frame.svg"} , mGrid {glm::ivec2 {1, (infoString != "" && defaultValue != "" ? 5 : 3)}} , mHelpStyle {helpstyle} , mInitValue {initValue} , mAcceptBtnText {acceptBtnText} , mSaveConfirmationText {saveConfirmationText} , mLoadBtnHelpText {loadBtnHelpText} , mClearBtnHelpText {clearBtnHelpText} , mCancelBtnHelpText {cancelBtnHelpText} , mOkCallback {okCallback} , mMultiLine {multiLine} , mComplexMode {(infoString != "" && defaultValue != "")} , mDeleteRepeat {false} , mDeleteRepeatTimer {0} { addChild(&mBackground); addChild(&mGrid); mTitle = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(title, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_CENTER); if (mComplexMode) { mInfoString = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(infoString, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_CENTER); mDefaultValue = std::make_shared<TextComponent>(defaultValue, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_SMALL), mMenuColorTitle, ALIGN_CENTER); } mText = std::make_shared<TextEditComponent>(mMultiLine); mText->setText(initValue, false); std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ButtonComponent>> buttons; buttons.push_back( std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(acceptBtnText, acceptBtnText, [this, okCallback] { okCallback(mText->getValue()); delete this; })); if (mComplexMode) { buttons.push_back( std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(_("LOAD"), loadBtnHelpText, [this, defaultValue] { mText->setText(defaultValue); mText->setCursor(0); mText->setCursor(defaultValue.size()); })); } buttons.push_back(std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(_("CLEAR"), clearBtnHelpText, [this] { mText->setText(""); })); buttons.push_back(std::make_shared<ButtonComponent>(_("CANCEL"), _("discard changes"), [this] { delete this; })); mButtonGrid = MenuComponent::makeButtonGrid(buttons); mGrid.setEntry(mTitle, glm::ivec2 {0, 0}, false, true); int yPos {1}; if (mComplexMode) { mGrid.setEntry(mInfoString, glm::ivec2 {0, yPos}, false, true); mGrid.setEntry(mDefaultValue, glm::ivec2 {0, yPos + 1}, false, false); yPos += 2; } mGrid.setEntry(mText, glm::ivec2 {0, yPos}, true, false, glm::ivec2 {1, 1}, GridFlags::BORDER_TOP | GridFlags::BORDER_BOTTOM); mGrid.setEntry(mButtonGrid, glm::ivec2 {0, yPos + 1}, true, false); float textHeight = mText->getFont()->getHeight(); #if defined(__ANDROID__) if (multiLine) textHeight *= 2.0f; #else if (multiLine) textHeight *= 6.0f; #endif mText->setSize(0.0f, textHeight); // Adapt width to the geometry of the display. The 1.778 aspect ratio is the 16:9 reference. float aspectValue = 1.778f / Renderer::getScreenAspectRatio(); if (mComplexMode) { float infoWidth = glm::clamp(0.70f * aspectValue, 0.34f, 0.85f) * Renderer::getScreenWidth(); float windowWidth = glm::clamp(0.75f * aspectValue, 0.40f, 0.90f) * Renderer::getScreenWidth(); mDefaultValue->setSize(infoWidth, mDefaultValue->getFont()->getHeight()); setSize(windowWidth, mTitle->getFont()->getHeight() + textHeight + mButtonGrid->getSize().y + mButtonGrid->getSize().y * 1.85f); #if defined(__ANDROID__) setPosition((Renderer::getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE_FIXED)->getLetterHeight()); #else setPosition((Renderer::getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, (Renderer::getScreenHeight() - mSize.y) / 2.0f); #endif } else { float width = glm::clamp(0.54f * aspectValue, 0.20f, 0.70f) * Renderer::getScreenWidth(); setSize(width, mTitle->getFont()->getHeight() + textHeight + mButtonGrid->getSize().y + mButtonGrid->getSize().y / 2.0f); #if defined(__ANDROID__) setPosition((Renderer::getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, Font::get(FONT_SIZE_LARGE_FIXED)->getLetterHeight()); #else setPosition((Renderer::getScreenWidth() - mSize.x) / 2.0f, (Renderer::getScreenHeight() - mSize.y) / 2.0f); #endif } if (!multiLine) mText->setCursor(initValue.size()); mText->startEditing(); } void GuiTextEditPopup::onSizeChanged() { mBackground.fitTo(mSize); mText->setSize(mSize.x - 40.0f * Renderer::getScreenHeightModifier(), mText->getSize().y); // Update grid. mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(0, mTitle->getFont()->getHeight() / mSize.y); if (mComplexMode) mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(1, 0.15f); mGrid.setRowHeightPerc(2, mButtonGrid->getSize().y / mSize.y); mGrid.setSize(mSize); } bool GuiTextEditPopup::input(InputConfig* config, Input input) { // Enter key (main key or via numpad) accepts the changes. if (config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && mText->isEditing() && !mMultiLine && input.value && (input.id == SDLK_RETURN || input.id == SDLK_KP_ENTER)) { this->mOkCallback(mText->getValue()); delete this; return true; } // Dito for the A button if using a controller. else if (config->getDeviceId() != DEVICE_KEYBOARD && mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedTo("a", input) && input.value) { this->mOkCallback(mText->getValue()); delete this; return true; } // Ignore whatever key is mapped to the back button so it can be used for text input. bool keyboardBack {config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedLike("b", input)}; // Pressing back (or the escape key if using keyboard input) closes us. if ((config->getDeviceId() == DEVICE_KEYBOARD && input.value && input.id == SDLK_ESCAPE) || (!keyboardBack && input.value && config->isMappedTo("b", input))) { if (mText->getValue() != mInitValue) { // Changes were made, ask if the user wants to save them. mWindow->pushGui(new GuiMsgBox( mHelpStyle, mSaveConfirmationText, _("YES"), [this] { this->mOkCallback(mText->getValue()); delete this; return true; }, _("NO"), [this] { delete this; return true; }, "", nullptr, nullptr, true)); } else { if (mText->isEditing()) mText->stopEditing(); delete this; return true; } } if (mText->isEditing() && config->isMappedLike("down", input) && input.value) mGrid.setCursorTo(mGrid.getSelectedComponent()); // Left shoulder button deletes a character (backspace). if (config->isMappedTo("leftshoulder", input)) { if (input.value) { mDeleteRepeat = true; mDeleteRepeatTimer = -(DELETE_REPEAT_START_DELAY - DELETE_REPEAT_SPEED); bool editing = mText->isEditing(); if (!editing) mText->startEditing(); mText->setMaskInput(false); mText->textInput("\b"); mText->setMaskInput(true); if (!editing) mText->stopEditing(); } else { mDeleteRepeat = false; } return true; } // Right shoulder button inserts a blank space. if (config->isMappedTo("rightshoulder", input) && input.value) { bool editing = mText->isEditing(); if (!editing) mText->startEditing(); mText->setMaskInput(false); mText->textInput(" "); mText->setMaskInput(true); if (!editing) mText->stopEditing(); return true; } if (GuiComponent::input(config, input)) return true; return false; } void GuiTextEditPopup::update(int deltaTime) { updateDeleteRepeat(deltaTime); GuiComponent::update(deltaTime); } std::vector<HelpPrompt> GuiTextEditPopup::getHelpPrompts() { std::vector<HelpPrompt> prompts {mGrid.getHelpPrompts()}; if (mText->isEditing()) { if (mMultiLine) prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", _("newline"))); else prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("a", mAcceptBtnText)); } prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("l", _("backspace"))); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("r", _("space"))); prompts.push_back(HelpPrompt("b", _("back"))); return prompts; } void GuiTextEditPopup::updateDeleteRepeat(int deltaTime) { if (!mDeleteRepeat) return; mDeleteRepeatTimer += deltaTime; while (mDeleteRepeatTimer >= DELETE_REPEAT_SPEED) { bool editing = mText->isEditing(); if (!editing) mText->startEditing(); mText->setMaskInput(false); mText->textInput("\b"); mText->setMaskInput(true); if (!editing) mText->stopEditing(); mDeleteRepeatTimer -= DELETE_REPEAT_SPEED; } }